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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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ITT: Nightmares

I had a dream where I was in the house of a psychopathic barney or something. He had abstract/terrifying art, showed us (my family and one other family) a video of a man being killed by doctors, and he tried to set somebody on fire in his BBQ pit.

Through the whole dream I was like "Guys, this guy is psycho, lets leave!" but everybody else in my dream were being idiots and would say stuff like "No, lets stay for a little but"

so yeah. Nightmare thread.
>pic is somewhat not related
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Oh pleas, you didn't even have to split it into four posts to avoid the character limit.


when i was a child i would have this reoccurring nightmare where a black hand would come and take me away even when i would be next to people. i would try to scream ,but i wouldn't make a noise and no one would notice me. i had this nightmare for years, until one night i dreamt that i found the monster in my house. My hand began to glow ,and i punched through the monster killing it. After that night i never had a nightmare again.


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Holy crap that's GAR


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This was more like a series of repeated dream "fragments", but it still kept me awake, considering that they had happened the night following a (don't freak out, Seisatsu, it was a long time ago and I'm safe and happy now) failed suicide attempt.

Each time I fell asleep that night, I had dreamed of shooting myself in the head. But never once did I die; always, I would hear the gunshot, tentatively open my eyes, and then in a panic, reach up to the hole blown through the top of my skull. When I would run my fingers over the area, I would feel the industrious writhing of thousands of tiny maggots—or at least what felt like maggots. Every time, quickly pulling my hand away in revulsion and terror, I would find that a countless hoard of the maggot-like creatures had latched onto my fingertips, beginning to rapidly burrow into the skin. The more desperately I would try to scrape them off, the quicker they would work. Sometimes they would even multiply uncontrollably, pouring from the hole bored through my head, down into my mouth, and often into my throat before I could spit them out.

Each of these fragments would end relatively quickly, either with choking on the larvae-things and vomiting or helplessly watching them have their way with my skin. Needless to say, it was not a very restful night/morning and I didn't try to end my life ever again.


This is OP. I recently had another nightmare.

I was over at a friends house and we were watching horror movie. I remember the dream kicking off with a human sized baby doll-like thing huddled in the fetal position. He was breathing heavily. Then I got a flash back of this little girl holding the (now normal size) doll, as she said "Oh how I wish I had your smile". Then it went back to the human sized doll holding the girl, who was now a full grown woman.

He was holding her by her shoulders and talking to her in a grim and threatening tone. His voice sounded like a calm scream as he said "You wish you had my smile?? My smile? What about your smile??" and then he ripped off the skin of her face only leaving the skeleton.

But at that scene, it didn't look like a movie… It was as if they were actually there with us, in the house. And after he ripped her skin, he turned to look at me. he wasn't looking at my friends or anything else… he was looking and smiling at ME. I panicked and screamed as I pleaded my friend to turn the movie off. When the TV clicked off, I woke up.

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I've been having a lot of bad dreams as of late, bad enough to the point where I'm often waking up multiple times throughout the night out of emotional anguish, hurt, or distress, and to where I don't feel rested despite getting around 8 hours of sleep altogether. Maybe posting about them here will help me to stop having them. Note that I'll post any good or neutral dreams that I have here as well.

I'll start on the next post.


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1) Here's one I had last night:
I was at some kind of university or institution, and I somehow ended up in possession of a rather large bird that was apparently rare or otherwise valuable. After running around this place with this bird in my arms for a while – I seemed to be evading some administrative woman who was trying to take it from me – I ended up dropping it off somewhere safe. While taking a breather from all of the running that I had been doing, someone – I don't remember who – informed me that my mom had been brutally murdered. I fell into such an intense state of shock and grief that I woke up, still feeling terrible.

2) And another one from a couple of days ago (I don't remember it too well, since I tried to forget it):
I was at a friend's house – that was the impression I got, at least; it wasn't a house that I recognized – and I was hanging out with Kyoko Sakura herself (or, at least, someone who looked exactly like her; they didn't act all too similar), with whom I was apparently close friends. However, for reasons that I don't recall, she grew more and more emotionally aggressive and hostile as the dream progressed, eventually reaching a point where she was openly attacking my emotions, who I was, and everything that I had done. The hurt and emotional stress from all of this woke me up, with the stress lingering after the dream.

