This picture is only one
About Yumenikki, only kikiyama knows its full appearance
However, this is Yumenikki in me and I think that there is a story of each person
There are as many games as you can understand, such as KingdomHearts and FinalFantasy if you play
This is a game that can not be explained by words, because it is interesting, it is not what is right, but I will write my only new Yumenikki
>前回の返信について、的外れでナンセンスな文章を返してしまった、申し訳ないI apologize if my previous reply seemed like it missed the point or if it seemed like pure nonsense.
>私の論拠したデータについて、確証性があるか?>という点がkittenの言いたいことだと思うI believe the central point of kitten's post is whether "The data that grounds my argument can be proved" or not, right?
>私が網羅しているデータでは、キリスト教と仏教とインディアン部族が特に多いので、「魔女の宅急便」や「北枕と六窓」は関連性が高いですSince the data I'm encompassing includes especially varios themes from Christianity, Buddhism and native tribes [from America], I believe that the relations with "Majo no Takkyūbin" (Kiki's Delivery Service) and "Kitamakura/The six windows" are actually very likely.
>①アメリカインディアン>アンデス織物、ホピ族の神話、蛇踊り、サンダンスの儀式と白人、太陽神、火星のAntPeople、蟻の巣、ドリームキャッチャー、ティピー、カチナの精霊、トーテムポール、ホピ族のトカゲ、シッティング・ブル、インディアンの旗1)From Native Americans:
Textiles from the Andes, legends from the Hopi, the Dance of the Snake, the "Sun Dance" Ceremony and white people, the Sun God, the Ant People from Mars, the nest of the ants, the Dream Catcher, the Teepee, the Kachina Spirit, Totem Poles, the Lizard of the Hopi, Sitting Bull, and the flag of natives of America.
>②仏教、日本の神話>血の池地獄、修羅、鬼子母神、厳島神社の漁業繁盛、餓鬼、無色界、鉄囲山、弁財天の蛇、橋姫、精霊馬の茄子、一富士二鷹三茄子の初夢、芥子坊主、六窓2)From Buddhism and Japanese Legends:
The pond of blood from Hell, "Shura" (from buddhism, "Ashura"/"Asura"), "Kishimojin" ("Hariti", goddess of childbirth and children), the porsperity of fishing in Itsukushima Shrine [T.N. Not sure about what this is referring to, I'll ask later], "Gaki" (Ghouls), the Formless Realm, the "Tecchisan" (Cakravāḍa, a wall that surrounds the ocean where the mortal realm stands, i.e. where humans exist), the snake of "Benzaiten" (Saraswati), the "Hashi-hime" (Maiden of the Bridge), the Eggplants to make "Shyouryou-uma" (A horse made with eggplants during obon so your ancestors can return at ease after obon ends), The "Hatsu-yume of Ichi-fuji-ni-taka-san-nasu" [This is the belief that if you dream of Mt. Fuji ("ichi", 1 -> Fuji), a Falcon ("Ni", 2 -> taka), or an eggplant ("San", 3 -> nasu) during the first dream of the year (hatsu-yume) you will have luck and it's considered a good omen. File 1], "Keshibouzu" (A hairstyle common for girls and boys around the age of 3~4 during the Edo period. Or the poppy fruit needed to make opium, take your choice), the six windows.
>③キリスト教>イースターエッグ、イースターバニー、魔女裁判、蝋燭祭、懺悔洗礼の紫色、荒野の誘惑、復活祭、復活祭に食べる三角形のお菓子、ヤシの木、ナツメグ、蝿の王ベルゼブブ3) From Christianity:
Easter Eggs, Easter Bunny, Witch Trials, Candle Festival [T.N. not sure of the reference here], The Violet color for Repentance/Confession/Penitence [and?]* Baptism, the Temptation of Christ, Easter, the triangle of sweets to eat during Easter, Palm tree, nutmeg, Beelzebub Lord of Flies.
*T.N.: Since it's a compound word (repentance-baptism) I'm not sure if this means both as separate elements or if they're some sort of "Repentance baptism" ritual? dunno, I'm an atheist.
>④風水>風鈴、目から手が出てる仏像4)From Feng Shui:
Wind chimes, image of Buddha in which hands come from the eyes [T.N. file 2]
>⑤数学、哲学、精神学、心理>フロイト、ライプニッツ、トイレットトレーニング、モナドロジー、風車の思考実験、二進数、精神障害者の猫5) From Maths, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology:
Freud, Leibnitz, "Toilet Training" [T.N. No idea], Monadology, the Wind-wheel thought experiment, binary digits, the cat of the mentally-handicapped person [T.N. can't find what this refers to].
>⑥ゲームのイースターエッグ>LSD、MOTHER、Lain(Anime)のFANTMAやGocha、ファミコン、マザーボード6)Game's easter eggs:
LSD, MOTHER, FANTMA and Gocha from Lain [T.N. I don't remember any of that from SEL], Famicom, motherboard.
>⑦SFや宗教などの知識>自殺宗教のセブンスヘブン、グレイ、宇宙人の壁画、火星植民地計画、火星の旗、銀河鉄道7) Information from Science Fiction, Religion and such:
The Suicide Creed from Seventh Heaven, Grey, Alien Murals, The Mars Colony Project, "Ginga Tetsudou" (Night on the Galactic Railroad) [T.N. A short novel by Kenji Miyazawa that was made into an OVA in the 80's, it's pretty surreal and rad, with very YN-esque vibes, go watch it].
>⑧日本の妖怪>海坊主、ぬりかべ、三つ首、雪女、鬼と雷パンツ8) Youkai from Japan:
"Umibouzu" (a green turtle from the sea), "Nurikabe" (mortar-plastered wall), "Mitsukubi" (Three-head[s/ed]) [T.N. Can't find anything about this, it's probably related to the "Mai-kubi" (Dancing neck/head)], Yuki-onna, Oni + Lightning underwear.
>⑨LGBTなどの知識>パープルハンド、ゲイの兵隊、赤軍と青軍9) About stuff related to LGBT:
The purple hand, The gay soldier, The Red Army and the Blue Army [T.N. possibly related to the Oregon Maneuver?].
