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R: 0 / I: 0


i wanna killl myself
R: 54 / I: 12 (sticky)

Yume Nikki Scanlations Project

Originally suggested some time ago, the idea has finally come true and is official now.

Uboachan is currently and actively working on the translation of Manga, Doujinshi and other fanworks related to Yume Nikki. The group behind the translations is Patchy Illusion Team. For those who don't know, we were originally a group oriented to game making/help. The team was disbanded, however, and I decided to take the reins and use it for this project. The name may ring a bell in some users.

We decided to create an all-purpose thread where we will publish new releases, post announcements, answer questions from the users and take suggestions. If you have something to say, this is the right place.

That being said, here's our first announcement: We are currently in the need of more people. If you want to give a hand, please, make sure to check the about page in our site and see what would you like to apply for:


You may also post in the thread, or send me a mail (hover over my name in the post).

More hands working on this means faster and better translations. This is a work done by the users for the users. And, as much as we all would love to translate manga as fast as possible, it is a rather time-consuming process prone to error. We're all human and we need to use our time for other things, such as work and/or college, or other people pointing out what we did wrong.

Please, notice no prior experience in any of these fields is needed at all. I personally don't have any problems with teaching people how to use gimp and what's the difference between a good and bad translation. Ultimately, we're doing this for our own enjoyment out of our own free will, so don't feel discouraged to give it a try if you want to participate. We don't bite.

Many of us have always felt a special connection with Yume Nikki, and it has even changed the lives of a few people (uboachan is a big proof of this). There's still a lot of unknown material ready to be discovered. I hope we can manage to make it available for everybody through our translations, and to spread the love for Yume Nikki.
R: 19 / I: 14
The creator himself said he confirmed that he does not have it, apart from that, according to what a Spanish-speaking commentator sent, the following is known:

Greetings, to add.
There is a Japanese mugen database that has the following referenced about madotsuki
In the threads that are archived from 4 ch to n on the video game board. There are several anons who mention that they have found strange characters (they demonstrate this with a webm or by posting the links if they are asked) and mentioning that they find them by searching purely in Japanese.
Searching as mugen+[character name in Japanese] on niconicoduoga was also mentioned. But in this case it won't work because of what was mentioned in your video.
I can think of several ways to find the character
IBS (f u t u b a chan, where the mugen full game Nijikaku came out) and Japanese forums (the latter focused on mugen)
Users who commented on eiten's madotsuki video
Other people you interact with on your social networks about mugen
It could also be that it is uploaded on b a i d u, I think the b a i d u search engine no longer works but you need to check.

The IBS options will need to speak Japanese and in forums it is likely yes or no like niconicoduoga users or people related to mugen with eiten.
I hope you have new information about madotsuki.
P.S. Youtube gave me a lot of trouble posting this.
R: 10 / I: 1

Yume Nikki 0.04 English

I decided to translate 0.04 to English for anyone who's interested.
R: 91 / I: 38
The hug thread is gone >>>/c/1313. But I want to keep reporting about it. It's been eight years since the original thread. Would be against the rules to start a new one here?
R: 0 / I: 0
I fell in the insanity… Help me XD
R: 6 / I: 2
hi, new here. i noticed each door in the nexus has an opposite. is this significant?
>number (concrete) — mural (abstract)
>neon (cheerful) — snow (sad)
>shield-folk (bright?) — dark (dark?)
>candle (small fire?) — puddle (small water?)
>eyeball (spheres) — block (cubes)
>graffiti (man-made?) — forest (natural?)

also made an extended ver of nexus bg
R: 25 / I: 4


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to ask you.
Can you give me ideas for Yume nikki's videos?
and Who want colaborate or help?
R: 2 / I: 0

1st playthrough

am 21, first time in ponikos house, turn the light off 2 times, get ready for torture. 3rd time I get uboa. I have not been spoilered on what happenes. I have not gone in yet. This is fantastic, my joy is imeasurable
R: 4 / I: 0


hello, ladies and gentlemen.
how're you?
I'm fine.
And, I want to show this community to youtube :D
R: 1 / I: 0

yume nikki's stream

merry christmas., ladies and gentlema.
I'm a cojntent creator and now…
I', stream yume nikki
R: 4 / I: 0


Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

thanks for the before post and your answers.

I decide make a funny gameplay…


Or not…
R: 4 / I: 0


Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
How're you?

I want to know if the foro still live
R: 8 / I: 4

Yume Nikki 20th Anniversary Mod

Happy 20th Anniversary Yume Nikki
to celebrate yume nikki's 20th anniversary i made this
go check it out if you want
R: 14 / I: 9
requesting yume nikki themed wallpapers without characters

pic related
R: 0 / I: 0

yume nikki's collection

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Can you give me the cronology of yumme nikki?
R: 0 / I: 0
Hello, ladies and gentleman. How're you?..
I return from the exams and homework XD…
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 4 / I: 3

Madotsuki has been crowned Queen of /v/ 2024

R: 5 / I: 1

My introduction

Hi, I'm the doge god.
I'm a newbie to this community and the game Yume Nikki.
Please don't attack me for being new and can you explain to me how it is to live in this friendly community?
R: 6 / I: 0

Pop up shop

Been a long time friend, anyone order the pop up shop stuff? I have another package coming in god knows when but I got these today.
R: 1 / I: 0
I found the best music known to man

R: 3 / I: 0

Kikiyama's email

Does anyone has Kikiyama's email because I need message about older versions
R: 28 / I: 7

Yume Nikki origins

How did Yume nikki become known? Do you know, or can you see somewhere, what the first 2chan thread was where Kikiyama mentioned the game? Is there somewhere on the internet where Kikiyama presented his game that June 2004?
R: 20 / I: 33
It's June 26. Happy 14th birthday, Madotsuki!
R: 3 / I: 1

New PLayer

Hey I'm new to Yume Nikki and I heard the Steam version is trash. Is this true, if so, which way is the best way to play?
R: 4 / I: 5

CD Reproduction

Recently just reproduced the Yume no oto album.
R: 10 / I: 3

Uboa Meaning?

