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 No.9949[Last 50 Posts]


>Your personality type: INTP

>Mind - Introverted (92%)

>Energy - Intuitive (39%)
>Nature - Thinking (12%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (20%)
>Identity - Assertive (9%)

Kill time, take the survey, discuss results, ask questions about your type, share other tests, question the overall validity of such tests, etc.


Intj as expected, i took alot of psycho tests back in the day.
Tough i scored intp on some, but it should be more or less accurate.

I guess most people will score int*.


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Your personality type: INFP

Mind - Introverted (76%)
Energy - Intuitive (25%)
Nature - Feeling (77%)
Tactics - Prospecting (8%)
Identity - Turbulent (55%)


I got INFP.
A lot of the answers I tend to give to these sorts of tests seem to represent my expectations of myself at the moment rather than something really intrinsic. I've gotten INFP, INFP and INTJ at various points.


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here's another test, That's a bit less ALL CAPS IN YOUR FACE and a bit more true to the actual MBTI test. You need to make an account for it, but it's ez to do with 10minute mail if you think you won't re-use it.


OPs test: Mind - Introverted (100%), Energy - Intuitive (69%), Nature - Thinking (79%), Tactics - Prospecting (76%), Identity - Assertive (11%)

Test I linked:
Introverted - 95%
Intuition - 84%
Thinking - 84%
Perceiving - 95%


A bit of a different take on personality tests - http://personaldna.com/

>Personal DNA

>We've developed a new kind of personality test which is free, fun, fast and accurate. Our test has been designed by a team of professional psychologists. It employs innovative answering techniques, allowing for increased accuracy and an enjoyable process.

I don't actually remember what I got on this one, I'll retake it and post later.


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I got reserved experiencer.

It's a massive wall of text that's kind of hard to narrow down, so I underlined main points. It tends to repeat itself a bit.


I really don't feel like messing with screencaps, so here's the link to my result:
I got advocating experiencer.


.. The advocating part might be stretching it. I was pretty conflicted on a lot of the question regarding social behavior.



reserved experiencer. my raw values are not THAT close to nami's…

why don't they have a page that breaks down all the types their hacky online test can output? google says there are 256 result categories. gonna guess that just means 16 adjectives and 16 nouns


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I guess the summary part isn't totally inaccurate, but when you're making such broad statements it's hard not to be. The traits part, I'm not so sure about. Maybe I just did it wrong though, as I got nothing but extremes in one direction or the other.


Broad assumptions is the point of those tests.

It's fun to do but everything you read should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, you probably already know what these tests tell you, they just further reassure you. You give them all the information and answer any questions you might have about your personality traits before you get your results.

Some tests are more clunky and inflexible than others because massively broad generalizations. It's still entertaining.


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Hey, I made a thread like this in /ot/ some months ago, Kyoko even made some charts. Too bad it died.

Your personality type: INTP master race (I also got INTJ before, in previous tests; so…)

Breakdown of preferences:
>Mind - Introverted (87%).
>Energy - Intuitive (56%).
>Nature - Thinking (28%).
>Tactics - Prospecting (13%).
>Identity - Turbulent (4%).

This test was particularly difficult because I often felt represented by both postures. For example, this one:

>I entertain myself with my


I love observing my surroundings and studying them but I also really enjoy my imagination.
By the way, I spent like 30 minutes in the non-free one first just to realize you have to pay for that shit. I want to cut my balls now I had to re-do the other one.

>ISTJ - The "Examiner"

>Temperament: SJ (Protector)
>Primary Function: Introverted Sensing

>Introverted: 95%

>Sensing: 74%
>Thinking: 79%
>Judging: 64%


>You are a Cautious Thinker.


It's funny how I got a lower femininity than expected. I always saw myself more feminine than masculine, even when I'm male and straight.
No surprise with masculinity, I am no tough cool keddo and I am certainly a fucking fag.

Well, that was fun.


