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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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so once i had this dream where i was taking one in the bathroom stall of my high school when shoe strings started getting thrown over the stall door onto me irritating me but beforehand i was staring at what seemed to be these strange designs and engravings changing in the bathroom stall so i decided to finish up and walk out and then push the child in the yellow blank hoodie and blue jeans dont know the shoes but he had blonde hair and had a deformed face didnt realize till after i pushed him a phone flys out of his pocket and he catches it and says into it "yes he did it he pushed me" i walk out of {HIGH SCHOOL} bathroom then enter my {MIDDLE SCHOOL} hallway leading to the {MIDDLE SCHOOL} cafeteria. the hallway i mentioned is NOT the same hallway that connects to my cafeteria
anyways i continued into the cafeteria i noticed alot of people that i know outside of school and alot of people i know inside of school and some certain key elements of people would be highlighted and also staring at me as in disbelief of something, almost like seeing a ghost.
continued onward to victory i guess and walked up to the principal of my school {HIGH SCHOOL} and i begged her to let me back into school {KICKED OUT} she said no i continued on, an acquaintance of mine from the past was playing guitar to multiple females on the cafeteria table he was later to be found gay in real life year or two after dream irrelevant but interesting he also had no idea how to play guitar and never has.
i also see a shocked look on him but he doesnt notice myself until later.
start walking into blue locker back right outside of cafeteria. my view starts to shift to the floor slowly while bordering on blindless
-arc 1 over-
i awaken in a hog tie position with actual rope and im sitting there at the bottom of a stairwell of a nasty old shabby cellar i see a silhouette of light at the top of the stairwell shaping the light peaking through the cracks of a door, it opens.
down comes my friend we will call her madison she walks down and approaches me implying something about locating me cause i left facebook location on i guess this is a futuristic stalker scenario or something but it helped nonetheless she unties me and we maake a break for the exterior
tree's are infinitely tall or just really tall but it was dark couldnt tell we saw tiki {aztec meme monkey style} statues and such things and continued to be creeped out and continued forward we find a normal looPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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i think that the village people did something to me in this scenario i didnt put any correlation together until i woke up.

this was many years before i knew about the presence of yume nikki to find this dream board is very amazing i should have found it sooner after almost 5 years since that dream i still remember it and many others broadly and would love to share some here if i randomly feel up for it.
to think a game like yume nikki exists and portrays the randomness and just insane acuity and randomness dreams can attain.
i sadly am unable to lucid dream but i also think that i might have the term lucid dream smeared.
my dreams feel like im being strapped into a roller coaster and i know im in said roller coaster and take it for a ride. its as if playing the role of a film but that film is real life and you are experiencing it in fullness.
i've never been able to control my dreams in any ways just use aspects and tools to change the outcomes.
i certainly envy those who still dream lately i only have been achieving certain chunks of things or instances of 10 seconds of actual experience. time measurements are strange so i shouldnt say time increments more so just flashes of images and knowledge of occurences.
really hope i get some responses this is one of my most legendary dreams and i finally have an outlet for it.
nobody really likes talking about dreams irl
i've always liked talked about dreams ever since i was conscious enough for thought and interests i've always annoyed people wanting to talk about dreams considering most of my most insane dreams happened when i was aged 4-8 such as re occuring challenge nightmares where soemthing spawns in my house we call him the "goop monster" since hes just dripping brown tar and resembles zorack from adult swim and he just makes a move i make a move and examine anomalys in my house like dishes breaking in kitchen and curtains moving in brothers room or floating heads in sisters room very specific weird tihngs i can encounter.
the rotten raddish monster would sometimes replace the brown drippy thing and it would just make you feel electrocuted.
my dreams taught me what its like to teleport, its almost like a shocking jolt but that could just be my dream making me think thats what teleporting is like but it only happened when trying to read red print on a wall inside of a bunker that i wasnt trying to enter until i read it, but as i tried to read it mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Interested most in hearing more of your dreams from age 4-8.


