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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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I've been really into reading other peoples dreams, as well as my own, and i've been into it ever since i was a kid.
Are there any dream journal-esque books you guys recommend or do you know where i can buy other people's dream journals?
if this needs to be moved to somewhere like lit then my bad but that board is slow as shit

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ever since i was 11, i've had recurring tornado dreams.
they always begin and end the same way, it's the middle of the dreams that change. the sky is overcast, i'm in a random vehicle, one of my relatives are driving the vehicle, and we try and cross a bridge over a river, surrounded by forest. as we're crossing, a tornado appears, scoops us off of the bridge, and flings us into the forest. the dream ends and i wake up as soon as i make physical contact with the woods. i feel pure electric terror every single time.
what are your recurring dreams?
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I still have recurring dreams about high school.The most common type of it that i'm walking down the hallway all alone then suddenly a car appears driving towards me.


I had tornado dreams as a little kid but then that shifted to fucking nuclear holocaust dreams where I always have to hide in my basement and pray that the shallow room will offer me some protection from the blast and radiation.


I've so many nightmares and wetdreams.


I've a lot of dreams about being spanked and executed and other horrific things.. Once I was stuck in a wall as girls set my ass on fire.

Once I was at a carnival I was twelve. My family was on the merry go round, when my younger sister told me to share my cotton candy and I said no so she shouted "mawwm!" My mom yanked me from the bright yellow toy boat and sat in it sideways. The seat was low to the ground so her knees were a bit higher than her hips. She flipped me down over her lap and spanked me in front of everyone, my belly on her lap and my whole body horizontally dancing as everyone cheers me being spanked. After a few rotations, she flipped me face up and yanked my feet in the air, then pulled all my bottoms off and I instantly screamed in fear and covered my part, and she held my feet in the air and waited unil we rotated near a trashcan, she ttossed my bundled up clothes at it then continued spanking me. She spanked me like that for a few minutes, then turned me back around but differently, so I was face down again but facing her other side, and she kept spanking me like that for the rest of the ride. My sisters laughed and made gestures and jokes, but the worst was when my sisters started chanting something along the ride's melody.
Ever since that, whenever they heard that music, they chanted it and sometimes played it just to sing to it at random. They basically made it a tradition to punish me at festivals.


taking care of toads and frogs
I get them once in a while. one time I dreamt them for a whole week

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Hey guys, I've been having dreams about trying to have lucid dreams. I've even tried to have a lucid dream within a dream. It's fucking horrible. Tips please.
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I should probably write up a guide sometime on how to do it, seeing as I do it constantly for both meditations and actual sleep


Just think about whether you are dreaming or not every once in a while. A little reality check here or there during the day wouldn't hurt, especially when you are going to sleep or waking up from a dream, saves you from false awakenings or wasted dream time trying to have lucid dreams in dreams.


During the day ask yourself if your awake then your body trains itself to notice when its asleep and not asleep.


haha, oh wow.

I've been there.
that's so frustrating.
basically what every other anon said… dream check, all day, erry day.


Still having trouble with this OP?

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Ever since i was a young child, i've constantly had dreams about a pink one eyed squid the size of a skyscraper. This squid, in a way, is my protector, usually saving me from nightmares. Here are the dreams i remember.

I believe this was the first dream i had involving it. I was standing on a giant green cliff (looking back, it looked a lot like the grass world in lsd dream emulator) when i heard a sound, sorta like a deep echoey howl. The enormous squid slowly floated past the cliff, and it's eye turned to me, and it spoke some unintelligible language. That's when i woke up.

I was having a nightmare where i was being chased by some dark monster. it gradually caught up to me, and it grabbed me in it's giant hand. it was about to eat me, when the squid wrapped it's giant tentacle around the monster's neck and strangled it to death. i thanked it, and it put it's tentacle on the ground, letting me climb up on it. I woke up after that.

That's all i can really think of. i'll add more, and also post a drawing i did of the squid.