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Hahhaha, I like order and people sticking to basic rules as to not bother others, not being a mindless sheep. If I had to live in an anarchist society where I could get stabbed just because or a well-organized social state, I'd go for the later.
It's just understanding when your doings go beyond your own good or wrong and actually interfere in others' life. If I hate people involving in my life now I can't think of a place where such things would happen naturally and, for worse, where my my being or ideas can be harmed. I know I hate myself but I don't want others doing that; it's enough with just my self-loathing actions.

However, that does not mean at all I trust authority. Being raised in a shitty country taught me you NEVER have to trust authority. Stick to the rules, if it goes bad for you, get the fuck out of there. After all, it's better to go alone than in a noxious group.

I'd say what leads my way are actually objective rules more than some kind of authority.


>It's funny how I got a lower femininity than expected

This test seems to have a pretty wonky definition of femininity and masculinity. The questions that seemed to correlate to that the most were the "fashion sense" and feeling ones. Basically, if you're obsessed with shoes and you're a very feelsy person, you are feminine. If you're function/comfort oriented and prefer to think before you act, you're masculine. It's stereotypes. In the end, you know yourself the best.

The thread that you made is very very long now, that's why I didn't link back to it here. It's a bit easier to read though a fresh one. I'll ask kyo if he did anything more with the data next time he's on irc.



Yeah, and they're a decent way to waste time. I still think I did it wrong though. Judging by other people's posts, having such polarized results isn't how it's supposed to be, is it? I think what I did was my answers were too strong. I shouldn't have moved the sliders so far in one direction or the other.


I keep getting enfj on these things
At least I'm less dumb than last time I did this test.


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>his test seems to have a pretty wonky definition of femininity and masculinity. The questions that seemed to correlate to that the most were the "fashion sense" and feeling ones.

Yeah, it seemed so. I pointed it out because it's the first test I see that measures your "femininity/masculinity" (I think; to be honest, I don't remember.). Of course, based on the sexist questions with almost non-existent characteristics, I figured out it's pretty shitty and only points out the stereotypes.

>The thread that you made is very very long now, that's why I didn't link back to it here

Requiescat in Pace.

>I'll ask kyo if he did anything more with the data next time he's on irc.

I remember there were some other test that weren't measured but I don't think it's worth the effort to do that now, specially considering Kyoko's not our personal slave and he was busy with college.
I don't know if he had more. Probably not since he'd had posted them instantly.


>Judging by other people's posts, having such polarized results isn't how it's supposed to be, is it? I think what I did was my answers were too strong. I shouldn't have moved the sliders so far in one direction or the other.

When I wasn't sure of something, I chose to let the pointer in the middle, or just moved it a bit towards what I felt would be the real me. I considered "Well, is this really like that? Try to think in a situation where you implemented this."

I had problems with some social ones, since the question either didn't point the option I would have liked to see or I never experienced what it asked. Then I said "let's suppose it happens right now: How would you react?".
For example, I realize I have no problems introducing myself to other people but just because of manners. I later realized the question aimed something towards "Hey, if you meet someone, do you have problems introducing yourself and becoming best friends4life♥♥????" instead of "do you have problems saying "Hi, I am XXX. What do you want?". I just moved it towards the "no, I don't have problems" option. I think.

If you're not sure what to do just think what would you do in such situation, but try not to deceive yourself. If then you feel no represented by either option, move the pointer towards half the way to the one that describes how would you react; and, if you still are not sure, just move it just a bit the way towards that option.

Check file.

Hope it helps. Sorry for double post but I put the image since it was more understandable that my shitty explanation.



That's sort of what I did as well. I left it in the middle for maybe a little over a third of the questions, and if I wasn't totally sure, I just moved it a little bit to halfway towards what I thought was how I'd react. But for the other two thirds, I felt one direction or the other was completely correct for me, so I just moved it as far as it would go.