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thank you

a dream i once had around that age would be i would be in my bed and the tv would turn off and floating objects would rotate around it with different colored aura's i would always be able to pick one and have it fly away waking me up i have no idea what it would do i still wonder today if its a visual perception of whats going on in my mind (obviously}

most of the 4-8 ones were very short not much but the fact that they re occur

i've never once escaped the game that im put into besides i hate point and click adventures anyways.

its really hard to come up with any dreams considering i dont have a dream journal when i really should.

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I had this dream that was pretty strange, have no one else to tell to, so here it goes.
I was in this room, it was an office, everything was in this shade of blue.
I was under this table, hidding, people were white, plain white, like a 3d model.
They were walking all around the place, and to the wall on my right, Ranny (a friend of mine) was with a Bunny mask, standing still.
When I tried talk to him, but when I tried, the room was destroyed by a flood, and sunddenly, I was in a sea of blue and black, and I could not get to the top.

(Sorry for the poor writting, English is not my first language)


White is the color of paper,
blue and black are common ink colors.

Did a thread have to be bumped off of the board for this?


hello anyone here


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Seems like it was a dream that cold have an interesting context.

You broke one of the basic rules of dreaming, to never follow/approach bunnies in a dream, it'll fill it with surreal nonsense.

What >>2459 may be suggesting, is that it could have been posted in >>505 as to not clutter this cool but slow board even more, which I agree with.


always follow the white rabbit


I'm sorry I'm knew to the Uboachan, I didn't mean to clutter the board ;^;
My friend (Ranny) says that bunny is his "spirit" animal.
Idk, I may try to include in my fangame, lol.
Sorry again, I'll try to not fuck up again.

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Wow, it's been so long since i last visited this website but i've decided to stop by for some help on something that has been baffling me for awhile.

I notice that in the beginning of a lot of my nightmares i dream about watching a horrifying documentary of sorts narrated by a male voice that always sounds like Robert Stack from "Unsolved Mysteries". In fact half of the nightmare would play out like the show, including a gruesome and realistic body horror photo of the victim, a detailed description about what happened to them, along with the ominous low-key background music. Worst part that makes my spin still chill is when the camera zooms in and i can see more horrific details. I've only ever watched the episode about Rogest Cain but that was 4 years ago.

Documentary-type dreams i've had included a tiger with an extremely enlarged head and bulging glossy eyes due to a brain tumor, a kid crying in pain from numerous teeth growing out of his skin, and re-enactments of a murder/robbery taking place in real time inside my house.

I liked to watch a lot of documentaries when i was in middle school about medical mysteries or human bravery so i'm thinking that maybe the horror aspect didn't register with me until much later because of my fascination obscuring that perceived fear.

Has anyone else experienced these type of nightmares? What could they possibly represent since i see little discussion on these specific dreams.
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OP here.
I think you are correct in that it's probably from watching too many documentaries with body horror back then. The only type of documentaries i watch now are those "Top 10" styled videos on Youtube on certain topics. It still perplexes me though that my dreams play out the "unsolved mysteries" format, despite only ever seeing one episode of the show. The fact videos i see now are vastly different (in terms of presentation) to that series but for some reason my brain just latched onto the show's disturbing atmosphere.


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Not that this is what's going on here, but I'm just going to blog for a minute.

I just had a dream, and though all of the details have already disappeared because I have been moving around, I distinctly remember lying in bed, thinking about the dream, and realizing, "Hm. Maybe it means that I want to see things like I'm a little kid again."

It was something about listening to figures of authority - a lesson which I have been stubborn in remembering since I have a decent job and can afford to be on my own.

So what I would try to do if I had a dream like a documentary, and when I was a kid it was what I watched a lot of, is abstract the fuck out of the information until it becomes a sort of Rorshach test.

So I used to __sit__ in front of the TV and __watch__ a __documentary__.

What is sitting?
Something that requires no effort and is presumably comfortable.

