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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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hey uboachan net ^^ sorry if like… the newgen is just oozing off of me. its been… so hard to find NEET spaces with people who like… have the same rancid brain chemistry as me, but is also still trying to recover + maintain the same hobbies, just have a healthier relationship with it.

i've never used a board-formatted site before but the uboa rules made me wanna take the leap!! (^ ^) hope everyone's having a better day today. i didn't do anything besides windowshop on aliexpress for figures and gba repos uwohhhhh … i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games. seeing my purchase history made me realize that i do kind of have that a bit now, but it still doesn't bring me peace yet because everything else doesn't feel balanced in my life rn.

came a little more to my senses and trying to set goals + bloat out things i wanna get done in the day with habitica. hopefully with some more structure. baby steps until furthering education ig


>i always wanted to have a more avid collection of figures, standees, and games.

This reminds a short but decent collection of games and some figures I had years ago that one day dissapear cuz family doens't give a nasu… Still mad about it. Hopefully you can get a good collection

and welcome anon


Henlo!!! I'm also really new here, I never really interact with the communities of my interests, but I want to try getting more into them to try to crawl out of my shell little by little. I totally feel you on trying to maintain hobbies with a healthier relationship to it. I often find myself ignoring socialization to play video games and the like,,,,,,

Btw whats a gba repo?


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I tried to interact with communities of similar personal interests, but it seems like I lost literal any social skill, ended up doing the "ignoring socialization to play video games" or watching things I find on Internet.

How people do it?


I totally get that, it is really difficult to even get started on building those skills, and even now I struggle to consistently socialize, but I think at a certain point you just need to push yourself. Say what comes to mind, figure out the other person's interests and boundaries as you speak to them.

Honestly, its going to be unpleasant and scary, but the only way you can really learn is through exposure. I notice I tend to ignore interactions cause Im afraid of awkward situations and hurt feelings, but both of those are merely a consequence of being alive that we can recover from.

You got this, just talk and talk and don't let your thoughts get to you.


Now there's something I haven't heard of in a long time.



ngl i like westshit plushes way more than fumo… im always scared the felt hair on the fumo will split apart, and west style plush tends to be better for snuggling


Humans need interaction with other humans.

You can practice being a zen monk anytime, but making connections with other humans before it becomes fucking weird and creepy is a time-limited event.

So don’t waste it.

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