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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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the surreal/fairytale-ish landscapes here make me think of yume nikki. share more if you've got 'em (they don't need to be text adventures but, you know.)


I love games like this. Thanks.


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Superliminal (Steam/GOG/consoles) is a puzzle game where you take part in a dream therapy program called SomnaSculpt (completely safe when used as directed). The central mechanic is that the size of objects is subjective, and can be enlarged or shrunk depending on your perspective (like trick photography). The environments have the dream quality of appearing normal at first glance but not really making sense and not connecting in logical ways. The story is simple but very good. It's a short game that should take you three hours, but it packs a lot into those hours and there are also optional secrets and challenges.

It's not particularly similar to Yume Nikki, but should be of interest to anyone who likes dreams.


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Should I post it here?

Kagami no Akuma / Devil of the Mirror

I found this little gem on freem, don't know how the story is but the artstyle looks charming and soulful + it's RM2000, after all.

Anyway, here's the japanese version with renamed filenames, if anybody wants to give it a try:

The original page:



You also need to include japanese RTP in the game to run.




I'm a dumbass and forgot to turn off the rtp check. Now it really should work fine:

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