I'll be 21 in a few months. How about you?
25 since December.
Protip: Make sure you know rule #1 before posting in this thread, or this could end poorly.
19 in september
26. I'm the oldest person so far.
>>255You're 15
>>256You're 15
>>257You're 14
>>258You're 12
>>259You're 12 and new
>>261You're 40
>>262And you're 17
>>261same shit.
I was underage for my first two years that I was here but that doesn't matter anymore.
>>266Breaking the rules is wrong
I'll be 22 soon
23 here
I'm 20. Surprised there are so many here that are my senior.
I'm 32. I'm also not exaggerating…almost 33.
>>385True. Some of us don't figure our shit out until we get older and have some experience under our belts.
23. I'm breaking out of NEETdom this year, it is time. 23 isn't even old compared to a lot of people on this site and similar, but I still feel bad and can't understand how the past five years flew away and left me with nothing.
>>38431 here, you're not alone.
>>432Perhaps because older NEETs/hikkis eventually catch the bus.
28 years old. Trying to break out.
32 as of today
>>527Thanks! Celebrating by getting drunk and watching Konosuba
>>434True. I own a retail business. I still shove my employee to the front counter and hide whenever possible. People make me uncomfortable even though I'm "good with them." Heh.
>>526Happy birthday, fellow 32-ian.
>>529We are all friends here. It gets better as you get older, so there's that to look forward to.
>>529It's probably too late by now, but it would be a good idea to read the rules before posting.
>>530What kind of things do you sell?
>>529As a rule of thumb, it's never a good idea to tell your age on communities/websites based off of 4chan.
To answer the question, 20. Turning 21 in July.
I'm 21 and still on NEET allowance. I do at least put in job apps, which I never did as a teenager.
>>529You seemed nice.
>>254Corporate wage slave reporting in …25 and still going strong
>>529rest in peace forever sweet underage prince
>>653what day is your birthday? I turn 20 in six months. maybe we're secretly twins separated by a year
how old was everyone when they found yn?
>>671I was 16 or 17 when I played Yume Nikki.
I wanted to play it for a year before that but I never managed to get it until later
I'm 22 now.
I wonder if I'm the only one here who found it from captpan6 lol.
Also I wish I was 14 again.
>>671The 2nd day you?
I was 15 or 14.
30, though it's been awhile since I've been around.
Sometime this year I will be 26. I wish I could redo the last 10 years of my life
18, 19 in August. I've been a NEET for about a year.
>>529Too many hate on this dude. I guess he just joking or something. I mean the mail. Maybe you envious of him.
>>1383>doxingTHE MODS WONT ALLOW IT!
With 19 or so I lost track of how old I am in the current year. There is nothing to celebrate anymore. The years pass by and I am almost 24. Best time is gone.
>>1384It's his fault and I'm not going to post it anyways
oh and also I'm 19~
>>1386It also counts as harrasment and possibly sexual assault.
Where the fuck has time gone. I swear I was just 19 not that long ago… Now I'm turning 24 and going nowhere fast. I want to die.
I'll be 20 in ten days.
>>254I am 19. Turning 20 on the 25th of June, and as I've just found out there's a tonne of good games coming out between now and then(e.g. Odin Sphere PS4) so I think I'm actually gonna go get a job, I'm bored of doing nothing all day anyway.
24, 25 in the coming months.
It seems like imageboards are mostly populated by late teenagers and kids in their early twenties. With the cut off point being about 25. I guess people out grow imageboards? It's hard for me to stay on an imageboard now. It must be the combination of work and wanting to read manga/play video games/other hobbies more than shitpost. Plus I want to raise a family.
24…I had one of those moments recently where I looked back to when I was 17 and thought, "Holy shit. I could've sworn I just blinked." Even though cerebrally I know that in that time I've enjoyed many comfy anime, video games, etc., so I almost don't regret not having a life worth remembering, as it would be suffering to yearn for its return.
>>615I'm 22 now and will be 23 this year. Still neet.
Aren't age threads not allowed and pointless as well?
Just pointless circlejerking with no actual discussion.
Except for the odd
>>529what's up with his mail No.3075
This place is surprisingly young. I always thought more obscure *chans would be populated with only the most hardened of oldfags, but I guess nothing is really obscure on the internet anymore.
>>3089Actually, many oldfags left the site around 2015, so what you're seeing now is mostly a collection of new users, which on the other hand are rather young due to the nature of our board (yn and related games, etc).
