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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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What's good music to generate a dream


You might have already heard it but it's pretty dream inducing i think



nice titles bad music


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k so.

this was fucking ages ago

but its one of the very few nightmares i rember.

so in this dream im playing some shitty hidden-object side scrolling flash game, with like a goofy hallowe'en theme. yknow, like pumpins and sheet ghosts and shit. and its running on a nasty old early 2000s lcd monitor. so the gay little bastard im controlling with my mouse collects 18/19 hallowe'en thingies, and i click at the edge of the screen. and suddenly, im on a screen that, in the dream, i've seen before, with two scarecrows made out of brown raster fabric, one of which is falling over on its rotten wood pole.

almost immediately after i load in the screen, though, the upright scarecrow starts flashing a myriad of different colours and fractals pegin to permeate its shitty clipart texture, stretching infinitely inwards to the point where the shitty lcd monitor shouldnt be able to display them but it does.

and the weirdest thing about it is? it gave me such an unimaginable sense of terror that i almost immediately woke up

pic is a shitty mockup but its close enough i guess

sorry if this posts sucks mad ass lol, im a newfag and have barely touched imageboards so dont really know the etiquette beyond whats listed in the rules please be nice

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Hey Uboachan, what's the best environment/conditions you have dreams in?

I usually find I can't have dreams if I'm not at home or if I've just read something before I've slept.
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my dreams depend on time- if i fall asleep at a reasonable hour, i usually never have any dreams, and if i do, they're always very hazy. if i fall asleep at, like, 3:00 AM, i'm guaranteed to dream about something strange, and it always immediately leaves my head as soon as i wake up. there's a sweet spot where, at a certain hour, the locations of my dreams begin to recur, forming a sort of dream-world. these dreams are usually incredibly vivid. the human mind is fascinating!


I have noticed that the best way to have a dream (or even lucid dreams or OBEs) is to go to sleep and set an alarm after about ~3-4 hours. I think the reason why this works is that it's harder to remember your dreams if you are too tired but you still need to be somewhat tired. I have also heard that meditating regularly can increase the amount of dreams you remember.


I onetime spent like 4-5 hours in VR just exploring different worlds with my friend, and ended up going to sleep right after. My dream ended being the same thing but like x10. Everywhere felt like an environment in Yume Nikki. Only problem was I wasn't lucid dreaming so I didn't realize how cool it was.


Staying up 24+ hours used to give me long feeling or multiple dreams, but I noticed short naps give vivid ones too.
They both put you into REM mode apparently, so that makes sense.


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usually i have more frequent/interesting dreams when im away from home, in hotels or friends houses or w/e

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What are some weird dreams you've had?

There was this one dream I had last month. Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, Kamala Harris were in an auditorium getting nothing but boos. The crowd starts throwing lots of shit at them. Face masks, Fauci merch, BLM shirts, and Joe hats go flying on to the stage. I even thought I saw a Fauci figurine hit Joe in the face. And then all of a sudden, I'm in my living room. The place looks like it was decorated by Saint Nicholas himself. The smell of gingerbread fills the house, and outside was an entire blanket of snow covering my neighborhood at night time.

Then there was this one when I was a child. I was relaxing on sunbed outside the old house I use to live when I was in Greenlawn (Long Island). And then a dog comes up and stars nibbling on my foot. He makes this noise, that kind of sounded like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSUCKAAAAAAAAAA". I start running away screaming. And then I wake up in my sister's bed (I use to be scared to sleep alone).

So are there any weird dream stories that any of you would like to share?
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You can't dream if you never sleep. Sleep is for loosers.


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I had one where my flesh was being bitten of from my torso. The guy doing it wasn't saying anything, neither was I. I didn't like it in fact I wanted it to stop.

Then last night I had a dream of Silent Hill 3. In it Heather was in a Giraffe costume next to another one.


I dreamed that I was high or very drunk in my apartment. The only source of light was my computer screen. It was an intriguing almost delirious state. I can't remember ever feeling drugged in my dreams before. I stumbled around my place to the kitchen, where I tried to heat up a pot of milk on the stove, but every time it turned into water with egg shells sitting at the bottom.
After the third failed attempt I saw a bat flying around in my living room. Following it into the pitch black hallway, I opened the door to my bedroom. Blue moon light was pouring in as I struggled to pull the curtains to the side, so the bat could escape through the already opened window.
Then I noticed numerous bugs sitting in the folds. A green praying mantis caught my eye. Now examining my bedroom, there were even more on the floor, fighting with each other. I left the room to let them duke it out and squished the ones that managed to escape with me through the door. Disgusting!

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there is something about the red king that resembles the structure of a nightmare the same indistinct loud sound is something I've experienced in nightmares before waking up and the image itself looks something like what I see in a nightmare before waking up some figure enveloped in static. this is something beyond the mere imagination of man and more something that is an integral part of the dream function of the brain itself. That is why I like yume nikki. It's not imaginative it's merely a reflection of the human mind and it's working as mysterious as it may seem to ourselves.

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bepis dream bepis


i dream of bepis


Still one of the best threads I've seen in this board, cheers


True quality. Thank you for your time

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There's this book where there are a bunch of dreams, given divine significance. They are generally presented in a good light, being given from god. It also has numerous scenes in which people claim that the feelings or ideas given to them are divine inspiration from god.
It's called the bible.

