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Anyone here with this fucking tinnitus? I developed mine listening to loud music. The worst thing about this is that I ruined myself with my own hands, I can't even blame the destiny. It's almost a year I suffer from it.


I've had mine ever since I was 10years old. It's annoying at first but I got used to it, though I can't remember what true silence is like.


Lately I've been thinking about how loud I listened to music while being on a computer, and realized I spent great periods of time doing so.
I lowered the volume of all my players, so even if I were to raise the volume in my headphones it wouldn't pass the limit.

Thinking about damaging my hearing is terrifying.
My condolences to you, anons, for having this problem.


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When I was a kid, my brothers would blast their music as loud as it went while I was standing in front of the stereos to make me leave. But if I toughed it out long enough, they'd let me stay and watch them play videogames.

I haven't been able to sleep without a fan on since I was like 7 because of all the ringing in my ears


Yeah, now I have to always listen to something if I don't want any ringing, It was listening to loud music,and to add insult to injury that when I listen to today, I hate.

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