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/fg/ - Fangames


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File: 1390501859466.png (13.84 KB, 365x314, 悲しみと.png)


Can someone make a Fangame with my character?

His name is 悲しみと
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is this how Anarchy was created?


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it cant be srs…


now make one with the characters of ubuu, like booger seisatsu praesul etc


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Post any world/event/music that made you jump

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Has anyone the fangame UBOK? I'm a spanish youtuber and I want to record a review of the game but I can't find it anywhere, and I'm sure a lot of people want to play the game.

Upload it, please. Do it for the little children. And their dogs.


Trust me, there's no loss in not being able to play it. You don't need it.


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10/10 would download again

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You May, a fangame about a young girl named Yarn, trying to find her stuff before everything gets dark.

I've been working on this since around August 2011, and I take very, very long breaks. The first of two games in the you&me series. The second game, phthsc, will be a completely independent 2.5D-3D collectathon-esque game in the unforeseeable future.

Link to 13.12 (or 0.000 or whatever you want to call the tutorial): https://www.mediafire.com/?dhnzt9z6253gt6i

Dev blog: http://youmay-phthsc.tumblr.com/
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And this. The first error happened when I tried to go up the stairs in the eye world. I checked the panorama folder, and said picture is not there. I don't know if you removed it before uploading the game since you felt it wasn't presentable or what.

I don't remember how I got the second error, but the map 13 is missing too. Again, I don't know if you thought it was not something you should show or not.

I will start again and see if I find any other error.



First off, thanks for taking the time to find these errors. I really appreciate it. As for the speed issue, it's set at one lower than normal walk speed, so won't be able to do that. I'll mess around and see if I can make it more reasonable, though, since, yeah, it is a bit slow and the tutorial is pretty tedious to travel around.

First picture's intentional, just unfinished. It's meant to be an alley, and the blue's just placeholders for things like dumpsters and other things. A lot of the random solid color squares are usually placeholders in that world.

Second one has been something that gives me trouble, and I think the solution lies in using events for certain corner pieces, but I haven't tried it. Trust me, it's been bothering me a lot. In that instance that end would lead to another map (though I can't believe I didn't notice the sunflower area was visible from that side, only meant to be visible from the right as a hint), so I should probably raise that area a bit so it doesn't lead to that confusion…

And yeah move events in my game are weird. Change one thing and everything breaks so I keep having to find ways to not break everything. Maybe it's from the walk speed being set to a common event? Just modify the common event to change the speed.

Thanks for pointing those things out though. Also, yeah, there are a few areas where I forgot to remove teleport events. The panorama one is weird though, it was a placeholder image that I thought I got rid of in all the maps, but apparently I didn't. The area is unfinished anyway, so at least you aren't missing much.

And sorry for any errors teleportation might cause, really should've made sure they were all deleted before uploading.



>First off, thanks for taking the time to find these errors

Nah, it's nothing. I'm actually used to betatest games so it's not a problem.

>Second one has been something that gives me trouble, and I think the solution lies in using events for certain corner pieces, but I haven't tried it

Yeah, as a placeholder it will work.
The first time I worked with RPGmaker I had this kind of problems too. I will see later if I can fix it myself.

>And yeah move events in my game are weird. Change one thing and everything breaks so I keep having to find ways to not break everything. Maybe it's from the walk speed being set to a common event? Just modify the common event to change the speed.

Oh, I'll do that. And yes, common events tend to fuck things up easily, so be careful with that. If you've actually made up a lot of work leave it like that for now, but try to evade using common events in the future with these kind of things.

>And sorry for any errors teleportation might cause, really should've made sure they were all deleted before uploading.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Well, in the end, I found a way to fix your problem. It was actually easier than what I thought, and you will be amazed to see how simple it is.

I think I'm off until I find another thing or you have an update.

Good luck.


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Oh, yeah, by the way (and to evade any possible misunderstanding), this is what you have in the first layer.

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I'm a bit interested. How many people still play fangames?


Fangames, and any other of indie RPG maker games are something that I can only play a bunch of times before abandoning em, I havent played in a while, maybe I'll play .flow again soon tho

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It's come to my attention that some Yume Nikki fan game authors don't want certain gameplay videos posted online. Let's continue to respect their wishes.

And it's probably not a good idea to monetize videos of those games on YouTube either. They are free games and we really shouldn't be making any money off of their efforts.

LcdDem (レクヅデム): No gameplay videos at all. They must either be
set to private or deleted.
Lemegeton (or "Remegeton") (レメゲトン): No Let's Play videos. Live streaming is OK.
Muyuu (ムユウ): No gameplay videos at all.
Page 13 (13ペイジ): No Let's Play videos, whether they have voice or subtitle commentary. Other gameplay videos (such as silent longplays) are OK.
sickmind: No gameplay videos of pre-Remake versions
Yume Nisshi (夢日誌): No voice commentary allowed in videos of version 0.3 or later. Subtitles are OK.