Well, at least that's my guess, there was an age thread in /ot/ somewhere in 2012 and I remember most people was around 18 or <20, back then…
>>3091I noticed that most of the few "oldfag" and the sorta cynic, average day in dead boards attitude died in late 2016.
I myself made quite a few recent threads about re-exploring the old to spice up dicussion when it seemed uboachan was dead, to look back on things that eventually formed the core of this board but are no longer talked about.
It seems around Feb-March some new people started to come in here (mostly to post in /hikki/, which i don't see a problem with, but it seems uboachan is now rather centered around /hikki/), probably from lain/ (lain got wiped for a while so some people gone refugee mode here, see that cyberpunk general, and tumblr is full of people praising YN for being "an artistic masterpiece", and i'm sure theres a lot of people that are somewhat depressed and use tumblr) , and i don't really know what is it that's causing this, are people looking UT wiki and finding that Gaster ripped off Uboa?
Anyways, the recent surge in activity is interesting.
Maybe some random dudebro from YT made a video about Yume Nikki that got decent views or something and people looked YN up and reached this place.
>>3092Well, /hikki/ is, very ironically, what is killing and keeping ubuu alive at the same time, in my opinion. I mean, Yume Nikki & FG discussion is stale as fuck; and for a good reason, the trend is almost completely dead. Interesting enough, recently there has been more activity there (as you've mentioned), but it's still not the most important center of discussion in this place, as it used to be. That role has been delegated to /hikki/, which is some sort of blogging board, thus placing the main point of our imageboard on something along the lines of the so-called "neet culture", which from my point of view is very stupid.
While I don't really expect a new spark of activity in /yn/ or /fg/ anymore, I wish /og/ was more active, I loved the pandora's box it used to be some years ago, when people would go there and post some rare jewels, and it's sill a board with a lot of potential.
Now, I know I proposed a why to the reason of there being many young people in this place, but I'm also be interested in knowing exactly what were the factors making newcomers discover uboachan. Lainchan sounds very plausible, although I have my doubts about tumblr; most of the site that knows about us despises and spreads bullshit about us being some sort of "bully site".
>Maybe some random dudebro from YT made a video about Yume Nikki that got decent views or something and people looked YN up and reached this place.No, please no, anything but that…
By the way, I fucked up with the greater than symbol. I meant X>20, most of them should be around their mid-twenties by now.
>>3093>NEET cultureI legit wonder how many users here are actually NEET, not me though, I work and study.
>>3093I proposed tumblr because i really don't have ANY idea how people are finding this site aside from lainchan.
Some people even found Yume Nikki and by proxy ubuu by TVTropes.
Maybe 8chan or something else? I don't really have anything to confirm it, but for example, that /r/place thread where a guy screenshot'd Mado, mostly everyone was just bitching about reddit or "leddit" which implies they come from some *chan sites. I don't really recall having anything against Reddit, the Yume Nikki subreddit is kinda nice for lurking, albeit deader than ubuu.
Most mega-oldfags that witnessed the 2kki & .flow hypetrains should be in their late 20's - mid 30's by now, and as we know passions with hobbies dies/burns out, so they're all mostly gone.
It's sad that /hikki/ is the center of attention. There are other non-YN (most newcomers to /n/ haven't played YN) boards with interesting content such as /lit/ & /og/ that are dead as well.
/ot/ is still a wild card, but the shitposty-esque discussion has been getting bigger.
>>3093>I have my doubts about tumblr; most of the site that knows about us despises and spreads bullshit about us being some sort of "bully site".I found uboachan through tumblr some ~3-4 years ago. Someone mentioned it while talking about a .flow update that had just been released, and I don't recall any negativity surrounding it. If there was any, I guess I wasn't involved enough in the community to fin it.
No idea what's going on now, I haven't seen uboachan mentioned anywhere on the site.
>>3097I never get tired of posting this picture. It's from a survey someone made some years ago in tumblr about the community. Many… "central" figures (meaning: Most active) contributed with their two cents, resulting in what you see.