As a newer YN Fan, Uboa is confusing. I know it is one of the most popular events in-game, but I’m confused on the symbolism. Mado crying in the closet is probably dysphoria, and Shitai-san is probably car-related trauma, but what is Uboa?
R: 303 / I: 68 (sticky)

General help thread

here we post "WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING" and then someone else posts "THIS IS WHY AND HOW TO FIX" yay

helping the YN/fangame community, ONE HELP THREAD AT A TIME.

Previously solved problems

add LC_ALL=ja_JP@utf8 before the line to execute wine on your terminal.

I downloaded an old version of YN that still has everything written in japanese, save the game text, and it's never given me any errors. If anyone wants me to post this on /media/ i can but, i trust saya-chan's repack more than this half-translated thing lol. especially since i played it on an XP.
R: 31 / I: 26

Monok+Monoe Appreciation Thread


monoko is good too
sorry for the draw, tegaki a shit and all my good ones fuckin crashed the browser so thisll have to do
R: 11 / I: 10

Bump When High

Hey brosephs and sexy girls

You ready to party?

Bump while high thread
R: 5 / I: 2
Love how the game looks on VHS (but don't know much about the ARG thing)

R: 1 / I: 0

Favorite Yume Nikki/2kki song?

Can't tell the hours I've been listen The Ceiling and Forest of Reflection themes.
R: 4 / I: 1


R: 45 / I: 20

Yume Nikki in America

Wtf is this bruh. There was a slideshow with a QR code that had this on it.
R: 8 / I: 0

just made this character wgat should i name them
R: 1 / I: 1

Yume Nikki on PSVita

Is there a way I can run Yume Nikki on my Vita? I've heard there is a vpk for it somewhere but can't find it and you have to run it in rpgmaker player or something. Can anyone here help me out?
R: 12 / I: 6
Hey guys lets do something fun. These iceberg images are pretty popping right now, especially the Mario 64 one, so lets make one for Yume Nikki. I did a shitty fast rough draft of one. Got any suggestions? Things to add? Things to move?
R: 7 / I: 1

Going in blind-ish

Hey guys

Found this game through some TKMIZ art and thought it would be worth giving a try.

I get the vibe that this game is best played by going in blind, but I always have more trouble than most when doing so.

Without giving too much away, is there a recommended way to play the game or a certain mindset needed to play this? Any advice for someone new who wants to try this out?

Thanks anons
R: 0 / I: 0
What are you guys' opinions on "Poophair and…" by Ponesuke? I've never really cared for said NPC before, but this cute little doujin turned that around…
R: 7 / I: 5

old madot pfp

does anyone have the source image for this pfp from 3 years ago? i've tried everything, google images, yandex reverse search, the boorus, but i still haven't found anything, it's like the image was wiped from the internet.
all i remember is madot holding an umbrella in the rain
R: 29 / I: 17
hey anons

im really feeling weird atm

i can't make my mind up about anything

and i've been playing yume nikki on steam

but reading the reviews…….

god dammit

i just get so pissed off????

like so many people come to yume nikki from omori, which is fair enough ig, but whenever the two are compared, it just pisses me off so much

i dont want my favourite game to be compared to your white girl depression fetish rpg


god anons im so tired

of being mean

n having strong opinions

my sister got me the madotsuki plush for my birthday, which is coming up soon

but the thought is weirdly stressful

like, what if i don't appreciate it enough? what if i dont like it?

i nearly freaked out because of a redundant colour on madotsuki's sprite

maybe i just have stupid autismo brainrot (likely) thats being amplified by my loneliness and general anger (even more likely)

im sorry

anybody wanna chat?
R: 9 / I: 7
What's your most nostalgic memory from Yume Nikki?
For me it's when you meet KyuuKyuu-kun. Something always resonated with me, especially him rubbing the stairwell and seemingly spacing out. He seems nice :)
R: 2 / I: 1

Need Help Finding Yume Nikki Fanart

I'm making this post because I need help to find older artwork from a Japanese artist known nowadays as Funamusea (Deep-Sea Prisoner) previously known as Okegom. I ask this because it seems a lot of her older artworks have been lost to time and may not be archived as well. I have searched other boorus which do contain older art, but it seems to be reposted artwork from her or incredibly popular artwork. I have also search her own website where she has catalogued tons of artwork, however artwork seen in picrel do not appear.

The picture in question I believe is a screenshot of one of her folders containing older artwork of hers. This was posted to X I believe. If you look closely, you can see a ton of Yume Nikki artwork. However nowadays, she posts OC and commissions.

If anyone does have old artwork saved, please post below or please send links to where older art is archived/posted. Thank you.
R: 5 / I: 4


I am a magical, spiritual entity
R: 152 / I: 48

Music Thread

One of my favourite threads was "Music that reminds you of Yume Nikki", so I thought I'd start a new one!


