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/fg/ - Fangames


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Why do fangame-makers still think stuff like this is fun to explore? It's just the same stuff going on for who knows how far… I'm a pretty big liker of fangames, but I'm all for getting rid of the trend of objects sitting on top of a parallax background.


No one thinks that is fun to explore, they just lack the talent and brain cells to do any different.


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True. These types of maps always seems to be insubstantial bullshit. Prolly why I really like wataru's maps in 2kki. Those maps really are fun to explore.

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so i've seen a couple threads on this board dedicated to things we don't like or are tired of seeing. so how about the opposite?

what sort of locations/effects/etc do you love seeing in fangames? things you can't get enough of?

(pic related - i love aquatic locations)
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>In my personal opinion, many of the posts in this thread are absolutely disgusting.
Yours included, you're participating in the derail.

I love puzzles a la 2kki. Another thing that I enjoy is chill worlds.


I like it when there's things to do in the waking world. Urotsuki's several games of different genres is pretty neat. I want to see more of that kind of thing in the future - give you stuff to do while you're "resting" in your home.


the kura puzzles in yume 2kki are super relaxing for me, it's just fun to idly play them while the BGM plays and to have some ambient music (like, asmr or rainyday) in the background.

wataru's maps can be really relaxing too

when .flow .192 came out I actually liked the new areas because they expanded on a theme that was only recently being touched upon and I thought that was neat

I like big city-ish areas, vending areas too… There's a bazaar in Farewell which is nice, and I'm a sucker for Zenmaigahara Store in Y2kki. When that .flow update had outfit changes I was pretty pumped too.

I know everyone hates them because they're cliche, but I do like YNFG reference rooms. Except one game's room.

De I Cide had a speed adjustment for the chariot and that needs to be in more games. Also, in Book End your speed effect is a tricycle and it's the greatest thing ive ever seen probably not really but hey why not, man


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you know the thing in yume 2kki where you can collect puzzles for urotsuki's game system and wallpapers for her computer by exploring her dream world?

i think more games should do that.


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minor one: i like it when the character can sit down, on the ground and benches and the like. it makes for some nice screenshots on occasion.

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i think the Poniko room is the best!


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Uro has a comfy apartment. The kind I'd like to have.


I like Sometsuki's room! It looks cozy and like it has a nice view. I don't have a room currently, but when I get one, I wanna try arranging it like her's~


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very palace-like, with fountains and a neat view of space, plus a cool angel dude who's good at healing injuries.

all it's missing are bookshelves and a computer with wifi. add those and i'd be set.

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what effects are you tired of seeing in fangames? there are a lot of rehashed effects/things effects do, so i was wondering if my good pals here at uboachan had any effects theyre sick of
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Miserere has 0 looping maps and most are small too.


It's also an unappealing clusterfuck of visuals. While I agree on maps' type (no looping and sometimes small areas), they're often very unclear.

It seems to be another method of pissing players off. Instead of making looped maps, just make closed locations where you can't distinguish floor from wall.


So mean ;_;
People told me it looked good.


Take revenge doing it again


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doesn't debris's speed effect have two modes?

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How bad do a fangame's graphics have to be before you outright refuse to play it?
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Sounds familiar…


Basically what >>10788 said. If it lacks effort or basic understanding of how colours work, it becomes very unpleasant aesthetically to me, enough to make me not want to play the game.


Well to say something different, it can have good graphics in general but if I don't like the art style, I pass.


this is such a broad question you could write "extremely bad" and it'd still be a valid answer

there are… a lot of fangames that have really bad graphics in my opinion, or bad design in general that make it hard for me to want to play them. my advice to aspiring pixel-game-makers is to take a few months at the *least* studying pixel art, doing a few one-a-day studies, etc.

Yume 2kki does this pretty often in some places like. Sign World, Bug Maze… they're all pretty "eugh" to me in terms of art.


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I'd have to set Parade as my standard for shitty fangames.

