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/fg/ - Fangames


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What are some good Japanese yume nikki fangames ? I'm sure there's more but haven't found more than these yet:

- Mikan Muzou
- Debris
- Yuque
- Withers

pic related is from Mikan Muzou
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


minus ichi is my favourite fan game
beautiful art, interesting events and cool effects
definitely try it


What happened to ねじりす a.k.a. nejirisu?


lcd.dem's creator really inspired me in my own approach to music composition. its a shame they wanted everything deleted and want nobody to type their name. I'll never get that.


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I guess I must ask but has anyone here ever played this fan game? How do you feel about it?
I really like the sketch book like aesthetic to it


Definitely gonna play this. Thanks for bringing it up

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 No.7886[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fangames screenshot general, anyone?
I need eyegasm.
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these are really nice to look at. with so much detail however I feel like it starts to look a bit overworked, and it loses some of the ambiguity I personally think yn fangames should try to keep. in the same line as that stream of consciousness stuff mentioned by other anons upthread, I guess. it probably took forever to get everything in those screenshots so finished looking though, the work put into it shows.


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I love Yellow Sails so much. I'm eternally saddened that its been four years now without a update because it's so beautiful and the music is wonderful. The nautical theming and overall mood just hits the right spot for me


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Made a fangame lads.

It's a about a girl called Amari who uses a headset to explore a virtual world in her computer known as the "Enhanced Reality".

There are 12 effects to collect.

The game has 2 endings depending on how the game was played.

There are 3 minigames.

I hope you enjoy it.

If you find any bugs, glitches or any weird shit like that please feel free to tell me.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/iru45gyfupv77d7/Log.%5Bin%5D.rar/file
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Here's a shitty short walkthrough I wrote for both endings.
Hopefully it will help you lads.


Very promising game, I was impressed. What a nice surprise, I'm eager to look into it more. You put a lot of thought into this and while it feels like a fangame there's enough it in to help it stand out. We need more like this.

My only real complaint is a nitpick, but I don't like the protagonists sprite much. Mostly the eyes. Again just a nitpick though.


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-Fixed door opening animation stuttering.

-Fixed 2 maps where the Data Stream effect sound wouldnt work.

-Fixed an instance where you weren't supposed to be able to use the 9 key.

-Fixed an error with the couch in the left most world.

Hopefully this covers all the fuck ups I had in the game. Thank you all so much for playing lads. I'm really glad people are enjoying it.

To update from a previous version you can replace the files of the previous version with the files of this download. Your save should still work.

Art by Another Mind


How the fuck is this not popular yet


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i don't know if the creator of this game is still active but i want to say the game is very good and wish it has a new update XD

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Sometimes I can taste them singing just under the surface of my skin.

I wantan to makan a game, like .flow,

I want to hear the song

Please advicen? At least semi-serious

I want it to be nice. Like that area with the smashed vase of lilies and the purple water and the blob of flesh with the baby coming out of it

But keep it the lilies seperate from the nice please

Any suggestionS??

I dont want this to be a fangame, moreso a derivative work
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


First lay off the heroin and pick up a game making software. Most fangames use RPG Maker 2001-2003 or some later versions. The music is literally just ambience so go outside and record an ice cream truck then pitch shift it in audacity or something.


Im. Know how to using Rpgmaker2003, only good version.
The universe is a sickness of the mind

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I love this image.


Me too

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HELPO im fuckign stuk help im stuck Fucking Stuck i've been going for ages. i need help. hints only please.

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I'm new to this place, I recently got to know the Yume Nikki game and became a fan. I am glad to be part of this community. I don't have much to say, and although you probably already know about it, I'll share with you a page about fangames that you will like. Greetings to everyone.



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Nice IP logger, fam.


I miss other fangames multiplayer…

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Oh, new fangame


Comeback, nice


Oh my goodness, I never thought this day would come

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I am currently developing a Roblox-Based Yume Nikki fangame named DEM2. More info soon.



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thank you for posting proof youre working on something, a lot of people dont even do that.



whoa this is somewhat impressive


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It's been a while.. This project has evolved and grown massively over the almost-year I haven't updated this thread. Instead of it being developed by solely me, we now have a team of writers, developers, and world designers. We've also started a DevLog series on YouTube and we'd appreciate it if you could check it out sometime!


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Hello, this is a Roblox-based Yume Nikki Fangame me and a couple of friends have been working on for the past couple of months. This is the first Developer Log video of many that we will create over the course of the game's development. I hope you like!!!


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Some madlad at pokecommunity actually revealed to have a Pokémon Firered romhack in the works themed around YN and decided to wait until the anniversary to do it

I'm not the author but I WILL shill it here because holy fuck never expected something like that


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This will make a great addition to my collection.


Well, I guess Pokémon’s as good of a base as any for a Yume Nikki fangame.


I love Munna and Musharna

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 No.1120[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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playing the 0.035 edition and whenever i have it full screen it does this thing. is there a way to fix it?


update: it works fine in the japanese one. might be something the translator did then?


if you play fangames with EasyRPG player, it plays it in hd so you shouldnt have that problem.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7RZyTsl60I Can someone tell me how do I achieve this type of distortion?


Also, is it just me or does the city/underground shopping mall theme make you feel uncorfotable? It really gets to my mind. I'm talking about "under"

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Since the original YNFG Archive has been long abandoned, I've decided to revive it by creating a new one. Not to "provide a decentralized backup", as the OG archive stated, but rather for the sake of history preservation.

Feel free to download at https://archive.yumeboo.ru/
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That's cool and all, but I guess the things will remain the same since I got no feedback lol.


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I have migrated the archive along with website from the cloud to bare metal, just for fun. Might as well migrate the booru too.


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Actually, not only for fun, but to reduce the cost of hosting all my stuff, preferably down to zero. Because just hosting the archive alone was taking $20/month.


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The Archivist is my savior. My light. My reason for existence.


Life is easier with the ynfg archive

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gobou posted a sheet of alot of fangame sprites on his pixiv and for years ive wondered what the hell this is. you can be a HOUSE?


its called hentekorin!!

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Hey. I recently downloaded and started playing .flow for the first time since .
I need some help. I get a bizarre tightness in my chest when I think about the depth of the game. I contacted lol and she said using a guide was fine, but I would still like to see as much of his game as possible naturally. Part of this is theorising. While not every area has significance, I would like to discuss some general ideas about certain areas that could link in to the story of the game.


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There’s definitely a bigger story to .flow, which is one of my favourite things about it, and a lot of the bigger depths of the game are definitely related to that. What specific theories do you have at the moment?


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There this real good video from a ghost user called "Blueballoonfighter" about .flow (and other of YN), talking and explaining things with observations and theories of the game, but is on spanish. If you don't mind the language I highly recommend it.



well, i don't have anything specific, as i haven't reached the second half of the game yet, but my number one is that the flow state exists as an actual world, rather than just as a figment of sabitsuki's imagination. the characters in there have lives of their own; smile, with his sister, the patrons of the sugar hole, oneko…

another thing is that the building in the moonside-esque neon world is a love hotel. i know vaguely of some area called the hole in girl map? and the vomitgirls area is something i've heard talked about in reference to it being an allegory for prostitution



UPDATE: i found the viscera effect. Linkage between gore and childbirth could suggest that sabitsuki had some sort of birth-realted trauma?

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