Maybe the test is right and I'm just weird or something?



These tests are kind of silly.



> But for the other two thirds, I felt one direction or the other was completely correct for me, so I just moved it as far as it would go.

>Maybe the test is right and I'm just weird or something?

Oh, I thought since you couldn't decide for one or other, instead of leaving it in the middle, you went full for one side.
I think that if you wholeheartedly thought that was the correct option for you in those question then it's right, and, yes, you're probably weirding it up.

Well, after all, these test are only 50% secure about yourself, if no less. They're interesting to do and sometimes they make you realize actions you usually don't; but they're not a 100% reliable source. The best thing would be to consult a therapist for an accurate test, and even then it could go wrong.

Either way, if you made all your choices like that then (in theory) it is not wrong.


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I've been to a lot of therapists and taken a lot of tests over the years, and come to think of it, they'd probably agree with the test's results for the most part. It's probably just dumb luck that it's kind of accurate for me though.


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i have been diagnosed with a personality disorder and personality disorders are vaguely notorious for "breaking" these kinds of theories on personality. So, yeah, take these results with a grain of salt.

Your personality type: INFP.

>Mind - Introverted (51%)

>Energy - Intuitive (28%)
>Nature - Feeling (31%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (18%)
>Identity - Assertive (14%)


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In relation to personality types I used to get either The Composer(ISFP)or The Crafter (ISTP) but when I did it this time I got The Healer (INFP).

My results tend to change around a bit in these things depending on my overall "long-term" mood for lack of a better term.

Would probably get something else in Personal DNA one too if I tried it again in about a month although it most likely wouldn't stray too far.


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Mind - Introverted (70%), Energy - Observant (17%), Nature - Thinking (7%), Tactics - Prospecting (8%), Identity - Assertive (29%).

ISTP personality-most pragmatic

well this was kinda fun.


> Mind - Introverted (31%)
> Energy - Intuitive (46%)
> Nature - Feeling (44%)
> Tactics - Prospecting (54%)
> Identity - Turbulent (39%)


>try to do the test
>mozilla crash on 47th question
yeah, fuck this. i will try the other day


Mind - Introverted (89%), Energy - Intuitive (46%), Nature - Feeling (5%), Tactics - Judging (6%), Identity - Turbulent (43%)

Well that certainly changed since last time I did this. I was hardly so neutral on most of it last time. This feels like I am in a waiting period anyways so it makes sense.


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INTP here


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Holy cow what am I doing here
>Mind - Extroverted (6%)
>Energy - Intuitive (17%)
>Nature - Feeling (42%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (18%)
>Identity - Assertive (39%)


>Your personality type: INFP.
>Mind - Introverted (47%)
>Energy - Intuitive (13%)
>Nature - Feeling (53%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (31%)
>Identity - Turbulent (77%)


Wow, and you're male? Better schedule that sex reassignment surgery, you might be happier with yourself if you did.


>Your personality type: INFP.

>Mind - Introverted (56%)

>Energy - Intuitive (13%)
>Nature - Feeling (11%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (7%)
>Identity - Turbulent (12%)

Seems about right. I usually get INTP or INFP whenever I take these things. It seems like some of the axises have been retooled since I last took one of these, I might look into that later.


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>you have bepnis and you dont do man things???
>better chopp em penips off hur hur

why did trans have to become a thing


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Your personality type: INFP.

Breakdown of preferences:
Mind - Introverted (63%)
Energy - Intuitive (34%)
Nature - Feeling (16%)
Tactics - Prospecting (8%)
Identity - Turbulent (59%)


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95% introverted INTJ here



What's it like being a robot.


>Your personality type: INFP.
>Mind - Introverted (22%)
>Energy - Intuitive (15%)
>Nature - Feeling (8%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (9%)
>Identity - Assertive (30%).



maybe your post has a too high meme-to-content ratio?


