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/fg/ - Fangames


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I've been working on a ynfg called Ritual Dreams for a couple of years now. It'll be done eventually. I'll share it here once it's finished.


looks promising
keep it up


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Absolutely love the pixel art here, especially the gif one


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That city view is lovely. Best of luck in your endeavors, stay strong anon.

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I'm making a Yume Nikki porn game where Madotsuki gets raped by many different dream creatures that appear in the original game, is there anything you'd like to see in it?
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weak! lmfaoo


dawg no




man I'd love to see it, I guess the OP is long gone now… Someone else should work on the project.


What project? This is just an idea, and an extremely vague one.

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FOG is my Yume Nikki fangame, made with RPG Maker 2003. This traditional Yume Nikki fangame has more upbeat themes and equippable Perks that can be collected along with Effects.


You should not need the RPG Maker 2003 RTP to play, but if it asks for it, download that too.

The current version is 0.0.2. Although a very preliminary version with 1 character (Leon) and just a few effects, all 12 Nexus doors are available.

Feel free to monetize videos and streams of this game. (Usage rules have just been updated.)
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I do, in fact, have v0.0.40M. I might upload a cleaned-up rerelease of that particular version for historic purposes, though as far as an MV/HTML5-based version of FOG, I would rather remake FOG in MZ instead with a few bonus areas and all seven dreamers being playable with their own objectives.

I am, however, working on a new game with the same characters and art style in RM2k3.


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I'd appreciate if you could share this version as it was at the moment of it's release, pretty please. For the same historic purposes.



I just uploaded FOG v0.0.40M overnight. Since this is a historic release, it will not be on the Itch store page.

I will not provide any support. Download at your own risk.



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Thanks a lot. With the next public release the archive will have all versions of FOG. At least according to the wiki records about the game's versions.

And speaking about new game: will it be a submission for Dream Diary Jam, or you're not partaking? Will it be fangame at all, or it's own thing?


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I won't be participating in the Dream Diary Jam, but the next dreamFOG game will be sort of a fangame but not entirely a fangame, in a transition of dreamFOG coming into its own.

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 No.124[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

【lcd dem】
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is that right? maybe you're right. you're so right!


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hey guys i love you all and (((HİS))) art


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This robot's pretty cool!


reading through some of these old posts made me realize how much i hate 2019-2021 internet, especially posts like >>15247 where the image and posting style is just so intentionally obnoxious and annoying. really feels good to be out of that era


If you thought that's bad you aint seen nothing yet.

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Hello, I am working on a fangame, I just released a public demo in early October.
You can download it from the Itch.io page: https://jeledraws.itch.io/drawing-with-nat-011a
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While ideally if someone saves and presents a game or any other work on their websites like an "archive", the best would be to properly credit the artist, link their websites etc. I still think that you may be surprised how many times in the internet's history did the archiving sites or softwares like DC++ survived for much more many years than the author's interests in the topic or the services where they have been shared originally. Like are you sure that itch.io will be around in 2040? A torrent/archive very well may be.


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Love this image. Saved it.
Oh come on now. We could be a good friends.
YNFG wiki already does exactly this job. However, they are not willing to cooperate in terms of preserving fangames and information about them, which is a sad thing to see.


finally, a post that ACTUALLY shows the game in development, updating, with great graphics, music, and you can download.


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Hey all, Version 0.2 of Drawing with Nat is now complete and is available to download from my itch.io page: https://jeledraws.itch.io/drawingwithnat-dreamdiary

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remember that one time someone posted just a bunny pic with no context saying it's a new fangame

yeah that was me here something i actually made
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It's an actual game so far. I'm fighting a mean sheep right now.


Still better than most YNFGs, now that dude with the monoe avatars will have to archive it, and I want no excuses


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Anything goes in the archive as long as it's claimed to be a YNFG by the developer. And this will make a great addition to my collection, for sure.


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However, it has been brought to my attention that our fella BunnyBoi no longer considering his game as YNFG, even though it wasn't stated anywhere publicly. Which means "BunnyBoi The Experience" won't make it in the future YNFG Archive update. Sad!


never fucking mind lol. my bad.

