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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Do you ever hear music in your dreams? I don't, but I was wondering about how common it is. Devil's trill is one example of original music being produced in somebody's head while they're dreaming. Has that ever happened to you?


I hear music and sounds in my dreams somewhat often, usually ambiance.


Usually i dont really remember my dreams, but i can hear music before dreaming, especially if i didnt slept for about 24 hours or more.
This shit is spooky as fuck


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Normally my dreams conjure up completely original music, normally either classical or foreign music ("World Music") but I've heard a wide variety of different things from my dreams. However, when the dream finally comes to an end I can never remember the piece, which irks me greatly. I can describe it but I can't for the life of me remember the piece itself. The music always kicks in near the end of the dream so I've been making a conscious effort to try and remember (to no avail). I have yet to meet anyone who experiences the same.


The one time in my life I have heard music in my dream was the song FIRST DAWN, AMBER WIND by Alstroemeria Records. It was 'playing' so loud that I think it caused me to wake up, although the room was completely silent when I did.


I love my dream music, though it is rare. I often hear synth or rock music and it's always the most bestest thing that ever resonated in my brain. Once I wake up however, it's incredibly hard to recall even the basic melody or instrumentation.


I sometimes hear music from whatever video game i played before i go to bed. I've experimented with this by playing yume nikki, earthbound, LSD dream emulator, etc. one experience i had was when i was in a neon city similar to moonside from earthbound and i could hear moonside swing faintly playing. it was awesome. of course, this probably means i play WAY too much video games…


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I just woke up from a morning nap session. After 6 hours of night sleep I had a light breakfast and strong coffee, turned on music and went back to bed lying face down on the edge of the pillow (my favorite sleeping posture).

Depending on the music I dozed off and got conscious again with the change of songs or even during a single piece with variable expression. When the song "Maggot Brain" started, I finally reached dream level.

Soon I found myself at a parking structure. The sun was glaring and some kids were skateboarding and riding shopping carts. I heard Funkadelics aforementioned song coming from their direction and though "these punks have good taste in music". The dream continued with a drunk Chinese guy dropping canned pears on a decayed staircase. At that point the music was gone.

I suspect a similar mechanism to the WILD technique being at work here. It might not be possible to receive accurate signals from the outside during sleep, but one can directly carry over the starting point of a association chain, if one is relaxed enough during exposure (literally at the verge of sleep). With a known piece of music one can expect it to continue with a similar sound, but typical dream distortions or mashups in structure.


Only one time that I can remember, it was a song "created" by me. Nothing interesting, I was dreaming that I was streaming music on youtube but after I woke up I realised that the song doesn't actually exist.


I remember hearing Libera me from hell with muffled, untuned and roughed out instruments once. I don't remember in what context and backdrop it was in though. I hear music pretty often in my dreams, often ambient scores or the music of the devil.


i've heard some eurobeat music in my dreams. Makes it feel really upbeat, i don't usually remember the dreams or the songs though, but i just know i heard 'em, if that makes sense.


next time lay off the coffee


I regularly hear original riffs in my head when I wake up, but that might be because I also work on music for fun a lot. Sometimes a riff is so profoundly good, it actually wakes me up and I record it as fast as I can.

Sometimes, though, it is real music I've heard. I saw The Drunken Master for the first time a month ago, and a week ago, I woke up with the training music from it in my head. It took me a few hours, though, to remember it was from The Drunken Master.

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