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/n/ - NEET

Advice / Social / Basement

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Let's suppose you are given a raw chance to get out of your NEETdom, or at least get rid of the chains that prevent you from moving on. Would you take it? If so, what would you do with your new life?


I only stopped being a NEET so I could live away from my family. If I could be a NEET and sustain myself away from my family I would do it.


I'm already living off of disability welfare in Canada, leaving that behind would be a step backwards not a step forward, my income is more stable than if I had a job.

I mean, I suppose it's possible I could have a job on top of this but that seems completely unnecessary in my current state.


What job do you have? I want to get away from my family as well.


Well, my job is as an intern at a college doing pointless work. Mostly, I go to school.

But the main reason I'm able to live alone is obviously not because of these things, but because I live in a cheap ass apartment in midwest USA.

If you really want to live alone, look for apartments in places like the midwest (or other places with few middle class job opportunities or places people want to avoid). Try to avoid very small towns though, the people there tend to be sort of religious/pretentious (especially in the midwest) and there are almost no resources in those places.

Here's an article about this:
Keep in mind the median prices are listed. You can get a third of that or less if you look hard.


I started at University and get a government allowance for studying.

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