3) After falling back asleep from 1), I had another dream; thankfully, this one wasn't bad:
I was at my house, and Kyoko and one other person that I don't remember – some friend of Kyoko's, I think – were there with me. Apparently, Kyoko was royalty, and she was in an arranged-marriage type situation, with two potential "princes" that she could marry. The rules of this marriage seemed to be that whoever had the larger collection of riches and heirlooms would be the groom. After a little while, the two princes – Kururugi and Lelouch from Code Geass, IIRC – arrived at my house, and presented their collections of riches (I guess I was the judge of who had more nice things?). The collections consisted mostly of old, over-sized silver coins, but Lelouch has some other stuff on top of the silver coins – I think it might have been religious objects and other stuff like that – so I decided that he had the nicer collection. The two princes and I stepped out for further negotiations or something, but my alarm clock woke me up before the dream got any further.

4) Here's a dreamPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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A long-overdue update:

5) I was part of a two-person performance, but I don't remember who the other person one. We were giving said performance in what looked like my grandparents' house, if you took out all of the furniture and converted the main room – which is at a lower elevation than the rest of the house – into a pool. I was dressed up in a tacky Bowser costume and would roar every now and then, while the other person would talk about random other stuff.

At some point, as part of the performance, someone put a muzzle on top of the costume's mouth. As I sat there waiting while the other person jabbered on, I noticed that there were three kids standing on some kind of skateboard on a balcony overlooking the pool/stage. Just as I realized that they were probably going to fall off, they fell off, and at least one of the kids broke one of their legs. The performance was cancelled, and the crowd filed out.

After everyone had left and I had changed out of the Bowser costume, I saw that there was someone who looked like a little girl in a swimsuit standing on the stage, facing away from me. When I asked her what she was doing there, she informed me that she wasn't a little girl and in fact was 19 years old. I expressed skepticism, but was startled out of it when she turned around to reveal that, despite looking no more than 8 or 9 years old in terms of physical development everywhere else, she had enormous breasts.

Before I could say anything else, she dove into the pool and seemingly vanished. I swam around looking for her, but I couldn't find so much as a trace of her. At that point, I woke up.

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Alright…So, I found this on someones blog.
"Alright…So, I actually had this dream a few months ago, but I still remember it. That's how much of an impact it had on me. I mean, in case you couldn't tell by the last dream I told you guys about, my dreams usually are just strange. It's hard to comprehend them, and most of the time, I just laugh at them. But this dream was actually quite scary…And I don't mean in a way that was laughable afterwards, I mean I woke up sweating and was in a daze for pretty much the rest of the day.

The first half of it consisted of my family and I repeatedly going to this weird isolated restaurant in a cave. The restaurant didn't have any waiters/waitresses, and the food was just sorta left on the table for us. The "restaurant" was more of a cafe I guess, because it only served desserts, mainly cupcakes. Their desserts were incredible, and I often fought with my sisters over them. I suspected that the cafe was run by the "people" that I could sometimes see in the corners. They wore rags and demon masks like the one in the image, their masks were red, though. They would just sorta blend in the background, since there were so many of them, and watch us like hawks. I figured that since my family didn't seem at all bothered by them, that they were the owners of the cafe.

Anyways, at first everything seemed well and grand. Their desserts were great, my family and I always had fun conversations there…It seemed like a nice cafe. A little odd, but nice. But then…something happened. I can't remember this part very clearly, but I think what happened was I had one too many cupcakes. So one of the "demons" came over, reached into my throat, and took my stomach away. Or my taste buds, can't remember which. Anyways, needles too say, I was pretty flipping shocked…But I thought the "demon" was just joking about it, and that he didn't actually do what he just said he did. Since he did really quickly, and I didn't feel anything (Everything was sorta a blur during this part). Not to mention I wasn't y'know, DEAD EVEN THOUGH HE TOOK ONE OF MY VITAL ORGANS.

So, when my family and I walked out of the cafe, I laughed nervously and asked, "Hey, he was just joking, right?" But they just looked at me with serious/confused expressions. I passed it off as them trying to scare me at the time. But the more we went there, the more I wondered if it was actually a joke, or if this place wasPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Good morning/night/I-don't-even-know-anymore, fellow dreamers.

