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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General

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File: 1713420926973.jpg (192.91 KB, 1177x917, funamusea old yumenikki.jpg)


I'm making this post because I need help to find older artwork from a Japanese artist known nowadays as Funamusea (Deep-Sea Prisoner) previously known as Okegom. I ask this because it seems a lot of her older artworks have been lost to time and may not be archived as well. I have searched other boorus which do contain older art, but it seems to be reposted artwork from her or incredibly popular artwork. I have also search her own website where she has catalogued tons of artwork, however artwork seen in picrel do not appear.

The picture in question I believe is a screenshot of one of her folders containing older artwork of hers. This was posted to X I believe. If you look closely, you can see a ton of Yume Nikki artwork. However nowadays, she posts OC and commissions.

If anyone does have old artwork saved, please post below or please send links to where older art is archived/posted. Thank you.


File: 1713435660418-0.jpg (145.63 KB, 770x1402, 16727975.jpg)

I've happened to have an archive which might have what you're looking for. I don't know if it has all Okegom's YN fanart or only a small portion of it, but you can have it anyway.


Thank you!!! There is some artwork in here I've never seen before. Though even if it doesn't contain some of the artwork pictured in my original post, I appreciate it nonetheless.

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