"Leave me on the tracks
To wait until the morning train arrives
Don't you dare look back
Walk away, catch up with the sunrise"
R: 6 / I: 1


How it feels to be alone basically
R: 79 / I: 24

Toby Fox interviews Kikiyama

Repost from /v/thread/626284658:
Toby Fox interviews Yume Nikki's creator Kikiyama.

R: 2 / I: 1

yn appreciation!

yume nikki was my first dive into rpg maker games and i'm really grateful for it because of all the fun i've had! out of curiosity, how did it impact you?
R: 6 / I: 1

How to lucid dream?

I always wanted to explore my dreams like madotsuki, but i cant do it the only time i did was while i was at a nightmare but i didn't knew about being lucid in dreams

And now im here asking tips and techniques for lucid dreaming
R: 8 / I: 3

madotsuki cosplay thread

show me your sexy hikki women
R: 7 / I: 2

my yume nikki collection!

I am very happy to finally own all of this! I was originally planning to start opening and using and playing with some of this stuff once I collected them all of the Fangamer merch, but now that they announced new merch on their website, I am considering waiting until those come out to do that, but for now let me know what you all think! Thank you for reading this!
R: 6 / I: 4

drawing conclusions about mado's life based on the dream world

i think theres a lot of interesting speculations that can be made about madotsuki's previous life before the hikki-ing, based on what is prominently displayed in the dream world. as in our dreams, what happens in them is based on our memories, experiences, and mindsets as we go through the real world, which then get chopped and screwed into fun little events or traumatic nightmares. i'll be posting some of my theories below, but id love to hear what you guys think based on your interpretations of the game :)
R: 79 / I: 22
Ever smoked weed while playing yume nikki?
R: 1 / I: 0


Show me your rings
R: 1 / I: 0

rice casserole with 3 types of cheese and shrimp

Do you know the recipe for Denny's rice casserole with 3 types of cheese and shrimp? I wanna try it.
R: 1 / I: 0

poniko confirmed utena fan

poniko confirmed gay
R: 1 / I: 1

|Toriningen Preserve|

Please do not be disruptive or leave uneaten food lying around.
R: 5 / I: 3

General Yume Nikki Aesthetics

Post em
R: 6 / I: 0

LSD and Yume games?

Has anyone tried LSD and played this game? what was your experience?
R: 3 / I: 1


i usually work on drawomgs and sometimes animations so here's yume nikki
R: 14 / I: 7

Yume Nikki 19th Anniversary

Get your party poppers out cuz it's time we celebrate
R: 2 / I: 0

Yume Nikki Fangame Protag.

From my Yume Nikki Fangame, Nightmarescape.
R: 14 / I: 18
Does anyone have a fullset of artpages from the YN light novel? Would like to obtain one.
R: 13 / I: 4

Poniko’s room is a room designers nightmare

I think the only thing scarier in Poniko’s room than uboa is the fact that the foot of her bed faces the wall
R: 1 / I: 1

The Lost madotsuki for mugen

I want to tell you about an anecdote about a not very well known case about a lost content in reference to madotsuki. We all know mugen, a graphics engine for fighting like street fighter, I suppose you have come to download the RoySquadRocks char, which must be the best known, or the LJH one, which is a reference to yn gensou.

But that's not the point, the point is that a long time ago, there were people who had been trying to adapt mado to mugen for a long time, they were people from the Nico Nico douga platform, now called Nico video, who showed their progress through videos. If you search for the word masotsuki in Japanese and putting together the word mugen, there you can find all the videos from those years.

Despite the fact that most failed in the attempt, there was a person who was able to publish a not very well-known version about madotsuki that is now lost, his name was eiten, who was able to publish his version on his Nico video account.


Unfortunately, the download link was removed, due to an accident, no one knows who could have downloaded it since then, since the link was available since 2013, has anyone seen this madotsuki?
R: 2 / I: 0


What should I theme my nikkilike game around?
I want something to do with decay, and the mental state.
Currently, the protagonist enters the nexus by staring into a cracked, rusted mirror in a tiny shack. They have been evicted by their parents, either due to their frail mental health or their sexuality/gender. The game is called FUHAI. The protagonist is KUSUBANA.
R: 95 / I: 37
I was updating my Yume Nikki folder when I found this.
It's a CD called "音日記" ("Sound Diary") that was released during Comiket 86. The PVs sound nice, but unfortunately, I can't seem to find any upload, and the people doing it don't sell it by mail.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBNCgQzRVdg (same video as above)

But while looking for it, I found this other thing:
It's the YN wiki in Chinese, and it list all the CDs released, either officially or by doujin artists. So I thought about hunting them all down, and… failed miserably.

The official ones are already available on other threads, and these are the links:
Yume Nikki no Tame no Waltz:
mp3 - http://www.mediafire.com/download/9hbb6oiabz1oer6/ゆめにっきのためのワルツ.rar
flac - http://www.mediafire.com/download/9egjvks5be4iix8/ゆめにっきのためのワルツ FLAC.rar

Yume no oto:
mp3 - https://mega.co.nz/#!spw3CJxI!Y9On2qAr_qJKhEaFngTchks2opW8zbioC55jRFUKiPQ
flac - https://mega.co.nz/#!99RHCDaL!sIPe4YjgxLz-O0rfALuzRvJo2MX8PqfdtnSUL449fTs

And this is what I got for the doujin ones:
24 effects (is this even necessary?):

Subliminal (not sure where I got this):

All the others are unavailable (maybe perfect dark would help), and except for Oto Nikki (by Rain Lily White), they are all made by a doujin circle named 火星ピクニック/"Picnic in Mars" (one of the members is Mt. Kiki, the guy that was editing our wiki not that long ago).