So let's be careful. Japanese game developers aren't quite as keen on people posting gameplay videos online as Western ones are.
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Copyright law does NOT let the copyright holders bend the law. All copyright really does is protect people from having their intellectual property stolen and claimed as something else. The creator of the spoon had no say in how a spork was created, and an artist has absolutely no fucking say if someone makes fanart of their original characters used in a different context.

While it's fair for the original authors to ask for non-monetization on videos if they make a valid point for why, they have no say in whether a video can or can't be made, regardless of if it's a let's play or a review or a commentary. You can't make that claim ESPECIALLY if the product you're offering is for free.

tl;dr fuck the devs and fuck your lack of knowledge and stop crying about shit you have no say in.


I shit on copyright every day


And because people like you are open like that about it, the Japanese hate us.


I shit on japanese every day




But I digress.

I don't understand why Japanese devs say "no spoilers" or "no commentaries", especially since Niconico users can't make money off of their videos and hence can't make money off of juicy content there. Devs like Atlus and Zenmaigahara really shouldn't try to keep people from posting spoilers or Let's Plays online. These kinds of videos are common, and people who don't like them should avoid gameplay videos and play the games themselves.

I understand when devs don't allow monetization, though, and I think that other devs really need to put their feet down. Maybe not use ContentID to throw video ads like what Nintendo tried to do, but maybe use ContentID to simply track videos (matched third-party content = uploader can't monetize). But if they really want to allow monetization, they should restrict the ads to banners and overlays only–no in-stream ads allowed. People on YouTube really shouldn't be monetizing videos of free games or free mods anyway, for hopefully obvious reasons.

(And I hope the fangame authors here do chime in on this since so many gameplay videos and streams on YouTube and other sites are being monetized now, and chances are they're not going to see a single dime out of those stupid ads.)

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I cannot download Memoria because the file was deleted.


Here, I uploaded the game for you on mediafire. It's my first time using it, so sorry if there's any problems.


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Hi guys, I just wanted a quick advice.
I played Yume Nikki quite some time ago, along with the most famous fangames. Now, after playing 3D and finding it awesome, I'm in the mood again.
Thing is, I'd really like something dark and unsettling like .flow or Me, but the wiki hasn't been really helpful.
The more it stays true to the original formula, the better. I don't mind a couple dialogues, but that's not really what I'm looking for.
Btw, I'm downloading Debris right now, though I read varied opinions about it. Crossing my fingers.
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Hm… According to the fg wiki, I've seen and done everything I could in AP. It had a nice vibe, sure, but I wouldn't call it creepy at all.
I'll try Ignite, I guess!


Uhm… This is embarassing. I thought I played The Other Line, but I actually confused it with The Looking Glass!
I really want to try it out, but the author removed the download link in preparation for the next version. Can you help me?


Ignite, huh? I might be confusing fangames, but last I heard this was scrapped due to the author's computer melting down.

Black fox-like protagonist, yes?


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Nah, it features a black cat. Never heard of a fangame with a fox, tho there's one with a deer.

About the author though, checking from his tumblr he is still working on the next version (dropping all his other games in the process).


I played and finished this, it's not dark, it's cute and fun.

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what is the point of this thread

and it's not even in the right board

what did you just do


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you are a bad person and you should feel bad.



good thing they posted their email so we can bombard them with spam site emails


er well thanks for the map at least


Moved to >>>/ot/8702.

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Lets make a stupid thread Ubushun, which fangame you dislike the most and why?
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Yume 2kki
First, the maps were too many, too big, too many maze, too many random events, too many portals and gate ways, and too many useless bad design maps and npc
Second, this game let too many different makers join in, making this game like mix by lots of stuff but not united, some are well but some are very crap and madness
Third, the never ending update, each time you download there will be some "working on" places, you must download new version and then go back again (don't forget those maps are HUGE)
Lastly, there is lots of element for collecting things like effect, wallpaper, music, puzzle etc, and it will affect the endings. Then some of their conditions are too hard to make it, unless you check out wiki or you won't be able to find all by yourself(cause the maps are HUGE)

Yes, Yume 2kki was the fangame that started YN type fangames, its system is complete, Urotsuki is cute, has lots of element, but it is too over for me


Someone's gonna kill me in my sleep for this, but… LCD-DEM.
I don't get its appeal, or like its style, or find something that makes it stand out.
It feels like a somehow cheerier YN with a little girl instead of Mado. Nothing more than that.
And although you COULD also describe .flow as a darker YN or 2kki as a more expansive YN, this game just feels bland in comparison.


There's already an 'unpopular' opinion thread we don't need two shitstirring threads


This one, I think it's the very average YN fangame.