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I'm waiting for the drawing, anon. I love squids, they're my favorite creature. Any more dreams since you've posted?


Now lets make it a cute loli.


I in a way have a protector as well


mines a snake…………..

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I once had a dream were I was out at night on the countryside with my parents. Suddenly we got attack by sentient black vines and then completly covered my parents,then they went after me then the started covering me and the vines were the last thing I saw after I woke up.


Very phallic. You might be gay.


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So the sentient black vines swallowing OPs parents were symbolic of sentient black dicks swallowing OPs parents?


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I think it's more like sentient black men fondling OP's parents with their monster cock right before giving him a piece of the action, but your interpretation has interesting implications.

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 No.24[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I've traveled many a url and I believe I have finally reached my destination to write down all my Touhou dreams that I have accumulated over the past year and a half. Dreams had been censored on /jp/ so this seems to be the most appropriate place to wright. I currently have 53 dreams to wright down during the creation of this thread, but I do expect and hope to have many more to jot down here. Feel free to ask questions, discuss these dreams, or wright down your own dreams involving Touhous in this thread.

I shall begin next post.
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From Desert Punk. The purple haired girl.


Hi guys. I'm noy sure why I haven't been able to recall more touhou dreams but I suppose it isn't a coincidence.

I will use various forms of meditation to get the ball rolling again.


I've finally had another after this long hiatus.

In actuality this dream occurred about a week and a half ago but I didn't get around to writing it here yet.


I remember being at the side of my old house, it had a really long driveway that extended past the house and into a garage in our backyard. There was a car parked in the part near the front of my home and I remember there was other people there but everything else became blurry when I gazed upon and beheld Yuuka there in front of the car. All I can remember from there is that we ran to eachother, embracing and engaging in a kiss, before I closed my eyes, I could feel myself leaving involuntarily from that scenario even though I wanted into last forever. I woke up after a few moments of the closed eye visuals.


I don't remember much, but I had a dream that my dad and I were out in some kind of strangez run-down, abandoned villiage (kind of like the Barracks Settlement but more primitave) and we went into some antique shop. Some Touhous were selling Christmas trees based off their colour schemes (Remi's was pink/purple/red, Reimu's was red/white, etc.), I had a hell of a time deciding which tree I wanted but I ended up getting Nitori's, which was green and blue. I can't remember what happened after I decided which tree I wanted.

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I had a dream a while ago where I was a gynecologist performing surgery on a bunch of dusty skeletons in some dark chamber. I soon escaped, but was sentenced to the death penalty by some chess pieces. They made me wait in this room whose walls were covered in sudoku puzzles. When it was finally my turn to go, I screamed and ran down a flight of stairs and saw my great-grandmother. We went back upstairs to find my father's whole extended family protesting my execution. It was a sight.

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Just last night I revisited the same place twice for the first time. I was walking around in a very dark place, I think I could see pillars and ruined buildings around me, but not much else, when it suddenly opened up to a shallow marsh underneath a moonlit sky that I had seen only a couple of nights before.

I've always wanted a place like YN's Nexus, though. There are dream characters that I've had some painful goodbyes with who I'd like to see again. By now I've probably forgotten most of them, as this was long before I started keeping a journal. I'm hopeless at dream incubation though, my dreams are just so random.

Do you guys have persistent realms? Places you like to go back to? If so, how do you do it?
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>knockoff dream version of the Olive Garden
That sounds like a nightmare.



I’d like to visit someplace like that. It seems very surreal, while my dreams are usually very ordinary and reflect my own experiences and emotions. My dreams that are more distant from waking life feel more childlike, but in a good way.

I’m curious to what you learn in lecture in that school. You seem lucid enough, is it anything coherent?

As the OP, I was looking for a way to make my own. There’s no place I can really call home in my dreams. I found your story very interesting, though. I’ve valued dreams long before I knew about Yume Nikki and would be happy to hear more from you if you’d like to share.


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Not as bad as it sounds, but to be fair it usually turns into a nightmare about being lost

Who knows, maybe it'll happen eventually. My dreams always used to be related to my waking life when I was younger, but they've become kind of their own little world now.