Hide and seek, Tag, "Kamikakushi" (Spirited away), Red Light Green Light, "Taruma-san ga koronda" (Bodhidharma fell down).
>11医学>怒り肩、海馬、三半規管、脳下垂体、LSD自転車の旅11) Medicine:
Square Shoulders, "sei-uchi" (Walrus) [T.N. not sure what's this condition], semicircular canals, the pituitary gland, The LSD trip on bike [T.N. the belief that stamina and endurance increases if you get high with LSD and then go biking].
>⑫ヒンドゥー教>七色のチャクラ、シーモンク、ハムザ、第三の目、車輪12) Hinduism:
The seven colors of the Chakras, "Shii Monk" [T.N. probably The Venerable Shin Arahan], "Hamuza" [T.N. no idea], The Third Eye, The Wheel (Saṃsāra).
>⑫その他の童話や物語>七人の小人、仏陀の北枕、エキソダス、ナスカの地上絵、ツタンカーメンと毒蛇、ダンテの神曲、自殺者の森、鳥人間のハルピュイア、青木ヶ原、躓きの石、ベッドの下のブギーマン、ディーメールの血の雨12) Other stories and fairy tales:
The seven midget (Snow White), Buddha's Kitamakura, "Ekisodasu" [T.N. Probably exodus?], the lines of Nazca, Tutankhamen and the poisonous snake, Dante's Divina Comedia, the Suicide Forest, The Human-Bird Harpies (toriningen), Aokigahara, "The stumbling rock" [T.N. A bible reference?], The Boogieman from under the bed, The bloodshed of D-mails [T.N. Mayu-shi dies].
13) Word Plays:
Easter Egg -> Easter Island, Rongo-rongo, Moai, the birdman from Easter Island.
"Tesuriko" -> "Zakuro" (baluster->pomegranate)
>そして次に、kittenが述べている、小さなデータに確証性を得る手段としてAnd now, as a mean to prove the "tiny details" kitten has pointed out
>ゆめにっきのゲームが発行された日時と、Wikipediaや画像のデータが投稿された日にちを確認>することで、「制作者のKikiyama氏が作品を完成させる前に資料を見たかどうか?」を推測する方法ですIf you check the dates back when Yume Nikki was being released, and when the Wikipedia article and pictures were submitted, it's easy to see that "Kikiyama-shi may have had a chance to check that before finishing publishing the game" is a sound argument.
>ゆめにっきRPG版>2004年6月26日~2007年10月1日YN RM version : 06/26/2004 to 10/1/2007
>ゆめにっき漫画版>2013年5月20日YN Manga version: 05/20/2013
>ゆめにっき3D版>2018年2月23日YN 3D version: 02/23/2018
>この期間よりも以前に、原典が出ている場合はkikiyama氏が実際に画像を見たり、記事を参考にしてゲームを作った可能性が高くなりますIt could even be argued that there may have been a source material older than these time periods, and that Kikiyama-shi used that before releasing the game and later used those articles as reference to create the game. The possibilities increase considerably.
>つまり、kittenが述べている「小さなデータ」を細かく推論していくことでIn other words, I try to infer the "tiny details" mentioned by kitten as finely as I can.
>窓付きのスカート→アンデス文明にもスカートが存在しているMadotsuki's skirt -> Civilizations from the Andes used Skirts
>三つ編み→インディアン部族には三つ編みが多いHair Braids -> Many examples of braids in Native American tribes
>窓付きの部屋の壁→赤い色はインディアンのシンボルカラーThe wall in Madotsuki's room -> Red is a symbolic color for Native American [T.N. Red skins]
>窓付きの顔→ホピ族のTawaに似ているMadotsuki's face -> Resembles the Tawa spirit from the Hopi tribes
>窓付きの本棚→ホピ族のシンボルカラーに似ているMadotsuki's bookshelf -> Resembles the Hopi's symbolic color
>窓付きの部屋の小物→ドリームキャッチャーというインディアンの小物があるAccessories in Madotsuki's room -> Dream Catcher [Native American accessory]
>窓付きのメニューアイコン→ホピ族のトカゲがあるMadotsuki's menu icon -> It has a lizard from the Hopi tribe
>窓付きの飛んだ方角→太陽の落ちる方角と一致しているThe direction in which Madotsuki jumped off -> The same from which the sun sets
>窓付きと火星→ホピ族の神話にあるAntPeopleの物語に似ているMadotsuki and Mars -> Resembles the story of the Ant People from the Hopi tribe
>=窓付きは「インディアンの太陽神」である可能性が高い>↓>このように、「どんなに小さいことでも、より多くより細かく推論すること」によって、データに確証性を高くしています= The possibility that Madotsuki represents "The God of Sun" (Native American Mythology) increases
And so, by "inferring more (or less) from things no matter how small they seem", it becomes easier to validate those proofs.
>あとはその画像データや記事がゲーム発行日以前に存在したものであれば、Kikiyama氏が参考にした可能性が高いので、よりデータに確証性を得ることができますIn addition, if these articles did exist before the game was published, then the possibility Kikiyama has seen and used them as a reference increases, which in turn gives even more validation to it.
>kittensの質問から「データがあまりにも些細で不確かなものである、仮説や推論が行き過ぎている件」に対して、「小さなデータや細かい推論でも、それをより多く集積することで、考察の確証性を引き上げる」という手段で記事を書いています、私からは以上ですAs for what you kitten has written, about "The data is too trivial and hence unreliable, so it seems like a stretch", I'm writing on the basis that "even if there's only trivial data and tiny details, as those accumulate more and more, it's possible to base a deep analysis that works to prove them", and that's all I have to say.
Mt.kiki you are absolutely beautiful. I love how you can derive symbolism from everything, some of which I never noticed before but it honestly makes sense.
I really do hope you make more content. You're obviously a very well-versed person, and I hope to see more observations and theories from you in the future, or even more than that.
The bloodshed of D-mails [T.N. Mayu-shi dies].