What is watching?
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Okay, I will speculate on the horror.
The furthest I would take it though, is that your brain may be attempting to replicate the phenomena of the "Documentary," in which simply by the act of watching you are granted the solution, reason, or history behind some previously unknown person or historical place, or it is trying to help you figure out the explanation or reason behind some specific suffering you are experiencing, or suffering in general. Do you think about suffering often? Whether your own or others'?


OP again.
Wow, that Rorshach test example on how you thought about the dream is something i definitely need to try the next time a documentary nightmare occurs. It might help me understand better what the origin might be of my personal anxieties.

As for thinking about suffering, it really only occurs through intrusive thoughts that i try hard to push to the back of my mind. On occasions when i'am about to doze off, my mind churns out creative and artistic ideas, which is awesome. However, that all of a sudden slowly devolves into horrible memories of being too curious about a horror movie and reading or watching a review of it (Tetsuo the Iron Man or Serbian film). Sometimes a scene from a horrifying documentary called "Children of Chernobyl" would pop into my head and i can't sleep until i put music on to distract me. I used to be into horror movies as well back then and still am now but after stumbling onto "Tetsuo the Iron Man", my desensitization to gore/body horror dropped so hard that i couldn't watch horror films again till 2 years later.

Maybe i'm pushing these intrusive thoughts back too much and they are starting to show in my dreams. Heck for all i know i just might be a bit winded from being bombarded with daily negative news about people suffering and feeling bad for them.

I don't know when i'll have another documentary dream to confirm any of these theories about why they happen but when it occurs i'll make sure to write every detail and feeling down, even if thinking of it after awakening scares me to pieces. :/


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The self-administered Rorshach test is something I do with each and every dream my brain chooses to present to my consciousness.

>Maybe i'm pushing these intrusive thoughts back too much and they are starting to show in my dreams.

I was getting curious as to why you run away from them. Is it just because they feel bad? Don't you feel bad all the time already? Why hide from bad things if they won't kill you?

When I was going through my period of vivid psychic horror, I would explicitly summon it, and attempt to capture it in drawings. Avant garde/Dark ambient sound really assisted with that expression and experience. I decided that the horror which existed within my brain, and at the same time seemed impossible to have been generated by it, was nonetheless a part of it, and that assimilation with was the only way to move in any direction - not necessarily forward, but maybe down?

There is no good or bad, and everything in the world suffers anyway - look at how the bugs writhe, starving, how the cute animals fight over what raw scraps of plant life or even better, human garbage that is left for them on their paved-over ancestral homes. Much to the chagrin of the people who built their own physical, mental, and emotional prisons, and now starve within them for all forms of sustenance.

I say it's not that there's nothing to fear, it's that there's nothing left to fear; we are already dead and dreaming.

Sorry this got bloggy, I am very tired and felt like writing something.

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Post your dream journal
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That's awesome.


I have two but they're just regular notebooks
I used to write in them every single day but for some reason I just don't remember my dreams much anymore
I had one last night but nothing significant happened


is using a physical journal rather than a .txt file better for recalling dreams?


I believe it's pretty much the same if you have the same time to access both. In reality, though, it's more probable you will write faster in a physical diary simply because it's next to you when you wake up. Unless you leave your computer on all the time, that's it.


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Mine goes back to 2013 as well as some I remembered from my childhood. I started mine because of LSD: Dream Emulator, which was based on the dream journal Osamu Sato's coworker kept. (it was released as "Lucky Sweet Dream" and you can find it online)

I type mine because my handwriting is shit and my hand cramps up too fast when I write. I doubt it makes a difference as far as your memory is concerned, but if you think it might you can try each and see.

Sometimes I can remember a dream well enough for a small paragraph weeks later, other times I have to grab the nearest device/paper and jot it down right away before I forget it. In the latter case it doesn't take me too long to power up my laptoaster and log into a comfy TTY.

