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/n/ - NEET

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I'm 26 and I've basically been NEET since I was ~17 and dropped out of school, is it worth bothering going to college at this point? I feel like the stigma against someone starting school so late makes it a waste of time no matter what my achievements there might end up being.

I suppose it's probably a stupid idea to ask about this here of all places though, but any thoughts would be appreciated.


No, there are people in my classes that old and they seem to be doing fine. How you will do mostly depends on you, not your age.


Except that no means yes in this case.


There are two students in their early 30s in my class. It's not that unusual to go back to studying at any time before your 50s. Things happen, life is hard, but time comes when you can and should move on. So go right ahead.

There is a cheesy saying: the best time to do it was a year ago, but the second best time is now.


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I study electronic engineering, and the oldest guy I saw was around 46, doing quite fine in Algebra and Analytic Geometry.
Right now there are 2 guys in their mid-30's in the Chimestry class and in a side-course of text analysis. And that's just in hard science, I heard from my brother there are even older people in humanities.
Good luck.

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