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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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hey anons

im really feeling weird atm

i can't make my mind up about anything

and i've been playing yume nikki on steam

but reading the reviews…….

god dammit

i just get so pissed off????

like so many people come to yume nikki from omori, which is fair enough ig, but whenever the two are compared, it just pisses me off so much

i dont want my favourite game to be compared to your white girl depression fetish rpg


god anons im so tired

of being mean

n having strong opinions

my sister got me the madotsuki plush for my birthday, which is coming up soon

but the thought is weirdly stressful

like, what if i don't appreciate it enough? what if i dont like it?

i nearly freaked out because of a redundant colour on madotsuki's sprite

maybe i just have stupid autismo brainrot (likely) thats being amplified by my loneliness and general anger (even more likely)

im sorry

anybody wanna chat?


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feel you anon. that sort of protectiveness over your favorite thing is real and can get absolutely horrendous if unchecked

my personal advice is not to think about it too much. Dwelling on it means more worrying about it, getting yourself all up in a twist about things that either haven’t happened or are happening very far away from you. If you can’t change it, don’t worry about it. Take it with a grain of salt though, I haven’t gotten like that about my interests in a while.



thank you anon

i think this kind of wake up call is exactly what i needed. even if there are a whole buncha people out there who (without meaning to sound like a verified twitter user) don't really "get" the game in the same way i seem to, theres always the funny hyperfixation messageboard


I getchu too anon, regarding the steam reviews

But thankfully the real fans stay and the tourist come and go, so there's nothing to worry about. I don't think YN is at much risk of attracting any more tourists


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no worries anon.

These days, I try not to worry about if someone truly ‘gets’ something like I do or not, unless they’re actively spreading misinformation and/or being an insane dick about it. Chances are, those guys might even be seething that I don’t get it in the way they do, whatever the interest is. Finding your own circle, your own place to talk about it, such as a friend group or a community that’s like minded, that’s always better for this kind of thing. Personally I just convene about my interests with my friends who also have them (including games like Yume Nikki, my friend is getting the full rpg maker game treatment at the moment because of me), and that usually yields the best experience. And again, not worrying about anything. It’s definitely easier said than done, but think of all the worrying about it that you’re doing and how it can be channeled into being even more insane about the interest in another, better direction that’s not wasting energy.

it’s been a while since I thought about stuff like this though, so, take some salt grains for the road as well.


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I used to get kinda pissed about similar shit like that, until I realized it was dumb draining my time on that. Most of those are just temporal users, and its sucks cuz Omori itself is actually not a bad game, but with some community without almost any kind of charisma full of faking mental ilness kids, like if was something cool. And many others mental alarms that convince you to enjoy the game but stay away from a big part of his community (something you're probably gonna understand if you are into some specific games, movies, books, artist, etc. that are good but with a repellent community). I prefer focus my time on actual interested players on the game or just people enjoying the game soundtrack, characters, etc.

Also, not really similar, but the steam reviews thing reminds me to the comments from "Yume Nikki OST: Barracks Settlement (Extended)" video from DontBleedOnTheSuits https://youtu.be/TnyCap2smms

A big part of the comments from that video are interesting.


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Don't let some fools ruin YOUR experience with the game and it's fandom. Zoomers are temporary, Yume Nikki is eternal.



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this is so real

everybody's just muddling along, and i just need to find people who muddle in the same way i do


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now you can find true peace and make it to the hokage. nirvana. or some shit.
my advice holds well


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Hopefully this isn't a necropost, but to be honest, despite what you're saying being true, I think the ideology is kind of cucked.

