I dreamt that I was sitting outside Runnymede station (A subway station in Toronto, which faces a small park) at night, while using my laptop for some purpose. I was on a picnic bench beside a mailbox. A strange, lanky man with short hair approached me, and began to converse with me in a gibberish language made up of pops and clicks, as well as occasional nonsense words. Although now in the waking world I don't recall having seen his face before then, it seemed to me in the dream that I was familiar with this fellow and his habits. Thinking it would be funny, I decided to reply back with pops and clicks of my own, despite not understanding what he was saying. After a bit of conversation, he stopped talking, let out an "ah!" and smiled, before moving forwards and stealing my laptop, running off into the night. I shouted "Hey! This guy's stealing my fucking laptop!", and gave chase. I noticed that he walked in a strange way, as though he was either mentally deficient or had shit his pants. I chased him across the small park over to the road, and after chasing him down the road for a bit (while occasionally getting a hold on the laptop, before it was fruitlessly yanked away), he threw the laptop back at me, which I expertly caught. I heard my Dad say "Nice catch!", which was odd, as I hadn't seen him in the dream. I then decided to make my way back home, but instead decided to try and teleport home. Just as I teleported, I woke up.
start dreaming about kensington locks