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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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So, I often dream about fandoms (not intentionally). They're usually my most fun dreams. As of the past couple weeks, I've really been enjoying the Portal 2 fandom, especially Wheatley (pic related). After about a week of no dreams about Portal 2 whatsoever (and some pretty boring dreams), I thought I'd try and intentionally have a dream about Wheatley.

I meditated on it in the daytime and at night used a method sort of like a MILD, but repeated to myself that I'd have a dream about Wheatley instead of repeating that I'd have a lucid dream. However, for about a week, I had no results. Then, one night, I had a dream about a guy that looked a lot like one of the popular "human" forms of Wheatley, but acted nothing like him. The next night I had a dream about GLaDOS, but not Wheatley. It's a bit frustrating.

To make it more annoying, if I so much as look at a picture of a Lupin III character before I go to sleep, I'll probably dream about them.

How successful have you guys been at influencing your dreams? Dream control methods and fandoms in dreams can be posted too, I guess.


As a little kid I use to daydream before going to sleep. Just construct a story and let it play out. Sometimes it would be the dream.

Helped me get to sleep, which is why I did it in the first place.


Video games influence my dreams alot.
Sometimes certain characters in my dreams resemble video game characters or the characters themselves will appear in the dreams.
The characters tend to be from either Touhou or The Legend Of Zelda.


Media influences my dreams a lot. Like, you know, playing video games, watching anime, reading webcomics…. Oddly enough I don't think I've ever had a dream influenced by music before, but that's because I can't sleep if music is playing.

Also, if I'm stressed out I'll usually dream a dream that's about being stressed out.

I have tried to influence my dreams, because there's a character I dreamed about once and REALLY want to dream about again. But it's never worked. :c

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So, /yume/ and no lucid dreaming thread within 3 pages in sight. Gotta fix this. Since everyone here most probably already knows what lucid dreaming is, I won't post tutorial images and stuff like that, but rather make this a general advise/experience place.

So, what do you do to gain lucidity? How successful?
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I'm seconding the spin-in-place suggestion.

The first time I realized I went lucid I was slowly starting to wake up and everything was fading to black. I imagined myself walking / spinning in place and I snapped right back into the dream. Everything suddenly became very detailed and vivid, it was a really surreal experience.

I've been lucid two more times since then but I'm a pretty "weak" dreamer. Like I'd try to manipulate reality and I'd have very little influence on my surroundings. I would try to change the color of things (like the sky) / conjure things / try to start flying but the results were so-so. Also, does anybody have judgement impairment when they're lucid? As in you realize you're dreaming and you have control… but some of the logic you have when you're awake just isn't there.

Also every single time I've gone lucid was right after I walked through a doorway. Like I'd exit a room and enter a hallway and then I would suddenly realize I was lucid, very abruptly and unprovoked. I'm not really sure what that means but I'm going to keep using that as a reality check I guess. Every time I go through a door irl I'll just do the "am I dreaming?" check and hope it sticks. I used to wear a ring and I would switch it back and forth between my left and right hands as a way to help me remember to do dream checks, but I never noticed the ring in my dreams.
Though the times I did those checks regularly were the three times I went lucid so I guess its effects can be really arbitrary? Just thinking about it a lot was a lot more helpful to me than light switches and noticing clocks I guess… but that's just me.


Hey oneironauts,

How long did you need to induce a lucide dream?
Also was your first coincidence or done by will?


I tried to keep a dream journal, but I'm a fast typist and a slow hand-writer. I write so slow that I lose much of the dream while writing. Keeping my laptop on my bedstand isn't practical.

I'm planning to buy a typewriter on ebay to keep next to my bed. Aside from being fucking awesome, it will also be a convenient way to quickly record my dreams before I lose them.


I used to have the same problem too. So I would quickly write down some trigger words that would help jog my memory later. "Odd flowers", "flooding house", etc. Usually that would be enough to bring back some imagery later.

You could also try recording your voice.


Coincidence and it took 2 weeks+ of many daily reality checks. Though I'm super bad at this so I might not be the best one to ask.


Whenever I attain lucidity (or, at least become aware that I am dreaming), something would bug me to wake up. It's like my subconcious has a subconcious or something.

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Hi fellow dreamers.

I want to share with you something strange that has been happening to me for a couple of months. Before that, I never remembered my dreams but since then, I'm always waking up in the same place and I have the freedom to move as if I was awake.