<< The bloodshed of Demeter
①ネオンタイルの部屋にある血の雨は、デーメーテールの神話と同じ②ネオンタイルの部屋の三角形のお菓子は、デーメーテールの進行から復活祭のPascha、という考察です can not tell everything here, so it will take some time but I will post an image of the examination, sorry
>>8671ネオンタイルの世界にある三角形の山はデルタ、タイルの世界にあるのが三角形のお菓子(Pascha)です No.8674
>>8665Sorry,This is not 芥子坊主(Opium Poppy)
This is 棗椰子(Phoenix dactylifera)①包丁(Knife)を刺されても不死身(Phoenix)である
②仮庵の祭り(Sukkot)という雨乞いの儀式(Ritual to pray for rain)をしている
③赤色の実(Date of Red Color)を吊り下げている
>I can not tell everything here, so it will take some time but I will post an image of the examination, sorry謝らなくてもいいです。こういう事は時間が掛かるのでゆっくりしってていいです。
>>8665I think I know now what this "candle festival" is. It probably refers to Candlemas Day.
Okay, translation incoming:
>詳しくは復活祭のデーメーテールの物語にある「血の雨」のことです、ちょっと笑いましたが、シュタインズゲートではないですTo be more precise, this refers to the "Demeter's Rain of Blood" from Easter rather than being related to Steins;Gate, although that one made me laugh.
>※復活祭(Easter)とデーメーテール(Demeter)の信仰>ギリシア神話の神々の信仰が盛んだったシチリアでは、復活祭の伝統行事の中に死から蘇るキリストとハーデースから帰還するペルセポネーの習合と、デーメーテールやアドーニス信仰の名残りが見られる[52]。*The belief of Easter and Demeter
In Sicilia, where the belief in greek myths and gods was prosperous, it's still possible to find traces of traditions from the creed/belief of Demeter and Adonis inside the Easter festival, along with the sincretism between the death and resurrection of Christ and Persephone's return from the Hades.
(link to jp wikipedia's article about easter)
>①ネオンタイルの部屋にある血の雨は、デーメーテールの神話と同じ1)The rain of blood in the Neon Tile Path map is exactly the same to that of the legend of Demeter.②ネオンタイルの部屋の三角形のお菓子は、デーメーテールの進行から復活祭のPascha、という考察です some consideration, I think the triangle-shaped candies in the Neon Tile Path are in fact Easter Paskha that appeared after the progress (transition? I think) from Demeter.
>>8672Added a part to explain about "Madotsuki's Room Red Wall Color", "Easter Vigil" and "Easter Egg Color".
In greek, the word "meter" means "mother"*. "De" refers to delta (in other words, those triangled objects), and in the greek alphabet (believed to be sacred), and it is well acknowledged as a symbol that "represents a girl exposing her genitals". It's the same as the Hindi "Yoni-Yantra" (the Yantra representing the shape of female genitalia). Matching the greek "de" (delta), we find the sanskrit "Dwh", "Duir" in celtic, and "Daleth" in hebrew, all and every one relating to or holding the meaning of "the entrance for life, death and the garden of pleasure [heaven]".
*T.N. In modern greek, mother is μητέρα[mitéra], although I'm not sure about old greek and whether or not "meter" meant at any time "mother" in greek.
>>8671>ネオンタイルの世界にある三角形の山はデルタ、タイルの世界にあるのが三角形のお菓子(Pascha)ですIn the Neon Tile world the triangular mountains are Delta's, and the triangular shapes on the Tile World are sweets (Paskha). link is a source for the word "meter" as "mother" and how these letters are related to female genitals).
>①包丁(Knife)を刺されても不死身(Phoenix)であるImmortal (as a phoenix), it cannot die even if stabbed.
>②仮庵の祭り(Sukkot)という雨乞いの儀式(Ritual to pray for rain)をしているUsed in a ritual to pray for rain in the Sukkot
>③赤色の実(Date of Red Color)を吊り下げているThe fruits are red and suspended from the top
>④棕櫚の主日(PalmSunday)は復活祭(Easter)と関連性があるPalm Sunday is related to Easter.
Looks like everything in Madotsuki's room has been analyzed so we're jumping to other worlds inside her dreams. Stay tuned.
①正しくは「航海の安全(Pray for a good voyage)」とwikiに書かれています、これは、Yumenikkiのキャラクターである「釣り人(The Fisherman)」に関係しているのではないかと思います
航海の安全や交通安全などを祈願する神様として崇敬を集めている。②あと厳島神社の祭神で検索すると、「市杵島姫命(The Goddess of Water)」=「弁才天or弁財天(God of White Snake)」という文献があります
市杵島姫命は神仏習合時代には仏教の女神の弁才天と習合し、隣接する大願寺と一体化して大伽藍を構成していた。③これは、Yumenikkiのキャラクターである「海蛇(Sea Snake)」に関係しているのではないかと思います
中世以降、弁才天は宇賀神(出自不明の蛇神)と習合して、頭上に翁面蛇体の宇賀神をいただく姿の、宇賀弁才天(宇賀神将・宇賀神王とも言われる)が広く信仰されるようになる。弁才天の化身は蛇や龍とされるが、その所説はインド・中国の経典には見られず[2]、それが説かれているのは、日本で撰述された宇賀弁才天の偽経においてである。④なぜ「厳島神社(Itsukushima Shrine)」なのかというと、「灯篭(Japanese lantern)」と「海の上にある木の橋(A tree bridge on the sea)」を見て、厳島神社に似てるなと思ったからです No.8682
>>8680この考察は、弁財天(God of white snake)と市杵島姫命(The goddess of water)が、同じ神様として信仰されていることを知っていないと、非常に難しい考察です
①まずYumenikkiのSnow Worldにある、「紫色の扉(Purple Door)」は「降誕祭(Advent)」の扉です、雪が降っているのは「クリスマス(Christmas)」の冬の時期を示しています
Advent is a season observed in many Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas and the return of Jesus at the Second Coming.②「降誕祭(Advent)」はキリストが生まれた日…つまりキリストの母である、マリアが受胎している時期であるので、腹の中に赤子が眠っているという意味で、YumenikkiのSnow Worldに居る「かまくら子(Igloo Child)」が雪の中で眠っています
Christmas is an annual festival, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ,[9][10] observed primarily on December 25[4][11][12] as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.③YumenikkiのSnow Worldにはピンク色の海があります、私が前回のReplyで言っていた「懺悔洗礼の紫色 (
>>8677 )」については、正しく言い換えると「ゆるしの秘跡(Sacrament of Reconciliation)の紫色(Purple of Liturgical colours)」のことです
