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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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 No.2850[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for:

- "What is this game, please help"
- "I just got this game and there is this bug that keeps happening, how do I fix it help"
- "Where can I download this game?"

And any other help that you might need. Please refrain from creating new threads just for a help request, rather than general discussion of a game - use this one instead!

Also: Please be as descriptive as possible when asking for help. Screen caps and error text copy-paste is the best way to get tailored answers.
125 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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ace combat anyone? i gotta admit my one of my alltime favorite games was megalith from ace combat 4
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There's something elegant about the F-16 Falcon/Viper.


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Gripen time


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NATO Air… reporting in.


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pokemon cards thread. Decks, arts, ideas, collections, etc. No investorfags.

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So, guys… i would like to play games similar to Ib or Yume Nikki, but i'm not interested AT ALL in yume nikki fangames.

Btw, i've played .flow and i love it.

Can you suggest me something?
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kinda, it's a horror isekai


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Play Hello Charlotte! and it's sequels.


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L Depth came out and got a translation recently. It's pretty spooky.


>13. 茜街奇譚 -Akanemachi kitan-

This was the only download link I could find on the Wayback. It's on version v1.03.

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Does anyone remember a game it was in development called Elysium or something like that? I played a demo posted in this IB a few years ago,but never heard anything more about the game…does anyone knows if it was eventually finished?


idk how to link across boards but is this what you are referring to?




two arrows followed by the post number.
>>post number

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rare/obscure/missing video games thread? im trying to find this one japanese pc game from like the 90's, i think it was more like an interactive book or something.
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When's Darkstalkers? Capcom seems to have a lot of dormant IPs.


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You need a really good animation team to bring the feel of Darkstalkers to life in a new game.


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For the "RGSS103J.ddl could not be found" error, you need the RPGMaker XP RTP. More info and downloads here:

Prefer to download RTPs from the official Japanese RPGMaker downloads page: https://tkool.jp/products/rtp.html


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Some days ago I found on YT some soundtracks from Picayune Dreams, some horror psychedelic bullet hell with "dreams exploration" parts like YN (but its reminds me more to .flow in some parts). The demo on Steam is fun tho.


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Akira… It's been so long

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This is apparently a Homestuck fangame for someone's shitty fancharacter. I don't play Silent Hill, but from what I've heard they put in so many references to it it's not even cute or funny any more.

I dunno, it seems kind of sloppily made and stupid but you guys can decide for yourselves.
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im not defending the game, i'm just offering explanations for those who are wondering "what the fuck is dis shit???". But i will admit i can appreciate the concept of going through an alien planet's abandoned nursery with corpses/aborted fetsuses(larvae??) and stuff everywhere, and youre the sole resident that's not right in the head. that's a neat concept IMO. otherwise i dont care for it much, like with the whole silent hill stuff. but if that abandoned alien nursery concept was touched upon in a much better way… good lord i would play the everloving fuck out of something like that.

so i will agree with you that this is pretty stupid. opinions, opinions, opinions.




i like it
and it's just a little thing to go in with their fanventure, and you kinda need to play to tie in with other events in the story.


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Did you really just bump a 6 month old thread just so you could fucking share that? Oh my god, I'm going to piss in your laundry detergent.


It's not a real vidya game if it doesn't scare you..

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>>918 Thank you.
Is there anything other than more versions of it though?



What do you mean by more versions of it?

If you want to know how it ends, I'm sorry but I'm not going to spoil it. Too breathtaking to ruin


The fuck? I played 087 But I never remembered this fucker. Is that the masked Nigger?


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Ship spirit-girls?


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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


What game is?


The Looking Glass. There's a thread about it on /FG/. It's a pretty great game so far.


Thanks dude.


Dat ridiculous art.


Crazy man > girl with crowbar

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.


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