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/fg/ - Fangames


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Okay guys, now I'm crazy, I do not know what to do for .Flow to work, I've done everything they say in the threads to play, but every attempt ends in disgrace, I do not ask you to help me, but you are A good person, tell me what should I do ?.

Do not just play. Flow, I'm also talking about "Me" or Yume 2kki, any tolerant person that helps this being useless?


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Don't worry. I'll help you.


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mado was raped

i don't know if that's bait or your being serious, if so, just set your System Locale to 日本語 and done.

Literally everything i had to do to get .flow to work.


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so i just heard the most wtf thing ever about .flow so i was talking to a whitefriend of mine who just started playing .flow and while he was screen sharing the game he told me his theory and i was like the fuck niggah so he literaly just said "so is the story of the game a abbreviation of a mother trying to cope with the fact that she aborted her kid"
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>so is the story of the game a abbreviation of a mother trying to cope with the fact that she aborted her kid
It wouldn't be the first time someone makes a theory like that, just let him be
.flow already being dead doesn't mean new people won't ever play it


I've heard that theory before, but to me it's only supported lightly by a few areas in the game, and other areas seem contradictory to it.


I played it for the first time recently as well, and I'm not sure I can quite see that…




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 No.915[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello! I didn't originally plan on making a new thread for TLG but I decided to do it just because it would be terrible to not make the game accessible to everyone!

Here is the most recent version:

I do not know if I will continue this game as college and many other things are occupying my time, but keep a look out just in case!

Also! Thank you everyone who has ever made fanart, videos, pretty much anything to do with the game, I had no idea it would get such a good reception. Everything you guys have drawn really means a lot to me! <3

Contact info:
E-Mail: bleet@ymail.com
Skype: bombchuboom
MSN: azhoozr@msn.com
TLG has an official tumblr here: http://irenesmirror.tumblr.com
My personal tumblr: http://bombchutheragetroll.tumblr.com
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Why would it be up to "everyone in general" how your game will turn out?
Taking cues from others is fine, but I wouldn't listen too much to other people if I were you.

I liked the old faces more. These look like something from Cartoon Network.


By where the game goes, I meant if the thread will stay in fg or move to other games or something.

Also I really appreciate that you liked the old talksprites! However they were in dire need of an upgrade. They still reflect some of the old style, , especially in the eyes, but are much cleaner and expressive now, which is very important for what I'm going to do with the game.



Damn, bleet, to be honest, TLG is my favorite YNFG ever, Irene is my favorite dream ever, to my eyes, TLG never needed those changes, it was already perfect, the sprites, the talking sprites too etc. we just needed an ending.

I understand as a gamedev, we are never satisfied with our creations, and of course its your game, you can do the changes you want, but, i was really in love with the old version, i dont like the new changes at all…

i will still support TLG, and you, and play the new version all the way, but it's not the TLG i love.


why did you reply to a 2 year post for a dead game


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-Time Traveller YN/FG-

(The game was made it with RPG Maker 2003)
Ok , so I wanna introduce my fg
"Time Traveller" (T+T to abbreviate)
So you play as a teenage girl named Mai.
For some reason she lost a very important memory
And you, first, dream about the things about her daily life
And as long as you play you start to find things that make a incredible impression to her (characters/ effects/ and whatever you find.)

So the thing is, the game is still in a deep development
Until yesterday I was two months without internet so I managed very well to make this work. Actually is a very long story I start to write almost two years ago, but I'm very shy to show it to anyone and I'm not very skilled to draw so I think about the idea to make it a game.

SO I want all of you tell me what do you think and how can I make it better.. (since I am more a writer than a game programmer :P)
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Jesus christ, shut the fuck up, you're as cancerous as this stupid thread. Fucking newfag.


Newfag pretending to be oldfag #71.
I agree with the guy, lock this thread, game is borderline autism.


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>Newfag pretending to be oldfag #71.
I've been in this site since 2011, mate.




