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/fg/ - Fangames


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whats your favorite game about fans?


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paper toss ez

it isn't necessarily ABOUT fans, but it does heavily involve a fan as an antagonist you have to use to your advantage. i think that's pretty neat

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Amnesia thread!



does anyone know what happened to this game's creator ?

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 No.24[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Yume Nisshi thread since this game is awesome

Uploader: http://loda.jp/zenmaigahara_toxic/
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0.05 includes the valentine patch if I remenber correctly, you could unlock what this patch features bia and event in the main game or smth, idk beign a big while since I played.

Srry for latereplay.


So is the creator of this still a racist sperg, or have they calmed down?


Idk do you see a password only japanese people can understand in her newer versions of Yume Nisshi? if your response is that you havent played Yume Nisshi to begin with I encourage you to do so.


I love this game


Besto gamu

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Highly inspired by the snowy rusted metal chimney world in .flow. I enjoyed the world, sounds, and music of this game. Felt like I was in a 3D .flow map.
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There is almost 0 way that a game with barely 100 views had someone post about it before the creator, who posts here and talks about their games frequently, did.if you're going to promote your game you should just be honest and post it yourself. There's no shame in doing that here, there is however in being dishonest.


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It's not only posted on Gamejolt, it has far more than 100 views on Itch. (Seems Itch does a lot better at promoting). I asked my discord friends to promote the game, and they did! Maybe that's hard to believe, and that's fine. Next time I'll be here on Uboachan before my friends get a chance, that's for sure.


in the future i hope you're able to promote your games in an honest fashion. They look interesting especially the one you made for USAGI, though I'm unimpressed by your resolve to continue lying. Good luck.


The game has over one thousand impressions on itch….


Working on a patch for it that'll make aiming a tad easier. Hopefully! 🙏

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>tfw Answered Prayers will probably never be finished

According to the developer he probably won't continue it as a Yume Nikki fangame but maybe as something else. So AP might not be finished, but we'll get something like it.
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Live today!


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>>tfw Answered Prayers will probably never be finished
Think again!
New AP inbound…


When I found this out I was filled with such joy. The "mood" of this FG was one of three that made me feel like an actual dream. The other being "-1" and "Miserare".


I guess you could say the Prayers were Answered

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A Yume Nikki H-game. Progress updates will be here. It will have the basic structure of an average Yume Nikki fangame, but you find girls from YN and other fangames with graphic yuri sex scenes as a reward.

Leave any and all suggestions you might have here, but keep in mind:

* This will be yuri only.

* Spoiler NSFW images (I know it's redundant but you gotta follow site rules)
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I like this idea
Hope something comes out of it


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Come on…OP is an "idea guy", no sprites were posted, no concept art was posted, no clues of active developement was posted, this was all just for attention.

This also shows that we were never really strict when it comes to fangame reception here, as a general rule of thumb, creators should have at least a screenshot before starting a thread.

This thread is an example of everything wrong with beginner creators in the YNFG community, even when they start it, there's no guarantee they will complete it, making a good game takes a lot of time and willpower.


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>This also shows that we were never really strict when it comes to fangame reception here, as a general rule of thumb, creators should have at least a screenshot before starting a thread.
Yeah, even when it's actually on the rules of the board.
It's ironic they claimed we were assholes about fangames and authors when we were actually lax as fuck.


Maybe I’m mixing this with something else, but OP said in another thread back then they were sorry but gave up and weren’t going to make the game.


want this to be a thing so bad

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It is actually pretty fun to explore. One of the few fangames that can be enjoyed on their own.


Oh hi Noil!

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What's a good number of worlds for a first YN fangame? 23? 10? 30? I plan to have a min of 4 effects.


I've started with 12 initial worlds myself, but I've seen YNFGs having as few as 2 to 4 branched from their Nexuses. I suppose it depends on the different worlds you have planned. Maybe start with 4-10 if you want these Effects to be well-hidden and have many different worlds in mind.


Thank you! I'll make flowchart tommorow.


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Here's the flowchart. (at least the first pass of it)
Is it interconnected enough?


The yellow means nothing btw I just used some random flowchart creator and it did that and I didn't care enough to fix it.

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So I have this train simulator. This simulator has very good map building and many public assets for use. I recently had the idea of a Yume Nikki styled route, so here is the first part.
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So the main idea is as following: you start out at your home, in this case a 5 track shed. you can see the end of the yard which is walled in the back. you cannot go out on the mainline line because the tracks near the tunnel have been worn and broken. Your only way out is through the tunnel leading to the main terminus on the left. (nexus) this area will have an entrance to all 12 branch lines, your goal is to collect 24 pieces of rolling stock. These can be open wagons, vans, flatbeds, engines, ect.


Now, I know that starting a game an announcing here so early on is irresponsible, however, this took me like, 1-2 hours to do. I doubt the rest will be too much trouble.


