>>10400I'm glad I kind of got the feeling right. What I meant was sort of leaning towards the "woke left shitting on my fun" side of the perspective, although I don't necessarily mean it politically. It's more, people who force their group think on others, on the internet of all places. For example, The furry community often takes over communities and ruins fanbases.
Related to Nikki, I heard about this yno project website which basically lets you play Nikki, 2kki, and a bunch of the other fangames online with others, even letting you upload your local saves, so I thought it would be cool to try. So I ended up making an account and within a a week, I was banned for discussing LSD and dreams because there are faggot mods who hound on anyone who doesn't keep things "le wholesome". And so the whole community is just a circle jerk of these faggots saying shit like, and I quote, "girl i send u all of them but u say no spoilers" and "gn Fir!". I wouldn't be bothered by normfags enjoying what I like, if they didn't take it over and alienate anyone who doesn't think like them (as they do irl).
I know it's contradictory, complaining about normfags alienating people who want to be alienated from normfags, but it's fair by the fact that now they're virtue signaling how they are the ones alienated as if they aren't forcing their bullshit on people who just want to enjoy something, maybe forgetting about themselves and not being reminded of the self centered and personal outlook that society puts on people.
I feel part of the charm of the internet is that you can larp as whatever, and change your perception as you learn all kinds of new things. The imposition of culture online, making people conform to a single 'correct' one, is something that should only happen irl. It's ironic, but it's like normieninjas are better at gatekeeping than actual gatekeepers, especially gatekeeping identity and what kind of identity you have to be, despite spouting shit like "there are infinite genders, you can be whatever".