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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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How can I get autism bux in Australia?
I have been diagnosed with moderate functioning autism professionally. I have the documents that support this that are signed. Not sure what to do from here..


Please fuck off you pepe spamming scum.


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While /hikki/ is supposed to be a safe space, it is not /r9k/. Go there, young child.


I agree with this wholeheartedly.


People over here just love your type.
Why don't you introduce yourself? Just make an introduction thread and bask in the love.


ED has been terrible for years.


>safe space
Didn't know Ubuu was supposed to be a hugbox for libtards.


Stop bringing politics into every single part of your life for once. I don't want to hear about that filth and it's completely irrelevant. Not every phrase ever said on the Internet is politics related believe it or not.

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