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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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 No.2850[View All]

This thread is for:

- "What is this game, please help"
- "I just got this game and there is this bug that keeps happening, how do I fix it help"
- "Where can I download this game?"

And any other help that you might need. Please refrain from creating new threads just for a help request, rather than general discussion of a game - use this one instead!

Also: Please be as descriptive as possible when asking for help. Screen caps and error text copy-paste is the best way to get tailored answers.
83 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 1600641330983.png (252.93 KB, 541x411, CielNocturne.png)

Does anyone know where I could download Ciel Nocturne?

It's a free RPG Maker horror game demo, but it was removed from the internet.
Game info: https://rpgmaker.net/games/6823/ (no download link availble)


The demo was hosted at http://www.mediafire.com/download/7qk5b94i2zivcrk/Ciel+Nocturne+Demo.exe but the dev removed it. (due to people stealing the assets)
I couldn't find any mirrors and I don't think there are any.
Your best bet would be to contact one of the people who played the demo on youtube and hope they still have it installed.

Relevant links:
https://narasya.tumblr.com/ (dev's tumblr)
https://web.archive.org/web/20190401163650/http://diaphanous-autumn.tumblr.com/ (dev's other tumblr)
https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=0m2lmTotP3A (source of the dead download link)


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>original Mogeko Castle
Here is the Japanese version:


So there used to be a translator called vi1222 who translated some obscure RPG horror games. Games included: Oyadori no ko, Sukettee, and Jintai Sozai (and I think Pilgrim). Does anyone have mirrors of these downloads.

Also Doraemon Nobita's Biohazard is pretty much impossible to find too. I can't find any mirrored versions of these games so can anyone help me out here?


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>vi1222 games
It looks like vi1222 translated games made by Kona Kona Kona Kona Kona aka kona5. Some of the translated games are trickier to find, but others are still available. These are the ones I found, I don't know what else he/she translated:
>SUKUTTEE (I played this recently)
>Body Elements (Jintai Sozai)
>Oyadori no Ko

>Doraemon Nobita's Biohazard

This archive includes both the Japanese and the English versions.



Thank you very much anon. It's pretty important for games like this to be preserved. I'll make sure to keep more backups.


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that took 5 years, but…
you can extract the game data with something like Translator ++, I did it for the Mad Father BGM in the steam version:


Reuploaded it to Google, and can't open access to share it, Google says it may violate terms of use. Checked the ZIP with VirusTotal, and one of 57 engines, Icarus, found "Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Delf".


UPD: Checked the start.exe, Antiy-AVL found Trojan[Dropper]/Win32.Agent, Ikarus found the same thing as previous time. But at least RPG_RT.exe is safe.


UPD: The Chinese version contains the same start.exe file, so probably anon didn't do it. Just checked Yume Twokki's "start.exe" and it gives me that:

SecureAge APEX


Sophos AV


Sophos ML

Mal/Generic-R + Mal/EncPk-ACO

(I downloaded it just for doing this.) Then, I guess, it is safe, obscure antiviruses just don't like Maker 2000. Sorry, I just want to be sure that I won't be yaoied by people after giving them link to malware.


That's because Google is cucked (you can't even send a password protected zip in gmail). The file is genuine, there are two antivirus programs of dubious quality that detect it: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/375646be6f5653207c86599cdb0cb3a8ee2c24f239895ea9439cf5fc7d1dbb7b/detection

If you really want to upload it to Google Drive, you could remove that file, in which case, you would have to start the game with RPG_RT.exe, as you mentioned. You could also bundle it with EasyRPG, but I would be wary of its compatibility, I usually prefer using the original RTP whenever possible. This is pretty weird, I clearly remember sending this file via Gmail, and I had no such problem.


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Does anyone still have Bullet Hell Ponies 1.6?

I want to keep everything authentic. There are plenty of other hostings, after all. Though I did play it with EasyRPG, I couldn't get Japanese text to look properly without EasyRPG. Maybe it's just me and my PC. Or RTPs installed not properly. Too much bother and I don't really need to fix it, nevermind.