So, anyone willing to join me on my search for these?
R: 13 / I: 1

Mother Mado

So I was browsing TV Tropes when I stumbled upon the Spiritual Adaptation page. In the video games subpage it said that "The David Lynch film Eraserhead has an adaptation in the form of Yume Nikki. The similarities between the two are uncanny." One of the main interpretations of the film is that the protagonist Henry Spencer is facing the troubles of fatherhood much like David Lynch was going through when he had his first kid. So what if in Yume Nikki, Madotsuki is actually pregnant and the whole game is Madotsuki's journey through motherhood. It might be her worrying on might what happen to her child if said kid grew up. She might be afraid of failing as a mom and her child living a terrible life. At least, I think that's what I think.
R: 32 / I: 11


anyone here on 2022 rn?
R: 8 / I: 6

African themes

Apart from some of the music in the game, such as the Kalimba and Monoko events, can you guys think of any other African influences in the themes of the game?
R: 2 / I: 1

Yume nikki merch

Hey where i can buy some yume nikki merch with nice quality
R: 3 / I: 0


I'm new. The numbers in the image will be useful? cause I took screenshot of every fucking number.
R: 11 / I: 3

Cool video

This is such a good underated video
R: 1 / I: 1

Yume Nikki is a rorschach test

Yume Nikki is a game that has a ton of different versions as well as disparate kinds of content. In addition to this it's not a linear game, and as such playthroughs will be more-or-less unique. In this sort of a context it seems inevitable that certain elements of the game will impress themselves upon some players more than others. Different people will take away different things from the game depending on their experience and interpretation. This individual and subjective nature of the game is directly suggested in the player exploring Madotsuki's dream worlds. (i.e. her unconscious.)

But the most explicit mention of rorschach test's in the game is perhaps the character FACE. Far from resembling phallic imagery, FACE far more clearly resembles an inkblot test. The idea that FACE looks like phallic imagery is obviously a libidinal interpretation, which gives more weight to the desires of the Id. (Lol dongs.) This also suggests the interpretive and subjective nature of the game.

I don't even know how often people come to this chan, but I thought I'd leave this here.

R: 1 / I: 0
R: 2 / I: 1

Yume Nikki | Get Lost Simulator - Scott The Woz

scott the woz yume nikki video
R: 8 / I: 0
Thank you for everything, Gatobot! Kikiyama would be proud of you. (Not irony)
R: 1 / I: 0

KIkiyama is Hiroko Nishikawa

Hiroko Nishikawa was a game designer at Asmik Ace Entertainment. Between the 1970s, 80s and 90s she'd often have some dreams and nightmares. She would usually write these down in her dream diary. It was the inspiration for Osamu Sato to make LSD: Dream Emulator. So, Yume Nikki might be how she felt over the years of her dreaming.
R: 2 / I: 0

Need help finding a specific fan video

Hi, I was browsing through an old Yume Nikki fansite (http://www.theneitherworld.com/yumenikki/fan/fanvids.htm) when I saw they mentioned a Yume Nikki parody of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei (or a Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei parody of Yume Nikki? I'm not sure.)

The link to it is dead though, and they didn't put the actual title of it either. If anyone knows what video they're talking about and can link it, that'd be great, because Yume Nikki and SZS are basically my two favorite things ever.

(Sorry if this isn't the right board for this, this is my first time posting on this site.)

(Pic mostly unrelated.)
R: 2 / I: 0
Was 0.10 was really intended to be the final version of Yume Nikki, or did Kikiyama abandon the project before finishing their full vision of what the game was supposed to be?
R: 8 / I: 1
Anyone ever noticed how BIG her room is? I'm American, living in a residential neighborhood, and my room's like half this size.
R: 68 / I: 25
What should be done about the current zoomer problem this fandom has? It's either full of fatalists who live off by their synthetic drugs, or ironic fans who laugh at others who look too deeply into things. Both love making shitty memes either way
Nowadays it's hard finding fans who actually love the game for what it is, and are also not hinged by what they do in their everyday life and their beliefs. Anyone else here still has a soft spot for YN, even if you haven't played it in forever?
R: 4 / I: 4

Cute fanart

Post the cutest Yume Nikki fanart you can find.
R: 0 / I: 0
Was the thing with the quivering jaw based on this carving?


I was reading about monoliths and stumbled across the image. It looks relatively similar.
R: 5 / I: 0
what do we think of this guy? i named him Taku (and his little snake is Maki) I really want him to get more recognition so pls post abt him in the replies, thank u
R: 3 / I: 1
Is this what Masada does in his spare time?
R: 1 / I: 1

what are these cubes called?

These stone cubes with :( on four sides are real. I've seen someone post a picture of them in some grassy plains with tourists standing nearby and they are also huge irl.