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Is it even worth it to make a fangame anymore? There are so many of them…
It's been a dream of mine since 2012 to make a fangame and I'm finally confident enough to sit down and make the thing, but I feel like it'd be an unwelcome creation since there's over 150 at this point

(sorry if this thread was stupid to make)


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In my opinion, you can never have too many fangames.
A fun thing about fangames is that just about every different creator has a different style to their games, so just making a game would make it unique. Try releasing a small demo at first. Maybe make a blog to show stuff you're working on but haven't completed. Just remember that as long as you stay confident, your games will be competent.


If you're any good, your talent would probably best be spent creating something more original.


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yeah bruh it's a fun pastime if anything go for it fuck the backlash fuck how everything's turned into a social construct

make your games and be proud


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(hi there, i'm mr. OP) Okay! I was just afraid making yet another fangame to fill the Earth with would be unwelcome… if I ever manage to get something playable, I'll be sure to make a thread about it…!

I WOULD like to make something more original, and I do have an idea cracking, but I thought I should tend to that dream of making a fangame I've had for years and years first

Thank you for the replies everyone! I'll do my best

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Is yasumeru a bad game?


But you already knew about this thread sushimon…

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What fangames do you feel had the most love and effort put into them? Which ones do you feel had the least amount of said love and effort?
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The very fact that Answered Prayer was abandoned means that the author's love and effort for the fangame was barely enough. Probably just enough for a few maps and effects. You could atleast point out on other complete fangames or something.


Maybe author died or got sick of tumblr


Mikan Muzou and Ultra Violet seemed to have a lot of love put in them too, otherwise 100% agreed.
From what I saw, the author was still using Tumblr and posting art a few months ago.
Speaking of Wataru, do we know if they have ever made a game on their own or worked in anything besides 2kki?


>Speaking of Wataru, do we know if they have ever made a game on their own or worked in anything besides 2kki?
I really wish wataru will. Though I have no clue whatsoever.


Wataru literally has their own plans for their subset of worlds in Y2kki. I would not be surprised if they wanted to make a YNFG but wanted to use Urotsuki as their protag and instead just joined the 2kki team and made that massive set of worlds.

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hey guys, maybe wrong place for it - feel free to suggest other more suitable places if so - but does anyone have any bevel's painting save files they're willing to give me from earlier on in the game? around the candyland maps time with all the sugar and the teddy bears etc etc. got an unsatisfactory ending and i don't want to replay right from the start. thanks!!


man this is my favorite youmee kneeki fangame right next to ib and the whiches house


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what the fuck are you saying, fucking faggot, corpse party is the best fangame


Moved to >>>/og/3869.

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U-um… hi guys…! I'm working with my best friend Jessie and our game is called Wakana Nikki! ^^; The plot is going to be very dark σ(oдolll) because the plot is about our protagnoist, Mimotsuki, who is possessed by the ghost of her best friend Madotsuki after her suicide. ╹⌓╹ so now she's compelled to go into her own dreams and discover who she really is with the guidance of her best friend Madotsuki. ( -_-)

Were still developing it since we started in Febrary or something I think.owo We have 24 effects planned and we have a lot implemented alteady. We have a lot of cool events! Um… we have somebody making music for us too. Some things you need to know before you play is that this has a lot of blood and gore and it's not for the faint of heart! (・o・;) Look at our dev blog here! Jessie manages it http://kurorosechan6.tumblr.com/

Thank you~! (⌒▽⌒)☆
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Any fangame with that song in it cannot be serious. I mean it's got a bloody mudkip!

I rate it 8/8 m8 needs more spooky


The game's great dude, it's actually one of my favourite fangames


Serious or not, those rainbow guys in the eyeball world are huge dicks.


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You don't have taste.


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So something that annoys me a bit is that no one mentioned these 2 fangames, at least not once on the new boards.
These fangames are called nostAlgic and Parade.

So, nostAlgic + Parade thread go!

http://loda.jp/tom_511/ nostAlgic (new uploader)
http://ux.getuploader.com/giogio0625_hasei/ Parade
nostAlgic is actually one of the most frequently updated fangames around, though I think it's sometimes somewhat a small update.

I'm quite ashamed to say that I actually haven't played either games, and as usual my stroll on ubuu is just before I'm going off, so hopefully I'll play both tomorrow (and as per usual, [at least for old ubuu] I'll flood this thread with screens).
So if you guys beat me to it, have fun.

