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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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A recent dream I had.

So there is this person who is living in our house (IRL) and she has a son. In my dream, the son died in some freak accident. We had the funeral and everything. Then a few days later, he was standing in our front hallway. We all thought he was a ghost, but it turns out his mom did black magic on him. When he dies, she can use a strand of his hair to resurrect him. I thought "Okay, But hopefully he won't die again soon

But he kept dying almost every other day! Finally, everybody was put through such emotional torment, that i screamed "I can't take this anymore!" to wake me up.

When I woke up, I found that I was Physically, Mentally, and emotionally exhausted. I just kinda sat there, with my eyes wide awake. I haven't been able to look at the kid with out getting emotional about the dream.

Has anybody else had any dreams that have put a toll on them?
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It was the Jeepers Creeper, but a little less humanoid. Nothing especially imaginative.
That movie scared the shit out of me when I first saw it.

The baby bouncing part was literally like a cartoon, lol.
It also was the moment I knew SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG while dreaming, because I sensed or knew or whatever that the baby was basically getting smashed and bones were breaking and so on.

It looked stupid and it felt awful.
0/10 worst five seconds I've ever dreamed


I thought I'd post another dream.

I had this dream when I was 5.
>In the dream I get captured by vampires
>Im mildly scared
>They take me to a volcano
>Inside is a hidden base
>I thought that was pretty cool, but I was still scared
>I was actually quite fine until they told me
>"You will never see your mother and father again"
>I began sobbing at this point
>I saw their fangs get bigger
>thinking they were going to suck my blood
(This is the part where I go WTF)
>The all pull out Capri-sun pouches
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The part that scared me the most and still makes me worrisome is "You will never see your mother and father again"

I still get really sad when I think about that part.


I had a range of very morbid and goreful dreams a couple of months ago. Here's the one I remember best:

I'm on the rooftop of a very big castle and a strange black shadow-being with yellow eyes and strong armor flew above me. It streched out his hand and forced me to obey to his commands or else he'll kill me. I agreed willingfully. He gave me one single knife with a short blade and said I should kill everyone who was standing outside the castle with this knife.
I ran outside the castle and there was a giant crowd of people circling it. The shadow-being controlled their minds so they all walked slowly to me without showing any kind of resistance. I took my knife and vigorously cutted and killed every single person that walked towards me and created a bloodbath on my way. I felt nothing at all, I did it like a robot. After there were only like 10 people left there was one little girl, begging for me to stop and I just lifted her up with one arm, made some extra cuts on her arms and legs to torture her and then threw her away like a piece of trash. After I finished killing everyone, I woke up.

I never did any harm to any kind person in my entire life, especially children. I don't have a clue where all these dreams (There were a lot of other dreams like that too) come from. I woke up completely exhausted and filled with guilt and self-loathing.


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I don’t know what significance this dream has, maybe some dream connoisseurs can tell me, I guess.
Anyways, tangent aside, let me cut to the chase.
There’s this reoccurring dream I’ve been having since I was a kid.
I can’t pin down exactly when it started, I think it started when I was about 13. At first, it was omce, and then not again for about a year at a time. Then, it was about once every other month or so. Now it’s been happening almost once a week and it’s starting to concern me.
Every time it’s the exact same setting, starting the same way. The only thing that differs is my actions, which ultimately lead to the same conclusion.

Here’s what happens:
I wake up in a field, under a sizable tree. The time of day differs, but its usually morning/evening. The treeline is far in the distance, the subtle hills rolling through the landscape. There’s mountains far on the horizon ahead, and 2 train tracks run parallel through the clearing.

Then, I get up. No matter how long I try to stay down, I always get up.
As I walk, I’m slightly faster than usual. Similarly, I jump a little higher, too.
But I slowly get faster and faster. No matter how hard I try to slow down, I nearly break into a sprint every time I move. Each time I jump, I jump higher and higher. Eventually I start jumping higher and faster than would ever be possible. It gets harder to withstand the landing of each jump. And eventually, I jump too high, soaring into the air.
Then I fall, speeding towards the ground with no way to stop.
And when I hit the ground, I wake up, usually with a start, sweating a little. The adrenaline of being so close to death lingers.
You’d think I’d become desensitized to the experience if it happens this often, but…
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I know some of you have them. Describe them here.