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Do any of you have any ideas on how to trigger certain types of dreams? Specifically dreams that are on the bizzare side of things? Not so much nightmare-esque, but just really trippy, insane type dreams. All of my dreams seem to be so socially oriented or dialogue heavy. I'd like to see some of the more asthetic. This is of course, assuming I can't lucid dream, but I am of course open to methods of accessing such dream types lucidly as well. Thank you for your time.
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Try daydreaming while still in bed awake.


It works


I don't think this is necessarily true. I often tend to dream about things I haven't thought about in years. It's rare that the imagery in my dream will follow a linear logic of what I saw or thought about during that day.


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take some diphenhydramine, whenever i do i usually dream about some sort of version of hell. last time i was wandering around the main hallway of my house (it went on forever), it was really dark and the only lights there were were the bedroom lights witch were incandescent lamps. various things like pillows and laundry baskets would writhe around with malevolence, like something was inside it trying to get out. just being there made me feel like that i was about to die but whatever was going to kill me was playing with its food. still i seek out these dreams because they are like no other. dont take too much thought you'll feel brain fried, anxious, very paranoid, and you'll see and hear things


What's the source of that image?
Also, since diphenhydramine takes about 2 hours for its maximum effect, do you take it right before sleeping or just some time before?

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By tests, I've concluded that there's a 100% probability of having a nice dream if you consume a lot of energy right around the time you're planning on getting to sleep, even in fringe cases where I can only sleep for around 4 hours.


well I say "nice" dreams, but what I guess I really mean is "memorable", or really narrative-driven dreams. the only dreams I typically find to be "unpleasant" are ones where I feel real phyical pain, or have impeded vision or movement or whatever. I'm okay with even some little frightening parts, as they don't typically last long and give me something to really think about when I wake up


how embarrassing


I'm glad you found something that works for you, Anon. My system and I are almost at odds with each other - once I find a reliable trigger, it gets moved once I feel secure that it will work.


This is really interesting. I've wondered about what might reduce the probability of having "narrative-driven dreams", but didn't consider how much energy might increase it. I've heard quite many times that stress or going to bed too exhausted leads to dreamless nights, or waking up with that sensation of not having even slept but can't exactly confirm this.

What kind of things did you try so to have more energy before falling asleep? Exercise? Caffeine? I wouldn't mind testing this out.

I remember that one of the times I used to have a lot of deep dreams was when I would drink tea before sleeping, but back then I would usually go to bed late although not tired, and assumed it must have been that lateness. Many teas have caffeine, must have been that instead.

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This is the most terrifying dream I can ever remember having.

One of the most disturbing parts was that the dream started out with me doing extremely mundane things. Things I would do in real life. As though the dream wanted to settle me in comfortably before it terrified me. I was in a hotel on a high up floor. There may have been a convention going on. I was looking through a card binder and thinking about selling things. I go down to walk, by the stairs for some reason, and I see a young boy in one of the hallways. He might have been indian or something, he was certainly ethnic in any case. He looks lost, so I agree to help him find his parents.

As I walk through every single hall with the boy, I find some people crowding a particular door. A woman runs up seemingly trying to retrieve the boy, but she doesn't look like his mother. I asked if they were related. She said no and grabbed him away from me. So they throw the kid into the door and I hear teeth chomping and howling that pierced my soul. So I ran.

The rest of the dream was 3 days of survival, in real time, as the most gruesome depiction of hells hounds, seemingly somehow released by a middle eastern terrorist organization, covered the world devouring everyone. I ran with various packs of people camping for survival, Sei was separated from me after the first attack on our camp. I don't know what happened to him. I remember I jumped into a pool at some point and many hounds followed me in.

The hounds looked like they were made of darkness, muscle, and teeth, and resembled various dogs at different times, they morphed unnaturally.

Oh and the dream let me wake back up in what seemed like my bed in real life but actually was another dream. just a weird one though where there was some homeless chick living in my house watching DVDs with a bad speaker, but the speaker sound almost made me think of the dogs again, and THAN I actually woke up


There's another few events that happened. When I was surviving with camps, we debated the legitimacy of doing anything for the sake of comfort. Some people wanted to use weed or drugs because they said they would help, other people wanted to sleep, or cook food. Every little comfort was debated on the grounds that we could be attacked any moment, and most people agreed to simply eat millitary rashions.

