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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
I once had a dream where I walked into a bathroom, I then proceeded to open a bathroom stall in the the stall a guy and a girl were having sex, I then proceed to the next stall and open that one same thing, I then open the third stall and there's a guy sitting on the toilet I then walk up to the guy, point a gun under his chin and blow his head off I then walk out of the stall and there's this guy behind a counter I point my gun at him but he grabs the barrel of my gun and we start wrestling over it, he then points the barrel of the gun under my chin and pulled the trigger then I woke up.


This is honestly pretty fucking embarrassing but recently I had a dream where Yugioh was real and somehow I wound up sucking Rex Raptor's dick. Woke up mildly horrified. Most bizarre dream I can remember having in the past year or so.

There was also the dream I had when I was a kid, around 4 or 5, where a sloth statue in an empty mall came to life and murdered my mother in front of me by bludgeoning her skull in with a coffee mug. Because of this dream, the first time I saw a sloth in-person at around age 10, I had a panic attack in the zoo. The dream really wasn't as strange as the lasting damage it caused, but I'd still count it up there.

Honestly wish I was shitposting with both of these but I'm dead serious. It's terrible.


Once I dreamt I was being chased by a T Rex in a large glass hallway


one time i had a dream where seitsatsu was a huge poorfag
i still haven't woken up yet


when i was a kid, i had the wackiest fucking dreams, and still do. one which sticks out, was me and my dad had to go to a store for a keyboard for his jeep, and the store was super nice, it had a waterfall in the lobby. when an employee helped us, we passed a pool with a tight rope over it, and bart and homer were on it. every time bart took a step, he farted, then he said butt. homer was furious, and pushed him in and dived in after. then the pool turned black, and then i woke up. thats just one of hundreds of wacky dreams that come from my twisted mind.


Had one as a child where I had to cross a large jungle while avoiding murderous invisible ankylosauruses. I don't think I made it.


A lot of weird shit happens in my dreams (e.g. me punching the back of a partially emerged whale in the middle of the ocean) but one of the weirder ones would be this:

Me and 2 friends walk into someone's flat. I have this feeling that it's a game and that I've done this before. In the kitchen we see an old lady and stat beating her up. At one point my friends hold her and I try to slit her throat with a knife, but this image is so vivid that seeing a small amount of blood makes me sick and I don't slice it open completely.
I again, think to myself, what a great, realistic and vivid game this is that it even made me feel nausea.
Later we're all outside the building. The lady is lying on the ground covered in curtains or some shit. My friends act as if she's dead, but I know she's still alive, because I didn't fully cut her throat. The lady slowly gets up, approaches one of my friends and flings him ~10m. She then transforms into some kind of monster, resembling a deer or elk, but it looks like it's made of stone. The monster proceeds to uproot trees and throw them at us, I pick up one of the trees and start hitting the monster with it. The monster later has a few more transformations, all of which resemble irl animals made of stone.

Before the battle ends I wake up feeling tired as shit as if I had actually just fought someone.


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i once dreamed i rode a weird rickety steel roller coaster that sent me careening down into the depths of the earth. the ride eventually reached a massive cave populated by a series of industrial, brutalist concrete high-rises. at the end of the track the ride crashed directly into this huge, shiny black boulder. the whole ride was built as if it wasn't designed with looping back around in mind, and i was the only one riding.


Once I had a lucid dream. The actual contents of the dream aren't very exciting but I woke up during the lucid dream after I become too excited (it was like my second lucid dream.) Then I quickly closed my eyes again and started concentrating on the scene from the dream. I got back into the lucid dream. But I could also hear sounds from "real life" (however, the sounds were a little distorted and sounded as if they are coming from a great distance) Then, as I lifted my hand in the lucid dream, I hit my face in the real life. After that I woke up. TL;DR I was in between a lucid dream and being wake.


hMmmmmm something straight out of Yume 2kki

>i had a dream where I was playing some obscure ynfg off of an imageboard like this, my dream was in top-down 2D view

>i enter the first door
>I’m in a forest with a shitload of enormous holes in the ground
>the only grassland that aren’t holes almost seems like a path
>i proceed to walk this ‘path’ left and right
>i trip, fall and find myself back in my room
>this time i go under my bed
>i’m in an area that kinda looks like an ocarina of time/spooky’s jump scare mansion level
>everything is flooded
>i somehow run like usain fucking bolt
>this world is similar to the famicom world dungeons but not famicom
>i find a blinding light inside the door i eventually go through
>i seem to be in a tiny art gallery
>everything is coloured turquoise-greenish
>HUGE painterly entities called who i’ll refer to as the “staff”

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