Violet=Sundays and Ferias of Advent、Sacrament of Reconciliation、Rose(Pink)=Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent)④MadotsukiがThe Pink Seaを歩いているのは、罪を告白した後の洗礼(they are freed from sins committed after baptism)という意味です、「ゆるしの秘跡(Sacrament of Reconciliation)の紫色(Purple of Liturgical colours)の洗礼(Baptism)」なので、紫色の扉(The Purple Door)が紫色に染まっています
The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (commonly called Penance, Reconciliation, or Confession) is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church (called sacred mysteries in the Eastern Catholic Churches), in which the faithful obtain absolution for the sins committed against God and neighbour and are reconciled with the community of the Church.[a] By this sacrament Christians believe they are freed from sins committed after baptism.[1
⑤同じくクリスマスの数週間前には「喜びの日曜日(Gaudete Sunday)」があります、YumenikkiのThe Pink Seaは「バラの日曜日(Rose Sunday)」という意味であり、そういった理由で「薔薇色(Rose of Liturgical colours)」に海に染まっているのだと思います、風船は楽しいお祝いの日だから置いてあるのだと思います
On Gaudete Sunday rose-coloured vestments may be worn instead of violet[6] (or instead of deep blue, in some Anglican and Lutheran traditions), which is otherwise prescribed for every day in the season of Advent.[citation needed] Gaudete Sunday was also known as "Rose Sunday".[6] No.8697
This is Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull)
これはタタンカ・イヨタケ (シッティング・ブル)です person is Shi Tanka (Big Foot), Or it might be Tatanka Psicha (Jumping Bull)
Another person is Si Thanka (Big Foot)電車に座っている赤い角を持ったバッファローは「シッティング・ブル」です
The buffalo with the red corner sitting on the train is "sitting bull"
The one with long legs is "Jumping Bull", which is good at jumping, or the foot is big "Big foot", because it has something like a hawk's wing on its head, it is interpreted as an Indian tribe
足が長いものはジャンプが得意な「ジャンピング・ブル」、もしくは足が大きな「ビッグ・フット」です、頭に鷹の羽のようなものが付いているので、インディアン部族と解釈しております Indian characters, Madotsuki blows a whistle like Kokopelli, the character that blows a whistle is likely to be an object related to the Indian tribe
インディアン系のキャラクターについて、窓付きはココペリのように笛を吹きます、笛を吹いたりするキャラクターはインディアン部族に関連するオブジェクトである可能性が高いです No.8702
Sorry people, but I'll be a little busy until next Monday, so I won't be able to translate anything until then.
The buffalo with the red horns sitting on the train is "sitting bull"
or the foot is big "Big foot", because it has something like a Eagle's wing on its head, it is interpreted as an Indian tribe
ここはネイティブアメリカン(NaitiveAmerican)のメディスンマン(Medicine man)の病院(Hospital)だと思います the ceremonial context of Indigenous North American communities, "medicine" usually refers to spiritual healing. Medicine men/women should not be confused with those who employ Native American ethnobotany, a practice that is very common in a large number of Native American and First Nations households.[2][3][4]なのでトクト君(Tokuto-Kun)の液体は、病院での献血(Blood Donation)や輸血(Blood Transfusion)などの医学的なオブジェクトとして、聖餐に使われる血液(Blood of Christ=Wine Glass)であると推測できます No.8718
>>8713トクト君(Tokuto-Kun)は、聖餐(Eucharist)のグラスに入った葡萄酒(Wine in a glass)=キリストの血(Blood of Christ)である
しかし、この沸騰している血(Boiling Blood)は何なのか?
これは、発酵しているワイン(Fermented Wine)を表しているのだと思います
Tokuto-KunはEucharistのグラスの中にあるワイン、つまりGlass in a Wine=Blood of Christである
そしてBoiling Bloodは、Fermented Wineを表している
DD版のRed Eye Manは、White Coatを着ているので、American IndianでDoctorの職業にあたる、Medicine Manを表していると思われる
Medicine Man=Doctorなので、The Music Room in the Mallは、Hospitalを示す場所である
なぜWineのTokuto-Kunと、IndianのMedicine Manが、Hospitalの中に同居しているのか?というと
それはAmericanIndian(Medicine Man)とWine(Tokuto-Kun)が、Alcohol Syndromeが多いAmerican IndianのHistoryを表現している部屋であると思われます
「我々はワイン(Wine)にひたすら没頭する。なぜなら、酔いつぶれているときだけが、唯一我々インディアン(Indian)が自由な時だからだ。」 No.8720
>※すみません、「厳島神社の漁業繁盛」という言葉は私の記憶違いでしたSorry, "the porsperity of fishing in Itsukushima" was a memory error from my part.
>①正しくは「航海の安全(Pray for a good voyage)」とwikiに書かれています、これは、Yumenikkiのキャラクターである「釣り人(The Fisherman)」に関係しているのではないかと思います1) The correct term, "Pray for a good sailing (voyage)", is written on the wiki. I think there is a firm relation with the fisherman from yume nikki.
>航海の安全や交通安全などを祈願する神様として崇敬を集めている。Seems to be a deity reverenced by these prayers for "good voyage" and "traffic safety". The article is about the Munakata-sanjoshin (The three goddesses of Munakata). This article in english does a better work that I would in explaining it.②あと厳島神社の祭神で検索すると、「市杵島姫命(The Goddess of Water)」=「弁才天or弁財天(God of White Snake)」という文献があります
2) Also, by looking up the Enrished Deity of the Itsukushima Shrine, we find that there's literary material where "Ikishima-hime" (Goddess of Water) = "Benzaiten [T.N. Saraswati]" (Goddess of the White Snake)
>市杵島姫命は神仏習合時代には仏教の女神の弁才天と習合し、隣接する大願寺と一体化して大伽藍を構成していた。We see syncretism between Ikishima-hime and Benzaiten during the days when both Shinto and Buddhism prospered in Japan, and the composition of the Large Temple formed by it and its neighbour Daiganji (A buddhist temple).
