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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Can anyone interpret my dream?

I was in a classroom. I was a cat. I was in a staring contest with a dog. The dog was also me. Then a man walked in. The man looked like me. But the man was a woman. And then a bird flew in. The bird was Madotsuki. It clawed my eyes out. Then someone pissed on me and I woke up. I got out of bed then suddenly woke up again.

Picture is mfw I woke up a second time
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Blue haired bitch needs a punch in the face.


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Make her a futa in order to kick her in da ballz.


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Okay, I've been really lazy in keeping a dream diary, and of late I have been unable to lucid dream. Now I'm no longer even able to remember my dreams in vivid detail. So in this thread I'm going to try to motivate myself to write every morning, no matter how fragmented it is. Just anything I can remember.

I don't know why I think posting it on the internet will help me, but what ever.


Mmm, and here's my first entry, I remember almost nothing.

I was spending quite a bit of time at a friends apartment. There was some sort of get together. There were 2 friends and an old Korean woman there, but we were all speaking different languages. Russian, French, Korean, and I was speaking Japanese. I remember moving out into his living room where we drank coffee. The Korean lady told us how wrong we were. I also remember having to hide behind something in order to speak with her.


Okay, todays dream was almost excruciatingly boring. I apologize for that. But over time when I regain my abilities they will become less so.

I was introduced by a friend to this girl. We went into her dorm which was extremely messy to take a bath. Nothing sexual about it, just a bath. We talked for a while, about what I don't remember. When we got out we went to have a pokemon battle, but somehow my deck disappeared… confused I went to go look for it. But I found myself getting completely lost. I found a big party with lots of free refreshments. I found an old high school friend of mine who told me I shouldn't be here. They began a choreographed dance so I left, and found that girl sitting on the stairs smoking a cigarette. We talked for a while, and her friend invited us to stay at her place, so we rode over there. When we got there I went out for a walk and ended up at a walgreens. I found a house inside there where sat a girl I knew. We stayed in that house together. Until I decided to walk out and find some tea. There was a case of oi ocha for $2 so I tried buying it, but the people there wouldn't let me. So I went outside to talk with the girl in the house in walgreens until around 4am. I went back into the store to find them cleaning, where on of the managers chewed me out.



Hmm, the random compressed interaction dream. I've had those. Usually there's at least one zombie battle though. Next time try tearing up some drywall or something?

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Last night I had a dream I was with my brother and his friend, wandering through a maze. Well, actually, I met up with him later, haha! We met up by this area in the maze where it was sort of musty and dark with some pipes hanging out of the ground that were beginning to rust.

We hopped off of there (literally) and came to a cliff that loomed over a black pit that seemed bottomless. My brother tried to hop into there and swim across? But just fell down and then respawned right next to us looking kind of frustrated. I laughed and told him I would show him how it's done, then hopped into the pit and almost floated to the gate when I dropped down into the pit. It was like an endless stream of darkness and when I finally could see, it was a blue outline of myself hitting the concrete bottom.

To my surprise I hadn't died, when I had come to I was in an ice cream shop with my brother and the other guy that was with us. The girls running the shop were rather cute but got angry when the guy tagging along said he wouldn't pay but I ended up convincing him to give them a quarter.

We left and the other guy just vanished for some reason? It was just me and my brother left and I was conquering all the puzzles that the maze had to throw at us with ease! He was getting sort of jealous though and smashed a couple bricks and to our surprise this lady popped out and began to chase us.

She chased us for a while and finally got us into a literal corner and said she was going to kill us. I began to cry and that went on for a very long time.

I don't really remember anything else about the dream after that.


A couple nights ago I had a dream that I had a lot of friends and all of us liked each other a lot!

We were doing our usual shenanigans when we stopped at a convenience store to get some food for the road when suddenly the lights went out. I was confused and looked around for the switch. I found it but when I turned it on the entire store looked as if it had been abandoned for ages. There were vines entangled with everything and there were lots of spiderwebs too. Every person had turned into a skeleton and after I saw the skeletons I ran out the store crying.

