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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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Anyone else playing ChocolatE?
I haven't gotten too far yet though.



Probably not gonna play that since it looks jap-text heavy.


looks pretty interesting but yeah, fucking moonrunes

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as you can see, this is a picture that shows some main characters from RPG horror games. But, I don't know who the purple haired girl is. anyone knows who she is? From what game? sankyu!!

sorce : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44280323


Lesson here: learn to read tags.

I won't give the answer right away, because I think it's instructive for you to learn something here. It's in the tags somewhere.

I have encountered ones where tags indicating the game are absent, due to too many games being present. I'd be inclined to give the answer if it was extra difficult like that. This one, though, does have all the tags.


The purple-haired girl is from a game called 点滴ファイター (Tenteki Faitaa), which translates to (IV) Drip Fighter. I'm not sure if there has ever been a translation of the game, but the official Japanese site has stopped distribution of the game. From what I can gather it's not allowed to distribute, modify, make videos containing game footage, stream the game, etc., so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Please note that I am not in any way fluent in Japanese and simply tried to make sense of what Google Translate gave me. If there's any errors in what I just said, then my apologies. I tried.

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Have you guys heard of Tess before?

It a short platform shooter about a girl whos had a bad day. Doesn't take too long to play, and the story and art is quite nice!


Yes, I've played it. It is lovely indeed.


It was surprisingly good, but the visual identity of it felt little too derivative of OFF imo, and the gameplay was just Cave Story.

Still, it was fun and managed to feel pretty unique, but it wasn't the best game in that contest. I'd give that title to Entity.

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yuuya kizami is yuuka kazami
the evidence is that both attack creatures weaker then them (touhou's fairies and rabbits for corpse party)
their names are EXTREMELY similar to needing just two leeters changed to be the same and they both are sadistic (>yuuka atleast in fandom with little evidence in games)
anymore evidence anyone


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>yuuya kizami is yuuka kazami
Oh look, fanfic.

>the evidence is that both attack creatures weaker then them (touhou's fairies and rabbits for corpse party)


>names are extremely similar

>風見 幽香

>wind, to see, profound, aroma

>刻命 裕也

>scratch, life, aundance/fertility, sum of money

Yeah, right.
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Here's my evidence to expose that Reimu is a character inspired in Hitler:

>Both have exterminated what they thought was the enemy

>Design of Reimu is red and white, just like the swastika
>Both represent the fight of the warmness against the coldness
>Both plan to conquer one day everybody's faith
>Raised nation's wealth
>Religion before anything
>light eye color, dark hair

anymore evidence anyone


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That confirms Youkai were jews and Sanae is Stalin


sorry I forgot A lot of things while making that conclusion. Like name meanings for example and better evidence.


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You know you're not allowed to talk to people, OP. I'll have to tell the doctors about this.

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3ds friendcode thread?

mine is 2165-5800-7883.
3ds games general maybe? i personally am still obsessed with animal crossing new leaf. Also pokemon x and y but that's obvious
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I have all but 3 at the moment (I just have to breed a few more Mudkips to get them).

A couple of them have really nifty egg moves on them: Treeko with Leech Seed, Endeavor, and Crunch; Chimchar with Thunder Punch; and Mudkip with Yawn, Ice Ball, Avalanche, and Mirror Coat

Caught a shiny Teddiursa 2 days ago in >>3166 's friend safari. Was looking for a shiny Eevee but failed :c


That makes the second time someone found a shiny teddyteds in my safari.


1564 - 3495 - 7998
Anyone willing to play smash4 would be nice!





I added you

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Does someone know the name of the two last games?
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That Alice game thing looks pretty neat. Is it really only for smartphones?


Reply to: all those posts about Palette (>>1104 >>1137 >>1488)

Oh come on. I'm sure everyone here knows about vgperson's list of translated games, right? Just have a quick look there.


And for anybody too lazy go Google it, here:


It feels amazing nobody has even bothered looking at that page much before.


The reason for that would be because said posts are two years old, from before that translation came out.


Oh wow, didn't notice that……

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Has anyone here tried this before? It's really simple to use in terms of designing a large 3d world. The scripting doesn't look too complicated. Looks like an interesting tool for making surreal and abstract environments.


I forgot to place the link.

It's free for download if anyone wants to give it a try.

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Hey all, I have been recently reminded of this guy, and I think ubuu would enjoy his games quite a lot.

Basically, he makes flash games, most of them focused on exploration and puzzle-solving. The illustrations are very interesting, so are the characters. Also, delicious ambience and great general atmosphere. Interested? Great, read on.

