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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I'm just trapped in an endless swirling antlion pit of worthlessness, what do I do?

I've been socially isolated and excluded from having friends ever since I was a little kid because I have debilitating ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism ect.

After barely scraping through highschool, I managed to move out of my abusive parents' house into a shoddy bedroom rental in a house full of real creepy normie cis dudes. At this point I somehow managed to make a girlfriend online because we're both NEETs and after a couple years of dating and mailing my stuff to her house in boxes because moving services aren't affordable, and finally took a plane to move in with her.

We've lived together for about two years now and she's the light of my life and the only reason I haven't offed myself. But after two years, dozens of resumes, and the fucking ocean of spaghetti I've spilled trying to hand them out, I still can't find work.

Her parents are nice enough to let me live here rent free until I can find work, but I've just become such a parasite. I don't know what to do. I'm trying so hard and the world refuses to acknowledge it. Help.


I think this post is more properly suited for /rec/


Try a part time work meanwhile you search someting more stable


I agree. I think what's important is to keep you from drowning in your own mind and stop moving forward. Any from of foothold or ledge to grab on would be good. Or not. So far like all I ever do is curl in to a ball and wait for things to go away. This "just grab a crap job and figure it out from there" is my go to self-reassurance when ever I remember that I'm actually old enough to be executed for serious crimes and shits while not having a slither of any practical skills to funtcion as an adult and haven't once attempting to redeem myself. I haven't made any steps, I don't really know if it works or not. This entire reply makes no sense and probably is the summary of my entire literature skills but you have come so far to drown now. Trying to keep your head above water, you got this, I hope.

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