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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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File: 1453001425184.jpg (344.11 KB, 1000x800, 53018760_p1_master1200.jpg)


this might be a dumb question, but

say i want to make a post about a game in, i don't know, /fg/ or something.

- the game already has a thread
- no one has replied to the thread in over a year

do i put my post on the already-existing-but-inactive thread, or do i make a new thread?


Here we prefer you post in the existing thread instead of making a new one.


Madotsuki Urotsuki Sabitsuki lolnofuckingclue Chie
Rest are nobodies for all I know.


First two from the second round are Garry and ib, and the green haired slut in the last row looks like AP girl for me, but I'm not sure.
I bet the rest are horror bs faggots, literally nobody important.


> Garry
Wrong, that's Yomika from Yume Graffiti.
The rest of those are all from other YN fangames, too lazy to actually list them.


File: 1453013623575.gif (3.23 MB, 445x247, 1448249843180.gif)

Holy shit, we just found another recolor.


It is interesting to point out that Ib was first released two years after that fangame though.


File: 1453013987795.png (134.4 KB, 540x454, used dildoes.png)

That only proves that a base character already existed when the recolor appeared.


Nice color pallet

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