I don’t know what significance this dream has, maybe some dream connoisseurs can tell me, I guess.
Anyways, tangent aside, let me cut to the chase.
There’s this reoccurring dream I’ve been having since I was a kid.
I can’t pin down exactly when it started, I think it started when I was about 13. At first, it was omce, and then not again for about a year at a time. Then, it was about once every other month or so. Now it’s been happening almost once a week and it’s starting to concern me.
Every time it’s the exact same setting, starting the same way. The only thing that differs is my actions, which ultimately lead to the same conclusion.
Here’s what happens:
I wake up in a field, under a sizable tree. The time of day differs, but its usually morning/evening. The treeline is far in the distance, the subtle hills rolling through the landscape. There’s mountains far on the horizon ahead, and 2 train tracks run parallel through the clearing.
Then, I get up. No matter how long I try to stay down, I always get up.
As I walk, I’m slightly faster than usual. Similarly, I jump a little higher, too.
But I slowly get faster and faster. No matter how hard I try to slow down, I nearly break into a sprint every time I move. Each time I jump, I jump higher and higher. Eventually I start jumping higher and faster than would ever be possible. It gets harder to withstand the landing of each jump. And eventually, I jump too high, soaring into the air.
Then I fall, speeding towards the ground with no way to stop.
And when I hit the ground, I wake up, usually with a start, sweating a little. The adrenaline of being so close to death lingers.
You’d think I’d become desensitized to the experience if it happens this often, but…
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