The reason OP is even mad in the first place is because his nice little thing got twisted by normninjas who only hopped onto it through cultural osmosis. If OP were the type to be able to find his own circle he probably wouldn't be on this board or enjoying nikki. That is to say, this place is his kind of circle. That these egocentric faggots, who larp as mentally ill, or lonely, or whatever; that they larp while posting everything they do on social media, yet somehow lack the self awareness to see how contradictory they are. That these sheep are happily usurping the culture of people they outcast irl, or online, on a daily basis, just because they spent a few years in lockdown. That these husks, as they tell everyone how much of a based, schizopilled trans girl they are, have the retardation to spearhead a culture and say they were always a part of it, as they mangle said culture until it resembles their axe wounds. That they bring in all the societal bullshit that anons were happy to enjoy something without. Yes, that these 'subjects' are doing all this, it is certainly enough to make people never want to see or be near a normieninja again. It's this feeling that is the reason most of us are even here and that games like nikki even exist.


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OP here, and while I think >>10372 has good merit, this is kind of more what I was getting at.

This post sums up my feelings pretty well, minus the brainworms. Although, in my experience, it's less "based schizopill transgirl" and more "semi-bisexual self diagnosed depressed autistic xenogender 💚💙💜"

"Schizopill transgirl", i would argue, is a better descriptor for the real ones than anything else

> That they bring in all the societal bullshit that anons were happy to enjoy something without.

wym? you mean this the "Fucking woke left shitting on my fun" Alex Jones way or the "The worlds gonna end, left me rot in peace" ldar way


I'm glad I kind of got the feeling right. What I meant was sort of leaning towards the "woke left shitting on my fun" side of the perspective, although I don't necessarily mean it politically. It's more, people who force their group think on others, on the internet of all places. For example, The furry community often takes over communities and ruins fanbases.
Related to Nikki, I heard about this yno project website which basically lets you play Nikki, 2kki, and a bunch of the other fangames online with others, even letting you upload your local saves, so I thought it would be cool to try. So I ended up making an account and within a a week, I was banned for discussing LSD and dreams because there are faggot mods who hound on anyone who doesn't keep things "le wholesome". And so the whole community is just a circle jerk of these faggots saying shit like, and I quote, "girl i send u all of them but u say no spoilers" and "gn Fir!". I wouldn't be bothered by normfags enjoying what I like, if they didn't take it over and alienate anyone who doesn't think like them (as they do irl).
I know it's contradictory, complaining about normfags alienating people who want to be alienated from normfags, but it's fair by the fact that now they're virtue signaling how they are the ones alienated as if they aren't forcing their bullshit on people who just want to enjoy something, maybe forgetting about themselves and not being reminded of the self centered and personal outlook that society puts on people.

I feel part of the charm of the internet is that you can larp as whatever, and change your perception as you learn all kinds of new things. The imposition of culture online, making people conform to a single 'correct' one, is something that should only happen irl. It's ironic, but it's like normieninjas are better at gatekeeping than actual gatekeepers, especially gatekeeping identity and what kind of identity you have to be, despite spouting shit like "there are infinite genders, you can be whatever".


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Inclined to agree once again, although

- nothing wrong with others enjoying stuff you like, even if they aren't based redpill or whatever. As long as they acknowledge that you understand the community and the game better than they do, I don't see a problem.
It's shit like when some fucker says "This game looks a lot like Omori, I'm excited to try it out!" on a Yume Nikki review, and then gets pissy when you express distaste for their opinion, that's problematic.

-also there a difference between

>people who force their group think on others, on the internet of all places.

and community overlap. It's not like we need to fucking segregate or anything.

Another thing is just the whole "society bad, the internet is my perfect fantasy escape" thing almost pisses me off as much as the larpers



Sure escapism is for faggots, but I don't hop on the internet to deal with the same faggotry I deal with irl.


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errrm… Ok i guess? still feels like you're projecting

i mean i get where you're coming from but it's still too aggressive for me to really be willing to hold a discussion

>I feel part of the charm of the internet is that you can larp as whatever

Doesn't this make you just as bad as the omori players?