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So in Yume 2kki you can load a custom wallpaper to the computer in Urotsuki's room.
There's already a "default" custom wallpaper in the main directory of the game named pc_back.png.
It's the one with a geisha on it.

This file can be replaced by a 256-color PNG, BMP, or XYZ format image of the player's choice, ideally 320x240 pixels in dimension.
Here you have my custom gondola wallpaper and what it looks like in game.

So dump all of your custom wallpapers in this thread. You may even find one you'll love to use for yourself.


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Wow now that's a real wallpaper


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Protagonit's name is Wormiko and it's pretty fresh for a traditional fangame
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It exists in my YNFG Archive updates folder, which probably means it's 100% real.


The real world town is fucking desert

Maybe shes the last survivor of a big world ending event?


no it's just night and everyone is sleeping


I'm not sleeping!


Yesh, for all eternity
Jokes aside, I expected to find at least one or two people awaken
Also, the city map is fucking HUGE, dore it even ends?

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Guys what is she doing inside my fridge?
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she hungy


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She's dreaming of tasty lettuce and macaroni salad


How does she taste? Maybe she wants to be stew.


She hanging out in irl refrigerator tower


To show you how cool she is

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 No.2068[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Divinity Fatum thread.

Divinity Fatum - http://www.mediafire.com/?q14ccqzq1or4yi3
DF Birth - http://www.mediafire.com/?d7za12023rfe2zh
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Glad to hear that. I hope this won't turn out like latest Duke Nukem. It was - and still is - my ambition to finish making that game.

There is still a lot to do (especially graphics), but when it comes down to the main plot, It's getting pretty close to the end now.


Dude, nice. I remember the first demo you shared on /rpgmg/. That was a while ago now lol.


You should update your DF blogs with this info. Let non-Uboachan followers know that the game isn't dead.


Been thinking about this game again after a long time not playing it. It has a special place in my heart even years later. I still hope that it will be finished one day.


How can we even be sure thats him? Anyone can crack open RPGMaker, mess with the maps amd take a screenshot

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I really don't believe that yume 2kki was the first ever yume nikki fangame, there HAS TO BE some fangames that were made earlier than yume 2kki. Maybe somewhere in late 2007,or 2006 or even 2005(not sure about 2005 honestly). They could be possibly lost media.


Yume 2kki definitely was a pioneer for fan games but I honestly wonder the same myself. Yume Nikki had a large following both in Japan and in the west, and it's weird to think there was radio silence on the fan game front until 2007


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Maybe the game had from little to no traction around that time, and was only discovered by general masses around 2007, hence why we see no fangames from before Yume Poopy initial release.

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 No.172[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've been working on it and I'd like your opinions on it.
Protagonist's name is Me (Eye).
The objective, like Lcd Dem is picking orbs. The effects is for helping it.
This game has some dialogue, but it is very rare seeing it happen.
So, tell me what do you think.
PS: The doors and the orbs have placeholder graphics. On future releases, the graphics will be better.
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i hope you know the email you used leads back to all of your personal info.


I know the Me thread is dead but i revived it…
You're welcome. :)


I like these kind of photos actually




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a collab with my good Deviantartist zinzolino and if you are active rn you can join too and watch me in Deviantart

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does anyone know where I can find it?(also have no idea which board I ask this question I guess here since it is yume nikki adjacent and not main game which I guess in a sense is a fangame?)


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What you're (probably) looking for is a texture pack called Madocraft. It haven't been updated for a long time, but you can download it from here: https://madocraft.tumblr.com/download


Yes, thank you

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hEy gUyS i'M mAkInG a NeW gAmE lOl
nOt lIe pRomIse
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and i think you may have wonders for everyone to show


who would have though these pearls would be so low


How low exactly?


About as low as it gets motherfucker


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Hey guys, i just finished a game that took me like 2 years, i wasn´t sure if i should mention it here since it´s part yume nikki fangame and part lsd: dream emulator. But i figured it was worth it.



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I thought you played something for 2 years, and I was about to say "whoa that's some hardcore difficult game!" then realized you made one.

I see it's from godot, please make us a linux build. Looks good.


thanks! i´ll work on it

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