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/fg/ - Fangames


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so, i've seen indication here http://dotflow.wikidot.com/vomitgirl-area and here http://yumenikkifg.wikia.com/wiki/.flow/guide, as well as a thread on uboachan, of a new event in the love hotel/brothel area of .flow. but no matter how many times i follow the steps, i just can't seem to get it to work. the maid simply doesn't react in any way. no 'face,' no maze, nothing. i saw something about eating more cake to help it trigger, but i've had about 4 or 5 at this point and still no change. i've even tried downloading the original from the website. does anyone know anything i could be missing?


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Try 10 cakes.



Roger wilco.



…i did it.


Congrats. Did it work?



yyyyep. seems like 10 cakes is the key, someone should really put that on one of the wikis. the implications of this new place are… pretty bad.

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Hey guys!
A friend and I have developed a collaborative YNFG project called Outotsu Yume.
This game stars Kubotsuki and Totsutsuki, and currently has only a few maps.

If this project sounds interesting, check out these links:
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Outotsu Yume has been updated to Ver0.01a!
This version includes new areas and a new effect for Kubotsuki, the addition of chasers, new sounds for doors, and multiple bugfixes!


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(More screenshots.)


Looking good Sushi.


Nice, will give it a try when i have time.


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Shameless bump with a screenshot of BackBeatAnthem's potential design for a sound test effect. (Posted 01/05/2016)

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There is a way to do the speed glitch from Yume-Nikki in .flow that is relativity simple. Demonstration/How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeWqN5aTgAY

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>/tkki/ no longer on boards

What is this I don't even.


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It's a yume nikki fangame. ¯\(°_o)/¯


We had a request for comments thread in /sugg/ for days about combining the topics of some boards, and nobody complained. So, 2kki and .flow are basically meant to have general threads in /fg/ now. If you wanna make a case to make /tkki/ its own board again, make a /sugg/ thread.

You can still see the old content of /tkki/ in the Annex, but it's locked to new posts now.

Sometimes users don't see our /sugg/ threads or don't reply to them. It's a little after the fact now, but if we've made a mistake by merging the topics of the two larger fangame boards into /fg/ then let us know why.


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That explains a lot. Thank you!


Sure. There'll be a news post soon for anyone who's still missing what happened. If users don't make general threads in /fg/ for .flow and 2kki within a couple days then the staff will do it.


I guess this chan is too kill for it to have it´s own board

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So superpowers has been released as open source software, and it looks very promising:


So far I like the looks of it better than my previous favorite game engine, godot. But the documentation is lacking and the UI is very weird.

I want to make a yumi nikki like game with it, probably in top down 3d


I never heard of it before, even tough i take an interest in opensource engines.

I looked at godot and considred making a game with it, maybe il get around it some day.

Thanks for sharing.


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I spent a few weeks mucking around with it, and tbh it's a bit average. I like it because it's a little closer to the 'metal' of the browser.

But then again it uses TypeScript which is dead end in comparison to asm.js that godot uses

i might start making a demo in godot instead, pictured is the demo i made in superpowers


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I'm playing around with 3d models at the moment, I've reworked the Poniko model you saw in the screen a few times.

The first screen is the original, the big bobble head is the one to match the dimensions of the superhero demo. The last one was more of a mix of the two. I think I was on to something with third iteration, I like the skinny eyes the best


The perspective of some of the objects seems a bit awkward mismatched with each other, but still it is looking cute.

The third image is the one I like the most also.

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Thought I could share this here. I've been playing yume nikki and the fangames for years now and I finally decided to continue my lets play of Me.