After getting the tears off my face I noticed the car was gone and it was driving away. They had abandoned me and set that up to make me think they were dead.

I chased after them and finally got to where they parked their car; in an abandoned parking lot. I tried to ask them why they did that but they didn't respond. They didn't even acknowledge I was there.

I even tried to get in their face but they kept talking and talking. Their faces were slowly becoming more and more distorted and then a red static covered up everything.

That's when I woke up.


Two nights ago I had dream that I was in a rather gloomy area that rained a lot. Everything was made of concrete, and all the trees? They had been chopped down and sloppily stuck inside of concrete pipes.

I lived in a house that oddly shows up in my dreams a lot? But I had left to go and buy a soda when I slipped through some trees stuffed in a concrete pipe and went into a small house that had a soda machine. The rest of the house seemed to be made of wood but the part with the soda machine was completely made of concrete, big shocker there.

I noticed that this Japanese man had left some money inside a slot that was oddly on the machine? I took it and flipped through the money to see the bills he had, and oh boy, was that a lot. 5 dollar bills, 10 dollar bills, 100 dollar bills, 500 dollar bills, whoa even 1000 dollar bills! I took 3 of the 5 dollar bills as he probably wouldn't miss it and I was running low on cash anyways. However, this girl peeked in and said she was going to beat me up for stealing but I lied to her and said I didn't steal. She seemed to accept that as truth and walked away.

I got my soda and left the concrete house and sat down on an out of place wooden bench. I stuffed the money I had stolen in my pocket and gotten up to walk home when I saw the Japanese artist pull up his car next to some trees that hadn't been chopped down yet. I felt really guilty and put the money back and tried to go home without being seen.

I woke up after that.


Last night my dream was that I was in the sky at some picnic party? When some spaceship came up and began to chase me. I knew I couldn't escape him at this speed so I tried to fall to the ground and hopefully land somewhere safe. Great idea that was.

A giant hand reached out and grabbed me and pulled me into the ship. I told the guy who took me to let me go but he said "No way, you're beautiful and I'm going to make you my bride."

I was sort of creeped out and all I really wanted to do was escape. I tried looking everywhere but it seemed like he was everywhere. When he had left to go and take out the trash, I locked the door and tried to keep him out but he somehow broke the door down. I begged and pleaded from him to let me go and I ended up breaking him and I was free. The first thing I did was try to go home but for some reason I had wandered into a dark, grayscale hopsital with a leaky roof and a lot of those curtains that seperate patients in the same room?

My two little cousins were in there for some reason and said that they were bombed pretty excitedly. I decided to go look for my mom and I was lead to a part of the hospital that transformed into my house. I found my mom laying down on the couch and I asked some hippie dude if she was okay but he said "Duuude, there comes a time in everyone's life where they just gotta.. go live up with the grandpas in the sky, y'know?"

I broke out in tears after that and he asked me out on a date for some reason? I declined, of course, and continued to cry some more. That is when I woke up.

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I think this board would be more appropriate for this…

I can see the future in my dreams. It's not like vivid by any means but I get little glimpses and flashes of things I don't understand but are clearly my life. Sure enough in the near future I will experience this event and clearly remember what is going on. I can do different things if I don't like the outcome and it changes everything, but if I continue on with what was in the dream the memory of it just increases and increases. I can follow what I did in the dream until I make a mistake in which the memory fades as I have taken a different route than the path in my dream.

It's really confusing and scary.
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I made a post about my bad memory but I something came up and I forgot to hit "New Reply" before closing chrome funny enough. Long story short I have the worst memory ever. It's like being trapped -OUTSIDE- my mind.

Please elaborate.


Your mind?
Who told you it was your mind?
The part that refers to its self as "I" was only the second to arrive.


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So how's Dormilia doing, Distortion?


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Same as always.
Thanks for asking.

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So every time I dream I have a pare of bat wings, but I was wondering if other people had some alternate form they took on in there dreams.

