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/fg/ - Fangames


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Excuse me.
Who has mp3. of this playlist?


It seems too late to download (cry)
If someone uplaod that, I'll really appreciate sharing music.


I gave wrong URL, sorry!

What I really want is this:

Please!!Who has mp3. from this playlist??
Thank you!


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 No.12992[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What do you guys think of the annual Dream Diary Fangame Jam on Tumblr? Are any of you participating? If so, what are your projects? And have you seen any good fangames come out of it? Any favorites?
248 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If I feel like it, I might look at those quickly. Also, your theory seems unlikely. Has astralshift done something like that before?


>Has astralshift done something like that before?
They have started some small-scale drama here and there, but nothing that would make you think they would do something like that in a small imageboard.


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>poorly disguised shilling done by astralshift
Except it's not, I'm an old ubuu user and game developer not related to Astralshift, you can ask a mod, sorry to break your bubble but people can say good things about things you don't like.

In addition, what of what I said is false? It is the biggest modern game from that small tumblr community, the game's numbers are huge, it got tons of fanart, love and even some cosplay, that's a lot more than most little RPGM people will ever achieve.

By the way from the looks of it, you guys sure spend a lot of time trying to slam Astralshift, I've only said their game is very relevant and look at the reactions, like the art theft accusation which, after googling I realized it was nothing but a misunderstanding.

Like you're all almighty saints, let me quote Pinkuboa, the owner of the jam, about it:

>it’s not uncommon for the PM team to smack talk others behind their backs.

Isn't that what lots of you do to each other in the confession blogs? Pinkuboa's unprovoked agression against ubuu here >>13387 is a good example.

As I said earlier ITT, PM isn't even my kind of game, I don't like it, it represents everything I am tired of in a "horror RPG", little girls in dresses, cute atmosphere, the sounds, the haunted house, it's all about overused tropes, we have been making fun of that for ages here, but you know what? I think that's precisely why the game was successful and that's all I have been saying.


home team vs away team, whose gonna hit the big slam?


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Bumping this thread in an effort to revive it for Dream Diary Jam 4, which just ended.

Tonight I submitted v0.02 of our game "Yellow Sails". I hope you guys will give it a try and enjoy it, it's very unfinished but there's about 20-30 mins of content in there right now. We went for an ocean theme, and you sail between islands instead of opening doors in a nexus. There isn't a ton of content yet but I'm proud of what we have, I think there is a pleasant and nostalgic atmosphere. Please let me know what you think on the comments page if you play it!

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In case this version goes missing from the web like v0.01.

Have fun! I hope you all enjoy it. Let's hope for v0.03 sometime soon.


>In case this version goes missing from the web like v0.01.
If it helps any matters, there's a copy of ver.0.01b on the torrent listed here https://yumenikkifgarchive.gitlab.io/

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Well,I made a remix of a .flow soundtrack. Made January to February 2020:
(I'm new here so yeah…)


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Sounds good. Reminds me of some of those house touhou remixes.


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Alright hold the fuck up
What's that morse code in Rust saying to me I don't like this


I hear some similarities between The World of Destroyed Toys and 666 Kill Chop Deluxe from Lisa the Joyful.

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>playing old fangames and reading old posts on here
>realize all these young kids and teens are now adults


Don't remind me anon Q_Q

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What do you guys think of the fangame made with help of the anons of /v/?
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So 4chan finally made a 2kki equivalent. I'll check it out for the novelty of it, though I doubt it's any good. Still, could e surprised, those screenshots aren't too shabby. I like that the PC is just Yotsuba too.


I'd say they made more than a handful.


Tho there are many more unfinished games.


Played a bit, so far I'm actually impressed. The world design and music is leagues beyond most fangames already, and this is still a beta.


凹凸夢 is promising.


I applaud the devs for actually putting a game together, but it's far from being appealing or interesting.

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Looks hopeful to me


its gone now?


It's not gone… It doesn't e x i s t


This is quite possibly the most considerate ARG I've come across.

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Made a png of 4gou freaking out and also made a coloured version. : 3

(Changed my name from Dreamer to Dr3reamer so it's more distinct.)

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How does Yume Nikki on HL2's Source engine sound? I played around with the idea about 4 months ago and eventually dropped it.

This is still a beta version of the map, didn't fiddle too much with lighting or static_props.
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>it's still a relevant topic
Did you miss the part where I said
>Discussion about 2D vs 3D as good medium aside
or something?

I mean suggesting stuff to OP as if he was here

>OP, if I were you, I would ditch the idea of making a full-on YN remake, and instead develop my own YN-inspired game that is meant to be 3D from the very start. You would have much more freedom, plus, as far as I remember, nobody made one before.
>With that said, OP, if you're using Source, it might be best to make a fangame instead of just "YN but 3D".


Yeah, okay. OP is gone, I am a full on retard.

Are you satisfied now?


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I'm honestly not trying to shit you or anything, it just seemed really weird to be replying to ghosts from 2013. The conversation has been really cool so far, I disagree that it's not possible to make YN in 3D, but I agree it's not worth it and that if you want to do something on 3D it's better to make an original game.