I can't find the picture for the life of me and I want to show people. Does anyone have a picture of the actual ruins or know what they're called? pic related, thx
R: 5 / I: 0

Yume Nikki 0.10 VS. Steam Release

Hey. Just wanted to know whether I should play the the 0.10 release uploaded here on this website, or the steam release. I read a few of the reviews on the Steam release's page that claimed that the "fan translation" was better or something like that. Wanted to know if the version provided on this forum is… well, that. Or if there really is any difference at all. Thanks.
R: 21 / I: 1

Yume Nikki Deluxe

I've always really enjoyed the idea of a "deluxe mod" for Yume Nikki. It would reimplement cut and unused content from all previous versions into 0.10 and maybe add some quality of life improvements too
The goal of the mod would be to provide a somewhat fresh experience to anons who haven't played the game in a while.
What does Ubuu thinks?
R: 59 / I: 21

Dreamstuck General

In case you're not aware, i'm doing a yume nikki fanventure: http://mspfanventures.com/?s=18268
It's basically a mspaint styled comic where you give commands to a character.
You can leave commands here or in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/BZhJ8rg
R: 0 / I: 0
dedicated server for yume nikki fans, welcome

R: 11 / I: 1

Multiplayer Yume Nikki

Found online, exactly as the title sounds

R: 0 / I: 0
Yume Nikki server:
R: 33 / I: 20
Kikiyama deleted his website…
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 45 / I: 21
it's been 17 years, what's even left to discuss about this game anymore
R: 7 / I: 1

translations translations

hello frens, newfag here, what translation is better, steam or uboachan? Heard steam is full of mistranslations, haven't heard anything about this here version
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 0 / I: 0

(- . -)

R: 43 / I: 14
do you remember playing Yume Nikki for the first time, Anons?
R: 21 / I: 7

Unpopular Opinions/Theories

I think that Mado really did kill herself and the Jellies at the end where just for aesthetics
Not that I like that she killed herself
R: 11 / I: 3

Audience think I want to commit suicide

Hi, it's good to encounter a nice Yume Nikki community. Yesterday I finished the game with his Traggic ending, I felt empty at the time but then I realised it was a good ending for Madotsuki, who continuously had to face Horrific figures such as the Monster (I still don't know his name, help me out with that) that appears in Poniko's room (It's funny because I know the name of this blonde girl and I don't know the name of the monster) when you press too many times de Light Button. In inspiration for that I made a video representing the ending but with my Inksona (Yeah, I do this kind of poop too) with a Final message in the end.


Funny thing is, most of my viewers don't know about the ending so they think I really wanted to commit suicide xD or I felt too bad about it that I want that as an option.
What do you think of it?
R: 16 / I: 8


stereogram thread
R: 1 / I: 0

monoe and monoko

do you guys have any images of monoe and monoko using the fat effect?
R: 19 / I: 2
Yume Nikki on Android… Is it possible?
R: 5 / I: 4
How about we make some effects?

R: 10 / I: 5

Yume Art

Post some of your favorite YN arts.
R: 4 / I: 1
They just found the lost 0.07 and 0.08 versions, a group of fans found out some CD's from 2005 on a japanese auctions website with multiple games on them, including some old and lost YN versions.

R: 8 / I: 3

yume plushies

Hello there uboa, i was surfing on twitter and found this dude that made a madotsuki plushie.
the mado plushie looks very cute.
anyone make more of this stuff?
heres the orginal account that posted the picture
R: 6 / I: 4

Yume nikki art folder

if anyone has yumenikki art archive folder, could you share it to pls.
R: 0 / I: 0

Project Yume Nikki Website & Merch

Now, instead of viewing the MediaFire folder, you can download the entire package so you won't have to download each file one by one. Both are .zip.

This file leads to the Project Yume Nikki website pictures/art: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vXAIGK8vtYOq7bxWc_JGy0OKsGli-nPN/view?usp=sharing

This file leads to the Mercari Yume Nikki merchandise results: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VBVBKfpw_RD54zKi38LD17_EF3MG4aSn/view?usp=sharing
R: 3 / I: 1

Monoko or Monoe using Fat effect

Do any of you guys have a picture of Monoko or Monoe using the Fat effect? I looked up on all boorus as well as Google and only found two or three images. Are there any more of it?
R: 2 / I: 0

Project Yume Nikki

'Ello, me again. I'm the same bloke that translated every Yume Nikki file name that was in Japanese 0to English and dug through over 50 pages of Mercari search results looking for Yume Nikki merch, and also a lot of digging on me phone too. This time I present you's with another collection, that is every picture that was used on the Project Yume Nikki website.

This folder dates back to February and I decided that I'd better share it rather than keep it to myself. Of course, using a wayback machine you can look at the website as it stood back than, so this collection is kind of redundant, but I thought it would be useful anyways. Enjoy!

R: 3 / I: 0

Witch's Flight Research

I've been trying to search online just where the hell that picture is from. This is my data collected so far of images SIMILAR to what's in the game. If anyone can give any real results, that'd be amazing.

Picture 1:




Picture 2:





Picture 3:




Picture 4:




Picture 5:





Picture 6:




Picture 7:


R: 3 / I: 1

Happy 17 years of yume Nikki

Dream on!
R: 23 / I: 7
Uboa laying in bed
R: 3 / I: 1
What are the sounds Madotsuki makes when you try to use an effect but aren't able to? Are they actual Japanese words?
R: 4 / I: 1

I found this

so I found hidden bored on this site.
Is there any other unlisted bored's on this site?
R: 1 / I: 0


Me mate wanted me to translate all of the file names in Yume Nikki to English so he could use them, and I thought other people could use them too if they don't want to sift through files that names are only numbers and mojibake.

