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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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File: 1616197524510-0.jpg (74.67 KB, 540x720, ゆめにっき 窓付き スリーブ_1.jpg)

File: 1616197524510-1.jpg (67.58 KB, 610x720, ゆめにっき 携帯ストラップ&クリーナー セコムマサダ….jpg)

File: 1616197524510-2.jpg (254.87 KB, 1080x1080, ゆめにっきのためのワルツ CD_1.jpg)

File: 1616197524510-3.jpg (97.86 KB, 1080x565, ゆめにっきのためのワルツ マチゲリータジャケット版 ….jpg)


I've been searching everywhere for photos and pictures like these, and going through almost 60 pages of Mercari, as well as countless hours of night searching, I figured you'd all be interested in my discoveries to pick up every bit of detail of every released official Yume Nikki item, since this isn't exactly the easiest to find. And if you're interested in buying any of the merchandise items,just go to Mercari JP and copy and paste the name of the item that correlates to the picture.


yooooooooo i literally just opened uboachan to see if anyone has photos of the merch. this is a godsend ty


You’re a fucking GOD thank you sm


thank you so much more to put on the yume nikki march list.

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