I just had the most filthy dream.
My older brother and I found some sort of what I can only describe as a Black Metal Manse. It was all delapidated, uselessly Satanic, and treated like shit, and we enjoyed rummaging through all the crazy stuff, while I felt the powers of Lucifer growing within my Heart. It was in the basement, however, that we found a large plastic ziploc bag containing the severed head of an ex-Black Metal singer.
I told him to leave it downstairs, but no, he starts to carry the bag upstairs, and the stench of decay arose with it.
(My dad was also there, now, and the Manse was my dad's house…dreams)
My dad could be heard retching in the background, as I ran for the door ahead of my brother, wrenching it open and flooding the place with cool night air.
We raced out and around the side of the house, when he called out "Think fast!", and I turned to see the bag of liquifying head come sailing past me. Shrieking in a manner reminiscent of the singer himself, perhaps, I grew angry at being so frightened, and as my brother ran past me, down the moonlight path between our house and our neighbors, I snagged the bag by the non-ziploc end, and wheeled about, hurling it ahead of me with great eff-ort…causing the bag to impact the seal, splay open, and ejaculate the melting head of the dead man at my brother.
He looked stunned, as the bag was rent asunder and the head burst forward like the grimmest of zits, but none of the juice got on him (I was honestly worried about this, because it would be gross.)
We both ran ahead to the ravine our home backs onto, spots of grass slick with fatty dissolvings, when I spotted the grimacing head, long black hair matted against it's pale skin, and I cried out to my brother:
Kick it! Fucking kick it!
A swift boot to the face sent the severed surprised sailing into the interminable black woods, and only the sound of crashing foliage was indication of what dark happenings were going down that hill.