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I'm feeling like shit right now.


Same, OP. Anything specific happened?


I want to work as a programmer someday but I have no idea what to do other than work very slowly at a community college and no one is really helping me get there any quicker. I feel like I'm wasting several years doing pointless crap in school because no one will help me do what I really want to do and I'm unconvinced that school assignments teach me anything serious about programming. I have overdue homework and I feel like my advisor doesn't take me seriously. I have no idea who to go to to speak to about my experience. My family especially will tell me I am manipulating people if I say I am having any difficulty or am depressed or anxious or anything like that and these are the same people who were drug and alcohol addicts for several years with failed marriages and still think they have business telling me what I should feel. This is really just my father and his girlfriend though. I really have no contact with my mother if I can avoid it because she is violently abusive and a terrible person.


School, according to other programmers doesn't teach you shit, it's your job to learn by yourself
First you start with Java and shit, try modding minecraft and other cancer to start
Then youDownload Python and fuck around with it with YouTube and shit.
Then you do shit with the C programming languages.

Ive been learning by doing random projects over the years.
I don't have any advice to give with depression, I just take it.


Well i dont like telling it to you like that but someone has to.
Get used to it, most programming is dull bullshit doing pointless crap too and most people are incompetent aswel as unhelpful.

You will have to take some initiative, it isnt hard tough, all you need is a good starting point, like modding a game or so is a good way to learn and practice.
Programming is generally easy unless you go in too deep, then it can become a real maze.

I think you should change subject in college, the programming marked is way overstatured and you wont learn much, if i had the oppertunety to get a paper i would chose something more practical but less common, like say biotech or something.

Im sorry to hear that your surrounding is shit, but cant help it there but distance yourself from them.

Hang in there and dont get to stressed out about things.


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That really sucks that most programming is pointless bullshit. I hadn't thought about that before actually.

Is there even a subject in college that you will learn a lot from? I really don't want to change my major. I've been at this for over a year and down over $10,000.

Some of my teachers say I'm quite talented as a programmer and it could be a good career for me, though these are the same teachers with questionable competence and who don't help me much. Plus I've always wanted to do the programming thing since I was very young.

About my family: it's not that they make my environment hostile. Not anymore, anyway. I don't live with them. I'm just not sure I can talk to them.


>That really sucks that most programming is pointless bullshit. I hadn't thought about that before actually.
Giving it second thought, next to anything is pointless bullshit, its true programming has alot of reptetive "copypaste, test, debug, adjust" loops and trivial crap.
But next to any occupation or activity has a similar cycle of repetiveness, even hard science.
I suppose you best disregard that.
>Is there even a subject in college that you will learn a lot from? I really don't want to change my major. I've been at this for over a year and down over $10,000.
I couldnt really say, if changing or adding a different course are possible without losing money then maybe consider it.
As for the fields themselfs, i cant really say.
I suppose programming is good because it offers a very general and practical direction and can be done with cheap means easeley on your own.
Whereas say comperatively physics is very theoretic and of little practical value, but then again you could also learn it on your own.
And then comparing to some more specialized fields such as chemistry or biotech that cannot be effectively applied and learned on your own but are probably lucrative job oppertunites.
Screw humanities, law, finance and all that other crap.
Well im not the right person to give advice in general, im just giving things to consider.
>Some of my teachers say I'm quite talented as a programmer and it could be a good career for me, though these are the same teachers with questionable competence and who don't help me much. Plus I've always wanted to do the programming thing since I was very young.
Thats good, maybe your teachers are lazy or burned out but now their stuff, atleast they have good oppinion of you, you will find out if you are good enough or not yourself and there are many bad programmers that get away with things so dont worry about it.
The great thing about this field is that if you really want to and try hard you can become a master without anyones help.
And the most important thing is that you are enthusiastic and joyful about it.

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