Long story short, when Middens was posted there was drama. Legit arguments, and trolls. Later, when flux was posted, there was drama. Everybody was mad because there wasn't any material at all despite the author claiming she was being active. Again, legit arguments, and trolls. Later, bleet had the marvelous idea of warning people that uboachan wasn't a good place to post fangames, because "they may be harsh". Tumblr, being the autistic scream-rape-prone piece of shit it is, took it the wrong way and started spreading it like fire about how we were complete shit and the bad guys. Basically because anything that isn't sugarcoated with 40 kg of honey is automatically rape, and no matter how good the critics you give if they don't comply with this, you are obviously a meany and a cunt and a troll who enjoys crushing devs because they don't fit your "standards" (see second pic).
>>3100That reminds me when that spanish Yume Nikki forum got hacked or something they started coming here with war and youtube threats.
But I haven't seen anyone complaining about Uboachan recently.
Do you guys can say your age over the top of your head?
I had to do some math… 23
Oh boy I thought I got rid of this ages ago. This thread is actually against Rule #1, though I don't think that clause existed when the thread was made. Since there are other discussions going on I'm going to just bumplock the thread and add a note to OP post.
EDIT: It's OK now, rules changed.
got stuck in the lifestyle at 16 and now I know things really need to change but I have no idea how
>>3174Just wondering. Is it still forbidden to mention how old you are if it were related to the discussion on hand? Like, say, a thread about NEETdom as a 25+ person and stuff like that.
>>3180Tbh I'm having second thoughts about how this rule is implemented so I think I'll make a /sugg/ thread to explain why I put it there and see what people think.
Rules changed, bumplock removed. Don't ask a specific user about their age and don't reveal yourself to be underage, and you're fine.
i'm in my 20s, been a NEET since i was 16
21 if you don't count the fact I was born on leap year.
18, but since I am a chimera my both body and mind is 9 years old
27, been wavering between hikki and semi-hikki since 13
>>3879>Semi-hikiWhy do these people keep appearing?
>>3880same reason the hikki elitists appear
>>3881>hikki elitistsI go outside every day, I work, I have a social life and a girlfriend, there is just no such thing a "semi-hiki", it's almost as if I told you I'm "semi-NEET" or "semi-gay".
I turn 20 tomorrow. I've been lurking and posting on ubuu for 6 years and I still don't know how to fucking spoiler tag my text LMAO
>>3886"semi-gay" -> bisexual
"semi-NEET" -> impossible, you either are or you aren't
"semi-hikki" -> that's called "introversion" kid
>>3889>"semi-hikki" -> that's called "introversion" kidI'm afraid to inform you that the definition of hikikomori (according to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) is:
>「仕事や学校に行かず、かつ家族以外の人との交流をほとんどせずに、6か月以上続けて自宅にひきこもっている状態」 時々は買い物などで外出することもあるという場合も「ひきこもり」に含める"Somebody who doesn't go to school nor work, doesn't interact with people outside the family circle, and hasn't left their home for at least 6 months. Cases such as people under this condition who still leave their home to buy groceries from time to time are also considered 'Hikikomori'".
(Source: )
Meaning that you can't be a "semi-hiki" -> that's called "bullshit".
>>3889>"semi-gay" -> bisexual>"semi-hikki" -> that's called "introversion" kidCorrect, no one says "semi-gay", because it's ridiculous, they'd also be "semi-straight", they call themselves "bisexual", for the same reason "semi-hikki" does not exist, you're just introverted.
Uboachan is a fountain of self discovery isn't it?
>>3888Read the FAQ already m8
>>3891I'm pretty sure we took the word hikki in ww2 and it is our right to do whatever we want to to it colloquially
>>3900>I'm pretty sure we took the word hikki in ww2>ww2I'm going to pretend you actually didn't say that.
>it is our right to do whatever we want to to it colloquially>ourMaybe you mean "my"? For example, N.E.E.T. is a definition coined by UK's and ever since then everyone has agreed on its meaning and used it the same way UK has been doing since the very start. Because otherwise you'd get things like "semi-neet" being valid because "guess what, I have my right to do whatever i want to it colloquially".
Hikikomori is just a translation of "Social Withdrawal"; you can't be "semi-withdrawal" because that simply doesn't make sense. Why just don't say "asocial" or "introvert" instead of using flashy words?
>>3902In hindsight I'm ashamed of my aggressive shitposting.
I personally don't like dealing with the semantics of labels in situations like this because it drives people away from the actual context of the original statement. I just try to take someone saying they are a "semi-hikki" as someone trying to relate their feelings to another persons experience. To me this brings up the question, do people here want to be related to?
