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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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 No.2850[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for:

- "What is this game, please help"
- "I just got this game and there is this bug that keeps happening, how do I fix it help"
- "Where can I download this game?"

And any other help that you might need. Please refrain from creating new threads just for a help request, rather than general discussion of a game - use this one instead!

Also: Please be as descriptive as possible when asking for help. Screen caps and error text copy-paste is the best way to get tailored answers.
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Is there perhaps any news about this game? Like does someone have it on their hard drive or like a place to start looking?

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What games in your opinion have the best animation? This is from Street Fighter III: Third Strike.
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El Fuerte!


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The Mexican Jumping Bean!


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How has no one mentioned Kof XIII yet? Definitely one of my favourite looking fighting games, even if it doesn't please the sprite purists
This is way too good for an erogame


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No 3d animation allowed here?


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Moving… like fire and wind.

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ace combat anyone? i gotta admit my one of my alltime favorite games was megalith from ace combat 4
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Griffin gliding on a gust


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Royal Bahraini AF F-16 Block 70 without its Conformal Fuel Tank. Bahrain was the first county to place an order for new-built F-16Vs in 2018. The first batch of jets was delivered in 2024.


I really hate the intakes on those F-16s. Its so ugly.


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Surprised we don't have a thread for this yet considering how popular and, to some extent, controversial they are in the RPG Maker space, plus the fact that a new manga is coming out (if the stars align) soon.

That being said what was your favorite game from the trilogy?.
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I haven't played the game but I read the first volume and it was cute if not a bit meandering


the manga is done and definitely worth it
only half of it was officially translated to english because the 2nd half is too dark apparently, which is really stupid, but you can read it online

i think it's an infinitely better experience than walking through 15 identical maps to the next cutscene


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Considering half of tumblr wanted her dead for that rape scene in the original game i'm not surprised. Is that part actually even in the manga?.

Also just noticed we have a funamusea banner here, i hadn't seen it before and i've been here for about 8 years.


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This is also her art


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It makes sad that the majority of artists from this fandom's golden era have either stopped drawing or deleted their accounts. I could care less if they no longer draw Funamusea related stuff, I just want to see their art again. I'm glad at least Aryll is still around.

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Updated on April 2024


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30 years of GOUKI


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Is there a PATLABOR game?


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forgotten rpgmaker game from 2013. any anons here like it? before you ask: NO there is not a ghost suburb 1
there is ghost suburb 0 however


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Ah this fucking game, love it. Glad to see it mentioned here. Nurse Okay is cute.


hi, i've never heard of this game but it looks cute, and it's the kind of game that i can only find a download of on gamejolt so it has piqued my curiosity. i'll report back to this thread with my perspectives after a completely blind playthrough. o/ byee


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I'm back, I got through it pretty quickly and I got the "best" ending possible on my first run. If I hadn't searched up alternate endings after, I don't think I would've even known they existed since the ending screen i got makes no mention of the existence of other endings.

This game was wild though. Had a lot of fun seeing the textures go from "grimy and indecipherable" to straight up broken. THe monster designs were all pretty good and I like the artstyle a lot. I can't say I found the game particularly scary but I don't think that's the point.

Most of my more complex thoughts on the game are about the writing and how it feels juvenile and messy and bad but in ways that I find really enjoyable. If you'd like me to elaborate I'd be willing to, but only if you're really interested.
Also I hope OKay ends up being okay one day. She's great, peak character design.


Some of this art for this game reminds me of Sengoku Turb, any connection there?

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There's one like this on /fg/ so… screenshot general?
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Street Fighter V


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Kasei Keikaku: The Project Mars 2


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Black ps2


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More "Black" sreenshoots


i fucking love this game, i used to play and replay it all the time on xbox.

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is there any new horror game similar to the rpg maker classics? seems like the only recent one is omori
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Try Hello Charlotte



Hello Charlotte is rpgmaker classics though



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The prequel is plain better. But I will not judge you if you cheat for the secret endings. For both games.


>seems like the only recent one is omori
the mere idea of comparing omori to yume nikki is ontologically sickening

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What are some relatively popular youtubers that are making playthroughs/streams of underground/hidden games? Weird games, indie horror games, forgotten games - all of that kind of stuff.


nitrorad is your best bet, but you probably already guessed that



Actually, no. I only know Saint, but he's already known to everybody, I presume. So thanks for the recommendation.


Manlybadasshero and alpha beta gamer


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The Magic Historian for Magic: The Gathering


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Saint is phenomenal

scity is good too but no commentary

Vysethedetermined2 is great, especially if you're into fibding out more about obscure doujin games. No commentary but the description gives you all you need to know

Nex is good for YN fan games

another good channel without commentary
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I don't know if anyone would find it interesting, but I found this game by pure chance and it seemed very peculiar to me. It has a very personal style

It also doesn't seem to attract a lot of people's attention…

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