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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I think about it a lot. Normies look for help when they have mild anxiety/perceived worries and whatever they have is very easy to treat because their worries are baseless and the solution is usually "be positive and stop overthinking uwu". And then you have people like me, whose insecurities and reasons to worry are rooted in reality and confirmed every fucking day by other people. How are these people dealt with? "Be humble and accept that you're doomed to be a worthless retard"? No idea, I've sworn off seeking help but I'm beyond repair, I should be put down.


>Normies look for help when they have mild anxiety/perceived worries and whatever they have is very easy to treat because their worries are baseless and the solution is usually "be positive and stop overthinking uwu"
I don't think this is true. First off most people won't seek therapy, they'll go to their friends or family. That's when you get that kind of answer, either because they don't understand or because it's a tiny problem and that kind of thing genuinely is the solution. It's like saying "normies get small injuries and the solution is sit in bed and drink soup uwu", maybe that's true sometimes but if you have two broken legs then any professional will try to fix them properly.


>t. normie


Your life can be so bad even psychologists and family wonder why you have not killed yourself and expect you to. What can we do?

Normal people are lucky they even have desires and incels are lucky because they can have the desire to get a GF and finally have sex but they do not know NONE of that makes you happy just more depressed.

For normal types just going to a shrink and talking helps and it can help a lot to be told why they are "fucked" but personally it does not help me to be told that the trauma resulted in my fucked up personality.


Bad comparison. There is not a (big) stigma against physical health, you can have no arms and legs and doctors will still treat you respectfully. The only exception is terminal illness but even then, patients are treated with pity not disdain or disgust.
I've seen people on the internet complain about how fucked up they supposedly are, but they have careers and friends and know that even if their illness tells them they're losers it's not true. I'm talking about people who are diagnosed, maybe take meds, but are high functioning. You may not think they're normies and they don't consider themselves normies, but they are. Many normies are secretly fucked up anyway, it doesn't suddenly make them not normies if they are still well-adjusted and successful.


Therapists treat you with disgust? Are you speaking from experience?


No not my experience. Just common sense and what I know from other people.


I'm interested what you've heard from other people, but common sense? Really? Your common sense tells you that people who have trained for years to understand and help mentally ill people would find more severe cases disgusting? I do know what you mean, but common sense/instinct is often a very bad way to decide what's true (especially depending on any mental illness you have). What common sense says is true is very different between people, e.g. to me it used to be immediately obvious that if I killed myself I would just leave my body and fly away, that was common sense to me then but it's not anymore. You should only use it as a starting point to guide your research into something.



Select only the people with bad experiences (which could be higher than 20% or lower than 1%, no way of knowing), select each of their individual worst experiences and vote the very worst of those to the top, of course they're going to be bad, you could get the same for any field. Most of these aren't even looking down on the patient, they're just bad therapists.


Stop trying to gatekeep mental illness, holy fuck.


If you are here at all chances are I wasn't talking about you. Don't be offended kek.


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Offended? This whole "normalfag" (not "normie", you newfag) is just an unhealthy defense mechanism to feel better about your life.

It'd be a lot better to instead accept yourself AND everyone else instead of being as prejudiced as the stereotypical normal person is. Normalcy is just a spook anyway*, everyone on Earth is a lot more complicated than what appearances tell. And so are most mental illnesses, if you ask me. All this labeling and identity bullshit has done plenty of harm to humanity already.


To add to my point, plenty of so-called autistic people are just people who realize how retarded some social norms and willingly opt not to follow them, but psychologists don't care, it's easier to diagnose someone as crazy and make them take funny pills. And don't get me started on ADHD.

End of rant.


I don't say "normalfag" because I'm not a disgusting 4chan neckbeard like the rest of you.(calm your beardless neck my dude)

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