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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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 No.52[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pic Unrelated.

Basically we're each going to take a part of one of our dreams and mash it together into one big story. Ex: I'll take the landscape from one of my dreams and then the next person will take something from their dreams and that will be the next part of the story. If we wake up because of death, being scared, mind rape, ect. We start a new one.

Here we go.
"We wake up in a monochrome, steampunk world.
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 No.505[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a catch-all thread for miscellaneous dreams.

Drop your dreams that don't fit anywhere else in /yume/ here. They can be any type of dream about anything; lucid dreams, moody dreams, crazy dreams, fetish dreams, even trips/hallucinations, ANYTHING that doesn't need its own thread, post it here.

This way /yume/ won't be cluttered up with threads that never get responded to, and it'll be way easier and simpler for people to post their dreams since they won't have to start a new thread every single time; I want to hear more dreams from all of you and I encourage you to post them here no matter how short they are, and no matter how insignificant you think they are.
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How do I start making lucid dreams, or perhaps make dreams appear more often (aka remembering all of them vividly) than I normally do?
I literally do not know that much about this world, i finished yn like yesterday for the 1st time, but yet I'm still wondering how to do this.
Do environments, sleep schedules, physical/mental health, certain sleep positions, etc… have an impact on how we dream? (in a positive and negative way, respectively?)
Keep in mind that my final goal would be, of course, being able to achieve lucid dreams on my own.
Is all. Also, sorry for the maybe newfaggy thread-type premise, I just didn't find any similar threads on the catalog.


I guess the first step is having a comfy sleep environment, take the stress out of your life, and study dream interpretation (Arab and Chinese are the best at this art). Also don’t fap before bed either. It reduces the chances of having lewd lucid dreams for some reason.


I envy being able to have normal dreams. Ever since I was a teenager I can only ever remember the lewd ones. It's depressing.


why i would want to have wet dreams in the first place?
They're lame tbh…
Also ty for the tips :3333


Tldr: do a dream diary and start acting weird while doing routine things/other that you dream most often


why is this in Russin?!

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to sleep XD


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Is there yume nikki creepypasta


I had a dream Madotsuki was my girlfriend, she's very skinny, you can see her ribcage!!

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Is there anything specific you need to adjust or NOT HAVE in the room in order to get to sleep?

For me it's dolls. I cannot sleep if there are any in the room. Stuffed animals and the like are fine, but I can't sleep if the empty husks of babies and children are in the room. Bonus fear if I know their eyes open and close. I have actually gotten so scared in the past that I hallucinated hearing dolls on the shelf talking.

I've been this way since I was about 5, and had two Raggedy Anne dolls on my shelf. Somehow I convinced myself they would mutilate me. I've gotten better, I used to not be able to sleep if I knew there were dolls in the hallway, or even the house. Now it's just the room. Anything with eyes watching me is unnerving, but dolls are the worst.

Also, I prefer the closet to be closed, but I can bear with that. Unlike dolls.
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There's no such thing as a dead thread on a board as slow as Uboachan.


hey, that wasn't me
also I'm very sorry, I was rash to say something like that on a public forum like this and I could have seriously hurt somebody's feelings (w)



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If the bed faces the door, especially if said door leads to a corridor.

I’ve always feared corridor, it would give me anxiety just walking through one. One night I went to sleep in my friends house(pic related), and I just decided I was not worth it going through it and pissed on the bed and blame it on his cat.

It has gotten a lot better though.


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I can't sleep if there's a mirror in the room, if there is one i need to 1) cover it with something or 2) turn it around so it looks to the wall.

Also, i can't sleep if the door's not locked or if it's not closed, every time I had sleep paralysis, it was because the door was not closed. The memory of seeing something that vaguely resembled a faceless woman with a broken jawM still disturbs me a bit.


Can anyone share experiences with harming someone in a dream? Last night, I dreamt that i was in this strange school or mall place. I was holding a large glass door for this huge influx of people to rush in. Everyone just entered so fast, there was nobody by the entrance anymore. But I saw girl behind me get approached by two guys. But everything started to get slow, including me. They were starting to beat her and almost kill her. It was all so crazy. I guess in the dream I had all the stuff I usually carry in real life. I had this tiny buck 373 in that mini jean pocket which never gets use. Everyone it seemed like they were slightly slower than me. I went up to them and unfolded the tiny blade I started to attack the closer one. The blade itself was the size of a pinky. At first i started slashing them. Fast swipes at the face to deter him. But he didnt stop, i could see his face wence, but he didn't react any other way. Both of them were still attacking that woman in slow motion. I started punching him in the face, which didnt hurt that much for me. And didnt seem to affect hum either. Even though he was battered. Everything felt terrible. The blade was so tiny in your hand, I
The ribs resistit. I didn't have any supernatural strength. Then i started to attack his achilleas tendon, i was just cutting. Jabbing, slashing, slicing, it was too real. Its almost like it hurt me more reacting to it, that hurting the guy itself. I started to get so desperate, i cut and cut the. I dont remember if i started hitting his bones or not. But everything was getting blurry.

So yeah, please tell me what you think. And tell me about your stories of huring others… please?


Does harm to self counts? I usually try to kms to wake up from really bad nightmares.

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Does anyone have any dreams they remember distinctly from their childhood?