This should be deleted tho.

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Has anyone ever made a Yume Nikki based tabletop RPG? Like D&D, Warhammer 40k, and VTM?

I'm not sure if anyone here is interested in that stuff or if there'd be any demand for it, or where to start really. I might make an attempt at writing it though.


Yume Nikki isn't really a suitable base for something like that. There just isn't enough enemies in the game(there's only one). The game would probably just be really boring. "If you role a six you'll get transported here when stabbing x object". *yawn* Yume Nikki's appeal is heavily based on it's atmosphere which comes from its visuals, its music and sound effects and even how everything moves and acts. You couldn't capture any of that in a table top game.

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Hello all.

A while ago I did a Let's Play of .flow, and a friend of mine said I should post it here to try and get more people to see it, so I am.

I'm planning on doing a Let's Play of Yume Nikki, Yume 2kki and Yume Nikki Gensou real soon, With me likely recording Yume Nikki hopefully within a week (and if things go well uploaded within a week or so).

So let me know what ya think of the .flow LP (the first ep or two is a bit slow as I'm still blown away by it all) and anything you guys think it's Vital that I show in the Yume Nikki LP, of cause I'm planning on showing of UBOA and Mars, so any other neat things ya would like to see?
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the self promotion is really obnoxious though

plus, everybody here already knows about .flow, late to the party


By people you mean children and by reason you mean the person doing them being obnoxious enough. Let's say hypothetically somebody like Markiplier made some videos on yume nikki and all his fans flocked here for some reason. Wouldn't that be the fucking worst? Exposure isn't always a good thing and mostly benefits people who are selling their game. Making a well known indie game is great and all, but reviews do the same thing and are watchable at the same time so more people should make those. When I was a lot younger I sometimes watched let's plays as a substitute for buying games, but that reasoning doesn't apply to free-ware.


I completely agree that LPs are nearly universally terrible. They're also hugely popular, so no reason not to stream what you like. You still get to play something fun, provide commentary along the way, and others get enjoyment too. Win-win, if ya' ask me.


Keep on LPing, Ifrit.

I think LP commentary can bring forth some brand new insight, especially with YN+FGs, which are wide open to interpretation.


For a YN type games I agree but I watch quite a few lps but from one guy who isn't screaming and editing his facecam every 5secs. I loath that kind of thing. The ones with chill people doing it because they want to is comfy and allows me to experience a lot of games I can't play. And they can also help you experience a game again in a new way. You get someone else's opinion and views which can be interesting.

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i did a Yume Nikki fanadventure because why not
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>examine neon ghost in front of you


Well, alright, I assume this fanadventure is running on auto-pilot then?


>stick head through pillars


i'm receiving commands through the discord channel and the omegapause forum

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Been working on it. I'm making a separate thread since Me felt too clunkied up. (I apologize if it's not allowed.)

Download it here:
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Well, that's fine.


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Update! Now it is bugfixed, has a smaller file size and some other things.


Last Second Saved!

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the original link is so confusing can someone throw it in another file host like mega.nz or mediafire (i would prefer mega.nz)


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how is filling a 3 char captcha "so confusing"?


The downloading processes is really a bit confusing for non Japanese speakers. The captcha displays uppercase letters but seems to only accept lowercase letters. If you screw up you get redirected an unrelated page with no apparent hint that you actually screwed up. If you do the captcha right you get directed to a page with a ‘click here to start download’ link. After you click that you get directed to yet another page with a very small link which reads ’こちら’. Once you click that THEN the download finally starts.

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I want to start a new yume nikki fangame project but I dont know where to go so i'm gonna post here


"2. Games are to go through considerable developmental progress before being posted. Members looking for help will post in the appropriate threads. Do remember we have an idea thread, too."
Sorry, but rules are rules.

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for all the community of "Yume 2kki"
Need some help here please, NEED to find this guy, i already watch the zalgo event, someone knows how to get the wallpaper?