I can fly, or more accurately, 'float'. Basically, when I'm lucid dreaming, the ability to float is controlled my my mind like I'm flexing a muscle or something, and I can 'pull' myself up as if the ceiling is magnetic. If I 'pull' too hard, I slam into the ceiling and bounce off of it, so I have to kind of balance it out, pull hard enough to keep me suspended in the air but not so hard that I hit the ceiling. The hardest part is moving forward, I either swim in the air or kind of 'latch on' to something in the distance to pull myself towards it, but again, I have to make sure I don't pull to hard or else I'll slam into it. Sometimes I just float forward and balance myself to keep from touching the floor or ceiling. Flying in dreams is difficult to master but it's really fun once you get the hang of it.
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Has anyone ever used their super powers for accomplishing something in your dream? I used to race across my dream-modified house.


I'm powerless in my dreams 99% of the time, but last night I had a cool ability to teleport to some preset locations, plus a skill similar to the Mark and Recall combo in Morrowind (memorize a location and teleport back to it, respectively). I did not even notice these powers, I used them liberally and withought thought, instinctively, as though they were my natural abilities. But thinking back to it, that was pretty cool.

That was a pretty unusual dream. I was running in the park and through my town on a warm summer day, and people were laughing at me as I passed because I was wearing pyjama pants, a thick winter jacket and a plaid, and was running barefoot. Strangely, I did not mind at all (I normally would). I accepted being an oddity and continued doing what I love doing (running is the best). I teleported around a bit to run through some of the nicer parts of the town. I was not lucid - I hardly ever am in my dreams - so I guess I subconsciously feel more in control of my life in general.


Last night I had a dream where I could fly. I distinctly remember thinking 'how is this possible, is this a dream?', yet not actually realizing that it was. When I woke up later I felt kind of stupid for not becoming lucid but getting sucked into the dream and really believing I could fly.

When flying in dreams it tends to be some form of floating that requires concentration and effort. Actual flying (over a landscape like a bird/plane) usually isn't me doing it, but me being taken along for a ride by another entity.


>wake up power
Usually I have a "wake up" power, if things are getting too much I reject it and stop sleeping. I don't have to be fully lucid, many times I'm not. Sometimes it's as easy as wondering when play time is over, other times (usually in nightmares) I'll have to wish for 'reality' to fuck off so hard I'll eject myself waking life.
It's more like… I'm a balloon. Or there's a balloon in my torso. I'd be positioned like a cat that's being picked up, slightly on all fours because the 'float node' in my waist would fuck up my center of gravity. Controlling my movement is pretty much like OP's version of flight. I feel better using it indoors or around structures because drifting off into the sky into infinity is scary.
Exactly what it is. No gimmicks, no limit, pure timestop. It's the scariest, invasive thing when something breaks free when I didn't allow that. I've never taken people with me so it's only been me and the monsters. Sometimes I just have to flex my hand but other times I pause by opening TESV's console.
Other stuff that's not strictly 'dreaming':
>Abusing the "wake up" power to go right back to sleep, 'rerolling' for a better dream
>Choosing what to dream by thinking about it as I drift off. E.G, chuuni-level 'daydream' in bed, fall asleep and get a whole dream about shooting beams at kaiju or whatever.


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I tend to “decay” my dreams.
My presence tends to slowly cause reality to deteriorate at times, and weapons seem to cut through the fabric of reality itself.
The one problem is that I almost never go lucid, and when I do i don’t stay lucid. This is because for some stupid reason I’m still bound by dream logic when I’m lucid, so I just go back to conforming to the plot.

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Hello, /yume/.

I seem to have been having a reccuring theme in my dreams, which is they almost always happen under ground.
Not a specific location underground, but just below the surface.
For example, underground military bunker, underground storage facility, underground floors of my former school(which dont exist),
underground mall floors, long wide underground concrete corridors, and a few more which i cant currently recall.

What does this mean? Why underground?


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Dreams are often influenced by your real life surroundings. You've probably watched/played/read/saw something containing an underground building recently. Or you just live in a basement.

It could also be some association of yours.
To give an example, in one period of my life I would constantly draw a particular cartoon character because of her nice and simple design.
In a dream totally unrelated to this, I was a stalker that, in the dream's narrative, kept numerous sketches of the woman he was obsessed with. As a detective came and uncovered the creepy sketchbook, my mind understood the "female that I draw a lot" part and filled it with drawings of the aforementioned character, replacing the woman from the story (who was of a different appearance, at that). So maybe the underground replaces something of your own by association?

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I had a dream where it involved a same universe as Yume Nikki.

I was in a blue path surrounded with green trees, with the floor being similar to that of blue chunks of unknown substances, I walked in it, and saw Madotsuki, I touched her, ended up in the spawn, I saw her skin changed to bleach white, I touched her again and saw a broken Madotsuki with messed up limbs, and had a face like Monoko, It was so disturbing, it WOKE ME UP.

And this is a true dream.


Just remember; it will always get worse.