OP had a dream where he traveled the world collecting really messed up and scary versions of Pokemon.
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There's a few I remember, but one stands out in particular.

It was a recurring nightmare. In it I would keep lying in bed during the night as if sleeping, however I would have my eyes open, with a static view of my closet obstructing the door. By static I mean I kept looking at the same place and couldn't look elsewhere. Now for the scary part. Ghoulish fingers were wrapped around the corner of the side of the closet. What's more is that every time I had this nightmare, the fingers crept out more and more, until the whole arm was wrapped around the closet.

The way the individual nightmares were static, but together they were dynamic were what made it scary for me.


I had a dream in which my fingers fell off and became worms


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I'll never forget this one dream I had as a child I was about 10 when I had it iirc. I had a giant stuffed whinny the pooh plushie at the time. I used to have reoccurring nightmares about it climbing off the shelf while I was asleep and slowly eating me alive.


I used to have a ton of night terrors when I was a child. Usually, it involved me being attacked and raped by shadow creatures or falling through an endless red sky. I used to have dreams of these same creatures cutting me open, tearing my limbs off, or putting their hands around my neck and choking me. I'd wake up gasping for air feeling like I couldn't breathe. Eventually my parents got me an amulet to ward off evil spirits that I still sleep with every night. I haven't had a night terror since.


I have a few. The weirdest one is a inception like dream, where I would wake up in a random place in my house and then, when I noticed that I was in a dream I would try to wake up just for the cycle to repeat. The way that I noticed that I was still stuck was by flipping the light-switch, if it didn’t work I was still dreaming, I also remember my vision being monochromatic, usually a blueish tint, I also had the inability to speak.

And to this day I have dreams like this, usually ending after just one or two fakes

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I can lucid dream on command with certain conditions and with no training/strategy involved.

Basically when there’s a mirror in my dream I can just do it.

Is it normal? Or am I just lucky? I have a lot of experience with controlling my sleep/dreams as well.


Mirrors are scary


>no training/strategy involved
>have a lot of experience with controlling my sleep/dreams



Let me try to explain

I never tried using those strategies people talk about. For me it just happened randomly, with the exception of the mirror, which is something that only recently started working


I wish I could dream. I virtually never have them.

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wasnt sure if this should go in misc or a new thread because its a dreamlike hallucinatory before sleep experience without technically being a dream (been an extremely long-time lurker of uboachan since the old site but never posted but what happened to me recently was so weird that im breaking my silence) but does anyone else experience the sort of "falling" illusion of motion when you're about to fall asleep? i get this especially on my back and usually right before dreaming and am fairly sure its common enough that others will know what im talking about.

However, the other night i experienced something like this but if it were just absolutely cracked.

imagine for a moment you are lying on your side. youre extremely tired but not fully asleep or getting that usual sense that youre on the edge of dreaming like the falling feelings tend to happen in. instead, youre just lying there minding your business when suddenly you have the sensation that you begin to rotate, as if you were lying on some kind of rotating disk. like resting in fetal position on a record spinning on a record player. except it isnt as gentle or consistent as a record player would normally be, its fast, jarring, and switches from clockwise to counter-clockwise without rythm or reason. your actual body is not moving but your entire internal sense of a body is and you are feeling it violently, as if your soul was being jostled around but still remaining centered in the same place as your tired flesh that just wants a god damn break.

i got up after trying to just let this happen and be taken into sleep but that didnt work and it got so uncomfortable to feel like i was moving that fast that it was impossible to ignore. it has never happened to me before or since then. i almost considered posting this to /x/ instead because it was probably the closest ive come to feeling like something evil decided to ruin my night in particular but id rather not jump to that conclusion.

anyone experienced anything similar or other senses of motion while falling asleep/pre-dreaming or am i just fucked?
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I remember hearing somewhere that this is common
Personally I get this sensation a couple times a year, usually fall back asleep shortly after


man, i hate when my body does that fake falling thing.
luckily it doesnt happen often.


welcome to reality


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yeah this is exactly what its like during a more regular occurrence of it for me. usually happens if im extremely tired and is sometimes accompanied with exploding head syndrome. i think it may be from falling asleep too quickly or fast blood pressure changes. no idea if these same phenomena could cause someone to experience this but as full body rotation or if its caused by something else but the human body is weird i guess



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Does anyone keep a physical diary for dreams? I usually write my dreams on my phone first thing when I wake up. But now I have this nice book and I wanna use that instead.

-Draw images of locations, maybe characters in dreams
-It's neat

-Can't revise so easy
-Someone can easily peer into your unstable psyche

What are your experiences with journaling? Any tips?


If the concept of drawing your dreams and it being neat appeals to you then just do that, the cons are all negatable/non-issues after you adapt. I think the slowness of writing compared to typing is beneficial in terms of actually remembering your dreams and also can be more easily turned into a routine or ritual if you will which would further strengthen your dream recollection.


i'm going to start soon. trouble is I'm too lazy to really write much


I'd like to start a thread serving as an online dream journal and then make a story out of everyone's posts, but I haven't gotten any dreams recently or I don't remember them, so maybe sometime soon.


respectfully, dreams rarely make for good narratives to anyone other than the dreamer


used to, but I eventually just forgot to keep updating it. Had a similar experience with a regular journal. It's hard to find the motivation to do things with consistency, so usually I just write stuff down on the notes app on my phone when something hits particularly hard

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