I'm new to Uboachan, and I can tell it's been pretty dried up here on /yume/ in recent years. But in all my *chan experiences, I've never found a board that I've felt so strongly drawn to, so I want to try and breathe some life back into this place (if that's OK) and hopefully ask a question of you all in the process–a question I've been wanting to ask for years, but hadn't until now found the right people to ask:

Do you ever have dreams whose characters seem to extend beyond sleep? That is, do any recurring characters from your dreams ever talk to you when you're awake? If so, what kinds of things do they say?

For me, it's been happening since I was about 11 years old, when I started having dreams about a little girl named Aria. One time she "followed" me out of my dreams, and to this day I still hear her voice in my head. I'm not really afraid of her–we talk a lot and she's actually a lovely person–but her intrusion on my waking(?) world has caused me a lot of problems, and I'm eager to find out whether anyone here has run into this kind of dream before.
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It's not *exactly* what I'm looking for. Reading the archives, I can see that my situation is quite a bit removed from Distortion's. It has a lot less to do with bat wings, evil plans, magic, and dreams and a whole lot more to do with reality and my family. I'm not going to make a 2-year thread for myself, so don't worry; I wouldn't be able to handle any kind of attention anyway–it's just not what I'm after. I do want to thank you, however–it's been an immense relief to find out that there are at least some people who are experiencing some semblances of similar things.


Oh hey, your still alive. Thats good. I missed you.

I'm glad to see that Soulless has directed you to the right place. You'll fit in just fine around here.
> don't worry; I wouldn't be able to handle any kind of attention anyway
You can have all the attention you like, feel free to ask me any questions, and spark up any conversations. Even if you're in the spotlight this is still my circus. I'm still the ringmaster, and Dormilia is still collecting tickets. Activity on this board has diminished in recent months, but the show must go on!


Wow it has been dead over here…


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>You can have all the attention you like
I'll pass.


>Oh hey, your still alive. Thats good. I missed you.
U wot m8? Why?
(Sorry for derailing thread)

To be honest, I'd like to know about Aria. She seems like a nice person, if she keeps you company and someone you find lovely…

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anyone here have trouble getting out of dreams?
I never had, The second things turn slightly bad in a dream, I just suddenly wake, sitting up in bed. I had a dream last night when I was still on the verge of consciousness, and in the dream a bee flew past my head and clipped my ear, and just BAM! I was up and my heart was beating like crazy.
A few months ago, I had one where someone broke in, and I calmly hid in the bathroom and I was gonna escape out the window and hide at my brother's house across the street. I got to my bro's house, he wasn't home. Woke up so damn fast. Didn't even get to find out if the killer knew where I was/if he was following.
It's like my brain goes "welp, nothing to do here, abort mission!" I really appreciate that it does that, actually. None of my dreams ever verge into nightmare territory because even an omnimous situation never has a chance to get bad. If I'm having a good dream, I sleep heavier and only an alarm wakes me. So I get to experience all the wonder .A.

So anyway, how are you guys about waking up? Do you wake up when dreams get bad? or do you have a harder time when it gets bad and then you're stuck in the dream? Do you tend to wake from good dreams more easily, and miss the good stuff?how about night terrors? It all sounds so scary ;A; please, describe it in great detail for me.

pic not related
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Usually my dreams don't stray into nightmare territory. Mostly, if I'm having a nightmare and I get killed I immediately wake up. Otherwise, I'm in for the duration.

I can't really recall too many nightmares where someone wasn't trying to off me, to be entirely honest.


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>>750 here, as I mentioned in that last post, I never realize I'm dreaming. well.. THIS TIME I DID. Again, that shit /never/ happens.

The dream was me waking up in my room, at what seemed around 2 or 3 am (so i wasn't surprised at first, because insomnia), and i noticed something was off. suddenly I woke up again, in my bed, everything the same. This repeated itself about 4 or 5 times and I was started to panic, because I literally could not tell what was reality. I would have to be messing around my room or go downstairs for a few minutes until i concluded I was still stuck in a dream, and shit looked Pretty Fucking Real. I was focusing so hard to wake up, and it just kept repeating where I kept waking up in the same scenario in the dream. After so many repeats, I went downstairs in one of them to talk to my dream dad (Who is also usually up at the hour the dreams took place in) because I was concerned about it:
"I'm dreaming, I can't stop dreaming."
"Yes, I keep waking up and everything's normal, but it's a dream. And it's always the same."