File: 1400903006201.gif (1.7 MB, 450x253, 3322158-zach-galifainakis-….gif)

Oh, I thought you deleted your own posts.

>fedora of personalities

Fuck, I don't want to be associated with neckbeards. At least I ain't got the autisms.


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INFP everywhere. Not sure what it means, beyond I'm introverted which is like a "bad thing", 'least around these parts. Networking how you elude me.


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i got INFJ, but i think that ISFP is more fitting because im more of a artsy fartsy unpredictable person


Ah yup, see, spergin beta manchild virgin mods deleted my posts pointing out the truth about INTP and INTJ being the fedoras of personalities./ Do you feel euphoric when deleting my posts? Instead of deleteing posts why dont you give your neckbeard a good comb, it's becoming really unkempt,


Mr/Ms. Mod, do you think in 4chan /b/ that they'll accept "edgy lel tryhard ironic shitposts?,"


(Always have been always will be)
Mind - Introverted (34%)
Energy - Intuitive (23%)
Nature - Feeling (18%)
Tactics - Judging (14%)
Identity - Assertive (6%).


>not being 100%

riajuu pls


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I got 100% introverted INTJ.


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>fudge the answers in an attempt to get something else


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ISFJ. I don't wanna re-take it for percentages but I screenshotted them last time I did.
I guess I'm not very strong in any direction, so I'm not super defined by my type or whatever


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Introverted - 77%
Energy - 27%
Thinking - 4%
Prospecting - 28%
Turbulant - 30%


I had no idea how to reply to most of those. Got INFP, as usual.

>Introverted 73%

>Intuitive 28%
>Feeling 47%
>Prospecting 69%
>Turbulent 66%

I hear that in this day and age, the Western civilization isn't good to introverts. Maybe that's why we are all here?



50% Introverted
40% Intuitive
29% Thinking
12% Judging
36% Assertive


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Fourth time through, still INFJ


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(Posting this in the right forum this time. :I)
Huh…So, I recently took this test:

And according to this one, my personality type is actually ENTP.
Which really surprises me because I always get introverted instead of extroverted on every test I take…Huh.


Your personality type is: INFP

Mind - Introverted (83%)
Energy - Intuitive (26%)
Nature - Feeling (38%)
Tactics - prospecting (36%)
Identity - Turbulent (32%)

Almost all of the 16 Personality tests give me INFP, but I feel I'm more of a balance between INFP, INFJ and ISFJ.


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First time not INFJ…
What a surprise.


Personality Type: INTJ

Mind: Introvered (88%)
Energy: Intuitive (19%)
Nature: Thinking (72%)
Tactics: Judging (36%)
Identity: Assertive (21%)

No surprises there. I have taken a dozen of these tests before and I have always scored 'INTJ' on them.


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I can never trust these personality tests. They feel like those cheap quizes plastered on tacky high-school magazine for kicks.

Moving on:

Mind - Introverted (89%)
Energy - Intuitive (36%)
Nature - Feeling (5%)
Tactics - Prospecting (32%)
Identity - Turbulent (10%)


one of two E's I fell special
Extravert(67%) iNtuitive(62%) Thinking(75%) Perceiving(100%)


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ISFP here
has there ever been any extroverts on the internet?


Your personality type: INTP (turbulent variant)

Mind - Introverted (53%)
Energy - Intuitive (32%)
Nature - Thinking (8%)
Tactics - Prospecting (24%)
Identity - Turbulent (8%)


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INFJ, I've gotten INTJ a couple times, but I'll almost always get INFJ.


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File: 1428011042411.png (18.69 KB, 554x421, 2015-04-03 00_40_23-INTP P….png)

INTPs are supposedly a rare type. Not on this board, I guess.

I tend to identify with ENTP though, despite the fact that i act like a typical introvert… there are times when I'm hyper as fuck.


I've gotten a different result pretty much every time I've taken this stupid test; it's like a star sign for elitist shitheads. Hope that helps.