Here's a .rar link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4ubogsvkejyev9y/Yume+Nikki+Translated+Files.rar/file

Here's a .zip link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/yrl4ngn6sqq4iqf/Yume+Nikki+Translated+Files.zip/file
R: 4 / I: 1
Yume Nikki AU sequel: It turns out that Mado's room wasn't that high up and she just ended up twisting her ankle.
R: 3 / I: 0

Yume Nikki Merchandise Research

I've been searching everywhere for photos and pictures like these, and going through almost 60 pages of Mercari, as well as countless hours of night searching, I figured you'd all be interested in my discoveries to pick up every bit of detail of every released official Yume Nikki item, since this isn't exactly the easiest to find. And if you're interested in buying any of the merchandise items,just go to Mercari JP and copy and paste the name of the item that correlates to the picture.
R: 4 / I: 3

Blank Backgrounds?

I'm looking for the blank backgrounds of rooms in Yume Nikki without Madotsuki or any NPC. Does anyone have that or advice on how to get that?
R: 1 / I: 0
why are you guys such massive faggots?
R: 12 / I: 0

If you could remake YN, what would you change?

I am currently working on a concept for an exploration game, which has some ties to YN, it's not exactly a fan-game, but I want it to be a surreal walking simulator.
Since YN, honestly, has its issues I am trying to figure out how to evade these issues. I am not here to roast YN or something, I am looking for design changes, that make the game easier to play, especially for people who dont know anything about the it (pic related).

Here's the most common issues i hear about and there is only one rule to go by: If there is no good design-excuse for it, cut it.

- Too much empty space. I would probably design more smaller worlds and reduce unneccecary walking. tedious looping is not fun. The map sizes need to be drastically reduced.
- Pointless effects. I would either implement some use for the effects given or get rid of the ones that only have a cosmetic purpose. There are 4 really useful effects. others are either completely pointless or they are useful like 1 time an then never again (Yukki Onna, Witch and Umbrella for example)
-Knife is good, would keep. Eye Palm is useful. I would remove the bike and just add a run-button. Stop-Light needs balancing, i would make it so that the npcs unfreeze automatically after a few secs to make it harder to escape the toriningen. The cat is kind of useful. Every other effect is of practically no use and can be removed.
-As a new player, you cannot get anywhere without the assistance of walkthroughs, wikis or youtube. That's just terrible game design and the tiniest amount of guidance would be much appreciated. However i have not yet found a way to get around this. There are no compasses or maps in dreams, really. So idk, let me know if you got any ideas.

Anything else you would change to improve the game? My goal is to make it more accessible to new players and to make exploration more rewarding.
R: 9 / I: 0

Yume Nikki Browser

Hello everyone, I present to you "Yume Nikki Browser".

It's basically Yume Nikki made in plain html, but mainly to explore areas of the game with the web browser and cursor.

There're a lot of minor updates and fixing that I'll implement in the future, now that it's practically finished (except for some minor areas).

I was hoping for you to try it and give me some feedback/suggestions for it. I hope you like it!

R: 19 / I: 0

First Thoughts Thread

Recently finished Yume Nikki despite knowing about it for a long time.

I'd like to hear what other people thought about the game when they first played it, and when they first finished it.

For me, I thought it was immensely relatable. I spend almost all of my time escaping online or in games, then going to bed to hope I might have a fun dream, almost never leaving this small space. The ending was perfect, it was predictable but in a strange way it wasn't. I feel like in my own life I predict suicide as the likely outcome, but I still repress it, and I did the same in Yume Nikki. Even as Madotsuki stepped up, I didn't know where she was going until it was too late.

I'm sorry if this has been posted a million times before, but I'd still like to hear your first impressions of the game or about my reaction.
R: 2 / I: 0
I don't understand why people think madotsuki is locked in her room? What is the idea/evidense about this theory?
To me it kinda flies in the fave of the themes of social anxiety and being a hikkimori in my view of the game
R: 9 / I: 7

Possible source of inspiration

I recently discovered Victor Brauner's artwork, and I was wondering: could it have inspired YN on some level?

R: 12 / I: 7
I'm surprised how little has been talked about the influence of various 20th century artists/art movements on Yume Nikki, compared to all the theories/explanations for the aztec imagery. Pictured is a sculpture by the dada artist Jean Arp.
R: 3 / I: 0

Yume Niiki browser vers

Someone made a browser version of the game, I don't think anyone has posted about it yet. So if you're a fan wo can't download the game you can go here http://yumenikki-game.tkool.andapp.jp/
R: 7 / I: 0

Nasu app

yes this is a thing
R: 3 / I: 0


how active is this site? i remembered that this game exists and how ungodly obsessed i was for the longest time and i recall going on this site a ton and lurking
R: 7 / I: 9
>yume nikki fanart
>it's a drawing of a druggie madotsuki in eye searing colors
why is the fanart shitty now
also, fanart thread, I guess
R: 4 / I: 1

yoome nikki

i put le yume nikki on the web, not much else to say

( put your own rpgmaker 2000 games online:
https://wiki.easyrpg.org/development/player/web?s[]=web )
R: 10 / I: 1
Footage of v0.04 found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFuW07XgQco

(Image relevant, it's of an event that was removed in later versions.)
R: 79 / I: 132

Madotsuki’s Room (Name)

Madotsuki’s Room Ver_2019_0108_12:26
R: 2 / I: 0
Hello everyone, I'm trying to modify some stuff in Yume Nikki with a pirated copy of RPG Maker 2k3 for a personal project I'm working on and would like to ask anyone who has experience with the game files of Yume Nikki or RPG Maker where exactly the contents of the Instructions or NASU menus are scored, thanks
R: 43 / I: 11
how long has it been since you actually played.

why did you abandon her.
R: 3 / I: 1

Madotsuki at the beach

Madotsuki is at the beaach, she is having so much fun!
R: 4 / I: 0
will there ever be another game like yume nikki?
R: 1 / I: 0

Secret event in yume nikki found after all these years?