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This is the official thread for Someday v0.00. This version is just a look into how the game is supposed to be - five effects and 12 worlds (no deeper locations at the moment) waiting for you!

You play as Itsuki (樹, lit. tree but also can be rendered as いつき), a boy who is trapped in a low-budget apartment because of a typhoon. Instead of a balcony you have a window, and interacting with your bed grants you access to the dream world. Press 9 to cover your eyes and wake up. You can save using the computer. Enjoy this humble 0.00!

Note: The worlds, music and sounds may vary in later versions of the game.

Mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?77ri21ixmgb3a2t
4shared link: http://www.4shared.com/rar/_gaO9Xuh/Someday.html?
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New instructions since now you can unequip effects directly by pressing 3.


>>8182 Oh boy, here we go~
But I don't hate Ubuu as a whole. If I did, I would have stopped posting completely.
But hey! At least you're passing by. So welcome, I guess.


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Version 0.06 is out.
It has 22 effects plus instructions and 3 new feats.
Have a 2spooky monster.


Spanish translation of v0.06 since somebody asked on Tumblr.
It has no special characters (Ñ ´ ¿ ! ¨) because they usually get messed up for some people.
In other news, I'd say 0.07 is halfway done.


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Meet Zapnef, the minigame that will be available in v0.07. It's a platformer with few puzzle elements. Three levels will be playable in this version, from a total of nine.
In the Someday universe, Itsuki is supposed to be making this game himself. The style is meant to be somewhat bare, just like NASU, but still a bit more detailed.
v0.07 is almost finished, by the way. It should be ready in a week or so.

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I'm not certain if this is a fangame or not, but recently I've run into an RPG maker game called Ib. Apparently there's a lot of fan art of Ib and Yume Nikki together, but since I am in the middle of reinstalling my operating system, I have not yet had the chance to play it. So, in the meantime, Ib thread?

I think the main character is cute and does remind me a lot of Mado.


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holy shit how many times have we said this?

IB is not a motherfucking Fangame!


Ib's great and all, but post about it here instead:



I… I.. I'm sorry.. There was no information about IB at all on the internets… I didn't know ;_;

don't eat me anon



Uhm, what do you say? There's even a wiki


Also, there are like 3 threads on /og/, and even more on /fg/ saying this is not a fangame.

You should've lurked more.

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Posting demo for my new game, since it technically IS a YN fangame for once.


You can start with the "You're Owl" posts now. Have fun.
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Yep that fixed it!

New problem, after running into the witch, after losing, my walk/run speed is super slow like I'm still trying to run away from her



it's the entire game that gets lag spikes as far as i can tell.

also, about the fourth dream level: are there any checkpoints at all? or is it glitching and sending me back all the way to the start whenever i dream again? maybe its because its the last level or something…? i hope it isnt just because i merged the new game files with the old ones because i was lazy.


There is one checkpoint a short while before the boss. It's pretty much the last world in the demo, yeah. Which is also why it was a bit buggy.

About the lag spikes, Guess I'll have to remove some of the picture overlays and visual effects, then.


Scratch that checkpoint part, I added that after I uploaded the demo apparently.

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I made Nasu on my calculator and I forgot about it for two years.


(Animated screenshot)



I want it.

Great, now I need a graphing calculator.


That's wicked. Nice job man.

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so i didnt see a topic about this fangame and i have so many questions about it

Debris follows an idiot (literally, theres a thing that says "BAKA" by his name) named Tatsuki. he explores his dreams and stuff. uh, it's pretty basic. but what bugs the shit out of me here is that i can't find out anything about it. can someone fill me the fuck in? i love it and all (its pretty up there in terms of how much i like it) but i have no idea what the hell is going on

there are even endings implemented but it doesn't seem you can get to them in-game. really what i want to know about is the princess or something that's in it?

fangame wiki page: http://yumenikkifg.wikia.com/wiki/Debris all it consists of is a list of effects and how to get them though.

picture is title screen because i dont have anything better to post pertaining to characters or anything of the such
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Thanks Toro!


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Ooh, a translation. Thanks, Toro!


I think Tatsuki and Lefia are brother and sister. Their parents prefer Lefia over him because she is smarter, better looking, and pretty much better at everything than Tatsuki. She is treated like a "Princess" hence why she looks like one in his dreams, while Tatsuki is a disappointment. Tatsuki doesn't see that his parents are in the wrong for not loving him and just sees Lefia as the problem. The reason He kills her because he is jealous of her.


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Pardon the necrobump, but is there any way to kill this lil fucker right here? Tatsuki walks way too slow to step on it, and just gets the shaded over animu eyes when it gets near him. Is there a debug room or a speed glitch I could use?


I was actually was able to step on the bug, nothing happens though.

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