>I tend to identify with ENTP though, despite the fact that i act like a typical introvert… there are times when I'm hyper as fuck

Your type doesn't mean you're an all-out introvert or extravert, it only means which type is your MAIN or default attitude. It's not a conditional, but the thing you tend to.

Anyway, I agree with >>13990



File: 1428092649719.png (103.01 KB, 1920x1080, MyersBriggsTypes.png)

Got INFP, as always. I just seem to be a very INFPy guy.

After reading this I'm super sure about my type.


>>13991 I mean it's not the worst thing in the world as it's somewhat more specific and reliable than a horoscope, but not by much. Pretty much each of the types are given some special-snowflakey flavourtext to make you feel good about whatever your result is.

So while it does have the potential to be vaguely useful as a personality litmus test, the mystique that's developed around everyone's favourite four letters will skew their answers to try to get one of those and it ceases to be quite as useful. You can pretty much tell it's not going to give you any useful information by how many of the most annoying tumblrs use it like a star sign and show it as much reverence as some idiot does whatever their sign.

And because your personality does make some shifts over time, it shouldn't be taken as a predictor of what your future will look like. Though it can be a good starting point for a conversation :)

That said, it was a fun survey, I got:

> ISFJ - T

> Introverted (12%)
> Observant (43%)
> Feeling (26%)
> Judging (51%)
> Turbulent (63%)


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I was going to reply why I thought the way I do, but you won beforehand.

>You can pretty much tell it's not going to give you any useful information by how many of the most annoying tumblrs use it like a star sign and show it as much reverence as some idiot does whatever their sign.


File: 1428117267030.png (135.34 KB, 500x473, u w0t l8 at night m8.png)

>90% introverted
>7% observant
>95% thinking
>26% prospecting
>73% assertive
I win.


File: 1428133300268.png (86.47 KB, 400x330, 11111111111111.png)


(Using a few forum posts:)

Big 5
Openness 55%
Adventurousness 27%
Artistic interests 0%
Emotionality 57%
Imagination 77%
Intellect 75%
Authority-challenging 66%
Conscientiousness 0%
Achievement striving 1%
Cautiousness 8%
Dutifulness 0%
Orderliness 12%
Self-discipline 0%
Self-efficacy 8%
Extraversion 70%
Activity level 0%
Assertiveness 90%
Cheerfulness 33%
Excitement-seeking 77%
Outgoing 26%
Gregariousness 48%
Agreeableness 19%
Altruism 2%
Cooperation 7%
Modesty 2%
Uncompromising 2%
Sympathy 90%
Trust 0%
Emotional range 92%
Fiery 92%
Prone to worry 78%
Melancholy 100%
Immoderation 83%
Self-consciousness 70%
Susceptible to stress 73%
Challenge 12%
Closeness 46%
Curiosity 91%
Excitement 60%
Harmony 54%
Ideal 81%
Liberty 36%
Love 94%
Practicality 16%
Self-expression 97%
Stability 95%
Structure 78%
Conservation 1%
Openness to change 92%
Hedonism 16%
Self-enhancement 14%
Self-transcendence 95%


You are a bit compulsive, somewhat critical and opinionated.

You are melancholy: you think quite often about the things you are unhappy about.
You are intermittent: you have a hard time sticking with difficult tasks for a long period of time.
>Disgustingly true. I couldn't spend more than ten minutes on anything today.

And you are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most people who participated in our surveys.
>fight me
>fucking fight me

Your choices are driven by a desire for self-expression.
>I have no idea what the whole "EXPRESS URSELF!!" concept even fucking means.

You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done.
You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you.

Well, okay.
Another go at the MBTI:

>Based on your cognitive functions, your type is:

>Most Likely: ISTJ
>or Second Possibility: INTJ
>or Third Possibility: ISTP

Still no F.