First person exploration is nice if well executed, but it also requires a lot of work as you have to add details to the zones the player can explore (because otherwise, why would the player go there?). On the other hand, you have a lot of leeway with bid-eye perspective since you can focus more on atmosphere and map design rather than 1st person eye-candy stuff (which is also the closest you have to YN/RPGmaker games), but you lose the "first person" immersion experience and instead play as a character on the screen. That in on itself isn't bad, but I really loved LSD for making me feel like ->I<- was the one exploring.

VR sounds like a nice toy to experiment with this. Imagine an exploration game with nice sound and good maps, that'd be a fucking blast.



>replying to ghosts from 2013

We would never know if OP is still lurking around or not. I'm here since 2011-ish, and I had some of my ancient threads bumped. I didn't mind at all.

>First person exploration is nice if well executed

For sure it is nice! I love first-person games (of any genre) for the very reason you mentioned: the feeling of immersion. Actually, I've been developing my own first-person FG for a couple of years now (I just didn't announce anything yet, as I hate generating hype before I have something solid to show).

>requires a lot of work as you have to add details to the zones the player can explore

If you are familiar with 3D world design, I don't think it would be much work. For example:

-You don't have to worry about lighting and shading, your engine/lightmapper will do it for you, and it will always be perspective-correct, and never feel weird.

-You don't have to worry about animated stuff, if your engine supports skeletal animation, once you craft your base skeletons and animations, you can apply it to different characters/objects with little to no alterations. If your engine supports IK and animation blending, it's even less work to make them feel natural.

And so on. But again, depends on the individual.


>If you are familiar with 3D world design, I don't think it would be much work
Yeah, I'm not that familiar with world design of first-person perspective games, so maybe that's why I feel it's harder than the old bird-eye 2D-styled camera. I just feel that it's not as easy to pull a good atmosphere since you're a little limited on how the player perceives the whole world. But thinking back on LSD and similar games, I guess I'm just overthinking it, since you can manipulate the player to perceive the world the way you want through different means. Somebody has been bumping that game thread on /og/ again, maybe it's time to play them and learn a thing or two.

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Ever since I got RPG Maker and started making game prototypes with it, I've wanted to make my own YN fangame. But I'm not good at making tilesets, so I've stuck to using default assets so far. Would it be okay to use them as placeholders for a beginner project and replace them with original work later, or should I refrain from using default assets altogether?


It really depends on what you want to do. I think it's fair to use placeholders as long as they are placeholders for you to fill before release.

What does that mean? Use them if you need to build a map if it's easier for you, but try not to upload a demo with them. Even if your plot is good and your mapping is good, it will distract players too much and irk them the wrong way, which could potentially damage the hopes they had for your game, as it's seen as a lazy move.


Even if your own work is bad it adds a unique character to it that's still better than the same copy pasted recolor shit.

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This Is a Recent fangame Uploaded I don't know, a few days or perhaps today?
But I need help, I can't tell what her name is.
And It's bugging me ;;
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Uh… help?


Install the JRTP.


RPG 2000 right? I've already installed it but the same error still pops up.


The Japanese RTP, not "rpgmaker2000".


Shit, i'm an idiot, thanks.


Can someone list the song names of vocaloid music that Koronba made? I am very well interested in this topic, I think his music style is one a kind.

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I have trouble with .flow
I don't understand why files/picture are missing, i have downloaded different version (eng) and its always like that. I managed to go to the sleeping world but its the same in it, the map texure are missing, only some items appear. Can someone help me ?


Those garbled names on your screenshot are supposed to be in Japanese. I'm using stuff like Applocale for this, and don't launch it with that EasyRPG thing. Are you playing on Windows?

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 No.6836[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fleshchild v0.00 - A YN Fangame

[This game uses RPG Maker 2003!]

The game is still very incomplete, but here is version 0.00 of my new game Fleshchild! Things work a bit differently in this game, for sure.

Here’s one helpful tip: BE CAREFUL WHEN EXPLORING NEW DREAM AREAS. Be sure to explore every part of one dream world before moving to a new location!

Or you might miss things. Hahaha.

Nitrosparxx - Composer and Beta Tester
Cheesydicks - Beta Tester
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Haven't posted in a while, I've heard that you've updated Fleschild even after the ywrd contreversy.

But I'm a bit worried about it being in /og/. But I also have a theory on Vis. ywrd said about stealth games; Vis' ability to form itself into a puddle of flesh seems to follow ywrd's exemplar.

Thank you.


I know Fleshchild has become something bigger than a fangame, so but I hope you still continue to advertise it as inspired by Yume Nikki so it can be classified as a miscellaneous game.


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>something bigger
That's debatable, it's just not a fangame anymore, but I agree with the rest, denying it's roots after getting so many fangame players would be a dishonest move.


Well, the game has been formally cancelled. I don't know how to feel about this. It was because Bleet was too stressed to do it. RIP Fleshchild.



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Kari's text:
0:18 This is the best show on t.v.
0:19 Well… Its also-

0:42 - 0:45
You are not real only D- Nothing in th-
Wow I have never seen- Ne as pretty as yo-

I think you are specia- What Are you rea-
Stop overthinking e- Hing You can do it-

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