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/og/ - Other Games

saya no uta

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 No.2850[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is for:

- "What is this game, please help"
- "I just got this game and there is this bug that keeps happening, how do I fix it help"
- "Where can I download this game?"

And any other help that you might need. Please refrain from creating new threads just for a help request, rather than general discussion of a game - use this one instead!

Also: Please be as descriptive as possible when asking for help. Screen caps and error text copy-paste is the best way to get tailored answers.
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No problem.

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i just started, but i feel terrible, especially because i'm half decent at friday night funkin'. i just started playing now, after trying it and being shit at it a few years ago. is this normal??? or should i rope??? please advise
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>>6888 Status update:

Osu mania charting is awful. It's unreadable, unsatisfying, and it genuinely just feels bad to play. The tactility just isn't there

Project diva looks fun but it costs money, and there isn't a demo. How would I know if I like it or not?

WACCA and Chunithm are both arcade games, so they're a no-go for me

Muse dash looks like I would find it extraordinarily irritating. I hate 5 key and above, so BMS is also out of the question.

So, looks like Project Diva is the one for me.

Do you have a repack you can share, sorry? I know it's a big ask, but I would appreciate it a lot. Additionally, is it possible to bullshit a DRM to directly re-upload the game? I'm sorry for the trouble, but it does genuinely look quite intriguing.


>Project diva looks fun but it costs money
NTA but it's really not that hard to pirate the objectively superior PS3 version and emulate it. Additionally there's a PSP one and Project Mirai.


Nice. Will I need a controller???


Can you link one please? Most torrents seem to be dead…


Probably, i play with a controller because it's how i've always played
I downloaded it off Nopaystation

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pokemon cards thread. Decks, arts, ideas, collections, etc. No investorfags.


People don't play Pokemon card games; they just collect the pokemon they already like.


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Are you being retarded on purpose or is it just an unfortunate side effect of your character?


Hey! I used to play the game.

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ace combat anyone? i gotta admit my one of my alltime favorite games was megalith from ace combat 4
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Royal Bahraini AF F-16 Block 70 without its Conformal Fuel Tank. Bahrain was the first county to place an order for new-built F-16Vs in 2018. The first batch of jets was delivered in 2024.


I really hate the intakes on those F-16s. Its so ugly.


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Loved Ace Combat 4 when I was a kid, I need to get around to emulating the other games


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I wanna fly the F-22 and new B-21

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What games in your opinion have the best animation? This is from Street Fighter III: Third Strike.
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The Mexican Jumping Bean!


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How has no one mentioned Kof XIII yet? Definitely one of my favourite looking fighting games, even if it doesn't please the sprite purists
This is way too good for an erogame


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No 3d animation allowed here?


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Moving… like fire and wind.


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A Tale of Ice & Fire

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Is there any interest in playing on the ubuu Minecraft server, or a community-run one? I've really been enjoying the game as of late, and would like to play more online, but all the servers I can find either have loud flashing banners, small children, or an economy system that basically just turns them into Late Stage Capitalism Simulator. I do quite like the ubuu server, despite the lost cities mod, but virtually nobody else plays. If I hosted a server, would there be any interest in joining? What version would people like to play? I like 1.12; it feels so cozy, yet uncanny. Additionally, if anybody has servers that they'd like to share, or general Minecraft topics they'd like to discuss, please feel free to. Realm invites are also welcome.


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Seisatsu's Lost Cities has been running empty for months, as well as my own server I hosted for my Discord server members. I don't think anyone has a lot of interest in Minecraft these days. Even if we setup a server to play on - it will be only active for a couple of weeks at best.


What a shame. Is there any hope?

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Is there a PATLABOR game?


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Marvel vs Capom 2
MvC3 was trash

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I recently came across this series on Freem and I was wondering if anyone here has ever played them. So far there's six games in the series with the latest one being released in 2023.

You can find the games here: https://www.freem.ne.jp/brand/7461


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What would you say the games are like? How would you describe them?


Looks vague towelket like


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The games tend to vary, but generally very surreal/zany setting and storylines. The first three games go especially crazy with brutal moments and dark humor though it seems the author decided to backpedal from all of that because their later games are a lot more toned down. Sounds kind of basic but I honestly found myself enjoying the series more than I expected to.

Honestly that was my first thought as well. Characters are constantly reused sorta like Towelket and the second game especially feels like it took direct inspiration. But it's still distinct enough to not feel like a direct copy.

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 No.1515[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

OFF my Mortis Ghost thread. I'm amazed this game doesn't get more love here. It's probably the second-best RPG Maker game (after Yume Nikki, of course). And it's also a highly surreal, moving, and original experience.
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Not sure if this is even related to the game itself, but this and a few other RPG maker games have recently stopped working and spawn a bunch of error message pop ups instead. What's going on and how can I get around this?

Maybe that's what I get for trying to play at work, though.


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I have no problems with RPGmaker and unless you have screencaps of the problem it's really hard to help you. Have you done anything different with them?

In other news there's like a dozen more like 5 OFF fangames popping out of the woodwork. At the moment only one of them is complete "Unknown" (I can't remember if Clueless is also finished it might be) and HOME's development is still in progress at the creator's new url: http://thejudge.tumblr.com/tagged/home-%28off-spinoff%29


Apparently Fangamer is re-releasing OFF with a new soundtrack, revamped battle system and some QoL updates. Allegedly. Wonder how much will they charge for it.

Official webpage: https://offtherpg.com/


That make me happy


It seems Toby Fox as composed some themes for the game too!


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Surprised we don't have a thread for this yet considering how popular and, to some extent, controversial they are in the RPG Maker space, plus the fact that a new manga is coming out (if the stars align) soon.

That being said what was your favorite game from the trilogy?.
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I haven't played the game but I read the first volume and it was cute if not a bit meandering


the manga is done and definitely worth it
only half of it was officially translated to english because the 2nd half is too dark apparently, which is really stupid, but you can read it online

i think it's an infinitely better experience than walking through 15 identical maps to the next cutscene


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Considering half of tumblr wanted her dead for that rape scene in the original game i'm not surprised. Is that part actually even in the manga?.

Also just noticed we have a funamusea banner here, i hadn't seen it before and i've been here for about 8 years.


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This is also her art


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It makes sad that the majority of artists from this fandom's golden era have either stopped drawing or deleted their accounts. I could care less if they no longer draw Funamusea related stuff, I just want to see their art again. I'm glad at least Aryll is still around.

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