I spent over 90% of my year alone in my room so far and even I have difficulty calling myself a hikki but no difficulty calling myself a semi-hikki.
>he internet plunged it's genitals straight through your skull and into your brain
This is a real problem for many issues in my life I'm sure, I've seen it in others.
I guess I don't want to call myself a hikki because I wish I had way more of a life than I do.
>>3924>The internet plunged it's genitals straight through your skull and into your brain.>mfwBe right back, Anon, I'm going to draw some shitty rule 34 of the Internet itself violently skullfucking aspie chan memesters. Get your lube ready, you're gonna need it!!
Yea, the Internet has fucked up a lot of people. Or rather, the combination of digital isolation and fucked up people with a greater reach did.
I used to come here when the big Jay was having problems with funposting back in '13. Been feelin it lately.
I'm almost 36, been fighting a delaying action against society rushing in but I'm not sure how long I'll last. I've been staring into the abyss for the long haul. Can't work under these conditions psychologically; I see everyone turning against me, stealing sleep from me, creating noise.
>>4872You clearly have some sort of mental affliction. Get help while you still can and candidly talk about it with your parents and anybody who cares. Don't drop out of uni. Switch majors if you have to, but don't let your emotional state get the better of you. What's distracting you most right now? What's preventing you from having enough energy? If it's your laptop, throw it away and use the computer lab/ library as needed.
>>4872There is clearly something fishy. Let yourself checkout, since your condition changed suspiciously far too quick.
26 and still kicking.
Just got out from a really bad period of life which lasted for a year. Move out from parents and got a job. A simple one though, a stock associate. Long hours, gruelling work, meagre pay, but honestly, after bumming around for a year, wallowing in my own despair and depression, this job maybe for the best - at least i dont have that much time for a "depressive self-reflection spiral" thing.
Its not a good life, but much better than i had.
>>4896nice job, anon
i hope you can at least beat my high score of working for only 5 months at a time
>>4900>spending money on mobagesHoly shit, stop. You can play actually good games right now without spending a dime.
>>4897Thanks, mate. Its been about 1.5 months now for me. I have no idea if I'll be able to reach your record. Especially cuz I know two of my fave colleagues will be leaving sooner or later.
>>4900I'm lucky the mobages I wanna play aren't available in Euroland, otherwise Id be in the same boat. Now I just spend it on Manga, doujin and clothes mostly lol
>>4903But I don't really care about PC or console games anymore aside from a solid few titles. I got used to being left out of the gaming scene since all I had was a potato PC and no consoles outside of a psp back when I didn't have any money.
i want to go back 6 years and change everything
i want to go back 23 years and change everything
28, started having trouble fitting in when I was only 8
Trouble began 10 years. Holy fuck, nobody can choose their family and what people you get exposed to, when you're still young. And mine got fucked up suddenly back then.
>>4959PFFT, I'm 27 and started having troubles at 4.
2 8
>>4991Jesus Christ, I thought I had it bad.
turning 15 in a few days
I’ve already been a complete hikki for 2 years (no homeschooling at all) out of depression and have recently started going to a school in south east London for kids with mental health issues. However, i’ve recently only went 2-3 days a week and get scared to go home out of fear of being kidnapped/raped. I want to be an engineer when i’m older….
>>5281Rules are rules, if it's less than three years, the staff would be admitting they let little kids browse the site.
20 but I feel 60.
>>529I wonder if this poster is legal now…
>>5475Absolutely based child-mind poster.
dodged /neet/ by volunteering weekly, but stopped going so here I am. Spent so much time doing nothing when I could be doing so much, want to get a job so I can get more of a grip on my life. At the very least I'll have money.
>>671Must have been around 2010, so 10 or 11.
>>25419, 20 in September.
>>67110, but I never played it until I was 12.
30 year old whose mentally 8 reporting in.
25 now, I've been bordering hikki for a while but have been in education most of the time to some degree. Weirdly finding these hikki threads recently has helped my mindset towards it all, instead of having this terrible guilt and shame all the time I can now put a name on it and have been dealing with it a little better for now at least
I turned 18 this February
currently 19, turning 20 this October
>>5525The jobs I've had that weren't too bad for that were doing warehouse work (heads up though this is fucking miserable) and medical transportation. Most of your time in medical transportation is spent on the road and roughly half of that is by yourself (or with a partner or two if you're an EMT/Paramedic) and when you're just a basic wheelchair van driver the other half is mostly just driving little old folks home or to rehab. It's kind of a comfy job and I've been enjoying it. Definitely worth looking into.
