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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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I always wake up panicking, almost always, I never tell anyone this, because I don't make noise, only my last gf noticed. I dont know why I have nightmares daily, I never can remember what they are, I wish I could just remember once…..


I know that you posted this months ago, but I'm holding out hope that you are lurking.

Are there any reoccurring themes in your nightmares? It's very possible that you have unresolved trauma.


Let me rephrase since you can't remember the nightmares. The fear when you wake is always the same, right? Is it the fear of your own life or something else?


Be absolutely sure you are really ready to remember this, it will traumatize you. Nightmares are one of the scariest things a human brain can experience. If you aren't 100% sure you're ready, wait until you are to try.

I'm not saying you're not ready (at all), I'm just saying you should only remember this if you're 100% sure you're ready and 100% sure you want to.


I disagree. Nightmares are terrifying when you're in them, but when you look back at them knowing they are not real they can often seem pretty tame, or even ridiculous.


I find nightmares to be really thrilling experiences, actually.

Which is funny because I'm pretty cowardly when it comes to everything else.

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Have your dreams ever shifted to looking like Yume Nikki or a Yume Nikki fangame? Mine do sometimes, and I just woke up from a dream such as that.

(This first bit takes place at a playground in an apartment complex I lived at when I was much much younger) My brother had just got done throwing an axe at a girl at full strength, but he "didn't mean to kill her". However, it DID kill her, and the group she was in replaced her instantly with this princess-like girl. Long story short, she turned out to be an asshole with malicious intent towards us, and my brother and I decided we wanted to put her in an awful place. So some doors appeared, and I bet you've played enough Yume Nikki to know where this was going.

Now this is where the dream started looking like Yume Nikki. The first door I went through led me to this very light, sort of pastel blue, reception room. The guy was walking in place, right next to this odd looking door. The dream had begun to take place in third person, just like an RPG Maker game, so I could sort of see into the next room from above. I understood right away that I was in a hospital.

When I went through the door, there was no blood or anything, just a bunch of children with their brains visible. The whole brain visible from the top of their head. I initially thought something was wrong with them, but I heard a voice saying that they had been cured, so I tried interacting with them. While their heads seemed to move as I went about the room, as if they were watching me, I initially had no success in interacting with them, just like in Yume Nikki. However, once I tried interacting with specific characters enough times, they decided to hide inside these curtains around their beds. Every single one of the children did this.

There was one girl, though. She had always been inside the curtains to her bed, peeking out from time to time. The other patients appeared to be a little afraid of her. However, I decided to pull up a chair and dip myself under the curtains too, and I had a very one-sided conversation with her.

And that's when I woke up! Sometimes my dreams do that, and turn very Yume Nikki-like, despite me not having played the game in quite a while. Anyone else's dreams sometimes do this?
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what are you even talking about


That would imply that in the real world a sweatdrop takes 8 minutes to hit the ground.


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Not exactly.
1 (dream) min = 60 (dream) seconds => 1 (real) year = 31536e3 (real) seconds [average for 365 days a year]
8 (dream) years = 252288e3 (dream) seconds => 1326025728e5 (real) seconds = 1534752e3 days = 11680 years.

If we are to take time dilation into consideration, taking the dream time as the proper time, and working algebraically, the speed at which you should move to achieve this kind of time distortion would be the speed of light, which is impossible since no object with mass can even reach the speed of light and the threshold for non-massive "objects" is the speed of light, therefore this time distortion cannot be possible for as long as you have mass.

Did a small correction as I noticed an error.


Stephen LaBerge actually studied this with lucid dreaming subjects giving eye signals that could be picked up by EEG. It took them more or less exactly ten seconds to count to ten in a dream. Subjective passage of time can occur where you might get the impression that you've been dreaming for a long time, but that's a matter of convention like a jump cut or fast forward footage in a film.


That's interesting. I've heard of subjects that received a hit in the neck (they fell from the bed or something like that) and were dreaming they were being decapitated, making it seem like because the subject was hit the brain associated the outside stimuli with in-dream actions. In other words, in that small span of time they constructed a whole dream.
Then again you'd need more studies to corroborate this.

