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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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I mostly don't dream, probably something to do with how little I sleep, but when I do it's mostly on mornings I need to get up and dressed.
I think that I've gotten dressed and done everything I have to do, but then I'll get woken up properly, realise I've done nothing, and that I still wasted that time.
It is kind of cool to have a somewhat blended reality and dreamworld, though.


False awakenings are pretty normal. I find myself fooled by them more often than I'd like to admit, even when I wake up in an unfamiliar room or even outside. It's funny how you try to justify the most insane scenarios in dreams, they must give you false memories somehow.

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I had this dream a few weeks ago, but I remember it clear as a day
I was on a village, and from what it seemed, my mind was processing some kind of montage going on there, as all the citizens there were just replaced by family members I knew and loved
I walked around that place, but nobody ever payed attention to me. I was just a nobody, and my presence didn't meant anything for my family anymore

After roaming around for a while, I climbed up a window, looking at the sky at the distance. I was all alone now, with no hopes of earning the trust of those people anymore. After all, I was nothing more but an akward outcast.

The dream ends with a loud thunder striking by a few blocks away from me, acting like an atom bomb of some kind

I might post a few other dreams I remember having soon enough here

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my dreams tend do have recurring locations and scenarios, the recurring locations fascinate me the most- they form a sort of dreamworld

some clarification - "marcy" is my old old elementary school - question marks by the connecting lines mean i'm not entirely sure if the places connect (by access)

thoughts? questions?
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i remember now! the dream cuts to a view of the freighter and a city, all of which explodes. the girl swims to a deck from where the freighter once was. the look on her face was a mixture of loneliness and catharsis. she slumps up against a wall, and some kind of powder (gunpowder?) slowly falls from the sky as she leans harder into the wall. cut to black, dream ends. it was surreal! i've had it in the back of my mind for a while, what do you think could it mean?


note- the scenarios on the right side of the map were put there because they are all incredibly vivid. they're stories my sleeping mind creates, they're a part of me.


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map v2


That's really cool! When you re-visit an area, do you experience it as being pretty much, or even exactly, the same area as last time or is it more a strong sense of it being close or similar to the previous one?


most areas are more or less consistent in scale and structure, while some are pretty much ever-changing. an example would be the warped highschool- sometimes the building has up to five floors, sometimes it has a massive basement complete with a boiler, sometimes the classrooms and hallways are cartoonishly long, sometimes the library spans multiple rooms, sometimes the library is the size of a toolshed, etc.

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It's a subject that fascinated me in Junji Ito's short manga story "long dream," and something I've read a lot of interesting stories online about, but I had never really experienced it until about a year ago, after a long time of experimenting and trying to force one to happen to me. The story in this paste is a record of that dream I posted to another forum. It was extremely vivid and frankly scary as fuck and made me abandon my attempts. Have you ever had a long dream? Or maybe one that was fragmented and you kept going back to after waking up?

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>Or maybe one that was fragmented and you kept going back to after waking up?
Definitely had one of these, but I don't remember anything of it.


Not really, but I had this one time where I was in sort of a boss fight and every time I died, I'd get booted out of the dream due to the sudden fear of dying (because it felt real)
Luckily, though, I was sleeping in such a position that the sun wasn't shining in my eyes, so I could force myself back and retry the exact same battle but with more knowledge


Feel like I had one the other night but I can't fucking remember anything about it other than feeling like I had been asleep for like a week when I finally got up.


Not in that kind of way. I had a couple of dreams that are "cut" to seem like they are taking place through multiple days if you know what i mean. It might be the fact that you can have multiple dreams in one night and they maybe blend into eachother at the end?
Definetely something i can relate to with my own dream experiences.


I have definitely had dreams that would resume from another dream from the previous night. I don't think have a single dream that feels like it lasts for longer than the time that has passed in real life is possible, at least not technically. It has already been proven empirically that dream time roughly equals real time because our eye movements in dreams are in sync to actual eye movement. All of that extra time are probably just false memories the mind has cooked up. Having false memories of having done something is no different than having actually done it, as far as the mind is concerned.

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Almost ever time i dream it always takes place in an alternate version of the real world. Like some areas are based on real areas around my town and city but will be different from real life, but always the same in the dream world. There are places in the dream world that like a store that doesnt exist irl but it exists in the dream world and i go there all the time. or locations that i knoe exist in the dreamworld and i know I'll go there or be going there, its similar to real life but different somehow. I'm always going into the forest near where i live but in the dream world, and walking down trails to a river that always exists in the dream world but not irl. idk why i just felt like posting this. anyone have a similar experience?


Yeah, there are a few locations that don't exist IRL but I have seen repeatedly in dreams.


