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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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bepis dream bepis


i dream of bepis


Still one of the best threads I've seen in this board, cheers


True quality. Thank you for your time

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There's this book where there are a bunch of dreams, given divine significance. They are generally presented in a good light, being given from god. It also has numerous scenes in which people claim that the feelings or ideas given to them are divine inspiration from god.
It's called the bible.

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I dreamt that I was sitting outside Runnymede station (A subway station in Toronto, which faces a small park) at night, while using my laptop for some purpose. I was on a picnic bench beside a mailbox. A strange, lanky man with short hair approached me, and began to converse with me in a gibberish language made up of pops and clicks, as well as occasional nonsense words. Although now in the waking world I don't recall having seen his face before then, it seemed to me in the dream that I was familiar with this fellow and his habits. Thinking it would be funny, I decided to reply back with pops and clicks of my own, despite not understanding what he was saying. After a bit of conversation, he stopped talking, let out an "ah!" and smiled, before moving forwards and stealing my laptop, running off into the night. I shouted "Hey! This guy's stealing my fucking laptop!", and gave chase. I noticed that he walked in a strange way, as though he was either mentally deficient or had shit his pants. I chased him across the small park over to the road, and after chasing him down the road for a bit (while occasionally getting a hold on the laptop, before it was fruitlessly yanked away), he threw the laptop back at me, which I expertly caught. I heard my Dad say "Nice catch!", which was odd, as I hadn't seen him in the dream. I then decided to make my way back home, but instead decided to try and teleport home. Just as I teleported, I woke up.


start dreaming about kensington locks

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What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
I once had a dream where I walked into a bathroom, I then proceeded to open a bathroom stall in the the stall a guy and a girl were having sex, I then proceed to the next stall and open that one same thing, I then open the third stall and there's a guy sitting on the toilet I then walk up to the guy, point a gun under his chin and blow his head off I then walk out of the stall and there's this guy behind a counter I point my gun at him but he grabs the barrel of my gun and we start wrestling over it, he then points the barrel of the gun under my chin and pulled the trigger then I woke up.
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Had one as a child where I had to cross a large jungle while avoiding murderous invisible ankylosauruses. I don't think I made it.


A lot of weird shit happens in my dreams (e.g. me punching the back of a partially emerged whale in the middle of the ocean) but one of the weirder ones would be this:

Me and 2 friends walk into someone's flat. I have this feeling that it's a game and that I've done this before. In the kitchen we see an old lady and stat beating her up. At one point my friends hold her and I try to slit her throat with a knife, but this image is so vivid that seeing a small amount of blood makes me sick and I don't slice it open completely.
I again, think to myself, what a great, realistic and vivid game this is that it even made me feel nausea.
Later we're all outside the building. The lady is lying on the ground covered in curtains or some shit. My friends act as if she's dead, but I know she's still alive, because I didn't fully cut her throat. The lady slowly gets up, approaches one of my friends and flings him ~10m. She then transforms into some kind of monster, resembling a deer or elk, but it looks like it's made of stone. The monster proceeds to uproot trees and throw them at us, I pick up one of the trees and start hitting the monster with it. The monster later has a few more transformations, all of which resemble irl animals made of stone.

Before the battle ends I wake up feeling tired as shit as if I had actually just fought someone.


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i once dreamed i rode a weird rickety steel roller coaster that sent me careening down into the depths of the earth. the ride eventually reached a massive cave populated by a series of industrial, brutalist concrete high-rises. at the end of the track the ride crashed directly into this huge, shiny black boulder. the whole ride was built as if it wasn't designed with looping back around in mind, and i was the only one riding.


Once I had a lucid dream. The actual contents of the dream aren't very exciting but I woke up during the lucid dream after I become too excited (it was like my second lucid dream.) Then I quickly closed my eyes again and started concentrating on the scene from the dream. I got back into the lucid dream. But I could also hear sounds from "real life" (however, the sounds were a little distorted and sounded as if they are coming from a great distance) Then, as I lifted my hand in the lucid dream, I hit my face in the real life. After that I woke up. TL;DR I was in between a lucid dream and being wake.


hMmmmmm something straight out of Yume 2kki

>i had a dream where I was playing some obscure ynfg off of an imageboard like this, my dream was in top-down 2D view

>i enter the first door
>I’m in a forest with a shitload of enormous holes in the ground
>the only grassland that aren’t holes almost seems like a path
>i proceed to walk this ‘path’ left and right
>i trip, fall and find myself back in my room
>this time i go under my bed
>i’m in an area that kinda looks like an ocarina of time/spooky’s jump scare mansion level
>everything is flooded
>i somehow run like usain fucking bolt
>this world is similar to the famicom world dungeons but not famicom
>i find a blinding light inside the door i eventually go through
>i seem to be in a tiny art gallery
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Do you ever hear music in your dreams? I don't, but I was wondering about how common it is. Devil's trill is one example of original music being produced in somebody's head while they're dreaming. Has that ever happened to you?
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Only one time that I can remember, it was a song "created" by me. Nothing interesting, I was dreaming that I was streaming music on youtube but after I woke up I realised that the song doesn't actually exist.


I remember hearing Libera me from hell with muffled, untuned and roughed out instruments once. I don't remember in what context and backdrop it was in though. I hear music pretty often in my dreams, often ambient scores or the music of the devil.


i've heard some eurobeat music in my dreams. Makes it feel really upbeat, i don't usually remember the dreams or the songs though, but i just know i heard 'em, if that makes sense.


next time lay off the coffee


I regularly hear original riffs in my head when I wake up, but that might be because I also work on music for fun a lot. Sometimes a riff is so profoundly good, it actually wakes me up and I record it as fast as I can.