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Yume nikki irl version

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There's something that's recurring in my dreams every now and then. Maybe once a month, once every two months, I don't actually know the frequency. I'm only aware of it because it happened repeated times. Anyway, what I'm talking about is that sometimes I have dreams where I can't open my eyes no matter how much I'd force myself. Sometimes I'd be able to open them just a bit and see ever so slightly, but it's very uncomfortable. Actually it's more like being unable to see anything with my eyes facing forward because of my eyelids, but I can see ever so slightly if I turn my gaze down.

Does this count as sleep paralysis? I don't think it does, I'm not technically awake. Has this happened to anyone else?

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I always wake up panicking, almost always, I never tell anyone this, because I don't make noise, only my last gf noticed. I dont know why I have nightmares daily, I never can remember what they are, I wish I could just remember once…..


I know that you posted this months ago, but I'm holding out hope that you are lurking.

Are there any reoccurring themes in your nightmares? It's very possible that you have unresolved trauma.


Let me rephrase since you can't remember the nightmares. The fear when you wake is always the same, right? Is it the fear of your own life or something else?


Be absolutely sure you are really ready to remember this, it will traumatize you. Nightmares are one of the scariest things a human brain can experience. If you aren't 100% sure you're ready, wait until you are to try.

I'm not saying you're not ready (at all), I'm just saying you should only remember this if you're 100% sure you're ready and 100% sure you want to.


I disagree. Nightmares are terrifying when you're in them, but when you look back at them knowing they are not real they can often seem pretty tame, or even ridiculous.


I find nightmares to be really thrilling experiences, actually.

Which is funny because I'm pretty cowardly when it comes to everything else.

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Have your dreams ever shifted to looking like Yume Nikki or a Yume Nikki fangame? Mine do sometimes, and I just woke up from a dream such as that.

(This first bit takes place at a playground in an apartment complex I lived at when I was much much younger) My brother had just got done throwing an axe at a girl at full strength, but he "didn't mean to kill her". However, it DID kill her, and the group she was in replaced her instantly with this princess-like girl. Long story short, she turned out to be an asshole with malicious intent towards us, and my brother and I decided we wanted to put her in an awful place. So some doors appeared, and I bet you've played enough Yume Nikki to know where this was going.

Now this is where the dream started looking like Yume Nikki. The first door I went through led me to this very light, sort of pastel blue, reception room. The guy was walking in place, right next to this odd looking door. The dream had begun to take place in third person, just like an RPG Maker game, so I could sort of see into the next room from above. I understood right away that I was in a hospital.

When I went through the door, there was no blood or anything, just a bunch of children with their brains visible. The whole brain visible from the top of their head. I initially thought something was wrong with them, but I heard a voice saying that they had been cured, so I tried interacting with them. While their heads seemed to move as I went about the room, as if they were watching me, I initially had no success in interacting with them, just like in Yume Nikki. However, once I tried interacting with specific characters enough times, they decided to hide inside these curtains around their beds. Every single one of the children did this.

There was one girl, though. She had always been inside the curtains to her bed, peeking out from time to time. The other patients appeared to be a little afraid of her. However, I decided to pull up a chair and dip myself under the curtains too, and I had a very one-sided conversation with her.

And that's when I woke up! Sometimes my dreams do that, and turn very Yume Nikki-like, despite me not having played the game in quite a while. Anyone else's dreams sometimes do this?
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what are you even talking about


That would imply that in the real world a sweatdrop takes 8 minutes to hit the ground.


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Not exactly.
1 (dream) min = 60 (dream) seconds => 1 (real) year = 31536e3 (real) seconds [average for 365 days a year]
8 (dream) years = 252288e3 (dream) seconds => 1326025728e5 (real) seconds = 1534752e3 days = 11680 years.

If we are to take time dilation into consideration, taking the dream time as the proper time, and working algebraically, the speed at which you should move to achieve this kind of time distortion would be the speed of light, which is impossible since no object with mass can even reach the speed of light and the threshold for non-massive "objects" is the speed of light, therefore this time distortion cannot be possible for as long as you have mass.

Did a small correction as I noticed an error.


Stephen LaBerge actually studied this with lucid dreaming subjects giving eye signals that could be picked up by EEG. It took them more or less exactly ten seconds to count to ten in a dream. Subjective passage of time can occur where you might get the impression that you've been dreaming for a long time, but that's a matter of convention like a jump cut or fast forward footage in a film.


That's interesting. I've heard of subjects that received a hit in the neck (they fell from the bed or something like that) and were dreaming they were being decapitated, making it seem like because the subject was hit the brain associated the outside stimuli with in-dream actions. In other words, in that small span of time they constructed a whole dream.
Then again you'd need more studies to corroborate this.