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As you almost definitely know if you're here and reading this, the most well-known way to trigger a lucid dream is to realise that you're dreaming (DILD.) Aside from the run-of-the-mill reality checks like your hands, clocks and mirrors, I've read that keeping a dream journal can allow you to recognise recurring themes and events in your dreams. These are 'dream signs', and I guess the utility of them must be to trigger reality checks, or let you realise outright that you're dreaming. The stuff I mentioned above – like hands and clocks – these are common dream signs, ones that happen in everybody's dreams due to the parts of the brain that shut down during sleep, etc.

What I'm interested in are /yume/'s uncommon dream signs; recurring details in your dreams that you don't think everybody gets. Post them!

Additionally, what are some dream signs that you think everybody must get (due to the brain's weird power re-allocation during sleep) that nobody really talks about or are relatively undiscovered?
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>this imageboard is dead
No. Also, WILD is better.


>>this imageboard is dead
It always seemed that way to me when I was lurking. Pleased to hear otherwise! I'll start browsing more regularly.

>WILD is better

Not the discussion I was trying to have, but thanks for the bump I guess.


>Not the discussion I was trying to have
Beggars can't be choosers. DILD is for the type of people who like to shove dildos up their ass, okay? WILD is easier to do because it requires far less preparation and conditioning. WILD also produces far better results. The dreams you have from WILD are more vivid and you feel more in control of them. This has to do with brain chemistry. It's easy to slip back into a normal dream world with DILD, but that's not the case for WILD. I'm sick of seeing all of these homosexuals telling people who are naive and just getting into lucid dreaming that DILD is the best option when it isn't.


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Hindered movement.
Whenever I attempt to run in my dreams I move as if I were underwater. All of my limbs are slow and I have to actually concentrate on pushing my legs from the ground to accomplish anything at all.

Apparently it has something to do with your actual physical body lying still and failing to send movement signals, so, of course, it doesn't feel like you're moving in the dream either.

Another one, though I'm not sure how easily you could go about recognising it while dreaming, is things happening exactly the way you expect them to. Say, you walk into a room that's dark and spooky and you think to yourself that there's definitely a monster in there. A second later, some shitty cryptid makes itself known through its shriek. Or you're having a conversation with someone, you say something stupid, and expect a certain reaction - and they do exactly what you predicted. It's basically the same dream manipulation you use when lucid, but subconsciously. And if you're a pessimist, it quickly turns the dream into a nightmare, annoyingly.


There aren't any obvious signs that would set me off, so I just get into the habit of performing the nose block test in day to day situations where something weird or upsetting happens.

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So, lately, I've been finding it hard to differentiate what I do in a dream and what I do when I'm awake. It gets to the point of me constantly lacking a certain awareness I think lots of people have. I have some small form of MADD, but I don't think that really has to do with it. My memory's been getting really messed up, to the point of me finding it hard to remember what happened a few hours ago. For the most part, I can't remember my mornings at all.

Anyone else struggling with this? How do you deal with separating what's real and what's not?


Have you tried keeping a journal? It might help you remember what you did and what day you did it. Even if you don't remember what you did today try writing things down and it might come back to you. When I started keeping a journal and a dream journal I noticed that I could remember both real-life events and dreams way better.


Are you very active? Do you exercise your brain as if it were a muscle with independent stimulation? As in - something where you are focused and using your body to concentrate and accomplish a single specific task rather than communication or consumption of information?


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That seems like a good idea. I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.

>Are you very active?

Not at all. My days are always the same. Weekdays, I go to school and come straight home, and then stay in my room for the rest of the day. Weekends, it's the same thing. I don't do much aside from lay in bed and surf the web, as well as some reading. Any other time is spent getting lost in thought.


>I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.
It dosen't have to be much, just write a couple of bullet points about anything that happened at the end of the day. Don't worry if you miss any days, it will become habbit soon enough.

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>Be me last night
>Mother comes into my room
>She's nicer than normal
>Think this is strange so I do a reality check
>Turns out I'm dreaming
>Don't have many lucid dreams so not thinking vividly
>Really need to pee
>About to take a massive piss out the window when I get a piece of advice
>"If you pee in a dream then you'll pee in real life"
>Not anxious to pee myself irl I try to wake up by shooting myself in the face
>Bullets feel insultingly weak but it eventually works
>Wake up, jump out of bed and run to the bathroom
>Breath a deep sigh of relief as I open the floodgates
>Walk back to my room, satisfied af
>Before I get back, a large bald man comes out of my sisters room and starts telling me about his holiday in Italy
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I'm sorry for your bad time, but that made me laugh. Sadly something alike happened to me, but I was only a child then.