Lots of people seem to miss the point of the percentages and just all out expect to be, or look to be, what their personality type dictates. The test was never meant to be interpreted that way, but the quiz sites with "portrait of a XXXX" or similar at the end of the quiz encouage it.


>Needs: Love 94%
The eternal reason why characters are entered into name fields.


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ex-INTJ for several years reporting in

i got into literature, philosophy, and egoism some years ago and i'm now a solid INFP

here's the personality profile on my okcupid account-inb4 normie- i'm simply trying to snag a rich person i can NEET off, but it's hard because i'm not very bisexual and only guys are responding and i'm too anxious to answer


File: 1429458111635.png (46.6 KB, 669x818, awful.png)

oops. here it is


This test is awful, and you should feel awful for being tricked into believing that its results define you.


see >>13991 >>13994


I've taken these tests now and again over the years and I'm almost always INFJ. They say it's the "rarest" personality type, but I swear, a disproportionate number of people online say they are one. I wonder if it has some sort of "special snowflake" attraction.


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Master race motherfuckers


File: 1429766732357.jpg (103.21 KB, 1008x800, Bullshit.jpg)

Bitch please, I am the most snowflaky guy here…

Specially because I got INTP and INTJ before >>9964
Am I special enough? kewl kid? Where is my tumblr-army of cocklickers?


What in hell are you doing here??


Extraverted 38%
Intuitive 56%
Feeling 83%
Perceiving 94%
Assetive 8%

I answered every planning question with "fuck it let's do it live :D" because really does anyone not


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I don't know, they keep unbanning me…


usually i get intj, sometimes intp, first time istj


File: 1429856677641.bmp (229.1 KB, 254x307, u.bmp)

>get it for namefagging
>on any chan ever

Would it be ironic for a namefag to explain to someone else that love and attention are not the same thing? Like a jerkass telling a gentle old lady about kindness?




File: 1429901693359.bmp (1.47 MB, 962x534, mei.bmp)

Would you believe it's .bmp on purpose?

>"the format reflects

>my distaste for anon's words.
>i am an asshole"

Anyways, where are you guys taking the tests with the little pictures at?




Oh, wow lol. I have some other MBTI sites bookmarked so I didn't bother with that one. Thanks.


>Openness 18%
Well ok.
>Adventurousness 4%
>Artistic interests 0%
>Emotionality 84%
Yes, no.
>Imagination 23%
>Intellect 29%
Fuck and I thought it was on of my main points.
>Authority-challenging 37%
Having money is good, fuck how everything is organized, but then again there's not much you can do.
>Conscientiousness 0%
>Achievement striving 8%
Uh… probably.
>Cautiousness 15%
Fuck being extra cautious is not enough.
>Dutifulness 5%
Fucking right lol.
>Orderliness 73%
>Self-discipline 0%
>Self-efficacy 0%
N O.
>Extraversion 43%
Why so much.
>Activity level 12%
What the fuck is this.
>Assertiveness 91%
Eh, no, depends.
>Cheerfulness 66%
Fuck no, how being a nihilistic is being cheerful.
>Excitement-seeking 79%
Eh, true enough.
>Outgoing 13%
Seems right.
>Gregariousness 46%
What, no, fuck I hate being with others.
>Agreeableness 63%
>Altruism 3%
Eh, maybe, I like giving advice on the internet but rarely care about real people.
>Cooperation 29%
>Modesty 9%
Fuck no, depends.
>Uncompromising 31%
I don't even know what the fuck is this.
>Sympathy 100%
>Trust 5%
>Emotional range 100%
Analitical Instrospection > Emotional burst. Fuck no.
>Fiery 100%
Wow that's new.
>Prone to worry 97%
Eh, true.
>Melancholy 100%
Am I haruhi now. Still seems true now that I about it.
>Immoderation 94%
But I'm moderate, ffs.
>Self-consciousness 100%
>Susceptible to stress 98%
Goddamnit, true.

