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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Hello /yume/, I don't usually visit this board but I heard this the other day and thought it was relevant.

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These guys seem to be my protectors. I only dream of them when I am sick. They are several stories tall and the last time I saw them, one ripped open a house and pulled out a giant worm (which was small compared to the protectors but still perceptively giant) and crushed it in its hand. I woke up feeling great. They are extra careful about causing as little damage to their surroundings as possible. Credit for the art goes to a friend.
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Hey, OP, when you have emotional distress like anger, depression, or, say, melancholy, do those giant creatures smash things? Do you ever see glowy red things flying around the creatures/attacking them?


There was once a few tanks that tried to take one out. It just picked them up and threw them aside. One once had helicopters around it, but they didn't threaten it so it wasn't fighting them. And to answer a question, I suffer major depression and I take medication for it, which seems to do its job. Again, they only come when I am physically sick.
Also, the new scrollbars are shit for mobile devices, which screws me over because I mostly spend time on my mobile devices going to sites like this, because said devices are where I keep most pictures. Can't I have an easy time looking at posts on my 3DS in Subway anymore?


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Pic related: OP, December of next year.


Please don't destroy the universe with your subconscious influence, oh great goddess Amy.

jk, jk. These guys do sound interesting, I've never had recurring dream characters triggered by my health before. I used to have recurring nightmare characters when I was young, but nothing good like this. Try lucid dreaming and seeing if you can direct/talk to these guys.


Recently some with yellow, green and red bodies with a different shaped green face started appearing. They look like the standard, except with an X shaped indention in the middle and the eyes are holes, not indentions. They are also not aligned properly, and appear randomly on the face. They seem to be related to stress, not health. They just walk around, making green or gray skies blue.

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i had a dream about yume nikki was in retail in dsiware in my 3ds and some levels look like its from the game and i remeber going in poniko's house and was messing with the light. pic unrelated

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A lot of my dreams have to do with fighting and combat, check this shit out.

The other night, I had a dream there was this dark knight in the window of a castle, I went up there and beat the shit out of him and tore his armor off… Under the armor it was Optimus Prime, who I proceeded to punch in the mouth-plate.

Last night I dreamt I was on the swingset of an old playground I remember from my childhood, yeah, and there was cows in the field nearby. I saw a big-ass bull stand on its hind legs and actually PUNCH a cow, and it pointed at the cow and said "omae wa MOO shindeiru."



I had a dream where I apparently was Anti-American and I had to fight some Russian spy to regain my glory. The knife hurt.
But then we hugged and happily ever after.

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I had this one dream that I remember from my childhood.
I was walking through the local mall, which was strangely empty. I headed for the exit, and I opened the door. I fell.
I was sliding through this large black tube, and i saw windows flashing by. It was reddish outside. suddenly, I stopped in a cave. I looked out of a hole, and I saw a red Mars-like landscape. That was when I woke up.



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I had a dream I was in this big house. It looked unfinished because there was nothing covering the walls, so it was all simple untreated wood. The weather outside is completely dark, and I swear i hear thunder outside.
Anyways, every door I open reveals a hockey mask-clad guy clutching a chainsaw, yelling like a maniac. I close the door immediately, and i turn around to the window. There is a small child on a sofa. He's silent, as if he is in shock. Then there's a shot of me and the kid nearing one of the doors, with the chainsaw guy bursting out, grabbing us both. While he carries me and the child inside the room i get a quick glance at a table. Then I woke up.



Define "MEAN".

It's a dream. It's a stream of thoughts unbound from the control of your conscious mind.

See all the threads here where OP's posts end in "what does this mean" with little to no responses? Everyone at this point should realize that "what does this mean" is a disguise version of "So what do you guys think of my KICKASS DREAM, huh? HUH?"

Someone needs to make a thread for everyone to dump their general random dreams so this board isn't flooded with threads like this, and a mod needs to sticky it.


Here you go:

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I had a dream last night.

I saw this guy go to bed. I couldn't determine its gender because it was all blurred out.
He begins to convulse, as if in a nightmare. Then he begins to morph to several different things. first a toriningen, then Monoe, before settling on Madotsuki. Mado wakes up, opens the door to the nexus, and walks in. She goes into the snow world door. She then walks into the Igloo where Kamakurako is. Kamakurako wakes up upon her entrance, and their eyes meet. I woke up at that point.

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The first thing I remember was going into this smaller type of sort of `home` restaurant (I guess..) and asking for a job. This woman (Maybe..) in her 50`s ish told me that there was already a dishwasher and didn`t need another. She was something of a bigger lady. I talked to the dishwasher and her and eventually something was worked out where he would take a week long vacation and I would take over to make some money. The thing is that the job starts early in the morning at around 8. It was already pretty late and I am just not a morning person so I guess I decided to stay there for the night, or for the week. I`m not sure what the conditions for rent were.. Whatever. I guess I had moved my stuff in there too, because for some reason I was trapped in that place. Maybe I was in a completely different city than my parents, and maybe I didn`t have my own place. It`s not terribly important I guess, dreams don`t have to be logical. It`s more the feeling that it gives you. It`s not how you get there, rather it`s getting there itself that is important. Anyway, so I`ve set the scene.