The first game I'd recommend is the submachine series. It starts out as a very simple escape-the-room kind of game, but the story and gameplay develop, most notably in parts 2-4. It's a fairly eerie experience. Interdimensional portals, artificial intelligence and cats are involved.

If you never played submachine before, I suggest trying out the sub network exploration project first - http://www.submachineworld.com/subnet.html You jump around the network, from room to room and look for clues. You don't have to do it in order. Each area is different and only loosely related to others, and some of the rooms contain fan-submitted theories. There IS a last room however. But more are being added periodically.

The second game (pictured) is daymare town. This one requires exploration and finding items/solving puzzles as well. Excellent soundtrack. Quirky characters/creatures. I found this one to be rather depressing, though.

You can find them all here: http://www.pastelgames.com/index,games,flash_games.html
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Woah, it has Trader of Stories! That thing's the shit, man.

Go try it, the rest of you.


The Submachine is probably my favourite freeware game series. It has an atmosphere I have never encountered so far in Flash games. Like in Myst in the good old times.
Ironically the author never played Myst.


These seem great, I take it there's no way to play them offline, though?


I think some of them can be played offline if you buy the HD version.


Oh wow these are amazing
it took me hours to realized that the subnet linked wasn't actually a game in itself (and rather a hub filled with rooms from the submachine games). I thought I was playing like the sweetest Yume Nikki exploration game ever.

I never even knew he did those Great Escape games I loved so much. I know what I'll be up to now.

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Hi there! I'm getting into building games with rpgmaker and one of the things I want to do to help learn is to crack open some of the games such as Yume Nikki and see how they do some of the things they do.

To this end I've downloaded an RGSSAD-RGSS2A-RGSS3A decrypter, but none of the games I have contain any of those filetypes, and trying to change the file name extension and then decrypting or opening just results in errors.

So does anyone know any way to open up rpgmaker games for the sole purpose of studying their inner workings?

(for the record I'm using VX Ace and win7)


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Ty, will try that!
Though I'm wondering if there's another kind of Yume Nikki distribution that's more accessible? as it stands these are the only files in my yume nikki folder


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also hey I tried that and it worked, only problem now is that certain parts of script are garbled. I'm guessing this is something to do with it originally being in japanese, is there a way to fix this? thanks a bunch!


>To this end I've downloaded an RGSSAD-RGSS2A-RGSS3A decrypter
Unnecesary. No decrypter will ever work for any binary file.

>Though I'm wondering if there's another kind of Yume Nikki distribution that's more accessible? as it stands these are the only files in my yume nikki folder

No. There are no distributions, just the one you have in different languages.

>I'm guessing this is something to do with it originally being in japanese, is there a way to fix this? thanks a bunch!

Download the japanese RPGMKR and set your locale to japanese.

Also, it's better to use RPG2K3 for Yume Nikki, while RPG2K for 2kki and .flow (since those are the version these games used).


Sorry I thought it was made in 2K. Use 2K3 with your system locale set to Japanese


>Use 2K3 with your system locale set to Japanese

It won't work if you don't have the japanese version of RM2k3. Even if you've set your locale to japanese (manually or with applocale), it won't decode the mojibake if you're using the english one.

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Have any of you played it? What did you think?
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Seems cool, although it would be nice if you posted some data and a link.


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I really enjoyed it quite a bit when I played it a while back. I especially liked Gorrister and Nimdook's chapters, while Ellen's felt the weakest, but was still interesting.

I remember the game suffering from adventure game logic with one puzzle, but a bit of trial and error solved that easily enough, and I remember most of the other puzzles being reasonably intuitive. The twistedness of AM and the different environments makes it pretty entertaining from start to finish, as well; each character also has their own issue, shortcoming or phobia that AM tortures the victim with, so that psychological aspect is also interesting to see incorporated into each character's sub-world.

While the game directly quotes the original short story at certain points, they share quite a few differences. Both the game and the story are well worth checking out, I'd say. I also find it pretty neat that the writer himself, Harlan Ellison was the voice of AM.

Also, here's the game's intro for anyone who wants to see a little of what the game's like:



I watched someone do an entire let's play (he knew what he was doing and didn't dick around much from what I remember).

The game was thoroughly enjoyable despite them changing some things around and taking some creative liberties with the characters in relation to the original writing.


Well, they changed it all with Ellison's concept, so it's all fine. Game's way better than the novel, to be honest.


I played only Gorrister. But I'll try later the others

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