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I dreamt that I was sitting outside Runnymede station (A subway station in Toronto, which faces a small park) at night, while using my laptop for some purpose. I was on a picnic bench beside a mailbox. A strange, lanky man with short hair approached me, and began to converse with me in a gibberish language made up of pops and clicks, as well as occasional nonsense words. Although now in the waking world I don't recall having seen his face before then, it seemed to me in the dream that I was familiar with this fellow and his habits. Thinking it would be funny, I decided to reply back with pops and clicks of my own, despite not understanding what he was saying. After a bit of conversation, he stopped talking, let out an "ah!" and smiled, before moving forwards and stealing my laptop, running off into the night. I shouted "Hey! This guy's stealing my fucking laptop!", and gave chase. I noticed that he walked in a strange way, as though he was either mentally deficient or had shit his pants. I chased him across the small park over to the road, and after chasing him down the road for a bit (while occasionally getting a hold on the laptop, before it was fruitlessly yanked away), he threw the laptop back at me, which I expertly caught. I heard my Dad say "Nice catch!", which was odd, as I hadn't seen him in the dream. I then decided to make my way back home, but instead decided to try and teleport home. Just as I teleported, I woke up.


start dreaming about kensington locks

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What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
I once had a dream where I walked into a bathroom, I then proceeded to open a bathroom stall in the the stall a guy and a girl were having sex, I then proceed to the next stall and open that one same thing, I then open the third stall and there's a guy sitting on the toilet I then walk up to the guy, point a gun under his chin and blow his head off I then walk out of the stall and there's this guy behind a counter I point my gun at him but he grabs the barrel of my gun and we start wrestling over it, he then points the barrel of the gun under my chin and pulled the trigger then I woke up.
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Had one as a child where I had to cross a large jungle while avoiding murderous invisible ankylosauruses. I don't think I made it.


A lot of weird shit happens in my dreams (e.g. me punching the back of a partially emerged whale in the middle of the ocean) but one of the weirder ones would be this:

Me and 2 friends walk into someone's flat. I have this feeling that it's a game and that I've done this before. In the kitchen we see an old lady and stat beating her up. At one point my friends hold her and I try to slit her throat with a knife, but this image is so vivid that seeing a small amount of blood makes me sick and I don't slice it open completely.
I again, think to myself, what a great, realistic and vivid game this is that it even made me feel nausea.
Later we're all outside the building. The lady is lying on the ground covered in curtains or some shit. My friends act as if she's dead, but I know she's still alive, because I didn't fully cut her throat. The lady slowly gets up, approaches one of my friends and flings him ~10m. She then transforms into some kind of monster, resembling a deer or elk, but it looks like it's made of stone. The monster proceeds to uproot trees and throw them at us, I pick up one of the trees and start hitting the monster with it. The monster later has a few more transformations, all of which resemble irl animals made of stone.

Before the battle ends I wake up feeling tired as shit as if I had actually just fought someone.


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i once dreamed i rode a weird rickety steel roller coaster that sent me careening down into the depths of the earth. the ride eventually reached a massive cave populated by a series of industrial, brutalist concrete high-rises. at the end of the track the ride crashed directly into this huge, shiny black boulder. the whole ride was built as if it wasn't designed with looping back around in mind, and i was the only one riding.


Once I had a lucid dream. The actual contents of the dream aren't very exciting but I woke up during the lucid dream after I become too excited (it was like my second lucid dream.) Then I quickly closed my eyes again and started concentrating on the scene from the dream. I got back into the lucid dream. But I could also hear sounds from "real life" (however, the sounds were a little distorted and sounded as if they are coming from a great distance) Then, as I lifted my hand in the lucid dream, I hit my face in the real life. After that I woke up. TL;DR I was in between a lucid dream and being wake.


hMmmmmm something straight out of Yume 2kki

>i had a dream where I was playing some obscure ynfg off of an imageboard like this, my dream was in top-down 2D view

>i enter the first door
>I’m in a forest with a shitload of enormous holes in the ground
>the only grassland that aren’t holes almost seems like a path
>i proceed to walk this ‘path’ left and right
>i trip, fall and find myself back in my room
>this time i go under my bed
>i’m in an area that kinda looks like an ocarina of time/spooky’s jump scare mansion level
>everything is flooded
>i somehow run like usain fucking bolt
>this world is similar to the famicom world dungeons but not famicom
>i find a blinding light inside the door i eventually go through
>i seem to be in a tiny art gallery
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Do you ever hear music in your dreams? I don't, but I was wondering about how common it is. Devil's trill is one example of original music being produced in somebody's head while they're dreaming. Has that ever happened to you?
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Only one time that I can remember, it was a song "created" by me. Nothing interesting, I was dreaming that I was streaming music on youtube but after I woke up I realised that the song doesn't actually exist.


I remember hearing Libera me from hell with muffled, untuned and roughed out instruments once. I don't remember in what context and backdrop it was in though. I hear music pretty often in my dreams, often ambient scores or the music of the devil.


i've heard some eurobeat music in my dreams. Makes it feel really upbeat, i don't usually remember the dreams or the songs though, but i just know i heard 'em, if that makes sense.


next time lay off the coffee


I regularly hear original riffs in my head when I wake up, but that might be because I also work on music for fun a lot. Sometimes a riff is so profoundly good, it actually wakes me up and I record it as fast as I can.

Sometimes, though, it is real music I've heard. I saw The Drunken Master for the first time a month ago, and a week ago, I woke up with the training music from it in my head. It took me a few hours, though, to remember it was from The Drunken Master.

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