>Challenge 38%
>Closeness 98%
>Curiosity 100%
But I'm already curious…
>Excitement 59%
I have enough tanoshii in my life, no need for more.
>Harmony 10%
Seriously, 10%? I wish I had more harmony.
>Ideal 100%
Ideals are for stupid people willing to kill themselves for something, right?. Not my shit.
>Liberty 90%
Yes, free as in freedom.
>Love 100%
But I have a waifu.
>Practicality 52%
>Self-expression 100%
>Stability 94%
>Structure 53%
NO. I already have mine why would I need more.

>Conservation 1%
Yes and no.
>Openness to change 72%
Mono no aware yo.
>Hedonism 7%
>Self-enhancement 92%
Probably true.
>Self-transcendence 92%
What, no why.

Pretty off. Maybe 700 words weren't enough.


File: 1430510111419.png (97.41 KB, 1069x657, tests.png)


Using something I just wrote:
Big 5
Artistic interests
Achievement striving
Activity level
Emotional range
Prone to worry
Susceptible to stress
Openness to change

>You are expressive, confident and generous.

Test are you coming on to me.

>You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are laid-back: you appreciate a relaxed pace in life.

Most of the time yeah.

>And you are unstructured: you do not make a lot of time for organization in your daily life.

Yes. All of the time.

>Your choices are driven by a desire for well-being.

Honestly not sure about that. Think it's a mix of that and just the desire for interesting things, that mixture fluctuating depending on different things.

>You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done. You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you.

More or less yeah.

Just for shits and giggles I'm gonna put a much longer thing from a little while ago through the same:

Big 5
Artistic interests
Achievement striving
Activity level
Emotional range
Prone to worry
Susceptible to stress
Openness to change

Lots of similar scores, but almost all a bit lower. The way it works, I guess, is that it focuses on words so specific that if you write anything longer you'll get more and more noise. Thus, if you post a really short thing full of unnecessarily complicated phrasing, it calls you a genius and proceeds to suck you off in text form. But if you post the same thing more worked out, it'll be washed down a good 20 or 30 percent.

Anyway if you have a good vocabulary and don't use a lot of hostile language this thing worships you.


What's it like being retarded?


My writing style changes depending on the context. The words linguistic analysis, extract and cognitive sure convinced a few of you that the results aren't based on entirely arbitrary criteria and served up to be just vague and complimentary enough to appeal to your belief that you can be differentiated from the other raging narcissistic little shits who'd ever submit their writing to such a thing.


Here's the results for the wikipedia entry for AIDS:

You are shrewd, skeptical and tranquil.

You are imaginative: you have a wild imagination. You are authority-challenging: you prefer to challenge authority and traditional values to help bring about positive changes. And you are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself.

Your choices are driven by a desire for well-being.

You are relatively unconcerned with helping others: you think people can handle their own business without interference. You consider taking pleasure in life to guide a large part of what you do: you are highly motivated to enjoy life to its fullest.


>Your choices are driven by a desire for well-being.
fucking lol

So according to this nice little algorithm, me and AIDS have something in common! Neato.


>ex-INTJ for several years reporting in
>i got into literature, philosophy, and egoism some years ago and i'm now a solid INFP

Same. Weird how that happens.











I honestly thought it be worse…


Also INTP here.


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I know how you feel.


I did this some time ago and got INTP. But i'm really dumb so i don't know if it's accurate.


>But i'm really dumb so i don't know if it's accurate.
Then you're probably not.


File: 1438256287207.png (58.06 KB, 250x225, yumenikkimascot.png)

I always get INTP when I do these things.


Took the test and scored intj-t.

It seems like a shitty test, some of the questions are repetative or similar in the very least, like the ones about organisation vs improvisation.
This one in particular i noticed reocouring and forces one vs the other, while the way i see it a plan is very important without it one gets nowhere, but the ability to alter plans is important too since from experience i found that plans have a tendency to work to well.
And i havent double checked but there seem to be more cases like these in which it seems that both answers seem to be complementing each other to me in a certain aspect but being presneted as counters to each other.