Well, I guess I remember one part in between but nothing super significant seemed to happen. As I was about to take a shower, the dishwasher told me not to smoke pot in the shower. …I don`t know. I`ve done it a couple times in real life and it feels amazing. Why something so silly is in this nightmare I don`t know. My dreams can get pretty absurd. Anyway he said that he did it a couple times and because there`s a hole or something in the shower the smell escaped and the owner got pissed off.

What happened sometime after was that I basically raped. I wasn`t anally raped, but if any of you have seen `throat fucking` porn, that was what happened to me. Those that haven`t seen it, you probably get the idea. I saw this from a 3rd person; I`m not sure whether I saw an image of me being raped or whether it was like a video, kind of. Sometimes in dreams you just know something happened to you, or you just know something is a certain way. I think I assumed in the dream that he was only starting off with the throat fucking and would go for more next time. So yeah.

The woman wasn`t really a woman, but it turned out to be some sort of terrifying, brutish thing. It was some sort of monster. Not monster in a comical way though, it was really the stuff of nightmares. I don`t think I ever got a good look at it. It was sort of a faceless morphing thing, maybe. It seePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I assume the picture is related and you were throatfucked by Vladimir Putin. He is a thing of nightmares.

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I don't normally have dreams that have anything to do with fiction that I deal with in real life, but for once I had a dream with Madotsuki in it.

Pic unrelated.

Well, actually, I was playing Yume Nikki again and I was posting a thread telling everyone about how the lack of information about her and the lack of updated information about contacts with Kikiyama is incredibly depressing. It was short, and I didn't have time to get an answer before waking up to some sleep paralysis.

That itself was a weird experience, because I didn't actually open my eyes. My mind's eye saw all these odd creatures rotating around me and passing by as I was drawn back up into the waking world.

Before falling down to nap, I was busy brooding over the magic of Yume Nikki's community on me having been lost after reading all those joke theories, despite the experience of playing the game never having diminished a bit. So I figured I'd share this little bit of dreamstuffs with you guys, since it happens to be relevant to the board.

I've also been having some incredible REM rebound lately, I've been dreaming before falling asleep and hallucinating during the daytime.

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Excuse me if there is already such a thread, But I'd like to make one where we don't discuss individual dreams, just common things that happen/are present in your dreams.

Common subjects of my Dreams:
-My pets. This is THE MOST COMMON BY FAR. Even as a kid, most of my dreams were about my pets. I can't count how many I've had about my dog coco, she's probably in like, half or more of my dreams. Also I've had a dream about every rodent pet I've ever had escaping within a week of getting it in real life. I recently had a cute dream where my gerbil Rascal learned to read <3

-Daft Punk and Daft Punk accessories. I'm not obsessed, but they pop up alot in my dreams, sometimes it involves the band themselves, or just daft punk related merch.

-Amusement Parks <3

-This godforsaken place. I've never had a Yume Nikki dream, but I've had a few dreams about Uboachan. How does that work?

-Watching anime or Playing Videogames. nothing interesting happens, it just goes on like real life ._.

-Eating too much food (usually icecream) and then being all "waaah why did I do that I'm gonna get faaaaaat", but then I wake up and I don't get fat.

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- Trains or planes, sometimes airports and train stations. This is very common. I think it's because I've traveled a lot throughout my life.

- Schools, either a distorted version of my old high school/colleges or someplace completely unknown. This is always the setting of a deadline stress-related dream.

- I haven't had real nightmares in a long time, but I do feel physical pain in my dreams on occasion. One night a month or two ago, I dreamed I was holding a cat and the cat turned around and started clawing the shit out of my arms and chest. Of course I'm always fine when I wake up.

- Uncommon, but sex is a theme at times. But these dreams are always either frustrating or really confusing.

I'm trying to induce lucidity in my dreams so I can call the shots in them, or at least try to.


Trains, airplanes, the like.
I cant stand transportation vehicles.


- Physical weakness. I can't ever throw a punch in a dream without ending up limp-wristed and afraid.

- Ridicule. I always screw up. And I always apologize.

- Either completely foreign worlds or somewhere I know very well.

- Falling.

- Explosions, disasters.

- Feeling separate from other people, or being unable to interact with or save them.


Lately, zombies. The guys in Amnesia the Dark Descent. They just hang around and do nothing.

Gym Locker Room.

Yume Nikki, too. Details are vague but the topic is mentioned.


Well…Here goes nothin'

-People from the games I play.
Mostly Sabitsuki, and a lot of people from Mother 3.

-The people from said games acting OOC. Kind, thoughtful parents becoming child abusers. Happy people being depressed or even evil. Etc.

-Forests and dark places.

-Wanting desperately to find a hiding place, somewhere cramped and dark and cozy.

…And last but NOT least. My favorite thing in my dreams. I don't know why, but:

-A dark, yet young figure. Dressed in jeans, a tee-shirt, sneakers and……a dark, black cloak? I can't see his face, but he looks rather scared, and about…13 to 15 years old, maybe. I think he wants to hold my hand and lead me away from where we are (Usually a forest), but i think he's lost too, and he just does not want to admit it. Or maybe he's mute. I never heard him talk.

Yeah. I like my dreams. :)

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