At first, I just doze off, not knowing what was actually happening but I've been exploring this world for a month now. After telling some people about that, they said it would be a good idea to take notes of my dreams and I started a blog about that.

I always wake up in Alice's house. According to her, she's the one who created me.

Here is the link to the blog: http://411ce.blogspot.com/

Is there other people here who dream of a persistent world?
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Yes, she does seem like Alice from Lewis Carroll's books.


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I know that you feel, bro. Make a research about it. A lot of people saw EXACTLY the same dream, I just cannot find that thread, actually there is a "brances" of similar stuff. For example in my case there are huge balls, not cubes. But that connect that dreams is the feeling of SIZE and voice that disturb you through the sound effect like bad speakers or reverbs or echoes. And that feeling that everything gonna END RIGHT NOW and that it is YOUR FAULT. And there is a something else that you cannot explain in words. Am I right?


i mean "brances"


god, i mean "branches"


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Wow! You really do know that feel. In the dream, you do feel like the world IS ENDING NOW, EVERYTHING IS RUINED and it's YOUR FAULT. And there's just some kind of feeling that you can't even explain. It's like you're stabbed in the gut by your own guilt.

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>that feel when you fall in love in a dream

That's like the most fucked up thing this world can throw at you. Has it ever happened to you?

That happened to me a few months ago; I dreamt that I met this amazing guy and we started dating and fell in love and towards the end of my dream we fucked and I fell asleep in his arms sigh and it was amazing.

And then I woke up alone and cold and realized it was a dream and I actually felt so awful and ached like I was heart broken. I felt like I had actually lost someone who meant so much to me and it was the worst feeling in the world and I just wanted to go back to sleep and be with him again although he didn't actually exist.
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I never really fell in love in a dream. I saw an ex I used to love in one.
However, I did have a dream where I was a chick and I had sex with some guy. I had nice boobs.


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i know these feels.

i've been having alot of them lately, only involving another person on another chan.

and then it could also be about another girl from this chatroom.

it feels wierd man, idk how to handle it


You still look at sexuality as "absolutely gay or absolutely straight". It's more complicated than that and most people don't want to admit it/can't accept it. Don't torture yourself for having particular things you enjoy about either or both sexes. It's as normal as sexuality itself.


I saw you tonight - we spent a good time together. You told me about your karate teacher and something about nuclear war. I woke up, and this thread appears. If you feel the same, and you are a not tall girl with dark hair, answer. I miss you and feel sad.


I had 3 or 4 dreams of this kind… but the one who left me the most scarred was about a girl with dark and short hair, with the features of a 15-year-old.
The first time we met was in her family's hotel. I got the feeling that we met when we were younger but I couldn't recognize her. She could, and kissed me a lot because she was really happy to see me. Her kisses were so warm… I was looking forward to do it again and I was just waiting for a chance.
The night we met, she was already in her bedroom, so I went to see her, but a gun was connected to the door with a string, I fell in the trap and killed her while I was trying to go in.
I cried through the whole dream and woke up in dispair.

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I just realized a link to the DREAM DIARY thread on the Dream vs Dream forums would be quite appropriate for this board.

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How do I get erotic/wet dreams more often?

Picture not related.
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3dpd. Simple as that.


For one thing you need to get your hormones boiling. Stop masturbating for a couple weeks, and avoid anything that arouses you. Once you're horny as hell, the rest is up to either luck as a dreamer or skill as a lucid dreamer. How old are you? It's easier to have wet dreams in your early teens than it is at any other age.


at what tempuerature do hormones boil ?


I don't know. At what temperature does tempuerature boil?


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pic unrelated

Sometimes, I have dreams where i'm walking around like i'm sleepwalking. My eyes would be half-lidded and i can't see anything clearly, and it's all blurry.

In this one dream where i am in that situation, I was in a library and kept bumping into shelves because i couldn't see at all. When i tried to open my eyes to see better, they started to hurt and forced themselves back into that half-lidded state. It was like I couldn't control my eyes at all.

Has anyone ever experienced something like that?


Check your wall for forehead marks.

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>Lurking on Uboachan
>Click a random board, it's /yume/
>Remember last might dream
Oh shit that dream was awesome. gotta do something with that.