(Version: 0.10) Here's how I got it: I deposited all effects in Nexus except for triangle kerchief, went to sky garden (where u enter Ghost World) and everything turned red), everything also began to shake, NPC's blocked the entrance of the Ghost World and then saw Uboa in the sky for 5 seconds, Madotsuki then woke up (sadly have no image footage because of how surprised I was)
R: 1 / I: 0
/yn/ forgot her birthday once again…
R: 6 / I: 1

Anyone know where I can buy Madotsuki sweater?

This one by Fangamer looks the best but it's always sold out. Know where I can buy something that looks similar? Plenty of tees and long sleeves that have Madotsuki's sweater decal but lacks the pink/maroon color of the rest of the sweater.
R: 2 / I: 0
what do now?
R: 40 / I: 12
so /yn/, what makes you keep coming back here? Is the comfy banter, your dedication to the game, or because you're bored?
R: 4 / I: 0

feelings associated with game

is there any word for how this game makes me feel?
i feel lost in something bigger than what is conceivable. i used to be a diver. being upside down underwater is comparable. so is breathing there. just looking into the far reaches of the ocean while you're submerged, knowing that you really shouldn't be able to. but for some reason you are.
my stomach feels cold and petrified. a sensation that's crawling up my oesophagus up to my throat. it's not restrictive, it's not scary. it's just a gut instinct telling me something isn't right.
i think about being different. my mind wanders.
explores subject matter very different from the game which somehow still feels connected.
loneliness but comfort in solitude.
being lost in an ocean of ink.
at a certain point you just lose track of which way is up.

i can't really put my feelings into words and instead tend to write down abstract thoughts and concepts instead. can anyone relate?
R: 5 / I: 0

Yume Nikki without installer

I just need the game folder. I saw a similar thread for the portable version but I would prefer the full version.
R: 2 / I: 0
why the apartment that Madotsuki lives in, only has one room? Where is the bathroom or the kitchen room?
R: 2 / I: 0
it's just one of those days
where you don't wanna wake up
R: 1 / I: 0

Missing Yume-Products

Whatever happened to the mobile version of NASU?
It got pulled down from the Android store a long while ago. Is it just lost now?

Did you know there was a semi-official thing done with Visual Novel Maker? It realised only in Japan. I remember seeing it once in Nico-Nico Video, but I haven't been able to find info about it.

What about the stuff made by Surfer's Paradise for the YumenikkiProject?
We have the very small thumbnails, 1 or 2 pics of the machines that had some of those things, and maybe a couple of the shirts and the keychains (normally with huge watermarks on them). Are there not good pics fo them?

The rulers and pens and pins… are they all just gone? No pics of them?

Has someone ripped (would that be the word?) the LINE stickers?
R: 0 / I: 0

yume nikki randomizer

vgperson recently made REM-9 a yume nikki randomizer program.

You can download it here https://vgperson.com/games/rem9.htm
R: 4 / I: 0

NASU browser port

I made a browser port of NASU. Let me know if it sucks but keep in mind I might cry.

R: 1 / I: 0


So I just downloaded .Flow from it's original downloading page (I downloaded the English translation).

Everything is working Ok, but how do I put the game on windowed mode? Whenever I start the game it goes into fullscreen, is there any way to play it on a window like the classic Yume Nikki?
R: 3 / I: 1


Yume nikki theory:

that guy murdered in the forest is yume nikki's significant other/father/parental figure who died in some sort of ambush with nikki. She survived, but was raped. What's interesting about this location is that it feels distinctively grounded in reality vs the other areas which are often times more abstract. Along with all of the other imagery, like the uterus(s) on the road, and the hands & eyes scattered throughout the entire game, I feel that the most likely reason we come across yume nikki as a complete shut in is because of the trauma associated with rape, combined with losing a significant other.

Murder is a theme throughout Nikki's dreams, she can use a knife to kill almost any NPC character. She can afford to be a complete shut in because of the leftover money from whichever significant other that was murdered in the ambush she was raped in. Nikki literally kills herself at the end of the game, something really terrible (sometimes psychological problems but in this case I don't think that theme aligns with Nikki's dreams) pushed her to taking this action. I believe that terrible thing is the ambush and associated rape.

I'm really ADHD so my thoughts are super disorganized here, this was pretty low effort anyways but sometimes I think my writing is frustrating to read. What do you guys think about my theory, I literally just started playing this game today and am connecting dots. I don't really have a huge ego about a lot of things but I am really good at reading comprehension and interpreting art I scored perfectly in that subject on my SATS, so idk I could just be a complete fucking idiot though im probably wrong and havent seen enough of the game.
R: 6 / I: 4

Yume Nikki 15th Anniversary

Happy 15th Anniversary Mado, keep on dreaming.
R: 7 / I: 4

Idb file

Does anyone have the .idb file? My computer fried so I can't get the file to play on android
R: 37 / I: 21
What scene to you has the most "magic"? If that makes any sense.