>③これは、Yumenikkiのキャラクターである「海蛇(Sea Snake)」に関係しているのではないかと思います3)I believe this is related to the character "Sea Snake" from Yume Nikki.
>中世以降、弁才天は宇賀神(出自不明の蛇神)と習合して、頭上に翁面蛇体の宇賀神をいただく姿の、宇賀弁才天(宇賀神将・宇賀神王とも言われる)が広く信仰されるようになる。弁才天の化身は蛇や龍とされるが、その所説はインド・中国の経典には見られず[2]、それが説かれているのは、日本で撰述された宇賀弁才天の偽経においてである。Since the middle ages, there has been syncretism with Benzaiten and Ugajin* (A snake god whose origin is unknown), who took the form of an ancient and venerable snake (and was also known as "Uka-benzaiten", Commander Ugajin, King God Ugajin), and whose religious belief spreaded during those times. Benzaiten is said to be incarnated into a snakes and dragons, although that is not mentioned in the Hindi or Chinese Sutras, so it is believed to be a modification of the story made in Japan. The english article of Benzaiten talks about this
>④なぜ「厳島神社(Itsukushima Shrine)」なのかというと、「灯篭(Japanese lantern)」と「海の上にある木の橋(A tree bridge on the sea)」を見て、厳島神社に似てるなと思ったからです4)If I had to say a why to this discussion about the "Itsukushima Shrine", it's because I think the "Japanese Laterns" and the "Wood Bridges" over the sea resemble the Itsukushima Shrine.
>>8682>この考察は、弁財天(God of white snake)と市杵島姫命(The goddess of water)が、同じ神様として信仰されていることを知っていないと、非常に難しい考察ですThis analysis of Benzaiten and Ikishima-hime is very difficult to grasp unless you know that they are whorshiped as the same god.
>①まずYumenikkiのSnow Worldにある、「紫色の扉(Purple Door)」は「降誕祭(Advent)」の扉です、雪が降っているのは「クリスマス(Christmas)」の冬の時期を示しています1) First, the Purple door in the Snow World of Yume Nikki represents the door of "Christmas" (advent), and the reason it snows is because it's "christmas" (winter) and it's a representation of that season.
>②「降誕祭(Advent)」はキリストが生まれた日…つまりキリストの母である、マリアが受胎している時期であるので、腹の中に赤子が眠っているという意味で、YumenikkiのSnow Worldに居る「かまくら子(Igloo Child)」が雪の中で眠っています2) "Christmas" (advent) is the day Christ was born… in other words, it's close to the period of time when Mother Mary had already been conceived, and the child was sleeping inside her. Following this thread of thought, we see that in the Snow World in Yume Nikki, there's "Kamakura-ko" (Igloo child), who is sleeping in the snowfall.
>③YumenikkiのSnow Worldにはピンク色の海があります、私が前回のReplyで言っていた「懺悔洗礼の紫色 ( >>8677 )」については、正しく言い換えると「ゆるしの秘跡(Sacrament of Reconciliation)の紫色(Purple of Liturgical colours)」のことです3) The Pink sea is also in the Snow World, and this relates to what I said in my previous reply about "The Violet Color of Repetance". If I had to put it in other words to make it more clearly, it's related to "The Purple color of the Sacrament of Reconciliation".
>④MadotsukiがThe Pink Seaを歩いているのは、罪を告白した後の洗礼(they are freed from sins committed after baptism)という意味です、「ゆるしの秘跡(Sacrament of Reconciliation)の紫色(Purple of Liturgical colours)の洗礼(Baptism)」なので、紫色の扉(The Purple Door)が紫色に染まっています4) When Madotsuki wades through the pink sea, this represents the baptism after she has confessed her sins (they are freed from sins committed after baptism). Because this Purple is part of the Baptism with the "Liturgical Purple of the Sacrament of Reconciliation", the Purple door is painted purple.
>⑤同じくクリスマスの数週間前には「喜びの日曜日(Gaudete Sunday)」があります、YumenikkiのThe Pink Seaは「バラの日曜日(Rose Sunday)」という意味であり、そういった理由で「薔薇色(Rose of Liturgical colours)」に海に染まっているのだと思います、風船は楽しいお祝いの日だから置いてあるのだと思います5)Likewise, a few weeks before Christmas, there's the "Gaudete Sunday", which in the case of the pink sea becomes the "Rose Sunday", and as such I believe that's the reason the "Rose-colored" (Liturgical Rose color) color paints the sea. I also think the balloons are there to illustrate it's a festive day.
>>8686The "Cat of the mentally handicapped person" in my previous post is, more specifically, Louis Wain.
>数字の部屋にあるオブジェクトは、「赤と白の目玉(the Red and White Eye)」になっていますThe object inside that room in the Number World would be "The Red and White Eye".
>これは鏡の国のアリスにある「赤と白の女王(the Red and White Queens)」という意味ですThis refers to the "Red and White Queens" of Through the Looking Glass.
>おそらく針で体に穴を開けるピアッシングをしています、鉄柵もあるので、これはインディアンの部落でしょうSince it looks like there are needles piercing holes through some of the bodies, and there's a fence made of iron, I believe this is the hamlet of an indian tribe.
>>8708Red Corner -> Red horn
Falcon's Wings -> Eagle's wings
>ここはネイティブアメリカン(NaitiveAmerican)のメディスンマン(Medicine man)の病院(Hospital)だと思いますI think this represents the "hospital" of a native Medicine Man.
>なのでトクト君(Tokuto-Kun)の液体は、病院での献血(Blood Donation)や輸血(Blood Transfusion)などの医学的なオブジェクトとして、聖餐に使われる血液(Blood of Christ=Wine Glass)であると推測できますAs such, I believe Tokuto-kun is some sort of instrument for Blood Transfusion and donation (because of the liquid inside him), and may be related to the blood used for the Eucharist rite (Blood of Christ = Wine Glass).