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so once i had this dream where i was taking one in the bathroom stall of my high school when shoe strings started getting thrown over the stall door onto me irritating me but beforehand i was staring at what seemed to be these strange designs and engravings changing in the bathroom stall so i decided to finish up and walk out and then push the child in the yellow blank hoodie and blue jeans dont know the shoes but he had blonde hair and had a deformed face didnt realize till after i pushed him a phone flys out of his pocket and he catches it and says into it "yes he did it he pushed me" i walk out of {HIGH SCHOOL} bathroom then enter my {MIDDLE SCHOOL} hallway leading to the {MIDDLE SCHOOL} cafeteria. the hallway i mentioned is NOT the same hallway that connects to my cafeteria
anyways i continued into the cafeteria i noticed alot of people that i know outside of school and alot of people i know inside of school and some certain key elements of people would be highlighted and also staring at me as in disbelief of something, almost like seeing a ghost.
continued onward to victory i guess and walked up to the principal of my school {HIGH SCHOOL} and i begged her to let me back into school {KICKED OUT} she said no i continued on, an acquaintance of mine from the past was playing guitar to multiple females on the cafeteria table he was later to be found gay in real life year or two after dream irrelevant but interesting he also had no idea how to play guitar and never has.
i also see a shocked look on him but he doesnt notice myself until later.
start walking into blue locker back right outside of cafeteria. my view starts to shift to the floor slowly while bordering on blindless
-arc 1 over-
i awaken in a hog tie position with actual rope and im sitting there at the bottom of a stairwell of a nasty old shabby cellar i see a silhouette of light at the top of the stairwell shaping the light peaking through the cracks of a door, it opens.
down comes my friend we will call her madison she walks down and approaches me implying something about locating me cause i left facebook location on i guess this is a futuristic stalker scenario or something but it helped nonetheless she unties me and we maake a break for the exterior
tree's are infinitely tall or just really tall but it was dark couldnt tell we saw tiki {aztec meme monkey style} statues and such things and continued to be creeped out and continued forward we find a normal looPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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i think that the village people did something to me in this scenario i didnt put any correlation together until i woke up.

this was many years before i knew about the presence of yume nikki to find this dream board is very amazing i should have found it sooner after almost 5 years since that dream i still remember it and many others broadly and would love to share some here if i randomly feel up for it.
to think a game like yume nikki exists and portrays the randomness and just insane acuity and randomness dreams can attain.
i sadly am unable to lucid dream but i also think that i might have the term lucid dream smeared.
my dreams feel like im being strapped into a roller coaster and i know im in said roller coaster and take it for a ride. its as if playing the role of a film but that film is real life and you are experiencing it in fullness.
i've never been able to control my dreams in any ways just use aspects and tools to change the outcomes.
i certainly envy those who still dream lately i only have been achieving certain chunks of things or instances of 10 seconds of actual experience. time measurements are strange so i shouldnt say time increments more so just flashes of images and knowledge of occurences.
really hope i get some responses this is one of my most legendary dreams and i finally have an outlet for it.
nobody really likes talking about dreams irl
i've always liked talked about dreams ever since i was conscious enough for thought and interests i've always annoyed people wanting to talk about dreams considering most of my most insane dreams happened when i was aged 4-8 such as re occuring challenge nightmares where soemthing spawns in my house we call him the "goop monster" since hes just dripping brown tar and resembles zorack from adult swim and he just makes a move i make a move and examine anomalys in my house like dishes breaking in kitchen and curtains moving in brothers room or floating heads in sisters room very specific weird tihngs i can encounter.
the rotten raddish monster would sometimes replace the brown drippy thing and it would just make you feel electrocuted.
my dreams taught me what its like to teleport, its almost like a shocking jolt but that could just be my dream making me think thats what teleporting is like but it only happened when trying to read red print on a wall inside of a bunker that i wasnt trying to enter until i read it, but as i tried to read it mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Interested most in hearing more of your dreams from age 4-8.