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I don't know very well how to explain this but bear with me
Four years ago I played Yume Nikki for the first time, and I enjoyed it quite a bit, at the same time I was really getting into programming and had become a full-time NEET
So I took my sweet free time and started cloning the RPG Maker engine onto the HTML5 Platform, my aim was to build an engine powerful enough so that It could run Yume Nikki flawlessly and possibly make it so a single instance could be played by a lot of people at the same time, so you could have the experience of bumping into other people as you play, with the possibilities of some minor interaction
Thing is, I'm lazy as hell and get depressed fairly easily, so the project didn't really ever get too far, biggest problem was that I couldn't build a disassembler to fetch all the vital data I need from the Yume Nikki inner code, and by that I mean general event handling, I also don't know the game well enough to clone it with the poor documentation it has, and by that I mean few strings of japanese scattered across it's RPGMaker file
The engine itself I was building, however, works fairly well, as it is it can mimic most rpg maker interactions fairly easily besides some graphical shenanigans, which weren't easy to handle at the time in HTML5, dunno if that has changed, most stuff works well like AI handling, Map building, visual layering, Event positioning and handling, memory management, Sound effects (Including, of course, the different sounds for different grounds), etc etc, it has some of the multiplayer aspect built in, but that's pretty much at 10%
Why I'm telling all this? Well, I didn't plan on going back to it, it's been untouched for years, and I don't even remember how it works right now, but recently there was a pretty good Yume Nikki thread on 4chan that got me a bit nostalgic, and honestly, it's a shame I could never got to do anything with it, reprogramming the entirety of Yume Nikki might be beyond my abilities, but even then, maybe I could work something out with it, maybe even a fangame, although my drawing skills are pretty much nonexistant
I don't really know what to do with this, but I'd really like to do something
Pic related, it's an ancient snippet I had around when still working on it
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To be honest, the whole YN world is pretty dead as of late, as the new trend shit is to make cheap horror games.
I honestly recommend you working on something different altogether, but your idea of implementing multiplayer interaction sounds really, really nice and something too cool to leave aside, so now I have mixed feelings about what you should do.
I think that it actually may work pretty nice if done, be it either a fangame or that YN clone; however, bear in mind my warning.

If you decide for the later just drop a post around here, I know japanese and how2RPGfucker so I can translate stuff for you and help.


Is the scene really dying? Well, it was never that much active to begin with, but I was hoping fan projects such as yume 2kki were able to keep the interest alive

And about working on something different altogether, well, truth be told I also used the engine to try working on an horror game that didn't really have anything to do with yume nikki at all besides the general "RPG maker feel"

It was meant to be essentialy a co-op horror game where you had to escape a cursed building in 12 hours (which would be about 2~3 real time hours) by any means possible, even if at times that might lead to screwing over the other people you were playing with

But as I state before, It's a bit hard for me to maintain a consistent drive to do things, specially something that takes so much care. Besides, I really can't draw for shit, it really didn't go very well, I'm not even gonna post a picture of this one since it looks so ugly


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Unless some bigshot identity mentions or even brings up Yume Nikki, I can pretty much bet that the whole scene is dying if not dead.

To be honest, I'm actually surprised it made it till 2016. I have no clue how the scene is in japan and likewise have no clue how active the 2kki devs are at their chans. But I'm also guessing the numbers aren't as motivated as they were a few years back.

watarumaps best maps


If you dont know what to do with it then just opensource it, maybe someone else can find use for it.


Thing is, I WANT to make use of it, I just don't know how to go on doing that, maybe I could work out some community project of sorts, or team up with someone who can help with the visuals and general aesthetics, when it comes to programming I'm pretty confident on my abilities

If I were to opensource I'd like at least to do something with it before releasing it, besides, as it is right now It's really not that useful for general use, there are no graphical editors or anything of the like besides a hastly put-together map editor, everything is built by command line, you'd have to be familiar enough with scripting to the point where you'd probably not need this to begin with

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I have a complaint about some of these fan games: most of them seem to "try too hard" to emulate the weirdness/edginess of the first game. Some parts of the original Yume Nikki bothered me and seemed to try too hard in of themselves, but the game still stayed mysterious and a little creepy, but really most of all, atmospheric and lonely; depressing.

I feel like all and any fan games kind of miss the point of the original. The original was out of place, RPG-wise. It's not like any other game in that it doesn't follow conventional game logic. That was the cool thing - its uniqueness. The fan games lose that because they are all very similar to the original.

So besides getting more general gameplay from them that is similar, they miss what was good about Yume Nikki. If the fan games were as different from Yume Nikki as Yume Nikki was from regular RPG-style games, then they might have been interesting. But the point that I got from the original was that Madotsuki was mostly completely alone in the dream world. When you see it with a different character, all I feel is "Eh, yeah somebody's mimicking the style to try to create something similar again."