There was a scene where a large group of children were debating similar things, but more like in regards to comforting each other. They sat alone, silent, until it became difficult for them to silence each others cries to each other for affection. This scene followed into the attack that lead to me apparent death in the pool.


Fuck dude that sounds like it really sucks, i think the worst dream i had was when i was a kid. When i have nightmares they usually involve ghosts or some sort of psycological torture. I remeber as a kid i used to eat a lot at night when my parents were asleep and since the kitchen was in the middle of our house i had to traverse the dark hallways to get some measly portion of food that would somewhat satistfy my hunger (or boredom). If i turned on the lights i would wake up someone and they would usually get pissed so i had to keep all the lights off except the light above the water dispenser on the fridge. This really gave the gouse an eerie feel and it didnt help that i watched tons of documentaries on supernatural stuff as a kid.

So anyways in this dream i was going to the kitchen to get some sort of food and it was just like in real life. I get to the kitchen and hear some furniture move around the corner in the living room. I look over and see a outline of m older brother that was all black but somehow darker than the dark room he was in. He had my little brother in front of him and he looked like he was crying. I yelled out in shear horror because for reasons unknown i kew that he was really a shapeshifting demon out to get me. I run back to my room upstairs and wait their with my head in my hands because i was cornered and i hated myself for leaving my brother with that thing.

Eventually after an hour or so of tension and soft footsteps outsfide my door i hear a fist banging on my door. I open the door and see my 8 year old younger carrying my previously mention baby brother. My baby brother had a look in his eye that told me if he said anything about the dempn that was posing as my brother he would be killed. Meanwhile the demon ppsing as my 8 yr old brother was begging me to let him in. This really fucked me up and i woke up crying

Luckily it was all a dream

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Ok so, guys, this dream is not mine, is from a friend (who doesnt speak english)
He told me he dreamed about he entered into a classic building, so, he entered into an elevator, he says there was someone behind him, but he couldn't turn around to saw who was that guy. he entered the elevator, and there was two womans on it.
He says one had blonde hair with a horsetail, and the other one has long brown hair, he told me the people who was behind him entered into the elevator too, but he didnt saw him entering, and was still behind him.
So.. the elevator started going up, until they get into floor 49, then, the elevator started to tremble, and going down, going down extremely fast. until it crashed and he wake up…
So, he decided to see what time was, it was exactly 11:49 P.M

So what do you think, he is asking of if this drea could have a meaning, and, if it has one, what does 49 number means in all of this?


dumb vidya logic.
50 would be the max level, but 50 actually rolls around to 00 so 49 is the max level.

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wallpaper thread?
rate my oc
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also have some shitty 4:3 papes from my second monitor
this is my favorite yume nikki related image


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haha wrong board
i am retarded
time to stop browsing for like a week out of shame


Just request the mods to move the thread and delete this one.


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So I've always had nightmares, but lately they've been more vivid and gruesome than the typical ones I've had.

I've been taking an SSRI for the past month, I'm wondering it that has anything to do with it, I'm unsure. Have any of you experienced dreams that are so vivid you can feel every single thing in it, despite those things not happening to you in real life? My last one involved me being split almost in two down the middle of my body, and it felt uncomfortable and painful and the two halfs would open as I walked and moved around. I also witnessed my boyfriend and my best friend in the same condition as well.

I don't know, I've always had them but the vivid detail and sense of pain I feel from them has been higher than normal.


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> I've been taking an SSRI for the past month
Maybe this is a reason. I feel pain in dreams sometimes too, but not so intensive. Once I've had taken a too much pills and couldn't fall asleep. And when I finally fell asleep, my dreams was realistic too, but they was, say, mixed with reality.


Yes, medications that act on serotonin will almost definitely have a strong effect on your dreams.

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