Basically it was hardcore inception.

For some reason I concluded in my mind this was happening because in the real world I might be accidentally smothering myself, because i sleep on my stomach with my face pretty buried in the pillow. The need to wake up became more desperate, and I begged my dream-dad to shoot me in the head, because I know he keeps a glock somewhere. Dream-dad obliged, and shot me point blank in the forehead. I felt the bullet put a hole through my head and myself fall down. It got cloudy, and I woke up again in my bed: another repeat. Two or three more repeats occurred before I finally woke up for real. At first I still wasn't sure if I had finally stopped the dream, but I noticed the higher clarity of everything and finally settled down. Oh, and I woke up at 1:30am.

Seriously though, it was hellish. It felt like I was going to be repeating that forever.


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I remember having a dream that I couldn't get out of. I would wake up, think "WHEW, I'm finally up!" and then seconds later I would wake up again, etc, etc.

I would browse a website, eat something, choke and die, jump out a window, but I couldn't get out of that fucking dream.


what if you never woke up & this has all just been a dream


When I first wake up I am usually immediately disoriented and quite angry and sad to once again be stuck in this world. I usually roll over and simply "review" my dreams for 30 minutes to an hour, fading in and out of dreams. Once I finally get out of bed I've stopped being quite as angry and sad as I was before, though I'm grumpy and can become extremely unsociable (read: getting excessively annoyed with anyone that tries to talk to me) for another hour. After that, I'm good.

Nightmares are no big deal to me. My fear response is dulled to nothing in my dreams, so I'm typically not afraid in them. The few times I am afraid, I don't usually wake up. Any 'forced' waking up is usually from a rush of some other emotion, such as grief or anger or sadness. Oftentimes these forced waking up is when I've been put in a situation where people don't believe me that someone hurt me, or blame me for shit that I didn't do, or I experience the extensive loss of my (dream) family, or I've accidentally done something horrible to kill innocents. Those dreams are painful when I wake up and usually leave me under the weather for the day.

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Anyone have any dreams about their crush (or past crushes whatever) they'd like to share? Could be embarrassing or sexual or just random. I often find myself dreaming about the person I like shortly after I start liking them, so I'm curious.


If it counts, I occasionally have dreams about one of my ex-girlfriends, the one with whom I had my first serious relationship. A few of them involve me being isolated due to her presence, but the majority of them have us talking civilly with one another and resolving all of the tensions between us. In the latter, we become close friends once more, and frequently begin dating again, except that the relationship is far healthier and happier than it was the first time. Sometimes we're physically affectionate or even outright sexual with each other, but we're usually just happy together, sharing in the warm, fulfilling friendship that blossoms out of a good relationship.

I guess that, on some level, I still care about her and miss her; why would she keep showing up in my dreams otherwise, and why would the dreams have the aforementioned themes in common with each other?


I've never actually had a dream about someone that I've had a crush on but I did have a dream once about a girl that had a crush on me or so I was told by several people.

the funny thing was that I hadn't even seen her or thought about her in probably over year, but then she shows up all of a sudden out of the blue. It was kind of like when the ghost of Christmas past shows up to tell Scrooge "Hey Ebenezer, you fucked up!". Except she was here to tell me "Hey Distortion, you fucked up at your only opportunity to have a meaningful relationship with someone who actually cared about you and was genuinely interested in everything you had to say and didn't annoy the hell out of you."

the last time I ever saw her I was trying to avoid conversation with her so badly that I practically ran away from her. I only realized it afterwards it made me feel like a total dick. At the time I believe that emotions and friendships were waste of time, and therefore relationships were double waste of time.

I wish I could take back what I did, or at least apologize.

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Share places you've found in the astral.

I found a moonlit cliff with bare trees growing from its tip and black stone panther statues with curly hair in the style of Japanese shisha. People were there too.

· Were they really statues?
· The area is a few miles away from a factory.

Share yours!