>>8718>トクト君(Tokuto-Kun)は、聖餐(Eucharist)のグラスに入った葡萄酒(Wine in a glass)=キリストの血(Blood of Christ)であるTokuto-kun is the Eucharist glass where wine (chirst's blood) is poured.
>しかし、この沸騰している血(Boiling Blood)は何なのか?However, then what's this boiling blood?
>これは、発酵しているワイン(Fermented Wine)を表しているのだと思いますI believe it represents fermented wine.
>Tokuto-KunはEucharistのグラスの中にあるワイン、つまりGlass in a Wine=Blood of ChristであるThe wine inside the Eucharist Tokuto-kun represents, in other words, "Glass of wine=Blood of Christ".
>そしてBoiling Bloodは、Fermented Wineを表しているAnd so, the boiling blood represents fermented wine.
>DD版のRed Eye Manは、White Coatを着ているので、American IndianでDoctorの職業にあたる、Medicine Manを表していると思われるIn DD, the Red Eye Man (Flute man) is wearing a White Cloat, so the interpretation of him being an american indian doctor wasn't that off, since I think it's fair to say he represents some sort of Medicine man.
>Medicine Man=Doctorなので、The Music Room in the Mallは、Hospitalを示す場所であるSince Medicine Man = Doctor, then the Music room in the Mall represents some room inside a hospital.
>なぜWineのTokuto-Kunと、IndianのMedicine Manが、Hospitalの中に同居しているのか?というとThen, if we wonder why the Wine in Tokuto-kun and the Indian Medicine Man coexist inside a hospital,
>それはAmericanIndian(Medicine Man)とWine(Tokuto-Kun)が、Alcohol Syndromeが多いAmerican IndianのHistoryを表現している部屋であると思われますI believe the Medicine Man and wine (tokuto-kun) seem to represent Alcohol Syndrome so common in the history of American Indians.
>「NIYC(全米インディアン若者会議)」副議長を務めたポンカ族のビル・ペンソニューが、1969年2月24日に、上院インディアン教育小委員会の前で述べた証言のなかの以下の一節は、アルコールの問題についての議論の際に、よく引き合いに出される一文である。There's a frequently cited quote from Bill Penson of the Ponca tribe, who used to be the acting chairman of the NIYC (National Indian Youth Conference), who mentioned before the Senate of Indian Education Subcommittee* in 1969 the frequent problems with alcohol.
>「我々はワイン(Wine)にひたすら没頭する。なぜなら、酔いつぶれているときだけが、唯一我々インディアン(Indian)が自由な時だからだ。」"We are only worried about immersing ourselves in wine. After all, we are free only when we've drank ourselves unconscious".
Thank you for translating …
This is not my theory, but I will post a Japanese article that I thought was wonderful
#ゆめにっき考察 No.8732
I think this is also a wonderful verification, I can not do it
#ゆめにっき ドリームダイアリー公式HPで窓付きがさまよっている町には、大阪府高槻市のマスコット「はにたん」が書かれた実在する旗が立っていることが確認できます。夢に出てくるくらいこの旗を見慣れている――つまり窓付きは大阪府高槻市に住んでいると推測できます。
#ゆめにっき考察 No.8734
・1994年 パノラマコットン(メガドライブ サン電子より発売)
Panorama Cotton: Released exclusively on the Mega Drive system in late 1994.↓
Sega Genesis(Mega Drive)から発売された「Panorama Cotton」のGame Cassetteと、「まじょAdventure」のGame Cassetteが似ている↓
>>8731山梨県の和田峠の「パノラマ写真(Panoramic photography)」が使われているのは、Panorama Cottonの「Panorama」が由来でPanoramic photographyが使われているのだと思います No.8736
・1994年 コットン100%(スーパーファミコン データム・ポリスターより発売)
Märchen Adventure Cotton 100%: Released on the Super Famicom in early 1994.↓
「まじょAdventure」という表記について、そして「Märchen Adventure Cotton 100%」の「Adventure」という英語タイトルが由来だと思います
・1998年 コットンブーメラン(アーケード版、販売はテクモ)
・1998年 コットンブーメラン(セガサターン版)
Cotton Boomerang: Also originally an ST-V arcade game, and it, too, received a faithful home port on the Sega Saturn.「まじょ -Adventure-」や「NASU -Super-」の筆記体で書かれた英語については、Cotton Boomerangというシューティングゲームにある、英語サブタイトルの「-Boomerang-」という筆記体フォントと似ています
ちなみにMadotsukiが遊んでいるゲーム機のカラーが、紫色(Purple)なのは「Super NES」が由来と思います
Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams・1997年 コットン2(アーケード版、販売はテクモ)
・1997年 コットン2(セガサターン版)
・1998年 コットン2てんこもり(Windows用デスクトップアクセサリー集)
Cotton 2: Magical Night Dreams: NIGHT DREAMやFANTAGIC NIGHT DREAMとありますが、YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY-というゲームタイトルは、もしかしてコットンシリーズのサブタイトルの「NIGHT DREAM」が由来かもしれないです
Märchen Adventure Cotton 100%にはベッドで寝ているGAME OVERの絵があります、Madotukiがベッドで寝ているシーンに似ています
Among collectors of video game memorabilia, the Cotton tea cups are some of the rarest pieces of collectible merchandise.
The Panorama Cotton tea cup is white with no handle and features a brown drawing of Cotton on the cup, with the words "Panorama Cotton". To obtain the cup originally, it was necessary to purchase the game and send in a registration card, before being entered into a random draw. 300 are known to exist.[citation needed]の部屋にあるTea Cupについて、Cottonの予約特典で貰える「湯のみ(Tea Cup)」を表しているのだと思います
>>8739I think we're starting to reach a bit. That's just a random cup, and I'ma bit skeptical all of this thread's stuff went through Kikiyama's head.
