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/fg/ - Fangames


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hEy gUyS i'M mAkInG a NeW gAmE lOl
nOt lIe pRomIse
35 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


and i think you may have wonders for everyone to show


who would have though these pearls would be so low


How low exactly?


About as low as it gets motherfucker


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Hey guys, i just finished a game that took me like 2 years, i wasn´t sure if i should mention it here since it´s part yume nikki fangame and part lsd: dream emulator. But i figured it was worth it.



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I thought you played something for 2 years, and I was about to say "whoa that's some hardcore difficult game!" then realized you made one.

I see it's from godot, please make us a linux build. Looks good.


thanks! i´ll work on it

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 No.7387[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your unpopular fangame opinions here.
98 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I don't even know why you considered it as if ubuu hated that game, because here no one even talks about it. I personally like it, and there will be different opinions, but seriously, I can't see why you came up to that conclusion.


I knew Gnosis because I have the guy as a friend on deviantart, and I gave y support, and told him that it's pretty well done.


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Yume Nishhi is the most underrated fg.

Worlds are beautyfull and really diverse, egyptian mythology elements are really fun and are good counterparts to Nikki parakka's shit, the effects are really fucking cool, well thougth out, and again theres a lot of variety(quoting that anon who said doll effect was badass cuz he is fucking rigth)

Theres a lot of really cool references here and there that I really like like the rule of rose sack.

Events are also pretty original and fun in their own rigth, getting chased by whatever his name(Ophelus?) was room to room was cool af.

Idk I just feel people either ignore this fangame because is not as edgy as .flow or as big as 2kki or hate this fg cuz her creator did a really dick move in the past and cant get over it.

Seriously out of all the fangames ive played this is one the only ones that has the most dreamlike atmosphere alongside lcd dem.

Urotsuki is also best girl.


I like big pointless mazes in fangames


i wonder how >>7565 is doing. i've been through that kind of shit as well

.flow helped me feel a little more normal while i was going through the worst of it, so even it it's kinda shit it holds a special place for me..

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Does anyone know if there is the ending in such game like "Gnosis"?


What game?



Literally one (if not) the most underrated fangame ever. Shit is legit good quality but little people know about it.
The author dropped it though.


I like this game, so 4 years old later bump


7 Years later bump

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Hello there!! anybody knows if Wataru are still making maps for the Yume 2kki? these maps are the best from the game, and the last update featuring a map from him was more than one year :/
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Give me a Credit, it~s my first time using this board, so its very possible that i dont know anything about it, and about this thread as well. can you show me where i can find it?


The very first thread at the topmost of the board. >>11317


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Wataru is my cousin. He said that Aediorugap is gay right now


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After all these years I still can't forget about them.
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I don't know what to say other than God bless you Anons


>>15739 We could res it. It's been done on here before with other threads.


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We could revive /fg/ and the rest of the board. All it needs is to bring up any kind of activities instead of lurking from the shadows.


I still have my save file from years ago when I was in college for yume 2kki and I still play it when im really bored. I was manage to find new worlds. :)


>>15752 It's still getting updates even now.

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Apparently people make YN fangames in Roblox now. Pic related.


Some are even kinda good. I'm glad kids are having fun and keeping the spirit alive


that's really interesting. I'll take a look at em later

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From my Yume Nikki Fangame, Nightmarescape.


what else you got



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Does anyone know what area of ​​yume 2kki is?



worlds most useless thread


Not really

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Hi! Lately I've been working on a fangame called Fukai Nemuri (translated deep sleep from jp), which focuses more on the liminal/exploration aspect of YN than the horror/gore. Lately development has slowed down, so I've decided to make a thread here where I show a few leaks, explain upcoming features and maybe add recruitment posts (since I can barely add a few notes in a midi, making a full soundtrack would be a nightmare. A bad-sounding nightmare.). I might post something cool here from time to time, so I invite you to check here often!


So what have you done for it? I'm assuming that screensot is the MC?


>>15623 Yup! I mainly just made things outside of the game (such as sketches and in-game locations), since i suck at making tilesets. That doesn't mean that no progress was made on the game, just that I have a good idea of what I'm making but I'm having trouble actually developing it. The main roblems I'm facing are events and the previously-mentioned soundtrack.


>>15624 It's not super hard to make some short atmospheric loops. Simple loops with midi+soundfonts or chopping up existing audio works well and is pretty fun.
quick ex:


Nice, what program did you use?

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I haven't seen a thread on the fangame Me
so I figured I'd just make one
especially since I've just started playing it


ok well first of all what i'd like to say about me is that i can't help but think of five nights of fuckboy's when i play it.
It's probably cuz it and Me are both made in Vx Ace


game is fine imo
just why tf did the creator use photoshop for the dream room


What should they have used, MSPaint?

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>I kinda wished you were finished.
I guess your prayers won't be answered after all!


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Good one!


Don't think it's on pixiv anymore. I've looked.


back on biz, boys!


Holy shit

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what the fuck is this


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A Yume Nikki Mod made by an old friend of mine. It's very fun and you should definitely play it. It has a lot of various meme references along with some inside jokes.

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Have you ever wanted a different kind of fangame?
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goddamn it not again


OP to put things in context, we have a veeeeery long history of people posting that they're going to make a game and then never doing it. If you have some work done then post what you've got, but… from the filename you didn't even draw the bunny. This is the least informative game announcement I've ever seen lmao


oh that actually makes sense lmao


well ok ok next time i announce this i'll be more informative
(tho i really do like to not be informative on purpose)


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but you you actually want something original then here
(sorry if it's small but it's meant to be for the "nasu ripoff" every single goddamn fangame has to have)

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been trying to figure out how to make a sitting command in rpgmaker 2003, please help!!


Are you having an issue graphically or creating the event? The event sounds pretty simple to do. Just make the place-to-sit interactable, and once interacted you just change the character graphic to one where they're sitting.


its just being able to sit anywhere on the floor, with a button press, no graphical issues.

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