25, will be 26 this year in October.
I'll be 24 in July
27 …
I am Back after a few years of absence.
Went to study and threw away everything.
Now back to being a NEET I guess.
Glad this site is still running.
Really enjoyed the time back then.
I'm 21. I've been a NEET since I left high school when I was 17.
>>5566lol didnt meant to post oekaki orz
31 recently.
My life is really weird.
On the one hand, I have a decent programmer job, and I there's a couple thas good friends of mine, and allowed me to contact some high up people such as euro-parliamentarians and other influencial people. We are shaking up some things.
Besides those, I spend all my time alone. I had an exgf a few years ago but it went to shit after college. For some reason I don't manage to make any new friends and I don't really care about gfs anymore, so I just kind of live in a void.
I also know way more than I should about meditation, the occult, and other things…
I've had some ridiculous experiences, like chasing a suicidal schizo around a town, along with the police and the taxi company.
All those things may look like my life is fun, but it's actually being alone, browsing niche stuff, meditating and nothing happening until one of these crazy events happen, I'm a magnet for them.
If life were a script, I'd really want to meet the writer, and ask him wtf did he smoke when he wrote mine! Not that I'd complain though, it's not bad, just bizarre. I'm not a NEET, yet normal people feel like aliens to me. The feeling is probably mutual.
>>5595Me here
>>26122 now.
>>3087I'm 21 currently, I guess I somehow was able to accomplish a few milestones in life.
But I am far from being independent and still feel extremely behind everyone else my age.
Still haven't managed to get a single job and I punish myself every day for it.
Hopefully next time I reply things will have changed for the better.
29, I've gotten so used to feeling sad and angry all the time I don't even wanna change anymore.
>>5595>>673 was mine. And I know I posted my age prior to that, but I can't remember exactly which post it was
If it counts for anything, I'm still trapped in NEET hell and I will be 25 in three months.
21 in 4 months, dangerously close on becoming a NEET due to being rejected from the school I wanted to enroll in
>>5601How come you only applied to one?
I'm 26.
I realized I haven't posted my age in this thread yet. I'm currently 28.
>>5475Have you been a neet since then? I'm proud of you.
I'm sure I posted in in this thread a few years ago…
I'm 26 now. No longer a hopeless NEET, just a slightly less hopeless working man.
29. Temporary NEET until I find some work. Kinda refreshing since I spent the last 4 years as a wageslave.
34. I can never seem to keep a job. Watching the world burn.
>>258Also 26. Not a NEET, so I guess I ended up in the wrong board.
34, on and off between NEETdom and self-employment. Just recently went employee, though I'm not sure if my job counts as wageslaving.
I'm 21, turning 22 in December
26, I turn 27 next year.
22, cryptocurrency save me from this hell
>>529pic related being from omori is really surreal to me seeing as it was posted in 2016, i wonder if this anon got around to playing the game all these years later
Wonder where
>>529 is now… I hope you're okay
>>6683That's scary. I don't want to be 30
18. Been here since 14. Sorry Sei but I'm legal now =P
I'm 18.
18. been here since 14.
sorry Sei
>>6704Oh hey, I'm 6846. Wanna be friends
>>6847you're 6,846 years old??!
20. I've lurked since the days of Dream vs Dream. Mindblowing to see others that are around my age in such numbers.
23, I first came here when some other imageboards were dying around 4 years ago.
>>6864I’m surprised to see so many younger anons too. For some reason I thought this board skewed in the late 20s early 30s more.
>>6853Yes! And I'm here to take over the world for the elves! Mwahahahahahahaha!
Just kidding!
Or am I…?
im 34
I was a neet in my early 20s, got a job tanks to my parents, worked for a few years, lost my job over a year ago and just been sitting here
I feel like being a neet in your 20s was better / easier than it is now. I am going back to work since my money dried up but its so isolating as well.
>>5748man honestly proud of you dont mean to sound like a cocksucker or as though im shitting on neets but i just know that if a little fag like me started being hikki i would never stop lol, impressive fr
>>5748>I miss being a NEET,I think you're deluding yourself, I am glad you have become better.