MBTI tests are mostly useless. The best way to figure out your type is to study the cognitive functions. Figure out your dominant function first and it leaves you with two choices. Auxiliary function may be a bit harder to find out, but you'll eventually get it if you read enough and see patterns of it in yourself.


MBTI is still an inadequate substitute for actual neuroscience and frameworks in academic psychology.


That's because you want a dick inside your warm bodily cavities.


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It's only natural for cute neets to want their boyholes opened.


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I always get something different when I do these, one time I got INTP and another time I got ENFJ.


"But I poop from there."


File: 1439525047224.png (524.28 KB, 2659x1411, test.png)

INTP master race


File: 1439550613203.png (191.42 KB, 441x306, spcl.png)

>Shy fragile butterfly
>Master race
Why not man? You're such a badass.


Why do you feel the need to poop on people's fun?


Because it's fun


File: 1441162433594.png (71.72 KB, 1079x545, Does_that_do_anything_for_….PNG)


This is all a huge crock of shit and categorizing yourself doesn't fucking matter.


File: 1441165788674.webm (1.71 MB, 640x360, boondocks.webm)

In restrospective, nothing really fucking matters, not even your comment.


very true.


what isn't a huge crock of shit


File: 1441171313825.png (32.54 KB, 143x315, 2015-08-24 01_22_38-[MASAO….png)

aw man
i want to hear the rest of this track, but i'm never going to find it with "o o o o okay"


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File: 1441285888551.png (23.84 KB, 602x643, 2015-09-03_15-09-06.png)

Holy fuck

>Masculinity 86

>Femininity 80



You are the chosen one.


Jojo detected


File: 1441313785121.jpg (22.45 KB, 261x235, 1441294641923.jpg)

>57% Introverted
>36% Intuitive
>36% Thinking
>25% Prospecting
>84% Turbulent


File: 1441343327575.png (527.2 KB, 1399x686, kuwabara.png)

>Your personality type: INTP

>Mind - Introverted (50%)

>Energy - Intuitive (56%)
>Nature - Thinking (14%)
>Tactics - Prospecting (94%)
>Identity - Assertive (37%)

Well fuck me with a fork. Greetings from lainchan.


What anime?


File: 1441409293751.jpg (61.7 KB, 353x500, Himōto!_Umaru-chan_volume_….jpg)

Himouto! Umaru-chan


Himouto Umaru Chan
honestly not worth watching unless you're bored


or a massive faggot


Couldn't finish even the first episode because MC came off as a massive bitch more than anything.


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im an INFP-T

introverted 6%
intuitive 15%
feeling 15%
prospecting 59%
Turbulent 23%

"Left unchecked, INFPs may start to lose touch, withdrawing into "hermit mode", and it can take a great deal of energy from their friends or partner to bring them back to the real world."

ugh tht line really hits home with me. i was a normal human up until a few months ago. i got really depressed had a pretty tragic breakdown and now am scouring the internet for people to talk to so i can feel less lonely because i went into hermit mode override and now theres a weird distance between me and my friends.


Eyyy my result changed. Looks like I'm an INFP now.

Introverted - 10%
Intuitive - 35%
Feeling - 25%
Prospecting - 34%
Turbulent - 13%

I've never been very good at these kind of tests though, so who the hell knows at this point what I am.


I consistently check out as INFJ, seems fairly accurate.

Introverted 52%
Intuitive 21%
Feeling 69%
Judging 33%
Turbulent 23%



Had the same result on many tests for about 5 years now. I guess that's good.



Not… really. Not at all. I took the test twice and varied my answers a little differently on the second time and still got ISTP-A.


Mind-introverted 80%
Energy-Intuitive 31%
Nature-Feeling 74%
Tactics-Prospecting 50%
Identity_Turbulent 50%

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