I did once dream that everyone in the world was transmutated into there true form; and it was awesome.

So I'm curious to here what you guys have to say.

in b4 othrekin thread
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>implying the internet itself isn't a lie


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i look like myself, but my hair's always a fucking hime cut. for years now. i've never had a hime cut, i don't WANT a hime cut. like i change my hair almost biweekly in real life, but dreaming, nope. always a hime cut.

other than that i don't pay much attention to what i look like. i rarely have the chance to see myself, at that.


s- sometimes i'm a cute blonde girl with curly hair. I don't know where that comes from though. Usually I'm just a kid - version of myself which is probably because I was raped as a child (this usually makes you child like and mature slower as my therapy has explained).


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I had a 2 layer dream (Keep this in mind my phone was almost dead as I was going to sleep and I always Lucid dream so I sometimes don't know what reality/dream) in the first dream I was sitting in my room then I heard my phone ringing and I thought it was ringing in real-life so I woke up to answer it not realizing I was still in a second dream so after a while of trying to talk on the phone it died so i thought i was really awake then I heard my front door to my house open and I woke up yet again and I checked my phone to see if it was really dead and it wasn't…
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Well if it happens again I hope I never wake up cuz you know the real world sux ass!! haha


I've had 4 layers about 2 months ago.

I thought there was aliens or some shit in my room and I just kept waking up. It was pretty scary.


That's nuts I couldn't handle that it really messed with my head cuz i rarely dream and it found a way to deceive in such an odd way.


Might have been a night terror rather than a 'regular' nightmare/dream. That often gives me the sensation of waking up multiple times in quick succession and the presence of beings in your room (usually I dream that they are paralyzing my body) is also extremely common.

I keep a dream journal and occasionally I'll imagine waking up, grabbing my dream dairy and writing all that stuff down… only to wake up for real and realizing that I have to do it a second time.


Possibly a night terror, but during the first two layers I was able to get up and get out of my room. After that, I felt paralyzed. On the third, I was resting in a semi upright position, looking at a a "distortion" in my brightly lit room (which would have been dark), and I kept thinking that it was trying to sing to me. On the fourth, I was looking up at the ceiling, and everything had a warp distortion and it felt like I was moving into it.

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Hello. I lucid dream very rarely, but recently the times I lucid dream it's always the same one.
I actually don't know if what I'm having is a lucid dream. Everything seems pretty clear and deep, and I know it's a dream but I feel like I can't control my body.

I was wondering if someone could tell me if there was maybe some kind of meaning behind this.

I appear to be in a very quiet, empty place. Everywhere I look is grey, it feels like I need to blink or squint a couple of times because everything is just that one shade.

After a moment or two, I turn around(and that's one of the things I remember ALWAYS doing in this dream: turning around.) and see in the distance a tree with a leopard sat under it. Looks as though it's quite a bit away from where I'm stood, but I know what it is. The tree has pale pink flowers coating it's branches. Looks nice. The leopard doesn't seem to be doing anything, it's just sat there staring at me.

So, I start waking towards this odd pairing. I feel happy as soon as I take the first step towards the tree and leopard. The leopard doesn't seem to be a threat and from where I'm stood I don't think of it as an issue. I come close to a point where I begin to admire the tree's petals slowly fluttering down to meet the leopard sat beneath it.
It's around this point I stop myself to understand that the closer I got to the tree, the more petals were falling. I can feel my face dropping to a more shocked, serious expression as if I'd witnessed a murder take place or something.
Now the tree looked somehow darker, and less attractive.
It was wilting as the distance between us grew shorter, and I knew this. I didn't feel happy anymore.

I've had this dream on more than two occasions now. (I guess that doesn't seem like a lot but I hardly ever remember dreams but I remember this one perfectly so it's stuck with me)
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Maybe this isn't a lucid dream?
Lucid dreams are when you are fully aware you are dreaming and you can control your environment. The level of clarity is unrelated.