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thank you

a dream i once had around that age would be i would be in my bed and the tv would turn off and floating objects would rotate around it with different colored aura's i would always be able to pick one and have it fly away waking me up i have no idea what it would do i still wonder today if its a visual perception of whats going on in my mind (obviously}

most of the 4-8 ones were very short not much but the fact that they re occur

i've never once escaped the game that im put into besides i hate point and click adventures anyways.

its really hard to come up with any dreams considering i dont have a dream journal when i really should.

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I had this dream that was pretty strange, have no one else to tell to, so here it goes.
I was in this room, it was an office, everything was in this shade of blue.
I was under this table, hidding, people were white, plain white, like a 3d model.
They were walking all around the place, and to the wall on my right, Ranny (a friend of mine) was with a Bunny mask, standing still.
When I tried talk to him, but when I tried, the room was destroyed by a flood, and sunddenly, I was in a sea of blue and black, and I could not get to the top.

(Sorry for the poor writting, English is not my first language)


White is the color of paper,
blue and black are common ink colors.

Did a thread have to be bumped off of the board for this?


hello anyone here


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Seems like it was a dream that cold have an interesting context.

You broke one of the basic rules of dreaming, to never follow/approach bunnies in a dream, it'll fill it with surreal nonsense.

What >>2459 may be suggesting, is that it could have been posted in >>505 as to not clutter this cool but slow board even more, which I agree with.


always follow the white rabbit


I'm sorry I'm knew to the Uboachan, I didn't mean to clutter the board ;^;
My friend (Ranny) says that bunny is his "spirit" animal.
Idk, I may try to include in my fangame, lol.
Sorry again, I'll try to not fuck up again.

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Is there anything specific you need to adjust or NOT HAVE in the room in order to get to sleep?

For me it's dolls. I cannot sleep if there are any in the room. Stuffed animals and the like are fine, but I can't sleep if the empty husks of babies and children are in the room. Bonus fear if I know their eyes open and close. I have actually gotten so scared in the past that I hallucinated hearing dolls on the shelf talking.

I've been this way since I was about 5, and had two Raggedy Anne dolls on my shelf. Somehow I convinced myself they would mutilate me. I've gotten better, I used to not be able to sleep if I knew there were dolls in the hallway, or even the house. Now it's just the room. Anything with eyes watching me is unnerving, but dolls are the worst.

Also, I prefer the closet to be closed, but I can bear with that. Unlike dolls.
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mostly the same, but I don't even need to be tired to sleep anymore


Don't bully!
Nice necrobump nerd.


There's no such thing as a dead thread on a board as slow as Uboachan.


hey, that wasn't me
also I'm very sorry, I was rash to say something like that on a public forum like this and I could have seriously hurt somebody's feelings (w)


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Wow, it's been so long since i last visited this website but i've decided to stop by for some help on something that has been baffling me for awhile.

I notice that in the beginning of a lot of my nightmares i dream about watching a horrifying documentary of sorts narrated by a male voice that always sounds like Robert Stack from "Unsolved Mysteries". In fact half of the nightmare would play out like the show, including a gruesome and realistic body horror photo of the victim, a detailed description about what happened to them, along with the ominous low-key background music. Worst part that makes my spin still chill is when the camera zooms in and i can see more horrific details. I've only ever watched the episode about Rogest Cain but that was 4 years ago.

Documentary-type dreams i've had included a tiger with an extremely enlarged head and bulging glossy eyes due to a brain tumor, a kid crying in pain from numerous teeth growing out of his skin, and re-enactments of a murder/robbery taking place in real time inside my house.

I liked to watch a lot of documentaries when i was in middle school about medical mysteries or human bravery so i'm thinking that maybe the horror aspect didn't register with me until much later because of my fascination obscuring that perceived fear.

Has anyone else experienced these type of nightmares? What could they possibly represent since i see little discussion on these specific dreams.
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OP here.
I think you are correct in that it's probably from watching too many documentaries with body horror back then. The only type of documentaries i watch now are those "Top 10" styled videos on Youtube on certain topics. It still perplexes me though that my dreams play out the "unsolved mysteries" format, despite only ever seeing one episode of the show. The fact videos i see now are vastly different (in terms of presentation) to that series but for some reason my brain just latched onto the show's disturbing atmosphere.


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Not that this is what's going on here, but I'm just going to blog for a minute.

I just had a dream, and though all of the details have already disappeared because I have been moving around, I distinctly remember lying in bed, thinking about the dream, and realizing, "Hm. Maybe it means that I want to see things like I'm a little kid again."