(pic is the nostAlgia PC)
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Thread by Neku, damn this is ancient…


>decide to check /fg/
>this thread got bumped

Funny, about a month or so ago nostAlgic got an update. Actually a pretty big one, too.


It's dead Jim.


Appcole dont work for me HALP


Change manually your locale to japanese.

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Hi, I'm a newcomer here but have lurked a small, teensy while. We (my dev partner in crime and I) have a game in the works that I believe is far enough along that it'd be worth sharing here.
To be frank, this started out as a fangame but veers further and further from that initial vision. I believe it shares an artistic vision with fangames in that we want to make the player explore and keep playing to see more of the game's visuals, but otherwise it may be more akin to something like Space Funeral for example. There is a traditional RPG system and focus on gameplay with more defined goals and minigames, and we've tried our hardest to make it actually fun and another reason to want to keep playing. If it doesn't fit here, I understand and apologize.
Without saying much more, we try to give this game an identity with the hand-drawn aesthetic and more focus on humor without resorting to being offensive or tasteless. There is also a far more concrete plot, but it is absent from this demo- which you can grab here:


There's more info like credits/to-do list in the included text files. Hopefully it's alright to post here and you guys enjoy it.


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>To be frank, this started out as a fangame but veers further and further from that initial vision.
If you don't consider it a fangame anymore, then you should post it in >>>/og/ instead of here. To be quite honest, this feels more like a surreal adventure RPG instead of an exploration game like YN/YNFGs.


Oh, okay. I suppose there's no way for this to be moved on an imageboard though.


Certainly not a /fg/ thing, but the game looks awesome, it's different, and different is good in my book, graphics feel very nice, gj OP.


Moved to >>>/og/3794.

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I'm currently developing a game in unity and wanted to ask help from this board in particular. I'm not quite yet ready to show anything yet (everything is in early stages at the moment you can only move and cycle through a test effect menu as well as use a few test effects) but I wanted to get feedback on certain things.

In a month or two I will present the more intricate details about this game, and its style.

Here are a few things that I've finished or am confidant in saying:

The game handles pretty much exactly as Yume Nikki handles.

The perspective is similar to the perspective in RPG maker simply in 3D. This gives a bit more freedom in regards to camera angles.

The Effects menu is now a small scrolling set of items which can be cycled using "Q" and "E" alternatively if you're using the YN control scheme you can cycle through the menu using "A" and "D".

When all of the visual GUI components are completed, the menu will present itself visually as a thought bubble above the player's head. There, three items are shown, the Effect you're currently using, the effect before it and the effect after it. The menu will endlessly cycle and is smoothly animated. You can confirm your choice using the "spacebar" or "enter" keys or simply close the menu.

I'm trying to remove most screen covering menus with alternatives like that to make everything feel a bit more natural.
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Here's the updated version of the save menu.

Hopefully within the next couple of months I'll have something a lot more interesting to show you all. Within the next few days I'm actually going to start creating the first incarnation of the starting room. I'll be back when that's done.


may be i can help you by some point. write here what you need and if i can gelp you i will.
unity is FREE for non commercial use


I think programmer should set up environment for visual artists so they can easilly make their worlds.
now i dont programming anything because of depressive episode but in future i may programm a nexus and general purpose scripts to ease work of visual artists
i also think of architecture where general purpose scripts like cast effect or change self model to visualise effect compiled to dll or embedded to exe and unity scans folder for user scenes, places doors in nexus scene and teleports gamer to scene when door activates.
for example.
so for designer or visual artist there needs only few scripts



also the nost annoying thing here is model animation. even if anon want to make models he also need zbrush or something like that to create custom models.

but in unity 2d may be used sprites from any projects if it author wants to participate


This project is pretty neat overall, anon. One of the things I was going to suggest was that rather than using full 3d models you should do a 2.5d system; that makes it much easier to implement characters as well as giving the game a more RPGMaker-esque look and feel. Paper Mario-esque 3d sprites sitting on planes, basically.

I've got some experience working in Unity and C# so let me know if you encounter any problems and maybe I can help out. I've also got an Oculus Rift DK2 if you're interested and need a tester.

