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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I was forced to move to a different country by my family and have lost pretty much everything. It's been at least 3 years since but it still feels like yesterday, the days become the same. I don't know any locations or people (apart from 2 friends I met at collage, but they're not too sociable), so I kinda just relive the same day over and over. I get that part of this whole thing is on me for not doing much but "Just go outside and meet people" is easier said than done. Should I go to clubs/bars etc.? I just want to meet people with similar interests but I don't want to look like a loser either. I get that I'm preaching to the choir here but I may as well get it off my chest.


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my dad was in the military, so i was forced to move a lot.
eventually i learned to stop getting attached to acquaintances and frens alike.
sorry for rambling but your post reminded me of it, which leads to the only advice i can give you; that being stick with the things you love, your passions your hobbies those will be your salvation.


What country, anon?

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