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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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do any of you fantasize about the end of the world? even when I lose interest in all my other hobbies prepping and homesteading remain really alluring, something about imagining a scenario where I have control over my life.


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yeah i do, ive known about what the next decade will bring for some time now. though i dont have the mental capacity and motivation to actually prep or do something about it so im just waiting to die the next 5 years or so


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often. i think it's just a way to justify failing/dying. if it's not "my fault", i'm absolved of all guilt, as opposed to my current ugly spiral (and it's inevitable ending) being totally on me.


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Yeah, especially when my depression gets wild. I can't stop thinking about how humanity is always walking towards it's own destruction (and I kinda hope that the end comes soon enough so I can leave this place without hurting the few people that I have by my side)


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i dont really know what kind of world i'd rather live in, just as long as its cold and quiet, and only filled with memories of people


My hope is that when the end comes mankind will have established life outside this planet by then

It's unlikely to happen of course but it would beat not having any living memory of our species aside from a gold plated record that other species, assuming they even exist, might not even realize what it is


I do, and although most people talk of trying to repopulate the earth if they and some other person were the only one left on the planet, I think I'd honestly just accept that humanity's time is up and try to explore what's left of the world with them.


I used to love books and movies with post apocalyptic themes, where all of humanity was gone and there was only one sole survivor, and I'd fantasize that one day I'd wake up and everyone had just vanished for some reason. Later I decided these desires were part of my schizoid personality disorder.


Oh, definitely. I just want to not have any responsibilities. I think the idea of the modern human life being reduced to bare survival relaxes my caveman brain. Modern civilization is too confusing and too overwhelming.

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