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Im swimming in a goddamn sea of wips and this is annoying, are there any good finished yn fangames except .flow
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If you have an account in niconico, you can compare it with "standard" Microsoft MIDI's synthetizer sound (which is shit) with th ost:


Alternatively, you can do as >>10634 said. Archo SoundFont is pretty cool.
However, bear in mind that it consumes more CPU resources, depending on the buffer and latency. If you're installing it, make a restart point for the OS in case you want to uninstall it later.
That's why I recommend buying a synth instead of a soundfont, but well…

>do you use it personally

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T-This arouses me.. Im hobby musican and I got a mighty need of getting it. Sadly with my income (0) I won't get it for one or two years rip me.
I compared it to normal midi and it sounds gorgeous, it's probably worth for the money, sadly I have no idea how to use these things wich makes me extremly sad.

That could work too, if it works with rpg maker 2k3, or is it an software that replaces the midi player for the computer?

As well for my search of finished(games with endings) yn fangames, I tried Yume Graffiti, wich is pretty pleasing to play, and I still have to figure out how to get the other ending. I took a look in Amihailu in Dreamland, wich does look intresting, but I don't know. I might go for DID next, and gonna check the wiki for more games.

does anyone know about "The Other Line"? it's an older fangame i used to love but i don't saw any updates from the creator


>That could work too, if it works with rpg maker 2k3, or is it an software that replaces the midi player for the computer?

VMIDI synth is a "software" synthesizer, contrary to "hardware" synthesizers like SC-88/55, YMXG, etc.

It basically "replaces" Microsoft MIDI Synthesizer with any SoundFont (AKA an "instrument bank") you load onto it.
The sound samples of windows are hideous, and with a softsynth you can replace those by more dynamic and realistic sounds.

So, ANYTHING that plays MIDI will use the new synthesizer (In the case mentioned, VirtualMIDI synth) with the soundfont of your choice.

As I mentioned before, if you're planing to test it, make sure to mark a restart point in your OS. I installed it once in an old notebook and the CPU didn't stand it too much, even when I downgraded the latency and the buffer to the minimum respectable level.
If you trust your computer isn't old or shitty, chances for this to happen are low, but it's better to foresight any problem and hand over a solution beforehand.


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why didn't i knew sooner about this


you need huge buffer if you cpu overloading/ latency will be huge too because uf buffer. low latency/buffer can be only if hardware good enought

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General design discussion, because there should be one (but really it's because I could use the advice).

1. What kind of music do you prefer? YN style, where it is either ambiance or very short loops, or an actual soundtrack (which would make the game's filesize shoot up)?

2. What ratio of doors in the nexus to total number of dream world in the game is best? Say a game has 20 different dream worlds, and the nexus has 12 doors, that means only 40% of the games areas you have to find by exploring. But if it was a ratio of 20 worlds to 5 doors, plenty of the game would be explorable but the nexus wouldn't have very many doors. What ratio do you prefer?

3. Would it turn many people off if the ending wasn't very ambiguous, thus leaving little room for speculation and theorizing? It's definitely part of YN's appeal, but would most of you like it if this rule was broken?
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They're great


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I think they suck, or, it must be quick. Being stuck in the same room for more than 3 minutes kills my thing.


Oh wait, >>10583 here.
I thought you mean puzzles like the ones of 2kki. The in-game, decisive-for-the-sake-of-moving-forward-in-the-plot kind of puzzles aren't my thing either. But if you meant side-play puzzles that add insight of the story or new data that you wouldn't normally get through the normal gameplay, they're more than welcome.


YN's effects are scattered pretty well throughout the worlds. Some areas have effects while plenty don't. By my estimation there were less rooms with effects than there were with effects to find, but I could be off. What ratio of effects to areas would be not to thin and not to thick? Of course, ideally there should be plenty of events in a game and at least one point of interest in each area.

I'll keep all the puzzles in the side goal then. It should work out fine as I already have a side story portion planned, although now I'm not sure if I should keep the hint system now.


Not sure why you're trying to focus-group the development of a fangame though. At the end of the day it's really not gonna matter what we tell you we like or don't like because we're such a small sample you might as well just do whatever it is you want to do or read the various fun/mock threads about dumb things devs do.

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