The hypothesis written here is a memo that I will leave so as not to forget
Perfect theory can not be done, but there is also such a way of thinking funny,
I am doing it to make a story that commentaries on comedians, Yumenikki's character is in the video
Anyway, since there are many theories, it is necessary to erase unnecessary things and to simply summarize it
>>8739最初は冗談のつもりだったが、CottonとJapanese TeaCupとKotatsuの理論は正解かもしれない
I initially thought it was a joke, but this Cotton(series) and Japanese TeaCup and Kotatsu theory may be good
①It is not a European tea cup, Because there is no handle =〉 This cup is a Japanese tea cup
②And in Japanese table manner, do not use a European tea cup on a Kotatsu
The kotatsu is a Japanese table with a built-in heater and a blanket that covers all four
sides and traps the heat underneath.
【出典:Mic-Oct 29, 2015】
つまり窓付きの炬燵の上にあるTeaCupは、コットンの湯呑み(Japanese TeaCup of Cotton Series)である可能性が高い
A teacup on a Kotatsu, it's Japanese teacup of Cotton Series No.8747
I want to write the relationship between 炬燵(Kotatsu that Heater table used from New Year to Winter) and 茄子(Eggplant=NASU), 正月(New Year Festival) and 初夢(The First dream of New Year) and 一富士二鷹三茄子(One Mt.Fuji, Two Hawk, Three EggPlant, It is will be happy when you see it in your dream of New Year) and Easter(from Winter to Spring Festival)
…I am tired now, I will write if I feel like it
>>8749Neon Door and Madotsuki Room Book
This is Violet Red Green Yellow
I think Pink sea Balloon is Indian Hopi color
Hopi No.8751
そして風船(Balloon release)については、Wikipediaでは「風船」と「感謝祭(Thanks Giving Day)」が「関連項目(Wikipedia Site Link)」を紐付けられています
感謝祭の風船(The Blloon of Thanks Giving Day)と考えると、大量虐殺の始まりの日(Indian Holocaust Days)とあります
一方、インディアン達は「感謝祭」は、この日を境に先祖達の知識や土地がヨーロッパからの移民達に奪われた、「大量虐殺の始まりの日」としている。これを鑑みるに、白人であるポニ子(White-Colors Poniko)が、インディアンのティピー(Indian Tipi
Of Poniko House)に居るのは、インディアンの住居を奪った白人の歴史で、そして家の上に「大量の幽霊(Many Ghost on Indian Tipi of Poniko House )」いるのは、大量虐殺されたインディアンの幽霊、Ghost of Indian Holocaustだと思いますね
Marchen Adventure Cotton 100%のAdventureから来ている
Cotton BoomerangのBoomerangという英語筆記体を真似してAdventureという英語筆記体が使われている
ちなみに、まじょAdventureのMarchen Adventure Cotton100%や、Super NASU のSUPER METROIDはどちらもスーパーファミコンのゲームである
Q.20 NASUのゲームの主人公はなに?
あの特徴的な長い顔は、BALOON FIGHTの敵キャラを参考に作られていると思われる、ゲームタイトル画面のNASUという文字が、BALOON FIGHTのフォントに似ている、ゆめにっきDD版ではピンク色の海で風船に捕まって飛ぶ窓付きもBALOON FIGHTから来てるのかもしれない、他にも茄子の害虫であるゾウムシなどの昆虫が由来かと思ったが、DD版のSuper NASUは顔が茄子のような形なので、おそらく昆虫でなく茄子を模したキャラクターと思われる
Missing theory fixed
Q.07 Super NASUで野菜や果物が出るのはなぜ?
A.07 旧盆の繁忙期で収穫が忙しいことが由来
A.07 Super NASUで果物(Orange)が出るのは、オレンジ色の果物は蜜柑とその粒、白い色のものは餅(rice ball)、これは正月の飾り物の鏡餅です
in Japanese culture, the act of decorating a mortar with a round vice cake at New Year一富士二鷹三茄子
There is the traditional expression 'Mount Fuji for first, hawk for second and eggplant for third' as the lucky items to dream about in the first dream of the new year. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス正月の鏡餅正月の炬燵
対訳kotatsu; table over an electric heater (orig. a charcoal brazier in a floor well) with a hanging quilt that retains heat
Kotasu is tell season-word in Winter
4^ 「炬燵」は三冬(初冬・仲冬・晩冬)・生活に分類される季語である。後述の「炬燵猫」は三冬・動物の季語。[6]夏の風鈴とSummer WindChime
風鈴(ふうりん)とは、日本の夏に家の軒下などに吊り下げて用いられる小型の鐘鈴である。風によって音が鳴るような仕組みになっている。夏のお盆とSummer Season Fester
July 15, Obon (returning ancestral spirits) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Obon Matsuri (a Festival of the Dead or Buddhist All Soul's Day) (August 8). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス精霊馬の茄子とNASU of Eggplant
In some areas during the Bon festival period, they prepare animal figures made from a cucumber and an eggplant and called Shoryoma, used by the spirits of the deceased to come and go between this world and the other. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパスお盆の餓鬼(Preta)とHand Under the stair
地方によっては「施餓鬼」(きこん または せがき)と呼ばれ、餓鬼道に陥った亡者を救ったり、餓鬼棚と呼ばれる棚を作って道ばたに倒れた人の霊を慰めたりするといった風習もこの頃に行われる。
At the same time, there is a custom to place segakidana (rack for carrying the dead), gakidana (shelf for holding a deceased person) or Shoryoma (conveyance for the spirits of the deceased) for hungry ghosts who are wandering in this world as muen botoke (a person who died leaving nobody to look after his (her) grave). No.8776
Paracas textile condor birds have no arm
>>8697この考察はBigFootではなく「Paracas textile condor birds」と解釈した方がいい
あとSitting Bullについては荒野の電車にいることから、「Buffalo in Badlands National Park」と考えてもいいそれはそうとしてNASUの主人公は、「チャンカイ文化のパラカス織物」をモチーフにしてるような気もするが、単純に茄子の顔かもしれない…うーん、わからないねあと、「ファミリィゲ~ム」というタイトルが出るメニュー画面があるが、このアイコンを見てみると、パラカス織物の鳥に似てる
似てるなと思ったものを貼っておくわ、チャンカイ文化の鳥ですねこれとかもNASUのメニューアイコンに似た鳥の模様があるこれとかも似てますが、全部に共通するのは鳥ですね、NASUのメニューアイコンは「Paracas Textile Bird」だと思います No.8778
>>8777NASUのMENU ICONは「Bird Design in Chancay」ですね
金合金製の小型人物像(男性と女性)うーんデイブはナスカの像でいいかな、めんどくさいについての考察はやっぱりNazca Figureかな
This is a beautiful thread. I hope OP and Translator-san come back soon.