There’s a game I found years and years back from either here or similar weird games hubs. It was almost definitely made in RPG Maker. You play a dad looking for your kid in a mall/arcade/etc. The end reveals “your” kid is actually a kid you’ve been stalking and you’re actually a child predator. I’ve scoured everywhere I can think of to find it. I know I didn’t just hallucinate it, but I have no idea where to look to find it again. Anyone know what game I’m talking about? Many thanks!


thats sounds really good for a idea of a twist ending


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Does anyone here know how to config/use this app? I found it on f-droid the other day and could use some help figure out how to the app works as there isn't much(any) resources that I could find.
F-droid: https://f-droid.org/packages/jp.sawada.np2android/
Sourceforge page: https://sourceforge.net/projects/np2android/
Yes I'm aware that you can install Neko project 2 Kai via Retroarch on Android but I still want to take a shot at this


Sorry for double posting but I feel I should mention that the top menubar on the above picture isn't present in my version and I can't figure out how to make it appear.


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Does anyone know something about Neogumi Quest (ネオむぎクエスト)?
I am trying to find it but cant.



Does anyone know where this is from? I thought it was a fangame at first but now that I think about it it's probably from somewhere on nicovideo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhhLKU7H5Do


Does anybody has a link to oimostfonwy?
The official download link doesn't work anymore.




Found a mirror of oimostfonwy. Link here: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1w8qKqI2ekLpsfSLzgT1PMw

Here's a guide to download from pan baidu without account:


閃輝虫, DHINAMEPTOR and DEQUIVSIA don't have working links either.


Downloaded oimostfonwy from baidu:


Hello anyone here has the Japanese version of Mogeko Castle? Thanks


i'm interested


look at the thread buster


I actually found android ports for some the of games but not the games themselves. Feels bad that they are rotting in someone's HDD.
So far DHINAMEPTOR and 閃輝虫 are still missing.

Does anybody know about where to get HamCorossam's games?


File: 1641747192267.png (1.59 MB, 1431x1077, mamorutakeruforever.png)

hey does anyone know where i can download 宅間守ふぉーえばー (mamoru takuma forever)? all the links i could find didn't work and the wayback machine didn't archive any.



>I couldn't get Japanese text to look properly without EasyRPG
I used Textractor x86, and it hooks perfectly into the game out of the box, so if anyone has this problem, it's worth trying. There's a dropdown menu that has the memory locations (I guess), you have to try them until you find the one that has the text.

It is also a good idea to make sure the Japanese RPG Maker RTPs are installed too, but if you can start the game, you should be able to hook into it.



Don't know how you managed to do this but thank you very much.



Hey Anon, do you still have it?
Could you upload it again?


Not that anon but here you go



hey do you have a different download the link no longer works



hey i would really like to try that game both the links you posted are broken do you have any others?


Bro please does anyone have this game called entropy


This looks really nice, I will definitely be playing it.
>ENTROPY was made for the 2015 Indie Game Making Competition
> http://rpgmaker.net/games/8010/
> https://entropygame.tumblr.com
> https://candyballad.tumblr.com/post/126441626268/entropy-is-a-surreal-rpg-maker-game-about-two
Download link (ENTROPY.rar): https://files.catbox.moe/mw578c.rar


The catbox link is working now, it may have been down when you tried. There's also a wayback snapshot of it. If you still can't download it, I'll upload it again.


not that anon but thanks for the links, this game has pretty nice art


Does anybody havve Dark Necklofar?






for some reason, playing yume nikki gives me nausea and headaches



Is there perhaps any news about this game? Like does someone have it on their hard drive or like a place to start looking?


Damn, thank you very much! Sadly it looks like they took down the links to Dark Necklofar II too. If anybody has it it would be appreciated.


There's an RPG Maker based upon The Void, the russian game. Does anybody have it, I know it should be in archive.org but I've looked up and I can't find it.


Never mind, I think I might have made it up.

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