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So I've just found a glitch in yume 2kki.
To do it you have to be in Version 0.104g , and then go to the Monster's jaw in the forset world and interact with it with the oil drum effect equipped.
Now, when you do that hover the camera over the drum and press Z.
And then everything goes batshit, the textures in the monster's jaw gets corrupted and when you get out urotsuki will be lying down even when you try to move.



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I'm trying to play Yume 2kki, but I keep getting this error message and I have no clue how to fix it. Can someone help?


No-one will be able to help you if you don't have the Japanese language pack.
Come back later.


I'll assume that it says you're missing that file.
Have you correctly installed the rpgmaker runtime package?


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 No.10751[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why won't we all collaborate and start a massive fan game? (Like Yume 2kki)

That would be interesting. Yet, this project probably going to die very fast.
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LOL want to place bets again?


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I say 1 week


We make it to a v.2 and then drop the project after deleting all semblance of a source code.

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Looking back into it, what do you think of the YN-fangames?

>What do you think about .flow?

>What do you think about 2kki?

>What do you think about "2nd gen" fangames such as Miserere?

By the way, what do you think about this ol' legend of a RPGmemer:
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I agree wholeheartedly on the edge.

Also, as a preface, i have not actually played any other fangames other than .flow and i didnt even play that all that much. The reason for that is i felt it moved way too fast (lol). I felt that i barely had time to take in one location or one style before i was rushed on to the next. I was never given that feeling of being completely absorbed in the atmosphere lke YN gave me. It felt too try hard, like the game kept forcing more things upon me trying to seem impressive, but it really came off as too much for me.


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.flow never had the feeling that it was edgy for the sake of being edgy except for the school which just says

>albino girl had problems at school

>smile possibly killed himself or some shit or he was a bully or something ayy

The lighter areas in comparison such as the Underwater map, the area where you get the psychedelic effect and the rainbow maze feel like a really good change of pace compared to the usual "industrial grit theme" of the other areas before it.

Most of the areas themselves aren't that creepy, most of the disturbing aspects from the game come when you go back in retrospective and have some fridge horror.

That said, the fact that there is a handgun effect is silly.

Meanwhile when you play as Rust edge goes over 9000. No really, shit get real.


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>What do you think about .flow?

I didn't care for the gorier aspects but I think it was really well-done as a dark journey through Sabitsuki's traumatic past. Of all the fangames I've played it was the one that felt the most cohesive, like there was an actual plotline waiting to be pieced together. I loved the feeling and aesthetic of certain areas, but for some I felt like they were pointless YN ripoffs, like the neon music world. Still not as bad as what some other fangames do though.

>What do you think about 2kki?

Oh man, I adore it. It took YN's surreal exploration angle and just ran with it. It's a joy to explore and it's filled to the brim with such creativity, it's honestly one of my biggest inspirations. Of course the games's numerous artists is both a blessing and a curse, and it's best to come into 2kki not looking for any coherency like with YN or .flow, but purely for exploration. In that respect I think it's a masterpiece.

>What do you think about "2nd gen" fangames such as Miserere?

I never got into those, really. I've been meaning to but I never got around to it, and honestly I feel a lot of them look mediocre. However if we're counting John Clowder's work here, I've got to say I love them. Both Middens and Gingiva are wonderful homages to YN while carrying their own wonderful sense of surrealism, and I hope to do something as good someday. Where is Where they Cremate the Roadkill, though? I've heard some shit's gone down in his life (criminal charges apparently) so it might never come out. Shame it turned out like this.


I read a manga called Dorohedoro recently and I think it explains a lot of what's going on with .flow's edginess. Smile's entire design is pretty much ripped off wholesale from a character there. Look up the 'Crosseyes'

The manga itself is pretty brutal but balances that with light-hearted humor and friendship… Both of which .flow doesn't (can't, really) have.


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Yeah, .flow is somewhat limited by the YN formula, it feels more like its own thing.

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