Anyways, it's hard to guess when it means but maybe it has to do with someone / something not living up to expectations. Or you headed down a path in life you thought you wanted but it didn't turn out that well? I don't know.

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How does one dream cuz I cant for the life of me and my life is pretty bleak all ready I just want to escape…


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Chances are you do dream, but you don't remember them. Not only that, but just normal dreaming isn't much of a stress relief. Is your goal to start lucid dreaming, so you have more control over your "escape"? Or just to remember your dreams better?


The only time I can recall myself having dreams are usually a few minutes before I wake for some odd reason, and the rare times I do dream I have full control over them and that's alright i guess even though I always end up dead or about to die… I personally have never heard of lucid dreaming so i dont have much to say on it sorry.


Keep a diary beside your bed. Write down the few you do get the instant you wake up. Read them before going to bed.

If you sleep very deeply try setting a clock to wake you up a couple of hours before you need to get up. Then when it wakes you up, fall asleep again. Experiment with the timing of the clock.


If your life is too boring it shouldn't be impossible to reserve long times for sleeping. That way you can wake up every 2 hours to record your dreams.

My experience is that if you wake up and go back to sleep you can dream more. I guess during long sleeps you forget the dreams you see in the beginning, or something. At least some parts are hard to remember.

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ITT something that happened in your dream, that really upset or disturbed you afterwards.

I was standing in a playground I vaguely remember playing in as a child. Suddenly my point of view turned into a bird's eye view, and I moved further and further away from the scene, revealing that the me standing in the playground was still a child. Autumn leaves started whirling in the wind, and the dream cut to black.
I was in a hospital bed, being wheeled through some sort of hospital place at an incredible speed. The corridors were off-white and grimy, and the doors were painted a sickly shade of green and had little wire glass windows in them. Everything looked horribly sticky and dirty, almost as if the place had been recently abandoned. The light was dim. As I was being rushed through these corridors, I heard a voice exclaim something like "You know this place."
I woke up feeling rather disturbed.
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I had one awhile ago that really freaked me out.

I was standing under the tree in my front yard eating little tea sandwiches, when a woman walking her dog comes down the sidewalk. The woman was pretty overweight, had short reddish-blonde hair, and looked like she hadn't showered in days. She was screaming for no reason, not like, one consecutive scream, but she screamed more in intervals, like "AAA…AAA…AAA" and I thought it was the funniest shit. I got my phone out to record it when she came back after she had passed my house.

Shorty afterwards she returned, but this time her screaming really frightened me. As I began to record, she screamed right at me, and i felt like she was ready to climb over the fence and start beating me. She then let her dog climb up on the hood of some guy's car as he was unlocking it. He proceeded to try and tell her off for it, but she just screamed at him which scared him into his car. She then followed him into his car and out the passenger door until she finally reached him, and slapped him tremendously hard square in the back, making him yelp in pain.

At that point I was really freaked out, and I ran into the house to get my dad. I can't remember exactly what I said, but it was something about how there was a crazy lady in the yard freaking me out. He seemed really annoyed at the fact that I was telling him, and went outside to check it out. At that point she was gone. She shortly returned, this time without her dog and blood soaking her hands, sobbing. She came up to my dad on the porch and said to him in between sobs, "Please sir, you have to help me, my brother is visiting and he killed my whole family, even my mother." Meanwhile I was hiding behind my dad in fear of her.

When I woke up I was extremely shaken, and had an incredibly hard time going back to sleep. The whole thing just made me feel really unsafe. Which is silly, the dream wasn't even that bad. I dunno, something about it just really disturbed me.