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As you almost definitely know if you're here and reading this, the most well-known way to trigger a lucid dream is to realise that you're dreaming (DILD.) Aside from the run-of-the-mill reality checks like your hands, clocks and mirrors, I've read that keeping a dream journal can allow you to recognise recurring themes and events in your dreams. These are 'dream signs', and I guess the utility of them must be to trigger reality checks, or let you realise outright that you're dreaming. The stuff I mentioned above – like hands and clocks – these are common dream signs, ones that happen in everybody's dreams due to the parts of the brain that shut down during sleep, etc.

What I'm interested in are /yume/'s uncommon dream signs; recurring details in your dreams that you don't think everybody gets. Post them!

Additionally, what are some dream signs that you think everybody must get (due to the brain's weird power re-allocation during sleep) that nobody really talks about or are relatively undiscovered?
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>this imageboard is dead
No. Also, WILD is better.


>>this imageboard is dead
It always seemed that way to me when I was lurking. Pleased to hear otherwise! I'll start browsing more regularly.

>WILD is better

Not the discussion I was trying to have, but thanks for the bump I guess.


>Not the discussion I was trying to have
Beggars can't be choosers. DILD is for the type of people who like to shove dildos up their ass, okay? WILD is easier to do because it requires far less preparation and conditioning. WILD also produces far better results. The dreams you have from WILD are more vivid and you feel more in control of them. This has to do with brain chemistry. It's easy to slip back into a normal dream world with DILD, but that's not the case for WILD. I'm sick of seeing all of these homosexuals telling people who are naive and just getting into lucid dreaming that DILD is the best option when it isn't.


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Hindered movement.
Whenever I attempt to run in my dreams I move as if I were underwater. All of my limbs are slow and I have to actually concentrate on pushing my legs from the ground to accomplish anything at all.

Apparently it has something to do with your actual physical body lying still and failing to send movement signals, so, of course, it doesn't feel like you're moving in the dream either.

Another one, though I'm not sure how easily you could go about recognising it while dreaming, is things happening exactly the way you expect them to. Say, you walk into a room that's dark and spooky and you think to yourself that there's definitely a monster in there. A second later, some shitty cryptid makes itself known through its shriek. Or you're having a conversation with someone, you say something stupid, and expect a certain reaction - and they do exactly what you predicted. It's basically the same dream manipulation you use when lucid, but subconsciously. And if you're a pessimist, it quickly turns the dream into a nightmare, annoyingly.


There aren't any obvious signs that would set me off, so I just get into the habit of performing the nose block test in day to day situations where something weird or upsetting happens.

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So, lately, I've been finding it hard to differentiate what I do in a dream and what I do when I'm awake. It gets to the point of me constantly lacking a certain awareness I think lots of people have. I have some small form of MADD, but I don't think that really has to do with it. My memory's been getting really messed up, to the point of me finding it hard to remember what happened a few hours ago. For the most part, I can't remember my mornings at all.

Anyone else struggling with this? How do you deal with separating what's real and what's not?


Have you tried keeping a journal? It might help you remember what you did and what day you did it. Even if you don't remember what you did today try writing things down and it might come back to you. When I started keeping a journal and a dream journal I noticed that I could remember both real-life events and dreams way better.


Are you very active? Do you exercise your brain as if it were a muscle with independent stimulation? As in - something where you are focused and using your body to concentrate and accomplish a single specific task rather than communication or consumption of information?


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That seems like a good idea. I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.

>Are you very active?

Not at all. My days are always the same. Weekdays, I go to school and come straight home, and then stay in my room for the rest of the day. Weekends, it's the same thing. I don't do much aside from lay in bed and surf the web, as well as some reading. Any other time is spent getting lost in thought.


>I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.
It dosen't have to be much, just write a couple of bullet points about anything that happened at the end of the day. Don't worry if you miss any days, it will become habbit soon enough.

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>Be me last night
>Mother comes into my room
>She's nicer than normal
>Think this is strange so I do a reality check
>Turns out I'm dreaming
>Don't have many lucid dreams so not thinking vividly
>Really need to pee
>About to take a massive piss out the window when I get a piece of advice
>"If you pee in a dream then you'll pee in real life"
>Not anxious to pee myself irl I try to wake up by shooting myself in the face
>Bullets feel insultingly weak but it eventually works
>Wake up, jump out of bed and run to the bathroom
>Breath a deep sigh of relief as I open the floodgates
>Walk back to my room, satisfied af
>Before I get back, a large bald man comes out of my sisters room and starts telling me about his holiday in Italy
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I'm sorry for your bad time, but that made me laugh. Sadly something alike happened to me, but I was only a child then.

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