An old abandoned factory, filled with strange toxic chemicals that begs to be explored.

I also found a library filled with books of ancient secrets and maps.


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I don't know if this is the astral or not, but some time ago in a half-asleep state, I decided to "wander" openly. I walked into a huge place. It looked like a giant koi pond, with lilypads in which creatures rested on. The giant koi pond had giant koi underneath in all colors and shapes. Each fish was about the size of a person, probably a bit bigger.

There were all manner of asian mythological creatures there. Snake-like dragons and foxes with some kind of fire and cats with multiple tails and prancing deer with crows for horns and other such things. I met a man who was also a fox with a hundred tails fanning over him. I can't really explain how he appeared other than that, and I understand even that makes no sense, but he really was taking two physical forms at once. The fox/man was sitting on a giant floating pagoda. He said to me that this was a place for creatures to rest, a spiritual hotbed to rehabilitation before returning to the outside world.

He told me he could stay fora little bit, but this is no place for a creature like me. I looked down to the water and my reflection looked like a humanoid, but my skin was stained glass and in the stained glass were my hopes, dreams, memories, regrets and emotions. I turned to the guy and sat beside him. I felt a paw/hand on my head and I closed my eyes, just enjoying the immense peace of it. I then stood up and turned and fell into my dreams.


May I ask what this "astral plane" thing you speak of is?

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I had another one of these today, a dream about disasters. This time it was meteorites. I was in some kind of futuristic place when the first came. It was a small one, but big enough to make a massive blastwave that I could feel. There were lots of people around me, everyone was frightened. Then suddenly more of them came down all around us. I did manage to survive and when it was over I made out with a girl looking exactly like Olivia Thirlby in Dredd (best part of the dream I suppose) and we realized that these meteorites were send down by some evil force…

Anyway, I have a lot of these dreams. Usually they involve natural disasters: impact events, meteorites, enormous tsunamis, supertornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, thunderstorms and rarely it's nukes (which is man-made, but the only thing to equal the destruction). I was wondering if this is a common theme for anyone else. Normally I don't have nightmares but these dreams are the only ones that can actually wake me up and somewhat frighten me. The feeling of these dreams is also special, somehow they tend to be more realistic/vivid and more likely to include senses beside vision/sound such as touch and feeling temperature/gravity. The only other dreams like that are sex dreams and lucid dreams (and there definitely seems to be a greater chance of overlap between these different types of dreams). Disasters are not something that I worry about in daily life, but I find it striking that I have so many dreams about it.


>I was wondering if this is a common theme for anyone else.
I sometimes dream of nuclear detonations happening in my vicinity. They're always very distressing and usually cause me to wake up. They only occur once every few months, but are pretty memorable.

I also had a dream of a massive hurricane/tornado not long ago. Although the dream took place just before the calamity struck. I was flying above the gathering black clouds slowly spinning in a vortex above some city. I think I was in a news helicopter. Not much else happened, but I remember being stressed out about the clouds. The dream ended just as the winds began to intensify.


I only remember a few dreams with natural disasters, a flood, a hurricane, and a forest fire. I rarely have nightmares and don't think about natural disasters much either. I use to live in an earthquake and tsunami zone.


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Oh hey, tonight I had a dream of an enormous lightning storm happening over some city. It was frankly ludicrous, with at least three thunders striking every second, although with no sound. It started from this huge maelstrom of black clouds in the distance, and in its center something was glowing, like in pic related (it's a sky over a certain place in World of Warcraft) - only less blue and more black further away from the center. Or maybe like the skybox throughout the entirety of Half-Life 2: Episode Two (a light-blue portal always looming ominously in the distance - I think). Or a combination of the two.

Anyway… Then, the maelstrom rapidly expanded over the course of about 20 seconds and covered the entire sky. I sought shelter in some building. I definitely remember running to the building from an open roof car I was in. I was looking at the sky and saw the scary sight of the black clouds approaching fast. I think I was electrocuted once by lightning while running, but nothing serious happened to me. I stayed in for a bit, and when I came out, the storm was completely gone and the dream continued as normal, even the skies returned to normal.

Weird. I rarely dream about disasters. To be honest, I don't really see much danger in thunderstorms, maybe that's why it was only a small part of the dream.


