Ok so, guys, this dream is not mine, is from a friend (who doesnt speak english)
He told me he dreamed about he entered into a classic building, so, he entered into an elevator, he says there was someone behind him, but he couldn't turn around to saw who was that guy. he entered the elevator, and there was two womans on it.
He says one had blonde hair with a horsetail, and the other one has long brown hair, he told me the people who was behind him entered into the elevator too, but he didnt saw him entering, and was still behind him.
So.. the elevator started going up, until they get into floor 49, then, the elevator started to tremble, and going down, going down extremely fast. until it crashed and he wake up…
So, he decided to see what time was, it was exactly 11:49 P.M
So what do you think, he is asking of if this drea could have a meaning, and, if it has one, what does 49 number means in all of this?
dumb vidya logic.
50 would be the max level, but 50 actually rolls around to 00 so 49 is the max level.