In the dreams I'm usually wandering the halls instead of attending any classes, but I can remember some things about the classrooms. Some of them have basic kindergarten/preschool level stuff, like posters of the alphabet & numbers up on the walls (which is strange, considering it's definitely not an elementary school). Most just have diagrams, stickmen and such. Nothing coherent that I can remember.

Also, here's a picture of my old school, to give yall sort of an idea of what the one I dream about is like. The one in my dreams is based off the real building, but way, way taller, and darker in color. Like if the one in the picture just extended endlessly into the sky. I guess it's kind of how I always viewed the school, grim and intimidating.

Gonna add one more thing I forgot last time, which is the auditorium. It's always been one of my favorite parts of the dream. Sometimes a staircase will take me to this certain hallway. It has big arched windows at the end showing a red sky. The hall itself is made of dark reddish-brown bricks, with a carpet going down the middle that's the same color as the sky. Towards the center of the hall, there's 2 doorways: one leading to a room that always has a book fair going on inside of it, and the other leading to the auditorium. It's more of a giant opera-style concert hall than an auditorium, really. Same dark bricks as the outside of it, with red carpeting and seats. It's got cream colored paneling on the walls. It's kind of like stripes, going back and forth between brick and paneling. The room itself is a large square, with one of the sides having a stage, and the other sides having ground level and overhanging seating areas. I don't know if I'm describing it good, but it's so pretty. I love going there.


Holy shit, that looks like a castle.
>5.2% White
>5.3% African American
>86.3% Latino
>2.0% Native American
>1.3% Asian
What the fuck. Are you Latino?


That's funny, I often dream about school as well.

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Yo guys,did you know that LucidChan is a thing? It's a whole image board devoted to Lucid dreaming! I thought that /yume/ would enjoy it! Check it out!


>And I apologize if this counts as shitposting
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We should make the best of it!


Just because something has happened over and over again in the past, that doesn't make it inevitable. Technically, even Uboachan can still exist a hundred years from now. Faith in stuff like that is what keeps me going.


RIP link


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No shit, sherlock, did you read the thread?


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I see this figure in my dreams. Out of the corner of my eye, he looks like a man wearing a rain coat. When I've gotten a good look at him, he's actually a floating raincoat with some sort of strange light shining from where the head would be. On the surface of the light is the face of a man in his 30s or 40s. He's clean shaven with light green or bluish eyes & a 1000-yard stare, thin lips on a mouth in a constant neutral expression, with thin, light-brown eyebrows. The face kind of "floats" on the light, sliding slightly from place to place as it moves like the puck in air hockey. The light behind the face is kind of a bluish, greenish hue but mostly white.

Sorry in advance for MS paint but it was the best I could do. He doesn't have any hands, feet or legs, but has a shadow. I have a very specific recurring dream where I'm maybe 8 or at most 10, walking in a wooded area that looks like an area near my old home. A little girl with dark brown hair is with me. We pass a cactus with a large fruit and then spot the creature. I tell her to get down, but it hovers menacingly, looking for us. I don't know why I keep having the dream. The girl is wearing a pink or red white polkadot dress and sandals. I'm in jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. She's short, maybe younger, and seems familiar but I can't identify who. It happen years apart, and don't doesn't correlate to anything like stress or life events. The earliest was when I was a teen. I'm not normally skittish. It will take this specific form and always ends with me waking up in a cold sweat w/ intense fear. Sometimes he will "hijack" other dreams by appearing in a crowd of people or just out of no where. In darkness, he's easy to miss, especially in rain but sometimes he appears in broad daylight, as is the case in the recurring dream, which feels lucid, almost like a memory.

WTF? Can anybody help me figure it out? Has anybody seen a similar figure before? Is there a rational explanation?


I've got no insights of my own on this. Googling reoccurring ominous figure in dream is the only thing I think you can do to figure it out. Maybe try talking to him next time?

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