Can anybody sympathize with my views on this? I know this is the fan game section so I'm probably talking to a lot of people who disagree with me, but just give me your thoughts on it.
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>Initially, Yume Nikki came off as a boring and level-design wise, poorly designed. It was only after seeing a lot of the areas and events, and knowing the ending wasn't out of place that I begun to appreciate the game
The game was the first of its kind and it came out when, 2003 i think?
Also it was made by one guy i think and for free, you can cut it some slack in that regard.
Keep in mind too 2003 was a very different year for indie games than it is now.

Again i agree, but just to remember that gamedesign was much less demanding and evolved back then so people need to keep this in mind.


I do keep all of that in mind. For one, I realize that YN is a very different game from most games at that time. Its difference increases its value, in my opinion. That may have also allowed it to convey deeper emotional ideas, since it breaks the fourth wall by being so outside of regular game and artistic design, and despite its simplicity as well.

Being a weird and thematically similar game to YN just wouldn't cut it again. Its not different enough to have the same impact as YN.

I've played a bit of Yume 2kki, and while I think some of the areas, art styles and music are really cool, it doesn't have an underlying theme set of themes, possibly because its been put together by multiple people who have a different idea of what the game is. While I'm sure a lot of people here appreciate its design, everyone knows that its probably only a tenth of the size of Yume Nikki in interest and uniqueness, despite there being many more levels in 2kki.

While it seems that Yume Nikki may have been under-explored creatively by the developer, continuing off that exploration in another game just doesn't work. One obvious reason for that is that it's a different group of people working on it. Its no longer the artistic expression of a single story, but just genuine wacky randomness and insanity. I could see the appeal of that too, but its the result of missing elements.


> 2kki isn't nearly as surreal in a way,

imo it's even more surreal. im amazed at how creative it is at times.


2kki is a huge hit-or-miss. Some areas in 2kki really do feel like exploring a surreal dream, especially Wataru's maps. Others just feel like a bad copypaste from YN.


I think most would agree with you OP. No fangame could ever touch the pure originality and creativity of YN. That said, fangames can still be worthwhile, even if they don't reach such heights. Only .flow comes close, although less in an artsy fartsy way and more in just a fun experience way. Other fangames, though, are more about just feeding the desire for more that YN left me with. Exploring these games, while not as full of meaning and pure craftsmanship, are fun and at least give me a taste of the feeling that YN gave me. 2kki is always full of surprises. LcdDem, Yume Nisshi, Yume Graffiti all had their own feelings and own stories that were told through a Yume Nikki lens. Ultra Violet, Me, Miserere were fun to explore. Hell Diary, The Other Line, Kataribesou added gameplay twists…

Basically, you're right. YN is my favorite game after all. But I don't think that stops fangames from being worthwhile and fun experiences in their own right. They don't have to meet or surpass the best game ever to achieve that

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Well well well.
-> http://yumenisshi.web.fc2.com/

Guess who just released v0.04. I don't speak moonrunes so I don't know what the update entails but I thought it was an interesting enough event to post.
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Well this is certainly a surprise. Hopefully it at least gets an ending now.


Why is this in recent? Sure no one here actually cares about this shit game anymore right?


Well it was almost an entire year of no replies before you posted


Well it showed up in recent page of ubuu even though the last post was like Jan of 2015.


Nope, we don't

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So, I was exploring a game called JanusVR which transforms the internet in actual Physical places and it is pretty darn awesome (click here for more info: http://www.janusvr.com/) then suddenly I've found something on a room of "popular" sites that made me get pretty excited but also full of questions - an attempt to remake Yume Nikki in 3D made by one guy called Nakura. Unfortunally all I've got was this exact information about it (Pic Related) and I couldn't find any more further infromation on the internet… So… Any of you guys knows about this? Do any of you know if this is/isn't abandoned?
Also… any contact with this guy named Nakura so we can give him some inspiration/help?
Thank you.
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Seems like a shittier Worlds. The lounge looks the same for every webpage.


Are you kidding man! The game is awesome! You just got to find the best web pages. Sites like "Youtube" and other shit aren't cool but you got to visit the "Popular Sites" hub and then you will think LOTSA things. Seriously. I recomend you check it out again.


Come the fuck on man.


It seems from my first impression of JanusVR like it's up to fans of webpages to design a non-default lounge for particular ones.


Well I visited the megeman battlenetwork world. I need more of that.