The engine I have chosen to represent the player in the class 08 diesel shunter. Small and slow, just like Madotsuki. you can later find a class 03 diesel which is smaller and faster on one of the branch lines, much like the bike effect. if anyone has ideas on what loco she should be, I'm open.


nice work



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Hey there, IK this is gonna be fuckin stupid- but does anybody know where I can find strange memo 0.8? I got 0.7, and have restored SD. I'm waiting for the creator to get back to me, as I did ask them myself. However, does like anybody somehow have strange memo 0.8?? Really desprate here.


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For some reason the person who gave me the url didnt have all the files.??? I may just make my own tbfh. Sorry for all this trouble!!!

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>>15475 here, I will expand on why I don't particularly find battles in rpgmaker engaging. Needless to say, this is my personal opinion, and I don't believe I represent a meaningful number of players or anything. But I've been playing RPGmaker games for like 13 years and I think that allowed me to see when things work in these kind of games, and when they don't.

First, turn based fights are outdated. It doesn't really feel engaging to chose options from a menu and see the sprite flash white for a second before proceeding. This is the main reason I think random encounters are absolute shit. And, god forbid, I will definitely drop any fangame that forced me to grind in order to progress. You are forced to lose time fighting a meaningless entity for NO reason, hindering the exploration, which is the main drive of these games.

If you are planning to do battles on real time, *then* I could see some potential to engage the player more. This would be much more meaningful than forcing people to use easyrpg and x10 the speed to skip the brainless default mechanic. Yume Nikki had the rain / snow effect that needs to be used in order to put out the fire in the mall. In a sense, a "boss fight" that requires you to, I don't know, do certain things in order to weaken it then let the other character finish the boss (as anon 2 suggested), that certainly could be very entertaining. The only potential "bad" thing I see with this is that you'd definitely be shoving down more story than is common in fangames. But, while ambiguity and theorizing is nice, it's been so overdone at this point that trying something new would be refreshing.

With all of that being said, I think you will need some clever ideas and think these battles thoroughly if you want to make them feel more than some tedious gimmick. If you had some ideas in mind, please do share them, so we have a better understanding of what you'd like to see or do in fangames.




Reminder that the original Corpse Party had an rpg battle for the boss.


And I hated it 10 years ago for being too long and tedious.


>First, turn based fights are outdated.
Stopped reading here

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You get to travel Madot's dream world as a character being dreamed about. You start out in the white desert but weirder. Then you get to… well I wont spoil it. Share it around, I don't think there's even a Wiki yet.


shut up fag, no one cares about your game.


That seems interesting OP, a fangame not being just a copy of every other fangame is an achievement on its own, don't pay attention to >>15422, it's obviously a tourist.


This is a lot of fun to explore. Is there a way to get through the hole in the ceiling of the area you get the wings in? It seems like there aren't enough flaps in the wings to get you up there but I really want to go through,


You can but not with the wings, unless you abused the physics of the game really heavily. There is a flyhack ability which is hidden at the beginning of the game which lets you go to places like that though. You should probably ask the devs for the info on how to get it if you want to explore places like that.


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please develop more fangames with black protagonists (especially females) i want more options to draw thank you
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Shit thread but black sabi is cute
White hair would contrast better though


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White hair predominates in white people. White people are racism.(???)


Good to know shitposting is allowed in all boards and not just /ot/


I’m sorry you get treated this way. I’d love to see more diverse and POC dreamers as well and hope it could be seen more.

There are many other online YN communities that will be more much receptive to this than an imageboard.


This is the worst. My apologies to OP. Threads like this make me sad to be running the place. More black protags would be neat. (Maybe the whole thread was a bait?)

Edit: Made some overzealous bans but they're all 1 days. I'm upset that I lost it to this extent. I made a /sugg/ thread.

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Newfag here. What version should I use to make Yume Nikki fangames? BTW I made an attempt at a fangame that went nowhere on MV, so I think I'll try to use 2003 next. https://www.mediafire.com/file/7akjicnkjcnmc5f/Project4.zip/file
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I've used MV and 2003 and I definitely prefer 2003 but honestly since there isn't usually gonna be a combat system in a yn fangame, it's not really gonna make much of a difference anyways.


im downloading it in a VM right now, will update


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looks promising


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so the entire game is based around "john wetton" and you play as "john wetton ball" in what i can only describe as the 8th circle of Dante's Inferno erased from the scripture to keep mankind sane. there is a white john wetton ball walking around randomly and if you touch it you will be teleported to a map where you can not move and can only watch john wetton background from left of your screen, i could only escape this cursed macabre fate by closing rpgmaker. the other actor which was 5 triangles, when touched brought me to a map with that thumbs up troll face. again i was cursed to the bindings of the wait command, seeming to no end. don't know if there is more to it



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I like it.

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