Ok so, this isn't my first dream like that, but it was one of the bests.
First part was, me and my friends were in some kind of space shit. We were all magicians (just imagine magicians from different games/anime series, the only one I remember is Magicka's.) We all did different magic, but used it with each others to make the ship work! Well, I say a ship, but it was more like, a small appartment.
….ok that's a weird dream.

The second part… wait, no, it was likely to be another dream.
I remember me and my brother, in a school.
The school is some assassin training school. So, me and my bro decided to train melee fight.
I don't remember what he used, most likely one sword or wooden pole. I used a sword and a fire axe. So we foungt a bit, ad I beated him.
Then, we went to the front of the school to train sniping, from a window to some waiter in the restaurent in fromt of the school. So, my brother headshotted the waiter with a rifle, and somehow the blood got all over our faces, even though the restaurant was pretty far. I didn't want to make my lips toucch because they were full of blood.
Then I woke up, but with drool on my lips.
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Hey guys, do you think there are "types" of dreamers? Or classifications? (I'm sure there's a way to word this better…) Like there being such a thing as a Type A dreamer, Type B etc. Or is it completely special / unique?

I'm more of a slow / detailed narrative / dull colors kind of dreamer while my friend has extremely colorful nonsense dreams (for example).

What would your hypothetical type/classification/whatever be?
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My dreams are usually insane, every so often I'll have normal ones, but its always giant basketballs, people turning into venus fly traps, three headed monsters and people dying through phone calls.


Do you enjoy your dreams, because I'd enjoy the fuck out of them. >:


Well, I don't think dreams, in my opinion, are categorized by person, but by what induces it and also what it is about. Like drugs or certain food can affect dreams.

Excuse my grammar or spelling, I'm a bit buzzed right now.


There are no categories of dreamers, just various degrees of sleeping disorders. Any dreamer can have any sort of dream.

There are however several categories of dreams themselves:

- Dreams and nightmares
- Lucid and nonlucid dreams (further divided into wake-initiated and dream-initiated lucid dreams)
- Dreams of clarity vs 'samsaric' dreams (Borrowing terms from Tibetan buddhist teachings. There's no properly established term as far as I know to describe the state of conscious awareness in a dream. Note how I differentiate it from lucid dreaming, as lucidity is defined merely by knowledge of the dream state and not by clarity of mind.)
- False awakenings (type 1 and 2, 2 being a slightly disturbing, intense variation of a regular FA where you merely mistake a dream for reality and go about your morning routine)

I'm sure I'm forgetting more than a few things here.


My dreams are a mix between normal and crazy. They often only end up making me do things that are normal in real life, like walking, small jumps, ect., but unlikely/really messed up plots. Sometimes my dreams involve demons and magic, but they normally never do something that is really trippy, mainly just kind of scary. Like tilting the floors and stuff.

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I get this a lot in dreams, and have done for years and years so I'm curious if anyone else has experienced it.

What happens is I can't quite see something in my dream and realise I can't get a better look because I'm hunched over and my head won't look upwards. When I try to correct my posture it gets worse until I'm on my knees and eventually pass out face down on the ground while others in the dream observe. It's really distressing because my body feels genuinely restricted and the people in my dream won't understand what's happening to me. I'll struggle and struggle to regain normal posture like I need to hide the problem out of embarrassment or to stop them thinking I'm somehow the wrong person.

I don't usually wake up with sleep paralysis and I've never been curled up or with my chin pressed to my chest like in the dream. Neither myself nor anyone I know has a disability irl similar to this so I don't think it's some underlying trauma or memory.
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This is like the most horrible thing.
I used to get it a lot when I was younger, but more like my limbs locking up, especially if my arms were outstretched or behind my back. also happened when running: legs locking up.
Never get locking up now, but occasionally do get the lead-like legs or body.


During your waking hours, constantly reinforce the idea within yourself that you're able to stand up straight and look up. Hopefully you'll repeat it enough that you're convinced of it even down to the subconscious level. The thing that you expect to happen in a dream is the thing that will happen. You're currently assuming that the same curly thing will happen again, so you're trying to replace that expectation with a different one.


Oh, and I have this problem too. I think in real life you're trying to move your legs, but the blankets block your legs, leading to your mind making sense of it that way.



Oh, I've always figured it was probably something like that, seeing as how nothing makes me happier than burying myself under lots of blankets.



This happens to my brother, only in his dreams, cinder blocks physically materialize tied around his feet.

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