Don't mean to sound personally critical, just trying to analyse and see eye-to-eye


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I start to feel the same way about people who came to yn from undertale, STILL, or all the somehow obviously newer touhou fans, and the people who've latched onto vocaloid or random "otaku" interests just for the aesthetic to name other big ones of mine. Honestly anyone showing signs of liking something in a way that I think is personally distasteful or something gets mildly annoying if anything but you stop caring eventually, first post anon is too right about just trying to keep a neutral to positive mindset about it. no point in spending energy seething by yourself. there's always going to be people who agree with you or share your mindset at least, which is nice until you find that they get TOO weird about it, then it loops back into being lonely again.. for a totally different reason. which is also why you should try to stop caring so much about what's within other people's tastes when you see them crowd around something -you- like I think.
anyway, these things would all die without new blood coming in at worst, and at best we now have more merch and the original games/things are more easily available, and we know they still get attention from original creators by at least being allowed to sit in the steam store for example.
just sharing my own thoughts, sorry this post got sooooooooooooo loooooooooong, but I feel for you OP


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still though, fuck omori


were you molested by an omori fan? this is like the third or 4th post youve made about it.


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Theres a clear difference between what anons do when they larp on the internet and coming on the internet to be a bigger faggot than you are IRL. When anons larp they aren't necessarily projecting any ego to the internet, but they are forgetting the ego they project irl which is necessary to integrate. If they are a shut in then they've gotten to the point where they don't even want to bother integrating. It probably would have been better to say they go on the internet to stop larping, since you could argue the ego people choose to have when they are alone is more real than the one they choose to have around others, but nonetheless it's arguably still a kind of larp since it's an ego that one projects even if they are projecting lack of an ego. When faggots larp they take their shitty social ego and turn it up to 1000. This in turn brings some of that societal projection onto the internet, which in turn effects anons who now can't go online and not give a shit about identity.

In other words, anon larping is being someone who hardly bothers with identity. They don't come online to be as they are irl, but to find things that are niche and likable, purely for that, not because it adheres to some trait or persona, even though this lack of ego is itself a persona.

Faggots online make anons insecure. Go back 15 years and you can see, before the internet was faggot friendly, anons were much more inclusive, open minded and, free spirited. That even the idea of the 'magic of the internet' has been tainted by faggots so that now it seems like a shitty larp. I can't even make a case about it without being virtue checked. I'm not calling you a faggot it's just proof of how bad things have gotten that anons are now getting as insecure on the internet as they are IRL, now that faggots are online.


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And before you call me a faggot projecting again, the reason any of that stuff sounds like projecting is because it's referencing something of the past as if it can still exist. The aspects of 'old chan' I mentioned were what people would now call 'wholesome'. This is the whole third party conception by faggots who taint the original idea by bringing their incessant labeling of shit that doesn't need to be thought of. If something is good then people don't need to comment about how good it is, they just enjoy it. And I know this is all ironic since I'm pretty much doing the same thing talking about all this, but yea I am a self hating faggot who hates that normies get to me and make me like them, but more than that I hate normies for taking away the time when I could just enjoy the internet and not think about myself.



i mean, you are still victimpilled but i see what you mean, kind of. the fact is that there's nothing wrong with bringing societal or identity shit onto the net, it's just when normies do it, they only "port", so to speak, their irl identities onto the web for the purposes of osmosing niche shit to make up for their crippling lack of actual personality.
whether or not they or an anon bring irl stuff with them when they log on doesn't matter; it's purely the inability to extract themselves from their own problems that's irritating. hell, i've seen loads of balanced, well-mannered conversations between anons about identity, and transgender stuff, and societal problems, it's just that when normies do it, they make the conversation not so much about the topic and how best to address it, but about how great they are for talking about it.


no i just really fucking despise the fact that one of my favourite games is constantly compared to some stupid westshit rpg made by a clothing company that uses self-harm for shock value and has a community that consists primarily of white girls pretending to be depressed


this is sad


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what? I mean yeah, but omori is so far ahead on the timeline that it matters less somehow honestly
*super rich asian-american girls, at least get the facts straight if you're gonna stay mad but I feel for you there as well


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My brother in Christ we are on a message board focused on discussing a 2003 RPGMaker game and how we find it relatable. OP is no sadder than any other person here


define far ahead in the timeline




Yes that's exactly what I mean.

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