It was something about listening to figures of authority - a lesson which I have been stubborn in remembering since I have a decent job and can afford to be on my own.

So what I would try to do if I had a dream like a documentary, and when I was a kid it was what I watched a lot of, is abstract the fuck out of the information until it becomes a sort of Rorshach test.

So I used to __sit__ in front of the TV and __watch__ a __documentary__.

What is sitting?
Something that requires no effort and is presumably comfortable.

What is watching?
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Okay, I will speculate on the horror.
The furthest I would take it though, is that your brain may be attempting to replicate the phenomena of the "Documentary," in which simply by the act of watching you are granted the solution, reason, or history behind some previously unknown person or historical place, or it is trying to help you figure out the explanation or reason behind some specific suffering you are experiencing, or suffering in general. Do you think about suffering often? Whether your own or others'?


OP again.
Wow, that Rorshach test example on how you thought about the dream is something i definitely need to try the next time a documentary nightmare occurs. It might help me understand better what the origin might be of my personal anxieties.

As for thinking about suffering, it really only occurs through intrusive thoughts that i try hard to push to the back of my mind. On occasions when i'am about to doze off, my mind churns out creative and artistic ideas, which is awesome. However, that all of a sudden slowly devolves into horrible memories of being too curious about a horror movie and reading or watching a review of it (Tetsuo the Iron Man or Serbian film). Sometimes a scene from a horrifying documentary called "Children of Chernobyl" would pop into my head and i can't sleep until i put music on to distract me. I used to be into horror movies as well back then and still am now but after stumbling onto "Tetsuo the Iron Man", my desensitization to gore/body horror dropped so hard that i couldn't watch horror films again till 2 years later.

Maybe i'm pushing these intrusive thoughts back too much and they are starting to show in my dreams. Heck for all i know i just might be a bit winded from being bombarded with daily negative news about people suffering and feeling bad for them.

I don't know when i'll have another documentary dream to confirm any of these theories about why they happen but when it occurs i'll make sure to write every detail and feeling down, even if thinking of it after awakening scares me to pieces. :/


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The self-administered Rorshach test is something I do with each and every dream my brain chooses to present to my consciousness.

>Maybe i'm pushing these intrusive thoughts back too much and they are starting to show in my dreams.

I was getting curious as to why you run away from them. Is it just because they feel bad? Don't you feel bad all the time already? Why hide from bad things if they won't kill you?

When I was going through my period of vivid psychic horror, I would explicitly summon it, and attempt to capture it in drawings. Avant garde/Dark ambient sound really assisted with that expression and experience. I decided that the horror which existed within my brain, and at the same time seemed impossible to have been generated by it, was nonetheless a part of it, and that assimilation with was the only way to move in any direction - not necessarily forward, but maybe down?

There is no good or bad, and everything in the world suffers anyway - look at how the bugs writhe, starving, how the cute animals fight over what raw scraps of plant life or even better, human garbage that is left for them on their paved-over ancestral homes. Much to the chagrin of the people who built their own physical, mental, and emotional prisons, and now starve within them for all forms of sustenance.

I say it's not that there's nothing to fear, it's that there's nothing left to fear; we are already dead and dreaming.

Sorry this got bloggy, I am very tired and felt like writing something.

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Post your dream journal
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That's awesome.


I have two but they're just regular notebooks
I used to write in them every single day but for some reason I just don't remember my dreams much anymore
I had one last night but nothing significant happened


is using a physical journal rather than a .txt file better for recalling dreams?


I believe it's pretty much the same if you have the same time to access both. In reality, though, it's more probable you will write faster in a physical diary simply because it's next to you when you wake up. Unless you leave your computer on all the time, that's it.


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Mine goes back to 2013 as well as some I remembered from my childhood. I started mine because of LSD: Dream Emulator, which was based on the dream journal Osamu Sato's coworker kept. (it was released as "Lucky Sweet Dream" and you can find it online)

I type mine because my handwriting is shit and my hand cramps up too fast when I write. I doubt it makes a difference as far as your memory is concerned, but if you think it might you can try each and see.

Sometimes I can remember a dream well enough for a small paragraph weeks later, other times I have to grab the nearest device/paper and jot it down right away before I forget it. In the latter case it doesn't take me too long to power up my laptoaster and log into a comfy TTY.

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