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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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 No.254[View All]

How old are you?

ADMIN NOTE: This discussion is OK again since the change to Rule #1.
ADMIN NOTE: Fuck sake don't post that you're under 18 in here, rules are different than the Discord.
206 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




18. Been here since 14. Sorry Sei but I'm legal now =P


I'm 18.


18. been here since 14.

sorry Sei



Oh hey, I'm 6846. Wanna be friends


you're 6,846 years old??!


20. I've lurked since the days of Dream vs Dream. Mindblowing to see others that are around my age in such numbers.


23, I first came here when some other imageboards were dying around 4 years ago.
I’m surprised to see so many younger anons too. For some reason I thought this board skewed in the late 20s early 30s more.




Yes! And I'm here to take over the world for the elves! Mwahahahahahahaha!

Just kidding!

Or am I…?


im 34

I was a neet in my early 20s, got a job tanks to my parents, worked for a few years, lost my job over a year ago and just been sitting here

I feel like being a neet in your 20s was better / easier than it is now. I am going back to work since my money dried up but its so isolating as well.



man honestly proud of you dont mean to sound like a cocksucker or as though im shitting on neets but i just know that if a little fag like me started being hikki i would never stop lol, impressive fr


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21 physically, 71 mentally


>I miss being a NEET,
I think you're deluding yourself, I am glad you have become better.


Why are you here?


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That's my post lol. I turn 29 in 8 weeks
it's insane how fast time passes now. Hours feel like minutes somedays. 8 years and so much has changed. I was never active here but I can't believe how dead this board became. I'm no longer a NEET but I was one when I made that post. Wild…


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How is your life now.


Better, much much better. A lot of what I thought would never happen to me ending up going well in the end. Unfortunately, I never ever anticipated the degree of decline the world as a whole would go in 11 years. If I had known, I would have been much more proactive and focused, but I guess I now have goals, interests, reasons to live compared to then.
If I was starting as I was as a severely dysfunctional hikikomori teenager in the present…
yeahhhhhhh, I think I would just check out…


On the bright side, it's become something of a living time capsule. I don't know that you could have moments like this except on a dying imageboard.


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turned 20, any zoomers lurking in 2024 besides me?


21, reporting in


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20 here as well


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how is life treating you guys? do you have friends?


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another 20 year old here. I don't have much else to say other than responsibilities suck


yup, turning 20 in a few months. sucks.


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I'm lucky because in my country you can do courses to get some money. I would like to buy a house in the future but I am not responsable enough to live alone!
I feel the same as when I turned 19 but I think turning 24 will be the real thing. I know all the normalfags will be married with children around that age


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married and had children* not married to children



whats so funny anon !?


im old


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Well, for me things are looking neither particularly bleak nor bright.
I have one irl NEET friend who I can hang around with sometimes, but often he feels really distant. Though we've probably spent a month under the same roof together just this year


I think I last posted here in 2016. I am 33 now.


yay im not the only older person!


im 21, almost 22.


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26 now, cryptocurrency has not saved me from this hell yet but it is closer. Will update in another 4 years I guess. Still live at home, we've moved twice since I posted this.


im 2^73.5/23


How old are you, 'non?


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30s, how about you?


entering my mid 20s, it's a hell of an experience, but things have gotten way better.


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>the man behind the something


they really put a man behind something




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Ugh… When Is The Next Yume Nikki 2 (Yume2kki) Update (Update 0.124i) Coming . . . .


What is this scary looking link


I looked it up on browserling, it's a weird suspicious redirect to a random google search





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Just no idea why someone would have posted that..


I don't know either.

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