Same, I haven't visited it for years, but I've always had a persistent dreamworld. It had complex stores, arcades, bridges, even bus lines, all of it was always persistent, always the same. I even had routes inside the giant mall to check the interesting stores and shelves…magazines, toys, videogames…stopping by some food shops or even having dinner there…

The city is pretty big, it had shady neighborhoods, open areas, river, bridge, amusement parks…

The most insane thing is that it had metro and rail stations, and you could take the train to go to some close mountain area, with at least 3 persistent villages, with farms and shit, rivers, ruins and old roads in the woods by the mountains. It's ridiculous how big and consistent it is.



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Sweet dreams are mad of this


Thanks lain

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I've been really into reading other peoples dreams, as well as my own, and i've been into it ever since i was a kid.
Are there any dream journal-esque books you guys recommend or do you know where i can buy other people's dream journals?
if this needs to be moved to somewhere like lit then my bad but that board is slow as shit

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ever since i was 11, i've had recurring tornado dreams.
they always begin and end the same way, it's the middle of the dreams that change. the sky is overcast, i'm in a random vehicle, one of my relatives are driving the vehicle, and we try and cross a bridge over a river, surrounded by forest. as we're crossing, a tornado appears, scoops us off of the bridge, and flings us into the forest. the dream ends and i wake up as soon as i make physical contact with the woods. i feel pure electric terror every single time.
what are your recurring dreams?
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I still have recurring dreams about high school.The most common type of it that i'm walking down the hallway all alone then suddenly a car appears driving towards me.


I had tornado dreams as a little kid but then that shifted to fucking nuclear holocaust dreams where I always have to hide in my basement and pray that the shallow room will offer me some protection from the blast and radiation.


I've so many nightmares and wetdreams.


I've a lot of dreams about being spanked and executed and other horrific things.. Once I was stuck in a wall as girls set my ass on fire.

Once I was at a carnival I was twelve. My family was on the merry go round, when my younger sister told me to share my cotton candy and I said no so she shouted "mawwm!" My mom yanked me from the bright yellow toy boat and sat in it sideways. The seat was low to the ground so her knees were a bit higher than her hips. She flipped me down over her lap and spanked me in front of everyone, my belly on her lap and my whole body horizontally dancing as everyone cheers me being spanked. After a few rotations, she flipped me face up and yanked my feet in the air, then pulled all my bottoms off and I instantly screamed in fear and covered my part, and she held my feet in the air and waited unil we rotated near a trashcan, she ttossed my bundled up clothes at it then continued spanking me. She spanked me like that for a few minutes, then turned me back around but differently, so I was face down again but facing her other side, and she kept spanking me like that for the rest of the ride. My sisters laughed and made gestures and jokes, but the worst was when my sisters started chanting something along the ride's melody.
Ever since that, whenever they heard that music, they chanted it and sometimes played it just to sing to it at random. They basically made it a tradition to punish me at festivals.


taking care of toads and frogs
I get them once in a while. one time I dreamt them for a whole week

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Hey guys, I've been having dreams about trying to have lucid dreams. I've even tried to have a lucid dream within a dream. It's fucking horrible. Tips please.
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I should probably write up a guide sometime on how to do it, seeing as I do it constantly for both meditations and actual sleep


Just think about whether you are dreaming or not every once in a while. A little reality check here or there during the day wouldn't hurt, especially when you are going to sleep or waking up from a dream, saves you from false awakenings or wasted dream time trying to have lucid dreams in dreams.


During the day ask yourself if your awake then your body trains itself to notice when its asleep and not asleep.


haha, oh wow.

I've been there.
that's so frustrating.
basically what every other anon said… dream check, all day, erry day.


Still having trouble with this OP?

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Ever since i was a young child, i've constantly had dreams about a pink one eyed squid the size of a skyscraper. This squid, in a way, is my protector, usually saving me from nightmares. Here are the dreams i remember.

I believe this was the first dream i had involving it. I was standing on a giant green cliff (looking back, it looked a lot like the grass world in lsd dream emulator) when i heard a sound, sorta like a deep echoey howl. The enormous squid slowly floated past the cliff, and it's eye turned to me, and it spoke some unintelligible language. That's when i woke up.

I was having a nightmare where i was being chased by some dark monster. it gradually caught up to me, and it grabbed me in it's giant hand. it was about to eat me, when the squid wrapped it's giant tentacle around the monster's neck and strangled it to death. i thanked it, and it put it's tentacle on the ground, letting me climb up on it. I woke up after that.

That's all i can really think of. i'll add more, and also post a drawing i did of the squid.


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I'm waiting for the drawing, anon. I love squids, they're my favorite creature. Any more dreams since you've posted?


Now lets make it a cute loli.


I in a way have a protector as well


mines a snake…………..

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