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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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how do you guys cope with paranoia? I don't usually struggle to talk to people too hard online, Like I have friends that I can play games with and stuff, but even then I have these straight up delusional episodes and huge swaths of paranoia that causes me to struggle, even in seemingly favorable circumstances. Really close friend? I'll lose sleep for weeks thinking up all sorts of insane shit. Finally forced myself to leave the house? Every single car is someone who is gonna stop, get out, and attack me or kidnap me or something. God Forbid if the car has tinted windows, My body will just straight up have a fear response to completely innocuous things! It keeps me locked up inside, I barely wanna leave my room cause I'll get paranoid over the people I'm living with. It's unbelievably mentally isolating, Sometimes I just wish the isolation was a purely physical state that had no baring on my mental - but we all know it's not that simple.


have you been on medication? if it's that bad there's not much else that helps.


you can get medication for paranoia?


>Every single car is someone who is gonna stop, get out, and attack me or kidnap me or something

Not to that level, but I have that feeling of being watched by the drivers inside almost everytime a vehicle passed near me too. I know is dumb to feel like that when those people are way more busy with their own shit rather than paying attention to some stranger, but damn it.


sure, though it depends on how convinced you are of your delusions. if you absolutely "know" it and feel compelled to act on it, it's psychosis; if you logically know it's not true but it strongly tugs on you and get really bad anxiety like you described in the OP, it's probably some panic disorder.
but who am i to say, go talk to a shrink. it's worth a try.


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It's comforting to know I'm not alone on that, I hate how overly aware of my surroundings I am, I wanna have some level of normalcy when I do manage to claw my way out of my house.

I'll look into therapy, cause I am certainly far from being convinced most days. Admittedly, I have tried it before to no avail, I've also tried opening up to the friends I do have but it usually blows up in my face. Maybe I'm going about all that wrong?

I will say though, It sometimes feels like I'm teetering on the edge of something awful. As if I'm one terrible day from not being able to tell real from fake, There has been moments. I don't like the ways I act and the things I say when those moments come about. It's like someone else is in the driver seat, Or maybe better described like I'm grabbing the wheel from the passenger seat? It's difficult to put to words.

For many years I've felt like I one day just woke up in my current life, like everything that came before was someone else's doing, all the memories and thoughts and feelings - Like they belong to someone else. It may sound anecdotal but it feels relevant to all this. Maybe its an attempt at gaining control again? Maybe my paranoia is a manifestation of guilt. I'm not sure, I appreciate the replys anons

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