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There's probably something fucked up about how I lead my life but I just couldnt afford to do what the rest of people do, I dont want things to be predictable… I lived as a hobo with people on the road or on my own for the last 4 years but now even this is becoming to seem shallow, I dont know what to do to not get bored by life… Sometimes I feel I should just start a revolution… I feel like I'm missing something to have a fulfilling life, maybe I should get a gf and start simping but no grill will want of a hobo who lives in a trailer and digs trash to eat and live…


OP here: to finish with my rambling, I feel so fucking nostlagic of my teenage years I had lots of friends, I'd meet a lot of people and the social interactions were genuine and interesting, nowadays not only social interactions are rare but they are usually shallow as hell and can even even carry ill intents… what happened to genuine social cohesion? Do people usually just stop giving a shit about it when they grow old? Am I the only one who missed that?


I'm planning to do what you did. I don't know much about a fulfilling life but maybe you need to work on something permanent instead of just living day to day, like some form of art or journalism. You probably have an interesting perspective.


I'm working on my garden, growing veggies and fixing stuff I find in the trash to sell them on the interwebz, problem is still lack of meaningful social interactions, in the end whatever I do, it comes back to me as obvious, I'm just a sad loner… I wish you to do the same tho, it's still more interesting to live that way than to live of welfare or whatever in a boring apartment, if you need advices as to where to begin and how to operate, you can as me…


I don't recommend thinking about women at this point in your life, you have enough with your own problems in your plate, it's a coinflip and the bad side of the coin can be the nail in the coffin for you.

Working on myself is what got me out of the hole, I started with exercise, my body felt better and all the other things followed, but what worked for me doesn't necessarily work for you.

>what happened to genuine social cohesion?

Welcome to the era of the social media, dating apps and smartphones. It may sound like conspiraboomer talk but a whole generation never experienced life without those things.


Not to mention everything that lead up to the point we're at now.


>fixing stuff I find in the trash to sell them on the interwebz
That's pretty cool, what sort of things do you repair?



Laptops, smartphones, bikes, most of the time they're already usable and just need some reconditioning, but sometimes it needs minor repairs, there's lots of stuff that's thrown and just works but I live in a rich country so that's why…


where do you scout for e-waste?


Junkyards and e-waste recycle bins of supermarkets mostly…


Anon if you feel nostalgic… go back to it. Integrate it into your present life. And make it your foundation so you can go and do new challenging things. And then return to the warm familiarity.

idk if that actually works but i do it. I want to have a varied and exciting life too but i need stability so i can pay for internet



Not like I can go back to high school and be 17 again tho and this is what I really miss… Like what can I fo to be in a thriving social environnement? Probably not much if you think about it, especially as by growing up I've developed higher standards for people I find interesting, which makes things harder but yeah, I should at least try, just don't really know where to begin, I was thinking maybe by moving to a new country starting a new life and making friends could be easier… dunno…


Have you considered joining a intentional community? A secular one, not the sort that's going to ask for your money or demand some spiritual commitment. If you're interesting even the slightest I'll come back to this thread sometime and detail my visitor period at Twin Oaks for you.




Hmmm, sounds interesting, problem is I live in France and there's not a lot of those in here, I lived in small communities but there always was a problem with drugs/alcohol among members, the best community experience I had was during COVID, I lived at some friend's uncle's farm for 2 months and it was great, we just did not keep on after COVID…


sounds like communism


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I can imagine drugs and alcohol in communities being a major problem. I've seen it myself, Twin Oaks specifically has fairly well put together people for the most part, they're really good at letting in people who are constructive for the community and making it a safe place for families (last I visited there were 4 families with children there.)
Anyways, that really sucks that this sort of thing isn't as common in France, I would have thought that less individualist countries would have more intentional communities if anything.

They interact with the market through the cooperatively owned and operated businesses on site, (seed exchange, hammock factory, tofu factory, farm, furniture and woodworking workshop, etc) but internal to the community, yah, it is very communistic. Their catchphrase is, "Not Utopia Yet." Clothes, medical care, a monthly stipend, food, comfortable shelter and empathetic people are all really valuable things to have guaranteed even when the more consumer pleasures of our general society are less present there. And I really want to emphasize, there's no culty shit, they don't ask for any of your money and are officially secular though members are welcome to practice their respective religions.
The reason I'm not there right now is because I visited as a teenager and was too young to be settling down in a place like that and because I (perhaps foolishly) have tried to engage with the status quo instead and have been utterly failing at it for nearly 7 years now. Community college was awful, I can't manage to motivate myself to work a "real" job, I've just been sat in my room now for years. Maybe if I'm still like this at 30 I'll actually go back. I'd miss my mom though, she's probably the only reason I've stayed this long.
Here's some pics of one of my favorite rooms (a reading room with wifi) in one of the buildings there and a view from one of the bathroom windows. When you've grown up in moldy run down rentals your whole life the rooms in these images are luxurious. I have more pics if uboanons are interested, the buildings get nicer the more recently built they are there. The ones from the 70s are pretty small with small ceilings and some of the newer ones have modern 15ft ceilings in the hallways and big common rooms.


>When you've grown up in moldy run down rentals your whole life the rooms in these images are luxurious.
True, I've never lived in a place as good looking and comfortable as those in your pictures. It's a bit shocking that a community like this survived for 50 years by itself. I assume they don't just let you sit on your ass all day but make you work for your stay? Probably still a better place than an actual workplace though



Well, there are a few commmunities and I'm looking for some that might be under my radar, I'm hoping to be part of one in a year or two…

Problem is in less "individualistic countries" as you call them, people are less pressured to create viable alternatives to the system because they can just have free housing and a little bit of money for the rest of their lives, hence they become apathetic and actually more individualistic than ever, quite the paradox but it also kinda makes sense…

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