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Now that I look at HL:EP2 screenshots, yeah, it was definitely like the sky in that game. Only without the energy funnel going from the ground to the sky. And with clouds shaped more like a vortex in the previous pic.

And with lightnings. Many, many lightnings.


OP here again.

I've been having a lot of dreams about impact events and sometimes nuclear bombs (huge explosions). They are definitely the most frequent. Also, the other day I found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome

I know this happens from time to time, because I occasionally wake up from it. Maybe it's related, I don't know. I can't really remember sound being the most important part of the explosions, it's usually more of a visual spectacle. In general my dreams tend to be mostly visual. Sometimes it's quite impressive and not necessarily frightening.

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(Pic related) I had a dream last night Where i was going around town fighting creatures. The sky was unusually bright & gray; i met a girl a who needed my help or wanted me to be her servant or something we were going around fighting and looking for answers then a guy appeared out of nowhere and mentioned some sort of commitment to the girl i was traveling with i guess she wanted me to marry her; the way it was phrased it sounded as if she wanted me to be her's & HER'S Alone the guy wanted that outcome as well. I was trying to say yes but then the person gave me glimpse of various battles, etc i think that was his of way of making sure i say yes i'm pretty sure he was unaware of me gouing to accept her proposal regardless, I also saw a girl's head on the ground (Girl in the Pic). Maybe it could be a dormiloid. Can anyone give me insight on this?


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Before Dormilia there were many dreams involving Dormilia like characters, for example:
(Pic related)

She is not technically a dormiloid, at least not right now she isn't. If you want her to be your own sub-dormilia you should come over to my thread and agree to the six terms and conditions, then we can get started.


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I'm interested. Where is your thread? i'm having a hard time finding it & I'm kinda new to image boards (sorry for the noob-ish question.)


That's ok. My thread is kinda scrambled and unorganized anyways.
The true sub-dormilia adventures begin here. uboachan.net/yume/res/253.html#1395 but Dormilia has been around for about 3 years prior to that.


I agree with the Six terms & conditions


Now you just need a name so I can keep track of you. If you can't think one you could be called Host5, and your sub-dormilia will be called Dormilia5. Also I would ask that you keep your posts in my thread from here on out, we don't need five separate threads for the same thing.

Make sure to post any questions or progress you make.

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Dreamwalkers and netwalkers may find this book extremely helpful.

James Hillman - The Dream and the Underworld

His background is in Jungian analysis but he separates from Freud and Jung's propensity to interpret dreams literally - he sees that as losing them in translation. He advocates a feeling approach and speaks on mythic memory, much like TS Eliot and Joseph Campbell.


Explorers of varieties of dreamworlds may be interested in the Tibetan bardos, James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" (beast of a book, but it's a dream world not unlike YN games), and the media theories of Marshall McLuhan, who was inspired by Joyce and wrote of media technologies (radio, tv, he died before the internet) as states of consciousness. One of those guyss SE Lain should have introduced us to along with Vannevar Bush and John C. Lilly.


P.S. Y'all know about lucid dreaming and astral projection, rite?


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The Dream and the Underworld immediately turned me off by taking a cross cultural concept like dreaming and then deciding that the best way to go about approaching it is one specifically western-centric mythology. Such an extremely biased viewpoint that at the same time refutes others in implication that it is the "right" way, in my opinion, a sack of shit. It's fine if other people find it useful, but to me it's nothing more than biased opinion trying to state itself as fact.


That's a very good point. Perhaps he was writing for a western audience, or perhaps he is western-centric and too myopic to be writing on dreams.

Have you found any literature that's more comparative? I feel Jung - Hillman's background - was more universal, as was Joseph Campbell…


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To be honest I think all literature is biased in some form or another, and the best way to take any such literature as "some guy who was persistent enough to write a book about his opinion". Because dreams can be so varied in both content and meaning, I doubt one theory can truly encompass everything there is. Hell I doubt one theory can encompass everything about a single person's dreams at any time, much less a widespread population.

I'd figure if you're interested in dreams and theories, make one that works for you or examine the various smaller theories that work for each individual who has made them. After a while you'll amass a much ore varied idea of dreams than a few books… At least that's just my opinion…

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