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What kind of character sprites do you prefer to see in fangames? Do you like to see new character sprites, or do you prefer the commonplace Madotsuki sprite edits?

As long as the Madotsuki sprite edits are relatively nice, I usually favor those over new sprites.
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>commonplace Madotsuki sprite edits
Aka recolors, fuck that shit, it's not the fact that they are recolors, it just gives the impression of playing another fongom clone.

I have played lots of fangames for long time already and now I kinda beg for different things, even in those minor details, let's get real most fangames are literally the same thing.

A mado edit doesn't mean a game is bad or unoriginal, it's just a "ew" first impression to me.


My preference goes something like this:

Completely original sprite > Mado edit > RPG Maker default sprite


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same here


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I actually think Mado recolors are quite charming in fangames. Of course, it is fun to see original sprites, yes, but I do enjoy seeing what others can pull off with a basic Mado-type sprite.

Though, that's just my opinion!


I prefer Mado edits.
It feels more like a proper continuation f the game universe. I mean yeah, new sprites are nice but the original style is my favorite

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Hi all,

I started making a small game which is greatly inspired by both Yume Nikki (for the world you can explore non-linearly) and Digimon World 1 (because you can take many forms depending on your stats).

The name has been found quite lazily: Yu(me nikki)Dig(imon)

The game was started for an RPG contest, made by RPG Maker (even though my game wasn't made with RPG maker…)

You can download the game here: http://contest.rpgmakerweb.com/game/view/id/707#.U7IHMbFReAI (thats my submission page)

If you liked the game I would really appreciate if you could share the link. Otherwise I just want you to play the game to have your feedback.
I'm going to continue the project (as there are still some bugs), but I this version can still be played and be enjoyed by most of you I think.


As to what isn't really explained in the game:

Killing creatures and collecting orbs increase your karma.
Karma can be use in the pause menu (X to open the menu during exploration), to increase your health, shield, dark, light, rock, or fire affinity.

I'm waiting for you feedbacks guys, hope you will enjoy


Please, don't be an asshole and don't use the fucked up mechanics from Digimon World 1, PLEASE.


Haha, the only mechanics I took from Digimon World 1 is the evolution system, the fact that you have many different routes for killing the enemy, and when you die, you go back to the "baby" stage.
I removed the "death from old age" as I didn't have time to balance it to make it an interesting mechanics (and I think that forcing you to die, if done well is really interesting: force you to restart a new path, and avoid being overpowered).


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Oh and, here is a screenshot from the battle screen.

There are 4 types: Dark, Light, Rock and Fire. Each types have strenght and weaknesses against other type (like in Pokemon)
When you start casting a skill, your type switch to the one you are casting, so will have to try to always take the type which is strong against the attack you will be receiving.

The battle system is much more dynamic than your regular JRPG and there really is a big difference between a good and a bad player, which what I think makes the game interesting.

Tell me what your thoughts are


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You may enjoy the web-browser version (I know I would).


Give it a try ! Image and music produced by me

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Does anyone know if Dream vs Dream has been cancelled? The website is down and their tumblr hasn't updated in months.
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Never give up the dream


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If you want to be delusional, go ahead. But before that, let me call bs.

Also, Cirno dubs always tell the truth.


I haven't heard news of it being cancelled, but at this point, it may as well be.



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I only saw a few things being posted in a tag.
Which is a shame.

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Hi everyone. I'm making a fangame, and I have a doubt. (I think this is the correct thread. If not, corret me)

Well, there's this thing of the animation before changing effects. (Battle animations, I believe are the name. The default animations are nice, but I want to make my own. So, how do you do that? There's a base or something? A image that tells you where every frame should go?

Thanks in advance


Hey, welcome to the site!
The battle animations format really depends on the engine you're using for your fangame.
If you're using RPG Maker 2003, these are the sizes you should use for the files:

Battle Animations
Folder: Battle
Image size: 480x480
Each cel in a battle animation is 96x96 pixels. This allows 5 cels per line and 5 cels per column.

Battle Animations (large)
Folder: Battle2
Image size: 640x640
Each cel in a large battle animation is 128x128 pixels. This allows 5 cels per line/column.

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Nice guy Sushi saves the day, I was going to shoot.


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Fangame devs are an endangered species, wouldn't want my license revoked.

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