>>323That's my post lol. I turn 29 in 8 weeks
>>385it's insane how fast time passes now. Hours feel like minutes somedays. 8 years and so much has changed. I was never active here but I can't believe how dead this board became. I'm no longer a NEET but I was one when I made that post. Wild…
>>8063Better, much much better. A lot of what I thought would never happen to me ending up going well in the end. Unfortunately, I never ever anticipated the degree of decline the world as a whole would go in 11 years. If I had known, I would have been much more proactive and focused, but I guess I now have goals, interests, reasons to live compared to then.
If I was starting as I was as a severely dysfunctional hikikomori teenager in the present…
yeahhhhhhh, I think I would just check out…
>>8062On the bright side, it's become something of a living time capsule. I don't know that you could have moments like this except on a dying imageboard.
>>8271yup, turning 20 in a few months. sucks.
>>8275I'm lucky because in my country you can do courses to get some money. I would like to buy a house in the future but I am not responsable enough to live alone!
>>8276I feel the same as when I turned 19 but I think turning 24 will be the real thing. I know all the normalfags will be married with children around that age
>>8281whats so funny anon !?
>>8274Well, for me things are looking neither particularly bleak nor bright.
I have one irl NEET friend who I can hang around with sometimes, but often he feels really distant. Though we've probably spent a month under the same roof together just this year
I think I last posted here in 2016. I am 33 now.
yay im not the only older person!
im 21, almost 22.
>>8417How old are you, 'non?
entering my mid 20s, it's a hell of an experience, but things have gotten way better.
they really put a man behind something
What is this scary looking link
>>8505I looked it up on browserling, it's a weird suspicious redirect to a random google search
>>8509Just no idea why someone would have posted that..
>>8511I don't know either.
crusty and old despite being 21 wao, now i will witness as every person older wants to beat me to death.
27 reporting in, this thread was posted when I was still lurking as an 18 year old, it's kind of sad that I used to be too chronically shy to post even anonymously. Would have been cool to see a time capsule of myself. For my future self's sake though, I think I'll blogpost a bit. Sorry if it comes off as annoying, this thread's neat and I didn't expect uboa to have survived this long. What if it survives for much longer still?
It's funny skimming through the thread, one second you've reached the point you can finally post as haphazardly as you want on any imageboard/site, the next you're basically ancient on the internet. I realize 27 isn't that much still but damn, I used to be the one thinking "omg 20's how oldddd". Things do get better as you get older even if they don't really, and that only makes sense as you develop yourself it turns out. I honestly used to think that thought was just a platitude. I'm learning more about myself every year even if so far nearly 3/4s of my adult life have been eaten up by repeated or long cycles NEETdom. I'm slowly finding my way through things, in and out of society. I can say I feel capable of being more human now, and I've even found a way to start over in a new country (it's not Japan lol) which is a lot for the way I used to be not too long ago. It's going to be so freeing even if I still hate every second that I'm not distracted right now. Real life's not nearly as stressful to interact with as it was when I was 22 and barely starting to do anything, I'm thankful for that. I still wish I had gone to school at all for the experience or something though. Maybe I'll go in my new country once I'm integrated enough and get good enough at the native language.
Maybe I'll also find a way to make a proper life for myself even online still, more social and in a healthier way than I've been before. It almost kind of sucks now being anonymous everywhere I go, it feels like I'm the only person without a proper handle, like I shouldn't exist most of the time; but I'm building up the courage in all facets of myself, and I know one day I'll be able to share what I like to do or my interests and what I make and meet a lot of cool people once I do. I'm excited to see where my life keeps going.
Good luck to you starting 20s. Good luck to you now mid-upper 30s if any of the older anons from back then still check here.
I'm 28. It doesn't get better.
im 9 but dnt. wary im realy coll im not liek otehr 9 years Olds. My local priest say's im relly Smart and Mature and he buy's me candy im relly col guys :sunglasses: :boom: :dinosaur: lol xd xd(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Forgot how many times I posted in here. Maybe twice before. I'm 31 now. Changed my hikki ways years ago but was surprised to learn that was the easiest part of it all. I will keep trying my best but I will still say the time to create a foundation is in your teens, not 20s. People like me will likely have big problems for the rest of their lives, just how it is.
Can one of yous play with me wily I want girl but it dosnt matter
>>8851I LOVE DRINKING RAGHHHH!!!! Almost as much as I love GAMBLING RAGHHHHH!!!!!