Sometimes, though, it is real music I've heard. I saw The Drunken Master for the first time a month ago, and a week ago, I woke up with the training music from it in my head. It took me a few hours, though, to remember it was from The Drunken Master.

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Where did this whole “YN Syndrome” come from? I am currently trying as hard as I can to achieve my first lucid dream in more than 15 years. I have a world already created from scratch named Lucia with nearly the same eccentricity, density and gravity, an erratic weather system, three continents under a super continent, overpopulated by the trillions, and it does have a chaser population just to the northwest beyond the desert near the poles. Lucia is located in the constellation Cancer orbiting a yellow normal star. I tried my very best of my abilities, but needed advice. My goals: Explore all three continents 100%, unite all of our YN protagonists only so I can form a big enough army in preparation to take out the chasers populated from the northwest, and finally, stop global corruption using whatever we have with discretion while at the same time conquering my own fears. The planet I am going to may look like this, both from space and on land as a quick glimpse preview.
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YN Syndrome is not new, to put it briefly, it means “extreme social withdrawal”, isolation from society for more than six months. It began in Japan, but over the years, it spreads very slowly everywhere, only lethal voluntarily by common sense errors we make (no spoilers intended), and involuntarily through extreme rare cases like sudden unexpected death in sleep for few people. It is a behavioral syndrome, so it operates in a similar manner to how people are diagnosed with autism, ADHD, polio, and those with Asperger’s, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

There is no actual need of a cure, it can be treated by changes in lifestyle to suit sleep better, is 100% avoidable, and can be contracted more than once in a lifetime. It is caused by not being successful in life, having too many hobbies to go around that requires being indoors, or failing to get to sleep on time every day, even on weekends. This can be simulated like a Virus on Plague Inc: Evolved, but it must start in Japan and must start with a set date on the system to 24/6/2004, because the game reads in day/month/year format. I would like to see it played by someone as a request at any later time.


you people talking about hikikomori? just call it "hikikomori" then!




It sounds more like OP has a fantasy world he's created, not so much like a "Dreamscape." It sounds like his planet has rules and a narrative, rather than being entirely disjointed and impossible as YN is.


ily. i have almost the same place i used to go wen i sleep until i realized that we are always sleeping. now i dont dream at all anymore

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I found some short talks on lucid yume / lucid yume (astral edition). They seem like sketchy signuptomymailinglistforfreedvd production wise, but the info seems legit. What do you think?


The info only seems legit to you because you're gullible. People can make anything sound genuine if they throw around enough made up terminology. If you find out that it's actually real though, i'd be happy to know.


na this is on to some shit. ur just not rly asleeping r u? too awaoke

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I just had the most filthy dream.

My older brother and I found some sort of what I can only describe as a Black Metal Manse. It was all delapidated, uselessly Satanic, and treated like shit, and we enjoyed rummaging through all the crazy stuff, while I felt the powers of Lucifer growing within my Heart. It was in the basement, however, that we found a large plastic ziploc bag containing the severed head of an ex-Black Metal singer.

I told him to leave it downstairs, but no, he starts to carry the bag upstairs, and the stench of decay arose with it.

(My dad was also there, now, and the Manse was my dad's house…dreams)

My dad could be heard retching in the background, as I ran for the door ahead of my brother, wrenching it open and flooding the place with cool night air.

We raced out and around the side of the house, when he called out "Think fast!", and I turned to see the bag of liquifying head come sailing past me. Shrieking in a manner reminiscent of the singer himself, perhaps, I grew angry at being so frightened, and as my brother ran past me, down the moonlight path between our house and our neighbors, I snagged the bag by the non-ziploc end, and wheeled about, hurling it ahead of me with great eff-ort…causing the bag to impact the seal, splay open, and ejaculate the melting head of the dead man at my brother.

He looked stunned, as the bag was rent asunder and the head burst forward like the grimmest of zits, but none of the juice got on him (I was honestly worried about this, because it would be gross.)

We both ran ahead to the ravine our home backs onto, spots of grass slick with fatty dissolvings, when I spotted the grimacing head, long black hair matted against it's pale skin, and I cried out to my brother:
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In the span of half a year, I only had 2 normal dreams. Usually, when I wake up I can only remember the darkness that my eyelids/surroundings provide, thus I call them 'Blank Dreams'.

The strange thing, though, is that these 2 dreams of mine only came when I discussed my lack of normal dreams with my friends, on discord. Alas, after having dreams for 2 days, my 'Blank Dreams' returned.

Is this normal?


Blank dreams as in? If you mean having no dreams, that's completely natural.


Maybe you're waking up during deep sleep rather than REM, generally if we remember any of the nights dreams it's only the one we just woke up from. Maybe you are waking in REM and just forgetting anyway, that would make sense because dreams being on your mind after a conversation makes you more likely to remember. Next time you wake up with even a little bit of dream memory make a note of it, keeping a 夢日記 trains you to remember and sometimes when you just remember a little bit you get a lot more coming back by thinking about it. Forgetting dreams isn't like the normal kind of forgetting, it's an intrinsic response like a reflex, so starting to remember one gives you the rest for free.

Very few people actually don't dream, but a lot of people don't remember them and that's natural.

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I mostly don't dream, probably something to do with how little I sleep, but when I do it's mostly on mornings I need to get up and dressed.
I think that I've gotten dressed and done everything I have to do, but then I'll get woken up properly, realise I've done nothing, and that I still wasted that time.
It is kind of cool to have a somewhat blended reality and dreamworld, though.


False awakenings are pretty normal. I find myself fooled by them more often than I'd like to admit, even when I wake up in an unfamiliar room or even outside. It's funny how you try to justify the most insane scenarios in dreams, they must give you false memories somehow.

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