I appeared in a building The floor was sea, walls were so colorful. just like in yume nikki. we were swimming around. then i met my sister and we had sex.


everything i dream up disturbs me, i literally have nightmares every night, and i'm scared of everything ;_; sometimes they're bloody, sometimes they're melancholy, but they're always vivid


I had a dream recently in which I experienced a false awakening. I woke up on my bed, in pitch darkness, to stare directly at my phone. It started ringing in stereo with that irritating buzzing sound. The caller was somebody called 'Shadow'. I answered it, and I deep, muffled but very loud voice was going 'Hello?' from all directions. I tried to answer, but my lips wouldn't move, and I tried to sit up, but couldn't either (at this point, I had visions of Uboa; I have no idea why). The whole place jerking very badly and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

It was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had. It turned for the better, though. I looked at might phone and realised it said 2:67. I realised that I was in a dream, but decided to perform a test instead. It worked, and I, like the idiot I was, decided to wait for the earthquake-level shaking to stop before attempting to stabilise the dream. I ended up waking up.


I keep dreaming that I'm at work.

It's very boring and depressing, and then I wake up.
I go to work.
It's very boring and depressing, and then I wake up again.

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I had a dream that Monoe was chasing me and then I had to make a red clay Monoe. WHAT DOES IT MEAAAN
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I dreamed last night that I could use the Neon effect. I changed the neon streetlights to green, then blue. However the dream ended abruptly because I was too excited about it. I was able to fly and no-clip through walls, too.


I once had a dream that I was being a bitch to my best friend for not knowing what Yume 2kki was. Then I glanced at the TV and saw Ib and Garry on TV and I was like "Oh I didn't know they made Ib into an anime."


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I had a dream that started out with a bunch of poorly drawn Yume Nikki + fangame protagonists standing in a row in front of this weird also poorly drawn beach. Then Urotsuki's head was bitten off Mami Tomoe style and a generic 2kki NPC scream sound played, and all of the protagonists moved off to the side like stage curtains and it faded to black.

Then, I woke up again in some sort of weird hallway where this kind of hectic, unsettling music was playing (Hospital Outskirts Music?) and Madotsuki's taxidermied, semi-rotten, cartoonish corpse was put up next to my mother's that looked like it was taken care of in the same fashion. I also couldn't see her head, but it looked blacked out, not completely gone. There was some creepy, pus filled blood settled at their feet, and Sabitsuki had wandered over and was now eating/drinking the blood (which had turned into some sort of gelatinous half liquid, ew) and complained about it being moldy.
It was so nasty and unsettlingly real that I woke up right afterwards and made a mad dash for the bathroom so I could puke. My dreams about Yume Nikki are never terribly pleasant.


>creates a theory that Usotsuki from Yume Nisshi wants to/did kill Trish and Pholus
>have a dream that I'm playing Yume Nisshi
>go into some sort of study room
>Pholus and Trish are both on a couch and are dead


Well, I had a dream where I was in the darker parts of the hospital in .flow and Sabitsuki was there. I was following her through until we suddenly got to the parade elevator.

When we arrived on the floor where all the children were, Sabi started to cry so I hugged her. Uber cute I know but Ibheard them Kaibutsu laughs and saw a huge mash of them and normal school children.

Out of no fucking no where I find a pipe and beat da fuq out of every living thing in the corridor. As each one was slain, the non-Kaibutsu kids had faces of people I knew; hated or loved. One of the final Kaibutsuhad the face of this kid I hated, so I literally pummeled his face to death and tore out his spine with my hands.

Then after Sabi ran towards me and hugged me, without saying a word. I started to literally sink into the floor. I looked up amd saw the corridor disappear from view.

I was then in an ex of mine's bedroom. Sabi was no longer herself but that same Ex. Scenes that occured there passed in a fast blur, stopping at parts where I remember being happy. Then, once the scenes stopped, I was on top of her, knife in hand, killing her, almost like it was some weird fetish. She was laughing as I did. No blood came out.

Soon she turned it on me amd stabbed me. Blood was pouring everywhere Nd she pushed me to my back and carressed me lovingly. Then the same thing happened as with Sabi, and I arrived on Smile(s balcony. I could zsee the black sky.

I sat up, and everyone I killed in the hospital corridor laid dead around me, and Sabi was clutched tightly on me.

I have no clue what this all meant but shit. Can anyone tell me?

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