>>8779Hi, I can try translate, but I don't know which have and haven't been translated. If you can show me which aren't translated yet I can give them a shot.
>>8805Everything I haven't translated so far (from
>>8731 onwards). I've been too busy to do it myself.
I wanted to comment on those Cotton tea cups and tell
>>8740 to lurk more before calling them "random cups", but I haven't had the time.
Okay, so this is my first time translating posts like these so they might be a little off.
Here is my attempt at translating >8731 to >8736
I've yet to do >8737 onwards, but I'll try do more later.
> 魔女イベントの背景、ロケ地は京都ではなく山梨県の和田峠説。
> 画像で比較してみました。情報や考察お待ちしてます。
> #ゆめにっき考察
The background for the with event is not Kyoto, but infact the Wada Touge district in Yamanashi Prefecture. I have attempted to cross-reference the images. Any information or theories would be appreciated.
> 2018年5月13日
> #ゆめにっき ドリームダイアリー公式HPで窓付きがさまよっている町には、大阪府高槻市のマスコット「はにたん」が書かれた実在する旗が立っていることが確認できます。夢に出てくるくらいこの旗を見慣れている――つまり窓付きは大阪府高槻市に住んでいると推測できます。
> May 13th 2018
#YNDD It can be confirmed that in the city Madotsuki is wandering on the YNDD website, there is a poster with "Haitan", the mascot for Takatsuki city, Osaka. This implies that Madotsuki lives in Takatsuki, since Madotsuki must be seeing this poster often for it to appear in her dreams.
> 2018年5月13日
> 特定しました。
> 窓付きが歩いているのは大阪府高槻市松が丘1丁目の商店街のようです。
> #ゆめにっき考察
May 13th 2018
I've found it.
The streets Madotsuki is walking is a shopping street/bazaar (shotengai) in Takatsuki, Matsugaoka, 1-Chome, Osaka.
> まず「まじょAdventure」というゲームについて、横スクロールシューティングゲームのCotton(series)だと思います
First of all, the Witch Adventures game, is infact a reference to the side-scrolling shooter game Cotton.
> Sega Genesis(Mega Drive)から発売された「Panorama Cotton」のGame Cassetteと、「まじょAdventure」のGame Cassetteが似ている
The Sega-Genesis cart for "Panorama Cotten", is quite similar the cart for "Witch Adventures"
> 山梨県の和田峠の「パノラマ写真(Panoramic photography)」が使われているのは、Panorama Cottonの「Panorama」が由来でPanoramic photographyが使われているのだと思います
Since the game is based on "Panorama Cotton", a panoramic photo of Wada Touge district in Yamanashi Prefecture is used, I think.
> NASUのルール説明には「ファミリィゲ~ム(Family)」とあります、おそらくNASUの「Super」という表記は「Super Family Computer」に由来しているのだと思います
In the rule's of NASU, it is explained that it is a "Family game", thus the "Super" in NASU probably refers to the "Super Famicon" (SNES).
> 「まじょAdventure」という表記について、そして「Märchen Adventure Cotton 100%」の「Adventure」という英語タイトルが由来だと思います
I believe that "Witch's Adventure", "Adventure" part of the title is derived from "Märchen Adventure Cotton 100%"
Thank you Mt.kiki for all this information.
If anybody is interested, I found a link with more pictures of Paracas textiles. It's easy to see the resemblance. No.8955
Posting here because /t/ is locked.
Someone on /t/ linked to a Wikipedia article about Japanese-Peruvians.'s a sleep-med-fueled theory. What if Mado is a Japanese-Peruvian who grew up in Peru, returned to Japan (maybe as a teen with her parents, giving her no choice), couldn't handle the culture shock, and became a shut-in? She still dreams of Peru, which is all she knew grewing up, even though she failed to fit in there despite wearing a native hairstyle. Her parents would have told her stories of Japan, and maybe of the internment camps in Peru during WWII, and it all would have gotten jumbled in her unconscious. Now a young adult with agoraphobia who can't adjust to living in a highly urbanized country with over 10 times the population density of where she grew up, she feels very hemmed in and trapped, and also culturally unmoored - thanks to her parents' genes she looks too Japanese to be fully welcome in Peru, but she's too influenced by growing up in Peru to feel at home in Japan. She goes back through her memories in her dreams, collecting things that have meaning to her, trying to find her identity. When there's nothing left to collect and nowhere else to go, she ends her life.
Possible connections:
Barracks settlement, bedroom in Number World - internment camps
FC Dungeon - Peruvian ruins visited on class field trips or with family
Toriningen - kids who teased her
Effects - some could be things other kids called her (poo head, fat, squishy), others could relate to her power fantasies or means of escapism (knife, witch/flying, bike, flute) or to myths told her as a child by her parents (yuki-onna, nopperabou)
Apologies if someone has come up with this theory already.
>>8955Don't think that the culture shock could have such an influence on a young child as long as she hadn't any mental diseases.
>>8956That's why I said a teen or young adult, not a young child. I probably wasn't very clear, sorry. I was envisioning someone spending all/most of their childhood in one place and then being uprooted to a different, vastly more crowded place that they feel like they should fit into but don't. I thought of it because of my experience moving from a rural area to a city across the country to go to college. The crowdedness and sheer differentness of it messed with my head pretty bad even though it was the exact part of the country my parents were from, and I grew up hearing all about it so it shouldn't have been a surprise. But yeah I was already half nuts, so there's that. I guess we all kind of insert ourselves into our theories to some degree.
>>8955Also consider that as detailed on the Japanese-Peruvians Wikipedia entry, in the 1980s there was a large wave of Japanese-Peruvians migrating back to Japan due to economic crises in Peru and the economic boom in Japan - and the fact Madotsuki has a Famicom in her room, a console from around the same time
This is a very cool thread, I think it's possible Mado is a japanese girl living abroad or a foreigner living in japan