To me I feel like its the monkey rave in the desert. I dont know why but it gave me a mixture of emotions the first time I saw it.
R: 0 / I: 0

I miss Uboachan

I used to frequent this site back in the day. I miss the community of obscure pixel-horror loving nerds. I know the internet has changed, and little corners like this will probably never be revived, but a girl can dream, can't she?
R: 0 / I: 0

Music links

Let's make a thread for links to the music releases associated with this game
Some of the old threads contain links that just don't work anymore so let's get some fresh links.
Personally I'm looking for yume no oto disc 2 if anyone has it
R: 1 / I: 0

Music Copyright?

hey! so, i'm working on a school project (45 sec horror film) and think kikyama's music would be perfect for it. they haven't been heard from in so long (except for the kadokawa remake thing, which makes it even more bizarre.) i have no idea if it'd be an issue at all since idk if the music is copyrighted (and the film would likely have several public screenings.) does anyone have any insight?
R: 1 / I: 0

lets not die

like this
R: 4 / I: 0

Compilation of Yume Nikki Videos

Yo, im making a yume nikki video compilation channel (mostly reuploads of niconico videos and making playlist for videos already being uploaded there)

Channel link:

Yume nikki playlist:

Any playlist or upload content suggestions would be helpful

I make this channel solely to preserve the videos, art attached by me. Consider checking it out if you want to see obscure yn stuffs
R: 0 / I: 0

Ukagaka mado ghost

Does anyone know if the download to this Madotsuki ukagaka(pic related) exists?

I bet a lot of people on here would love to have it (myself included).

Ukagaka are desktop mascots that you can interact with, and have functions like a calendar, email, and even voice recognition.

See: http://ukagaka.firma-erichpache.de/info-en.html

And an in-browser run of what they’re like: https://ekicyou.github.io/old/web-sakura/areka/i.html
R: 2 / I: 0

fps drop

does anyone know how this FPS drop causes?
R: 3 / I: 0

To mail kikiyama

Are they un-mail-able? Or is a Japanese mail necessary?

Pic unrelated
R: 2 / I: 0

Anyone has an old image of KikiyamaHP?

So, I aws wondering, was the part of KikiyamaHP that says "There is no particular story or purpose." on the page was always there, or if it was added recently.
Wayback Machine doesn't have much :c
Does anyone know?
R: 23 / I: 6

Yume Nikki official names?

Okay, so this may seem a little weird to you guys, but I think this is weird. It seems that everyone says that only Madotsuki, Monoe and Monoko have official names and that makes sense. Madotsuki's name is seen directly in the menu, while Monoe and Monoko's names are found from their picture files. Why? Why does it say that? I have RPG Maker 2003 myself, and I've looked through the files of Yume Nikki. Everything has names! The sound effects! The maps! The pictures! Even the events! Why hasn't ANYONE even translated them? They're right there, all in the text. Why hasn't anyone tried to do this? The game has been out for over 10 years. I would do this myself but I don't have the Japanese version of RPG Maker, so everything is gibberish. Just, if things have official names, why use fan ones? I just wish someone would do this. Thank you.
R: 2 / I: 0

What is she playing

She so cute is isn't she
and I wonder what she's
R: 1 / I: 1

Why are the docks objectively the best area?

always had a sort of meditative, ghibli-esque feel
R: 8 / I: 1
I recently decided to go back through Yume Nikki and revisit the places that really struck a chord with me. Took a bunch of screenshots like I was on some nostalgic road trip or something. What are your favorite locations from the game? I found myself using the umbrella just to add rain a lot of the time, but I think the most relaxing spot is to just sit on the cliffs at the Sky Garden and watch the UFO.
R: 0 / I: 0

a list of yn discord servers

yeah discord kinda sucks, but i made a list for all the yume nikki discords i could find and get approval of.

some of them looked interesting.


i want to leave discord. send help.
R: 8 / I: 4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVOpDjZj3r8 What on earth is "Lanoge"?
R: 10 / I: 5
So what's /yn/'s favorite Yume Nikki theories?
R: 18 / I: 4
Hello, emm…
Hello, Emm…
Probably, I not the first who asks this question, but I after all will ask. Whether there is in a game a good ending? It would be desirable to see that… If is, please, give aiming as to undergo it! Very much< please.
R: 1 / I: 1
What's something you discovered/found upon a second playthrough of YN? I spent hours trying to discover everything in the game and I finally got to Kyuu + the FACE event.
R: 4 / I: 5
About Madotsuki's snowman, Easter is the spring season, so we are wrapping a cherry-blossom scarf

In Washington, D.C. the cherry blossom trees continue to be a popular tourist attraction when they reach full bloom in early spring.

During the spring cycle of festivals
R: 7 / I: 3


I feel like a moron! I knew Yume Nikki was put on steam, but I thought it was just a port! I didn't realize they revamped the game in 3D! And here I am playing Yume 2kki on my tablet because I needed my surrealist fix. Too bad my computer isn't working (thx linux)… And that I don't have a steam account.
R: 15 / I: 7

Things that Remind You of YN

Possibly wrong section but I can't for the life of me think where else this would go other than maybe Vomitive Shithole

Anyone ever seen Cirque du Soleil's "Quidam"? It's kind of up to interpretation, but it's basically about a girl getting bored with her life and exploring her imagination.

Full show here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LjuEbO643k

Any other trippy, surreal games/movies/shows/etc. that remind you of Yume Nikki?